Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

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    • 1289 posts
    November 15, 2023 1:09 PM PST

    I think your coming around might be part of VR's devious irl "Acclimation System". I look at the graphics now and they look exactly the same as when they first made the switch! And i don't *think* im blind. Any changes have probably been quite minor.

    Haha (I do like the joke).  Whatever changes have been made, they've all led toward something better than what was originally shown.  How many minor changes does it take to add up to a major improvement?  

    • 370 posts
    November 15, 2023 1:56 PM PST

    justdrop said:
    chenzeme said:
    Sweety said:
    chenzeme said: Totally agree that complaining was the right thing to do. But there was too much complaining by the same people regurgitating the same old same old. Make a point, move on.
    It worked. So it would seem we didn’t complain to much.
    Its too much when threads are hijacked to say the same thing over and over, especially when the original post is totally unrelated. Once, twice, three times, fine. Seven, eight, or more, it just isn't fine and in mho, is too much.
    You're hijacking the thread right now. This is a thread about appreciation for the community for getting changes made. If I were OP I'd request you not post in it at all since you requested the same of others in your threads anytime they decided to provide their opinions.



    • 902 posts
    November 15, 2023 2:03 PM PST
    justdrop said:
    chenzeme said:
    Sweety said:
    chenzeme said:
    Totally agree that complaining was the right thing to do. But there was too much complaining by the same people regurgitating the same old same old. Make a point, move on.

    It worked. So it would seem we didn’t complain to much.

    Its too much when threads are hijacked to say the same thing over and over, especially when the original post is totally unrelated. Once, twice, three times, fine. Seven, eight, or more, it just isn't fine and in mho, is too much.

    You're hijacking the thread right now. This is a thread about appreciation for the community for getting changes made. If I were OP I'd request you not post in it at all since you requested the same of others in your threads anytime they decided to provide their opinions.

    Really? Again?
    Thought I was on you ignore list? Well I wish I was.
    My god mate. This is borderline harassment.

    This post was edited by chenzeme at November 15, 2023 2:06 PM PST
    • 194 posts
    November 15, 2023 2:34 PM PST
    We must remain steadfast in our desires to receive the game we believed in 10 years ago.
    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 2:45 PM PST
    chenzeme said:
    Sweety said:
    chenzeme said:
    Totally agree that complaining was the right thing to do. But there was too much complaining by the same people regurgitating the same old same old. Make a point, move on.

    It worked. So it would seem we didn’t complain to much.

    Its too much when threads are hijacked to say the same thing over and over, especially when the original post is totally unrelated. Once, twice, three times, fine. Seven, eight, or more, it just isn't fine and in mho, is too much.

    Considering the goal was accomplished. I'd say the amount of complaining was spot on. Again, it worked. Seven, eight, or more, seems to be what was necessary, by evidence of the successful canceling of 247.
    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 2:47 PM PST
    Prevenge said:
    They put out the news about 247 and were immediately met with displeasure from all of their major Youtube channel supporters, Cohh's public posts, the entirety of Reddit, the Youtube comments on their videos and the initial wave of negative/constructive posts in the forums as well.

    But it's cute that you actually think this was because of your non-stop off-topic verbal diarrhea in other people's topics for the last 3 weeks. Super helpful, yes, thank you.

    On behalf of all the complainers. You're welcome.
    • 1289 posts
    November 15, 2023 2:48 PM PST

    Wouldn't it be devastating to find out that it was due to some totally different reason?  

    • 902 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:02 PM PST
    Yeah. I complained too. But once I had got my rage out. I didn't need to keep harping on. I made my point and moved on. Oh and yes, of course it was just down to the multiple winges. Yup that what did it all right.
    This post was edited by chenzeme at November 15, 2023 3:03 PM PST
    • 194 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:04 PM PST
    Those who don't appreciate the community banding together to speak up are free to create their own topic
    • 902 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:07 PM PST
    justdrop said:
    Those who don't appreciate the community banding together to speak up are free to create their own topic

    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:15 PM PST
    So first they complain about our complaining, now they complain about the manner in which we accomplished the goal that nearly everyone is happy about. Squeaky wheel got the grease. It worked. Just accept it, some people are so stubborn.
    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:17 PM PST
    lotuss79 said:
    Lets run this back with the graphics.

    Only hope for the game. They can hate on us now and thank us later.

    YES! Totally agree.
    • 16 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:28 PM PST
    Sweety said:
    lotuss79 said:
    Lets run this back with the graphics.

