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247 .. the Death of Pantheon

    • 1020 posts
    October 30, 2023 8:00 AM PDT
    Sweety said:
    MushyMel said: Cat wait for the Nerdslayer video
    OMG, so funny! I didn't even think of this. I guess we can say the glass is half full because at least we will get a new 'Death of a Game' video. tongue-out
    I'm waiting on the scam video that Kira will do on Pantheon. He's stayed quite on Pantheon, but I think now's a good time to do some investigative journalism.
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 8:07 AM PDT
    dorotea said:
    EQ Live and EQ Next have 100,000 active subscribers? Will wonders never cease?

    EQ1 and 2. DayBreak is owned by EG7 and they had an investors meeting. The PowerPoint deck was released with the numbers on it. So it’s public information. East find find online if you want. EQ1 had the most subs by a large margin. EQ2 and Lord of the Rings Online were also very profitable. This is the reason they have EQ3 on the roadmap. But with no promise it will happen it.

    In fact, their CEO, just released a video of him in a meeting talking about the current success of EQ, this was just 2 weeks ago.
    This post was edited by Sweety at October 30, 2023 8:09 AM PDT
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 9:11 AM PDT
    Sweety said:
    dorotea said:
    Sweety - you may be right but let us all consider one thing. Will it help or hurt the process to say so?

    If there is no hope left we might as well write our contributions off and stop posting. If there still is hope - even if small - we should consider what will make the odds higher and what will make them lower and try to do the former and eschew the latter.

    While I agree with your sentiment. I’m past that. I really don’t care anymore. This is going to sound super harsh, but I’ve seen enough that I almost hope it fails at this point. Maybe this can be a lesson to other companies in the future while I wait for EQ3. (Half joking/half serious)

    VR said they were fully funded till release. So, either they made very bad decisions or they lied. They can’t have it both ways. Unless someone embezzled money, I don’t want to hear any excuses. I don’t want to give them any remaining hope. My hope is a limited resource. So, my hope will be passed on to anther aspect in my life.

    Lastly, I don’t care that I’ve lost a bunch of money. I can afford it. No big deal. I care that I gave them a decade of attention, time and hope. I feel cheated in this way.

    To be fair, if you truly didn't care any more then you wouldn't be here. It sounds like you want to punish them for wronging you. While I understand the sentiment I am not sure what it's going to give you in the long run.
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 9:18 AM PDT
    Ruinar said:
    Sweety said:
    dorotea said: Sweety - you may be right but let us all consider one thing. Will it help or hurt the process to say so? If there is no hope left we might as well write our contributions off and stop posting. If there still is hope - even if small - we should consider what will make the odds higher and what will make them lower and try to do the former and eschew the latter.
    While I agree with your sentiment. I’m past that. I really don’t care anymore. This is going to sound super harsh, but I’ve seen enough that I almost hope it fails at this point. Maybe this can be a lesson to other companies in the future while I wait for EQ3. (Half joking/half serious) VR said they were fully funded till release. So, either they made very bad decisions or they lied. They can’t have it both ways. Unless someone embezzled money, I don’t want to hear any excuses. I don’t want to give them any remaining hope. My hope is a limited resource. So, my hope will be passed on to anther aspect in my life. Lastly, I don’t care that I’ve lost a bunch of money. I can afford it. No big deal. I care that I gave them a decade of attention, time and hope. I feel cheated in this way.
    To be fair, if you truly didn't care any more then you wouldn't be here. It sounds like you want to punish them for wronging you. While I understand the sentiment I am not sure what it's going to give you in the long run.
    I can live with you not being sure what it will give me in the long run. embarassed
    • 80 posts
    October 30, 2023 10:59 AM PDT
    Sweety said:
    100,000 active subscribers disagree.

    This is a painfully flawed argument. Ironically, many of those subs are for early progression servers. Secondly, sales != quality but even if they did, WoW still has over 8 million active subs, aka eighty times more than EQ1&2 combined.

    Cardi B has sold 100 million tracks. GMC is one of the lowest rated car companies in the world and they still manage to sell 1 million cars annually. Even the pet rock sold 1.5 million.

