Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Can Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Still Succeed?

    • 3237 posts
    November 11, 2023 7:48 PM PST

    There should be a collaboration with John Carpenter.  Big Trouble in Little Terminus.  Lots of similarities there.  Cult-like followings, infinite development timelines, more questions than answers, smoke and mirrors, multiple pivots, etc.  Some people thought they were getting a modern remake with Kurt Russell but found out they're getting a sequel with the Rock instead.

    Speaking of Kurt Russell ... if that doesn't work out, perhaps try to work out some sort of royalty deal and see if he'd be willing to complete the trilogy.  Escape from New York > Escape from LA > Escape from Terminus.  Like most of us, he's getting up there in the age department so should probably make a move soon.  That, or use AI to make it seem like the real Kurt Russell for stunts and theatrics.

    • 40 posts
    November 11, 2023 9:02 PM PST

    oneADseven said:

    There should be a collaboration with John Carpenter.  Big Trouble in Little Terminus.  Lots of similarities there.  Cult-like followings, infinite development timelines, more questions than answers, smoke and mirrors, multiple pivots, etc.  Some people thought they were getting a modern remake with Kurt Russell but found out they're getting a sequel with the Rock instead.

    Speaking of Kurt Russell ... if that doesn't work out, perhaps try to work out some sort of royalty deal and see if he'd be willing to complete the trilogy.  Escape from New York > Escape from LA > Escape from Terminus.  Like most of us, he's getting up there in the age department so should probably make a move soon.  That, or use AI to make it seem like the real Kurt Russell for stunts and theatrics.


    There could be a timed exclusive where the first boss has a Kurt Russell voice acted Jack Burton join your party for the server first takedown. If you are a platinum donator you can open up an additional side quest where you find Jack's truck finally!


    • 194 posts
    November 11, 2023 9:54 PM PST
    Three lanes and a jungle. 140 classes.
    • 185 posts
    November 12, 2023 12:38 AM PST
    Guys, you’re burying the lead here. 9 years and 8 months into development and the Hornet animations are done.
    Onward and Upward!
    • 125 posts
    November 12, 2023 7:13 AM PST

    dorotea said: Adrenicus - of course a large investment would be wonderful. An established producer coming on-board would be wonderful. Failing that, and it has not happened over long years of effort, what then? If peddling an extraction game is the remaining hope - they need to try it.


    I would argue if they can't get investment from an established producer/publisher then there may not be much hope anyway. There are plenty of companies whom would gamble on Pantheon's vision if they believed it could be completed. Taking more money from the public to still fail is even worse than just putting their hands up and saying its over in my opinion. 

    • 2419 posts
    November 12, 2023 7:27 AM PST

    lotuss79 said: Guys, you’re burying the lead here. 9 years and 8 months into development and the Hornet animations are done. Onward and Upward!

    You forgot working doors.

    • 167 posts
    November 12, 2023 7:46 AM PST
    Why do so many people assume that the game has already failed?

    Half of VR is working for little to no money. These people are passionate about this game, whether you allow yourself to see that or not. If money completely runs out, they won't just throw 10 years of work in the garbage. If for no other reason than the payout, they will finish the game.

    And before you say "yea it will be some empty shell of it's former self" because that's the only argument people give over and over, do you really think Joppa would let this game launch if it didn't have EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT he wants, included in it? He wouldn't even go to alpha when the majority of the people streaming were saying "yes this already feels like a game to me, they could easily to into alpha"

    I get that there's all sorts of reasons, mainly defense mechanisms, that are triggering these responses in people, but Jesus guys. Do you want to play Pantheon or not? This thread of ideas might not help VR in the slightest, I get that. But constantly shitting on the game DEFINITELY won't help VR. The negative feedback was constant, it was deliberate and it was plentiful. They've heard it, they've recorded it, they've reflected on it. Continuing is just beating a dead horse.