    Only hope for the game. They can hate on us now and thank us later.

    YES! Totally agree.

    Hear! Hear!
    • 185 posts
    November 15, 2023 3:53 PM PST
    Ranarius said:

    I think your coming around might be part of VR's devious irl "Acclimation System". I look at the graphics now and they look exactly the same as when they first made the switch! And i don't *think* im blind. Any changes have probably been quite minor.

    Haha (I do like the joke). Whatever changes have been made, they've all led toward something better than what was originally shown. How many minor changes does it take to add up to a major improvement?

    I do see that they are adding a lot more grasses and bushes and such. Its a good idea to start "filling out" the world.

    But as far as the textures, coloration, animations, etc, they all look unchanged to me.

    That helps reinforce my conclusion that this art style can't really be saved, or made more gritty, or more grown up.

    I think its just a terrible style choice for an adult focused mmo meant to be a spiritual successor to Everquest.

    So bad in fact that i think it dooms the game if its the style at release.
    • VR Staff
    • 541 posts
    November 15, 2023 5:43 PM PST

    Sweety said: Seems those of us that were wise enough to constantly complaining were right. /bow

    Orrr, now stick with me here....

    We took feedback from key, knowledgeable sources and used that to make a decision.

    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 5:47 PM PST
    Savanja said:

    Sweety said: Seems those of us that were wise enough to constantly complaining were right. /bow

    Orrr, now stick with me here....

    We took feedback from key, knowledgeable sources and used that to make a decision.

    Nope. Don’t believe that for a second. Trust has been lost. Don’t try to save face after making a huge mistake.
    • 102 posts
    November 15, 2023 6:05 PM PST
    It's been confirmed graphics are not changing. Love it, hate it, all the complaining won't change it. Time to move on. Take the "w" you've awarded yourselves.
    • 185 posts
    November 15, 2023 6:19 PM PST
    Savanja said:

    Sweety said: Seems those of us that were wise enough to constantly complaining were right. /bow

    Orrr, now stick with me here....

    We took feedback from key, knowledgeable sources and used that to make a decision.

    Wow, snark and condescension might not be the best posture from VR right now. Just a tip from one of your unknowledgable dumbass customers.
    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 6:28 PM PST
    lotuss79 said:

    Wow, snark and condescension might not be the best posture from VR right now. Just a tip from one of your unknowledgeable dumbass customers.

    This is how I felt when I read it too. Look, I realize our complaining is a lot.

    I realize we are being rude to real people with real feelings. None of us are probably this aggressive face to face in real life. I will concede that. But VR needs to understand, we spent real money. Hundreds or thousands of dollars. Not small amounts. Add in, that we are super passionate about this (most of us played EQ back in 1999), of course we are angry. Of course we are rude. We have been waiting for a QUARTER CENTURY for a game that Pantheon promised to be. We also waited 10 FREAKING YEARS for what? A stupid extraction game that seems to be made to make more money. OF COURSE WE ARE ANGRY!

    So, while I should probably apologize to VR for my bad attitude I want 10 apologies from VR for the broken promises.
    This post was edited by Sweety at November 15, 2023 6:34 PM PST
    • 1020 posts
    November 15, 2023 6:29 PM PST
    The ego on this guy....
    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 6:31 PM PST
    By the way, the forum quote feature is tough to work with, lol.
    This post was edited by Sweety at November 15, 2023 6:35 PM PST
    • 44 posts
    November 15, 2023 7:02 PM PST

    Wow... This thread ended up... exactly as full of obnoxious toxic self-important dbags as I predicted it would.

    No, its not the excessively endless and non-constructive complaining that got this change done. It's not your win. It's very VERY likely, largely major investors and the more civil and understanding people who simply and rationally "disagreed" with it, that caused the change.

    On cue, the whiners have been emboldened by the false perception that they "won", and are working towards tripling down on the art change as a result. Complete with the most obnoxious attitudes of trying to speak for everybody when spouting their personal views, even going as far as to insult and diminish everyone that does not agree with them.

    Facts are, the 247 change had VERY bad optics implications that they must have felt would cause more harm than good in the long run. And the art style difference is NOT as bad or as big of an issue as its pretended to be. Millions upon MILLIONS of people have been fine with the hand painted art style for 2 decades, with WoW. That is undeniable fact. The style itself is proven. People are fine with it, or even like it. It ages well. And its easier/quicker to produce. You can have an issue with the specific expression of that art style, as in quality of the output or artist (I think what I have seen so far needs a bit of work for example), but stop pretending the style itself is bad. It isn't. In fact, its far more Artistic than realistic graphics.