    The EQ1 stats, AA and interface are still an absolute mess. What are heroic stats up to these days, 255+9000? It's a stretch to even call it an MMO with most players soloing with mercenaries and/or multi-boxing. EQ2 wasn't even good in its prime. You spam 70 buttons and get two out of sync animations for your troubles. Half the classes are completely unnecessary. They literally give free max level characters and still cant get people to play it. These games are an absolute jest.
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:11 AM PDT
    RedGang said:
    Sweety said: 100,000 active subscribers disagree.
    This is a painfully flawed argument. Ironically, many of those subs are for early progression servers. Secondly, sales != quality but even if they did, WoW still has over 8 million active subs, aka eighty times more than EQ1&2 combined. Cardi B has sold 100 million tracks. GMC is one of the lowest rated car companies in the world and they still manage to sell 1 million cars annually. Even the pet rock sold 1.5 million. The EQ1 stats, AA and interface are still an absolute mess. What are heroic stats up to these days, 255+9000? It's a stretch to even call it an MMO with most players soloing with mercenaries and/or multi-boxing. EQ2 wasn't even good in its prime. You spam 70 buttons and get two out of sync animations for your troubles. Half the classes are completely unnecessary. They literally give free max level characters and still cant get people to play it. These games are an absolute jest.
    Ok, the thousands of players and I still disagree embarassed I may not like Cardi B, but saying she is not a smashing success is ridiculous.
    • 370 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:13 AM PDT

    RedGang said: You spam 70 buttons and get two out of sync animations for your troubles. Half the classes are completely unnecessary. They literally give free max level characters and still cant get people to play it.


    I have never heard a more accurate description of EQ2

    • 80 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:32 AM PDT
    Sweety said: Ok, the thousands of players and I still disagree embarassed I may not like Cardi B, but saying she is not a smashing success is ridiculous.
    I called those games abominations, not unprofitable. 3/10 straw man attempt.
    • 252 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:52 AM PDT
    RedGang said:
    Sweety said: Ok, the thousands of players and I still disagree embarassed I may not like Cardi B, but saying she is not a smashing success is ridiculous.
    I called those games abominations, not unprofitable. 3/10 straw man attempt.
    I mean, they didn't exactly set up a strawman because they never directly contradicted that in your opinion the games are an abomination. They merely pointed out that 100,000 subscribers disagree.
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 11:56 AM PDT
    Ruinar said:
    RedGang said:
    Sweety said: Ok, the thousands of players and I still disagree embarassed I may not like Cardi B, but saying she is not a smashing success is ridiculous.
    I called those games abominations, not unprofitable. 3/10 straw man attempt.
    I mean, they didn't exactly set up a strawman because they never directly contradicted that in your opinion the games are an abomination. They merely pointed out that 100,000 subscribers disagree.
    Exactly, I am not arguing the game is the best game on the market today. I love the game, you hate the game. So what? Many people agree with RedGang, many people agree with me. So what? Not sure what we are arguing about anymore, lol. Either way, 247 sucks!
    • 80 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:09 PM PDT
    Ruinar said:
    I mean, they didn't exactly set up a strawman because they never directly contradicted that in your opinion the games are an abomination. They merely pointed out that 100,000 subscribers disagree.

    The success of Cardi-B combined with 100,000 subscribers disagree, attempts to refute that EQ live is not successful, a straw man argument I never made. Because it's easier to make a financial case for EQ live, than a gameplay related one.

    But if we're going with semantics, i said it was a 3/10 straw man. I never said he was good at it.
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 12:21 PM PDT
    RedGang said:
    Ruinar said:
    I mean, they didn't exactly set up a strawman because they never directly contradicted that in your opinion the games are an abomination. They merely pointed out that 100,000 subscribers disagree.

    The success of Cardi-B combined with 100,000 subscribers disagree, attempts to refute that EQ live is not successful, a straw man argument I never made. Because it's easier to make a financial case for EQ live, than a gameplay related one.

    But if we're going with semantics, i said it was a 3/10 straw man. I never said he was good at it.

    Are we still arguing about this? You win. I don't care. 247 sucks, that's what we need to be letting VR know.
    • 194 posts
    October 30, 2023 1:48 PM PDT
    Wait, is Cardi B playing EQ2 now and pressing a thousand buttons?
    • 226 posts
    October 30, 2023 2:03 PM PDT
    justdrop said:
    Wait, is Cardi B playing EQ2 now and pressing a thousand buttons?

    LoL. Do you think she has a custom gaming share to hold that giant plastic butt?