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Let there be swag

    • 78 posts
    May 1, 2023 2:08 AM PDT

    Howdy folks.  This post isn't about game breaking stuff, but that doesn't mean it isn't important.  How much swagger will this game have, and how will it be implemented.  Now you might be asking yourself, "What is this swagger this chap speaks of?"  Swagger in my opinion is the extra stuff in the game, the stuff that gives the game flavor.  Let's look back at WoW, one of the biggest things my friends had fun with at release was the dances, each race and gender had their own dance.  Another thing was the tabards with your guild's crest on it, small things like this made the game a tad bit more enjoyable.  FFXIV for instance you could put your free company crest on some of your gear, cool idea, but then you realize that it is just a tiny patch and some stuff, like shields, it put it on the inside of it.  You could make this way cooler if you could put your guild crest on the front of your shield, like big where everyone could see, now obviously not with all shields, but certain ones, and this would be a place where the ability to glamour items would be useful.  Another thing from FFXIV I wish they had was giving your chocobo barding with your FC crest, they have Grand Company barding, but I wanted my specific free company, also I thought it would be cool since we had FC housing if we could get rugs and banners with our crest, but nope, SE fell short there.  So I am wanting to know what kind of stuff will VR be bringing to help our characters feel more our own, give us individuality, let us express ourselves.  Like I said this stuff isn't game breaking, but it is nice/fun to have and there are quite a bit of folks that really appreciate devs taking the time to do this stuff, so come on VR let's bring the swagger!

    Sorry for the block of text, I type like I think and sometimes it runs on, also to the annoyance of my old Englis teachers "I don't do grammar good!"

    Also if you are searching for a Swag manager let me know!

    This post was edited by mallanb81 at May 1, 2023 2:16 AM PDT
    • 144 posts
    May 1, 2023 2:13 AM PDT

    Company/army flags was a must during the middle ages (and even more recently) in many different regions of the world. That might be a bit difficult to have, but I am all for tabards or shields with the colors of your guild.