    I am fine either way. I can appreciate either graphic style. And due to the gains of using the hand-painted style, I completely support it.

    Just felt I had to chime in because of the whiners trying to promote a false perception while toxically attacking views that don't fully embrace theirs. Few people who disagree are going to even want to jump into this thread, because its just a self-congratulatory circle-jerk where if you don't agree, you are not responded to in a civil way at all. For that, I commend and stand with those who do speak up against the whiners.

    • 226 posts
    November 15, 2023 7:20 PM PST
    DarkAkuma said:

    Wow... This thread ended up... exactly as full of obnoxious toxic self-important dbags as I predicted it would.

    No, its not the excessively endless and non-constructive complaining that got this change done. It's not your win. It's very VERY likely, largely major investors and the more civil and understanding people who simply and rationally "disagreed" with it, that caused the change.

    On cue, the whiners have been emboldened by the false perception that they "won", and are working towards tripling down on the art change as a result. Complete with the most obnoxious attitudes of trying to speak for everybody when spouting their personal views, even going as far as to insult and diminish everyone that does not agree with them.

    Facts are, the 247 change had VERY bad optics implications that they must have felt would cause more harm than good in the long run. And the art style difference is NOT as bad or as big of an issue as its pretended to be. Millions upon MILLIONS of people have been fine with the hand painted art style for 2 decades, with WoW. That is undeniable fact. The style itself is proven. People are fine with it, or even like it. It ages well. And its easier/quicker to produce. You can have an issue with the specific expression of that art style, as in quality of the output or artist (I think what I have seen so far needs a bit of work for example), but stop pretending the style itself is bad. It isn't. In fact, its far more Artistic than realistic graphics.

    I am fine either way. I can appreciate either graphic style. And due to the gains of using the hand-painted style, I completely support it.

    Just felt I had to chime in because of the whiners trying to promote a false perception while toxically attacking views that don't fully embrace theirs. Few people who disagree are going to even want to jump into this thread, because its just a self-congratulatory circle-jerk where if you don't agree, you are not responded to in a civil way at all. For that, I commend and stand with those who do speak up against the whiners.

    (que patriotic music in your mind)

    Even if you don't appreciate, we will still fight for you! Bravely taking shots and standing against evil gaming decisions. We will always fight for those that are unable, unwilling or just to drunk on the VR Kool-Aid to to complain. We, the complainers, will not be deterred by lengthy posts trying to explain away our victory, for we .. are the complainers. And today we stand victorious.
    • 185 posts
    November 15, 2023 7:21 PM PST
    DarkAkuma said:

    even going as far as to insult and diminish everyone that does not agree with them.

    I know right, the freeking nerver of some people
    • 194 posts
    November 16, 2023 1:50 AM PST
    DarkAkuma said:

    Wow... This thread ended up... exactly as full of obnoxious toxic self-important dbags as I predicted it would.

    No, its not the excessively endless and non-constructive complaining that got this change done. It's not your win. It's very VERY likely, largely major investors and the more civil and understanding people who simply and rationally "disagreed" with it, that caused the change.

    On cue, the whiners have been emboldened by the false perception that they "won", and are working towards tripling down on the art change as a result. Complete with the most obnoxious attitudes of trying to speak for everybody when spouting their personal views, even going as far as to insult and diminish everyone that does not agree with them.

    Facts are, the 247 change had VERY bad optics implications that they must have felt would cause more harm than good in the long run. And the art style difference is NOT as bad or as big of an issue as its pretended to be. Millions upon MILLIONS of people have been fine with the hand painted art style for 2 decades, with WoW. That is undeniable fact. The style itself is proven. People are fine with it, or even like it. It ages well. And its easier/quicker to produce. You can have an issue with the specific expression of that art style, as in quality of the output or artist (I think what I have seen so far needs a bit of work for example), but stop pretending the style itself is bad. It isn't. In fact, its far more Artistic than realistic graphics.

    I am fine either way. I can appreciate either graphic style. And due to the gains of using the hand-painted style, I completely support it.

    Just felt I had to chime in because of the whiners trying to promote a false perception while toxically attacking views that don't fully embrace theirs. Few people who disagree are going to even want to jump into this thread, because its just a self-congratulatory circle-jerk where if you don't agree, you are not responded to in a civil way at all. For that, I commend and stand with those who do speak up against the whiners.

    The irony. You're welcome.