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Should Pantheon have a Mentor System?

    • 1289 posts
    November 1, 2022 8:43 AM PDT

    I will always default to the question:  "Why does a mentor system even exist?"  If the answer to that question is "so that players can play with their friends without penalty" then no other reward is required.  They can level down to play with their friend (because it's fun) and their friend can continue to earn exp at their normal rate.


    If the answer to the question is "To keep lower level zones populated" then that opens up an entirely new can of worms.  I'm personally not even convinced that is a good reason.  If the game gets to a point where zones aren't regularly populated that might be an indication of bigger problems. 

    • 947 posts
    November 1, 2022 8:53 AM PDT


    Look at my post just above yours.  (We posted within a few moments of each other).


    In particular:

    "I think it is important to promote a system like mentoring because it really gives an alternative to late game play that players otherwise would never even try if there is no "benefit" to it.  Otherwise, the only people that will do the mentoring system will be those that are playing with newly joined "friends"... (compared to the majority of the max level raiding community vying to help/mentor "strangers" and new players - perhaps making new "friends", but likely impacting new player experiences in a very positive way)."

    This post was edited by Darch at November 1, 2022 8:57 AM PDT
    • 888 posts
    November 1, 2022 9:32 AM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    I will always default to the question:  "Why does a mentor system even exist?"  If the answer to that question is "so that players can play with their friends without penalty" then no other reward is required.  They can level down to play with their friend (because it's fun) and their friend can continue to earn exp at their normal rate.


    If the answer to the question is "To keep lower level zones populated" then that opens up an entirely new can of worms.  I'm personally not even convinced that is a good reason.  If the game gets to a point where zones aren't regularly populated that might be an indication of bigger problems. 

    You make good points, though I will argue that if we have a problem with low level population due to bigger presumed issues, it makes fixing the problem all the more important. 

    Personally,  I think low level mentoring has many benefits.  It helps with player retention (by reducing initial frustration and creating social connections) ,  it contributes to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and it helps with Brad's vision of lower level players interacting with and being inspired by high level players.

    I want Pantheon to find a way to encourage it, but not in a way that makes higher levels resentful or only encourages them to powerlevel their way through it.  

    One more idea...

    A NPC Adventurers Guild faction.  It's a group that offers perks, supplies, outposts, etc.  You gain faction with them and can buy goods / services using Karma (which can be generated by time spent with and XP earned by the mentee). They could offer unique benefits like a rentable mount that has an inventory.  If you put items in it and dismiss it, it returns to town and your items are placed in your bank.

    • 146 posts
    November 1, 2022 4:14 PM PDT

    Counterfleche said:

    Personally,  I think low level mentoring has many benefits.  It helps with player retention (by reducing initial frustration and creating social connections) ,  it contributes to creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and it helps with Brad's vision of lower level players interacting with and being inspired by high level players.

    This here is the reason I want mentoring to exist, in addition to being able to group with any friends and guildies that are lower level than you. I also agree it shouldn't be required in any way.

    As for the xp discussion, I really like the idea of having it give xp on a 1:1 ratio for death penalty xp. Maybe also have it give xp on a 1:1 ratio in a bonus xp bar like many modern MMO's give as resting bonus. It would be beneficial to max levels (who will likely constantly die) as well as non-max levels through death xp recovery and bonus xp.

    I'm still unsure about any other rewards and don't want to focus purely on xp. 

    • 145 posts
    December 5, 2022 2:05 PM PST

    I have changed on my thoughts on mentoring/fellowships/caravans. I used to be all for it. But after thinking about it I don't think there should be one. I can't count how many times I rolled an alt to play with someone and ended up leveling that character because I enjoyed it. Also it ensures that the low level areas stay relevant and used. Otherwise somebody sticks a few characters in the fellowship and levels them, they return 15 levels higher and no real sense of how to play their character. 

    Not to mention the gear that people buy and use on these new characters creates a healthier market. Vanguard had a system where you could mentor down in levels and play with others but it was very unbalanced. My raid geared bard would be 3 times the dmg he was supposed to be and basically was the group. If done right I can see the mentoring down in levels working as long as it is done properly and works like it's supposed to. It's hard though, it's a whole other realm of balanacing that I don't think deserves attention to the game until later on.