    Who says 1 community member couldn't come up with an idea that was ACTUALLY GOOD and VR would be like "holy crap, he/she is right, that's an amazing idea"
    • 194 posts
    November 12, 2023 8:06 AM PST
    Prevenge said:
    do you really think Joppa would let this game launch if it didn't have EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT he wants, included in it?

    Yes. Revisit this in 2 years.
    • 3852 posts
    November 12, 2023 8:50 AM PST
    Prevenge said:
    do you really think Joppa would let this game launch if it didn't have EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT he wants, included in it?

    If not he should be fired and development stopped because there is no hope whatsoever left.
    • 2419 posts
    November 12, 2023 9:14 AM PST
    Prevenge said: But constantly shitting on the game DEFINITELY won't help VR. The negative feedback was constant, it was deliberate and it was plentiful. They've heard it, they've recorded it, they've reflected on it. Continuing is just beating a dead horse. Who says 1 community member couldn't come up with an idea that was ACTUALLY GOOD and VR would be like "holy crap, he/she is right, that's an amazing idea"

    If you want examples of where people have come up with good ideas that VR rejected, pony up enough money to become VIP then go through the last 7-ish years of PA posts.

    EDIT: Oh, and every developer of every game ever made is passionate about their project, but passion doesn't pay the damn bills.
    This post was edited by Vandraad at November 12, 2023 9:15 AM PST
    • 902 posts
    November 12, 2023 9:18 AM PST
    As long as I can remember, people have claimed that Pantheon is either failing or has failed. But it is still here and moving "onward and upwards".

    I suppose that if you keep shouting the odds, eventually something will land somewhere that has some sliver of truth to it.

    Truth is, thus far, pantheon hasn't failed yet. It still seems to be improving (otherwise every pre-alpha player would be breaking NDAs and joining in the doom and gloom merchants).

    The next mile stone is opening 247 to alpha. If that occurs then we will know for certain.
    This post was edited by chenzeme at November 12, 2023 9:19 AM PST
    • 167 posts
    November 12, 2023 11:22 AM PST
    Vandraad said:
    Prevenge said: But constantly shitting on the game DEFINITELY won't help VR. The negative feedback was constant, it was deliberate and it was plentiful. They've heard it, they've recorded it, they've reflected on it. Continuing is just beating a dead horse. Who says 1 community member couldn't come up with an idea that was ACTUALLY GOOD and VR would be like "holy crap, he/she is right, that's an amazing idea"

    If you want examples of where people have come up with good ideas that VR rejected, pony up enough money to become VIP then go through the last 7-ish years of PA posts.

    EDIT: Oh, and every developer of every game ever made is passionate about their project, but passion doesn't pay the damn bills.

    Are you saying every single idea ever proposed by a PA tester has been ignored? I've heard in multiple videos over the years VR talking about things they've done, or changes they've made, directly in response to PA feedback. I'm not part of the PA forums, so I don't know what you're referring to specifically, but I'd find it hard to believe that VR has never looked at the suggestions and went "Oh that's a good idea" and then proceeded to use it.

    If you're insinuating that every single good idea ever, was ignored, I simply don't believe that.

    I don't agree with your 2nd part at all. Lots of games out there are created by companies like NCSoft where passion hasn't existed in many years.

    You can't honestly tell me that the team at VR doesn't love this game, more than the people over at NCSoft who pump out as many games as possible, hoping for a few to stick.
    • 40 posts
    November 12, 2023 11:34 AM PST

    Love isn't enough.


    Ideas are fruitless. The outline was given at the start of the project. Nobody had the idea to deviate, and yet here we are. That's the problem that needs addressing. Companies cannot pivot with random people on a msg board having ideas. You have to literally actually accept an idea and run with it until the end.

    Pantheon hasn't failed yet? Now that depends on how you define failure. 10 years of work being erased to start over nearly from scratch at day 1 again, that is a failure to deliver in a timely fashion literally anything that can be brought to market. It doesn't avoid being a failure because someone is stubborn enough to say "they're working on it". 30 years from now you could make the same statement, the son of Joppa is going to bring his father's vision to reality! Just you wait! You should just try and help!

