Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Gear Restrictions

    • 146 posts
    June 10, 2022 8:19 PM PDT

    How do you feel about gear restrictions based on class? Should gear explictly denote what class can equip it? For example, rogues can't equip staves or wizards can't equip plate. 

    Should there be wiggle room? Such as plate-wearers being able to also equip leather.

    Would you rather see all classes being able to equip all equipment, but reduce the effective of non-class gear? This could be an enchanter wearing plate or monks using swords, but only getting 50% of the stats listed and maybe even less of the armor value / weapon damage. 

    For the classes that can wear more than one type of armor, should there be different bonuses attributed to each armor type when worn as a set (no bonus for mish-mash).

    • 2419 posts
    June 10, 2022 8:44 PM PDT

    It's been discussed already.    A class can wear any armor that is lower than the maximum armor type for that class.  Warrior can wear heavy plate and every other armor type below that.  Cloth is the 'lowest' armor type so a Wizard can not wear anything else.  No leather, no chain.

    Also, if you look at the classes, you'll see that each of them can wield a fairly wide variety of weapon types. Warriors can wield everything while wizards can only wield daggers, swords, club, stave, quarter staff and long staff.  Why would they need to wield more than that?  A wizard with a great hammer?  For what purpose?  Giggles or 'just because I want a wizard with a huge hammer'?  No thanks.

    In the end, I'll be that people will not be wearing 100% of a given armor type available to them at any one time if they are looking for particular stats.  So that Warrior might have a leather bracer because it has stats that player wants over the stats of a similar level plate bracer.

    I'd say no to 'set bonuses'.

    • 2139 posts
    June 10, 2022 9:17 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Warriors can wield everything

    As far as I know, a Warrior cannot equip Longbow, Long Staff, Stave, Handwraps, Martial Fists. If you've heard different, I'd appreciate knowing where it was said.


    I pretty much agree with the rest of what you said.

    • 810 posts
    June 11, 2022 12:37 AM PDT
    @Vandraad "I'd say no to 'set bonuses'."

    VR mentioned armor sets giving you bonuses already when talking about crafted armor some time ago. They never went full detail since they never do but I would imagine it will be rather common. Will it be a full plate bonus or a full dwarven iron plate bonus remains to be seen.
    • 2756 posts
    June 11, 2022 2:46 AM PDT

    We have had this before, but to re-interate, since we're here ;)

    I'm fine with class restrictions being quite limiting even to the extent I would like to see warriors *not* able to effectively employ leather or cloth armor. The fighting techniques when wearing plate or chain or leather are totally different, after all. If you fight in plate like you would in cloth, you'll end up exausted in seconds (even if you could do it) and if you fight in cloth like you do in plate, you'll end up letting people stab you in places you're expecting metal plates to cover.

    Having said that, I'd be interested in opening up the class restrictions *completely* *if* there were non-proficiency penalties. I don't see why a mage *shouldn't* strap on the odd piece of plate/chain/leather if they are willing to accept a reduction in its effectiveness and even an addition to their chance to fizzle spells, perhaps?

    Same as warriors would be able to fight in leather, but with more chance to be injured than a rogue, trained in the fighting techniques using leather, has.

    • 146 posts
    June 11, 2022 8:53 AM PDT

    I really need to get better a searching through previous forum posts. I search all the keywords I thought about and read through the old posts but didn't find something talking about this. My apologies to those rehashing this topic. 


    I honestly have no opinion one way or the other with this since I'd stick to the class specific gear regardless. What made me think about this is classes rolling on gear that is lower tier armor than theirs simply because it has higher stats than their current gear. It would affect those who use that armor as their highest tier. Should the ranger get a slight upgrade because a rare light chain chest dropped and leave their warrior in a chest piece this is almost 20 levels below the content they're doing because it's not plate? The ranger is justified in wanting priority, but the whole group would benefit from the warrior getting it. 

    The other idea that came to mind is what is restricting someone from grabbing a 2h weapon even though they're a rogue? Aside from being very ineffective with the weapon. If they made a skill cap for it that is even 10-20% of the normal, that would give a lot more to do for any completionist. This may lead to interesting encounters with higher level people in lower level zones just trying out weapons for fun or an extra self challenge. It could also be an aesthetic piece for roleplayers while in cities. 

    • 2139 posts
    June 11, 2022 1:39 PM PDT

    Feastycentral said: I really need to get better a searching through previous forum posts. I search all the keywords I thought about and read through the old posts but didn't find something talking about this.

    Not to dissuade you from improving your search skills - I still work on mine - but just wish to acknowledge that the search function on these forums is not the best ever :) 

    Discussions like this often revolve around Loot Systems. Here are a few threads that may be of interest to you:

    What made me think about this is classes rolling on gear that is lower tier armor than theirs simply because it has higher stats than their current gear. It would affect those who use that armor as their highest tier. Should the ranger get a slight upgrade because a rare light chain chest dropped and leave their warrior in a chest piece this is almost 20 levels below the content they're doing because it's not plate? The ranger is justified in wanting priority, but the whole group would benefit from the warrior getting it. 

    This is always a thorny issue. Like many such issues, there is no one rule that will solve every conflict. Especially the big difference between groups of friends/guildies and PUGs. The best path forward IMO is communication. Talking with those you group with before you head out is the easiest way to resolve such differences. VR has said that they will include a variety of loot systems that can be set for a group. Whoever creates a group will have the option of picking which one is set. So whenever joining a group, check that immediately and discuss as necessary.

    The other idea that came to mind is what is restricting someone from grabbing a 2h weapon even though they're a rogue? Aside from being very ineffective with the weapon.

    Well currently, the only 2-hand melee weapon a Rogue can use is a Long Spear. So none of the others could even be equipped, which would certainly not qualify in a Need before Greed system. But IMO, the only "perfect" looting rule is whatever suits the wishes of the 6 people in a given group. No one else's opinion matters in the least. So again, a short conversation before looting begins seems to me the simplest way to get what one wants.

    Rogue will be one of my several 'main' characters and when you see him wield his Long Spear or his Short Bow, you may rest assured that his skills are quite effective :)

    • 161 posts
    June 11, 2022 1:43 PM PDT

    Back in the day, our Magic User wielded a two handed level draining sword. He was heavily penalized, including double chance to fumble, but when the enemies saw the rest of the party get the hell away from him when he started swinging, well it put the fear of Arioch into the enemy.

    There could be some room to wield weapons poorly.




    • 2139 posts
    June 11, 2022 2:37 PM PDT

    Balanz said: Back in the day, our Magic User wielded a two handed level draining sword. He was heavily penalized, including double chance to fumble, but when the enemies saw the rest of the party get the hell away from him when he started swinging, well it put the fear of Arioch into the enemy.

    There could be some room to wield weapons poorly.

    LMAO! That is a great perspective.

    You do have a point.

    • 161 posts
    June 11, 2022 4:24 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    LMAO! That is a great perspective.

    You do have a point.

    A bit more perspective.

    Under the CalTech/MIT rules, once a Magic User cast his one prepared spell, he had to wait a full minute, that is six ten-second combat rounds, before he could cast another spell.  So D&D skirmishes tended to resemble American Football, with all the melees forming a defensive line to protect the Magic User, like a quarter back.

    So when he drew his Soul Stealer, and the defense line parted like the Red Sea to let him through, even Orcs knew that something very bad was about to happen.