    With any artistic endeavor you need the artist to have a clear vision, changing directions in what seems like a 180 degrees is less vision and more desperation or confusion. THAT is where the transparency needs to be. Joppa or someone needs to convey exactly what it is they're doing and outline exactly how this works, just like the original project did. They don't need feedback until they have a product that needs to be polished or fine tuned. Things they can't foresee like server load or time investment for people that have things going on other than a video game. That's feedback for balancing, not core concept brainstorming.

    The scope should be known and be progressing, not being hashed out. If you have a proper scope you don't have need or time for distractions from every tom dick and harry who says "what about this?" or "can we throw this in the mix?". No matter how cathartic that may make you feel.

    • 167 posts
    November 12, 2023 2:09 PM PST
    Atarius said:

    Love isn't enough.

    Ideas are fruitless. The outline was given at the start of the project. Nobody had the idea to deviate, and yet here we are. That's the problem that needs addressing. Companies cannot pivot with random people on a msg board having ideas. You have to literally actually accept an idea and run with it until the end.

    Pantheon hasn't failed yet? Now that depends on how you define failure. 10 years of work being erased to start over nearly from scratch at day 1 again, that is a failure to deliver in a timely fashion literally anything that can be brought to market. It doesn't avoid being a failure because someone is stubborn enough to say "they're working on it". 30 years from now you could make the same statement, the son of Joppa is going to bring his father's vision to reality! Just you wait! You should just try and help!

    With any artistic endeavor you need the artist to have a clear vision, changing directions in what seems like a 180 degrees is less vision and more desperation or confusion. THAT is where the transparency needs to be. Joppa or someone needs to convey exactly what it is they're doing and outline exactly how this works, just like the original project did. They don't need feedback until they have a product that needs to be polished or fine tuned. Things they can't foresee like server load or time investment for people that have things going on other than a video game. That's feedback for balancing, not core concept brainstorming.

    The scope should be known and be progressing, not being hashed out. If you have a proper scope you don't have need or time for distractions from every tom dick and harry who says "what about this?" or "can we throw this in the mix?". No matter how cathartic that may make you feel.

    Again, though, how do you know what's going on behind the curtains?

    Everyone is assuming they know exactly what this latest reveals means. That the art style change and new graphics = redoing the entire game from scratch. While I can't bring myself to believe that is even remotely close to true, I also don't actually have any idea.

    I would love to see them explain in FINE detail what this actually means. I fully agree with that. I do want to know things like.

    1. How extensive will the changes be for the landscapes and environmental assets? Are you creating entirely new landscapes or reworking existing ones to fit the new art style?

    2. Are character models/mobs/weapons/armor/spell effects being redesigned entirely, or are you able to reuse certain elements from the existing models? Can you provide insight into the level of detail involved in recreating these models?

    3. What rough % of total assets are simply a repaint, versus what % of assets are a complete redesign in the new art style?

    4. As of the latest PA notes, there is a checkbox for Tree shaders and while I am excited to see that the trees will gain some new life/depth, does this mean that you need to redo textures and shaders for all assets after converting them into the new art style?

    If VR is willing to answer these questions, please provide as much detail as possible. I think it could really help lower frustration levels for people if they had a much clearer image in their heads of the path forward for Pantheon. The tracker is a good start, the Q&A was a good start, but don't feign transparency, live in it.
    • 2419 posts
    November 12, 2023 2:19 PM PST

    Prevenge said:Are you saying every single idea ever proposed by a PA tester has been ignored? I've heard in multiple videos over the years VR talking about things they've done, or changes they've made, directly in response to PA feedback. I'm not part of the PA forums, so I don't know what you're referring to specifically, but I'd find it hard to believe that VR has never looked at the suggestions and went "Oh that's a good idea" and then proceeded to use it. If you're insinuating that every single good idea ever, was ignored, I simply don't believe that. I don't agree with your 2nd part at all. Lots of games out there are created by companies like NCSoft where passion hasn't existed in many years. You can't honestly tell me that the team at VR doesn't love this game, more than the people over at NCSoft who pump out as many games as possible, hoping for a few to stick.

     I didn't say every idea presented by PA testers was ignored, but that there are plenty of examples which have been ignored.  You just interpreted 'many' as 'all'. 

    And, yes, I do say that every developer has passion for their project. And I didn't say VR doesn't have passion for it. I'm saying that passion, by itself, doesn't pay the fekking bills. You really are garbage at reading comprehension, jumping to conclusions that were never actually made.  Carry on White Knight!

    • 167 posts
    November 12, 2023 2:26 PM PST
    Vandraad said:

    Prevenge said:Are you saying every single idea ever proposed by a PA tester has been ignored? I've heard in multiple videos over the years VR talking about things they've done, or changes they've made, directly in response to PA feedback. I'm not part of the PA forums, so I don't know what you're referring to specifically, but I'd find it hard to believe that VR has never looked at the suggestions and went "Oh that's a good idea" and then proceeded to use it. If you're insinuating that every single good idea ever, was ignored, I simply don't believe that. I don't agree with your 2nd part at all. Lots of games out there are created by companies like NCSoft where passion hasn't existed in many years. You can't honestly tell me that the team at VR doesn't love this game, more than the people over at NCSoft who pump out as many games as possible, hoping for a few to stick.

    I didn't say every idea presented by PA testers was ignored, but that there are plenty of examples which have been ignored. You just interpreted 'many' as 'all'.

    And, yes, I do say that every developer has passion for their project. And I didn't say VR doesn't have passion for it. I'm saying that passion, by itself, doesn't pay the fekking bills. You really are garbage at reading comprehension, jumping to conclusions that were never actually made. Carry on White Knight!

    I mean if your argument is that I sign up for PA to look at the forums and I'll find out that they didn't use most of the ideas, but they did use some of them, then your original statement is moot. In other words, they do occasionally take good ideas from PA testers, the community and make use of them, correct?

    Hence the whole point of this topic in the forums.

    Edit: I don't think the "You're garbage at ... and white knight... " comments are necessary. I'm not going to personally attack you. Don't do it to me, either.
    This post was edited by Prevenge at November 12, 2023 2:30 PM PST
    • 902 posts
    November 12, 2023 3:04 PM PST
    Well I am going to continue to contribute and try to influence as much as I can. To me it doesn't matter if I am totally ignored or not. The point for me is that I tried.
    Anyone who doesn't try and then complains at the outcome has no sympathy from me.
    This post was edited by chenzeme at November 12, 2023 3:05 PM PST
    • 167 posts
    November 12, 2023 3:10 PM PST
    chenzeme said:
    Well I am going to continue to contribute and try to influence as much as I can. To me it doesn't matter if I am totally ignored or not. The point for me is that I tried.
    Anyone who doesn't try and then complains at the outcome has no sympathy from me.

    Hear, hear.

    Again, I will ask everyone to use this topic for any ideas or suggestions you can think of that could in any way, shape or form possibly be of any help to VR during what is obviously a difficult time.

    Think that giving ideas/suggestions is a waste of time? Then this is not the topic for you, but trust me, the vast majority of the topics, lately, are great places to park your complaints.
    This post was edited by Prevenge at November 12, 2023 3:12 PM PST
    • 40 posts
    November 12, 2023 4:25 PM PST

    Prevenge said:
    Atarius said: Love isn't enough. Ideas are fruitless. The outline was given at the start of the project. Nobody had the idea to deviate, and yet here we are. That's the problem that needs addressing. Companies cannot pivot with random people on a msg board having ideas. You have to literally actually accept an idea and run with it until the end. Pantheon hasn't failed yet? Now that depends on how you define failure. 10 years of work being erased to start over nearly from scratch at day 1 again, that is a failure to deliver in a timely fashion literally anything that can be brought to market. It doesn't avoid being a failure because someone is stubborn enough to say "they're working on it". 30 years from now you could make the same statement, the son of Joppa is going to bring his father's vision to reality! Just you wait! You should just try and help! With any artistic endeavor you need the artist to have a clear vision, changing directions in what seems like a 180 degrees is less vision and more desperation or confusion. THAT is where the transparency needs to be. Joppa or someone needs to convey exactly what it is they're doing and outline exactly how this works, just like the original project did. They don't need feedback until they have a product that needs to be polished or fine tuned. Things they can't foresee like server load or time investment for people that have things going on other than a video game. That's feedback for balancing, not core concept brainstorming. The scope should be known and be progressing, not being hashed out. If you have a proper scope you don't have need or time for distractions from every tom dick and harry who says "what about this?" or "can we throw this in the mix?". No matter how cathartic that may make you feel.

    Again, though, how do you know what's going on behind the curtains? Everyone is assuming they know exactly what this latest reveals means. That the art style change and new graphics = redoing the entire game from scratch. While I can't bring myself to believe that is even remotely close to true, I also don't actually have any idea. I would love to see them explain in FINE detail what this actually means. I fully agree with that. I do want to know things like. 1. How extensive will the changes be for the landscapes and environmental assets? Are you creating entirely new landscapes or reworking existing ones to fit the new art style? 2. Are character models/mobs/weapons/armor/spell effects being redesigned entirely, or are you able to reuse certain elements from the existing models? Can you provide insight into the level of detail involved in recreating these models? 3. What rough % of total assets are simply a repaint, versus what % of assets are a complete redesign in the new art style? 4. As of the latest PA notes, there is a checkbox for Tree shaders and while I am excited to see that the trees will gain some new life/depth, does this mean that you need to redo textures and shaders for all assets after converting them into the new art style? If VR is willing to answer these questions, please provide as much detail as possible. I think it could really help lower frustration levels for people if they had a much clearer image in their heads of the path forward for Pantheon. The tracker is a good start, the Q&A was a good start, but don't feign transparency, live in it.


    Nobody knows what's going on behind the scenes, but the fact that what we do know is at best acceptable to the most optimistic people here with major caveats doesn't bode well. The fact the reaction has been this negative and the silence has been so extreme leads me to speculate the following:

    1. They're possibly preparing how they want to approach things to the community. This may be more bad news but at least more detail OR good news.

    2. They don't have anything to really outline things further and are wanting this to blow over.

    We'll see what happens but the longer it goes I think the harder the sell for whatever is coming. I think they wanted to prep it and it leaked and they won't have anything to roll out for quite some time. As far as suggestions from testers, I think it's important not to forget that they were allowed access to increase revenue gain to a certain extent, and while criticism is great, most people just want confirmation they're doing well. A pat on the back more than a deeply critical eye as it were. Sorta like when Roger Ebert did movie reviews, he would lament when someone wouldn't let them review a movie. It meant they had no confidence in it and that's how I think the community is beginning to feel. They'll show it to people with an NDA but no one else outside the team proper.

    • 226 posts
    November 13, 2023 9:36 AM PST
    lotuss79 said:
    Guys, you’re burying the lead here. 9 years and 8 months into development and the Hornet animations are done.
    Onward and Upward!

    This gave me a good chuckle.
    • 167 posts
    November 13, 2023 10:02 AM PST
    Atarius said:

    Prevenge said:
    Atarius said: Love isn't enough. Ideas are fruitless. The outline was given at the start of the project. Nobody had the idea to deviate, and yet here we are. That's the problem that needs addressing. Companies cannot pivot with random people on a msg board having ideas. You have to literally actually accept an idea and run with it until the end. Pantheon hasn't failed yet? Now that depends on how you define failure. 10 years of work being erased to start over nearly from scratch at day 1 again, that is a failure to deliver in a timely fashion literally anything that can be brought to market. It doesn't avoid being a failure because someone is stubborn enough to say "they're working on it". 30 years from now you could make the same statement, the son of Joppa is going to bring his father's vision to reality! Just you wait! You should just try and help! With any artistic endeavor you need the artist to have a clear vision, changing directions in what seems like a 180 degrees is less vision and more desperation or confusion. THAT is where the transparency needs to be. Joppa or someone needs to convey exactly what it is they're doing and outline exactly how this works, just like the original project did. They don't need feedback until they have a product that needs to be polished or fine tuned. Things they can't foresee like server load or time investment for people that have things going on other than a video game. That's feedback for balancing, not core concept brainstorming. The scope should be known and be progressing, not being hashed out. If you have a proper scope you don't have need or time for distractions from every tom dick and harry who says "what about this?" or "can we throw this in the mix?". No matter how cathartic that may make you feel.

    Again, though, how do you know what's going on behind the curtains? Everyone is assuming they know exactly what this latest reveals means. That the art style change and new graphics = redoing the entire game from scratch. While I can't bring myself to believe that is even remotely close to true, I also don't actually have any idea. I would love to see them explain in FINE detail what this actually means. I fully agree with that. I do want to know things like. 1. How extensive will the changes be for the landscapes and environmental assets? Are you creating entirely new landscapes or reworking existing ones to fit the new art style? 2. Are character models/mobs/weapons/armor/spell effects being redesigned entirely, or are you able to reuse certain elements from the existing models? Can you provide insight into the level of detail involved in recreating these models? 3. What rough % of total assets are simply a repaint, versus what % of assets are a complete redesign in the new art style? 4. As of the latest PA notes, there is a checkbox for Tree shaders and while I am excited to see that the trees will gain some new life/depth, does this mean that you need to redo textures and shaders for all assets after converting them into the new art style? If VR is willing to answer these questions, please provide as much detail as possible. I think it could really help lower frustration levels for people if they had a much clearer image in their heads of the path forward for Pantheon. The tracker is a good start, the Q&A was a good start, but don't feign transparency, live in it.

    Nobody knows what's going on behind the scenes, but the fact that what we do know is at best acceptable to the most optimistic people here with major caveats doesn't bode well. The fact the reaction has been this negative and the silence has been so extreme leads me to speculate the following:

    1. They're possibly preparing how they want to approach things to the community. This may be more bad news but at least more detail OR good news.

    2. They don't have anything to really outline things further and are wanting this to blow over.

    We'll see what happens but the longer it goes I think the harder the sell for whatever is coming. I think they wanted to prep it and it leaked and they won't have anything to roll out for quite some time. As far as suggestions from testers, I think it's important not to forget that they were allowed access to increase revenue gain to a certain extent, and while criticism is great, most people just want confirmation they're doing well. A pat on the back more than a deeply critical eye as it were. Sorta like when Roger Ebert did movie reviews, he would lament when someone wouldn't let them review a movie. It meant they had no confidence in it and that's how I think the community is beginning to feel. They'll show it to people with an NDA but no one else outside the team proper.

    For all we know, they are putting the final touches on 247 and next week alpha pledgers are going to get access.

    For all we know, we're all going to log into 247, see that it really is the world of Terminus and be happy just to be finally playing it.

    If it really is just the world of Terminus, with a 2 hour ruleset and a couple extraction points in the world, then I'm game. I'll play and so will all of you. They'll get a bunch of new pledges, too. Whether that will be enough to make any significant difference in getting the game made faster, I have my doubts, but personally I'm just happy I'll finally be playing Pantheon. Testing out the classes. Testing out the races. Looking for sweety in PVP. You know, having fun.
    • 84 posts
    November 14, 2023 1:31 AM PST
    Prevenge said:
    For all we know (...) next week alpha pledgers are going to get access.

    Hey prevenge, can you please provide a link to the source of this information ?
    • 167 posts
    November 14, 2023 4:18 AM PST
    Kaynrath said:
    Prevenge said:
    For all we know (...) next week alpha pledgers are going to get access.

    Hey prevenge, can you please provide a link to the source of this information ?

    There is no source, "for all we know" means that we have no idea one way or the other.