Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Feedback from watching new monk video

    • 233 posts
    June 10, 2022 1:45 AM PDT

    This video to be exact,


    Overall a good video, just want to touch on some things.

    1. Please consider removing as much grey as possible from the UI, actionbars all of it, grey isnt a good colour, there is a reason no one has used it since windows 95, it puts the player to sleep.

    2. The writing when mousing over things in the interface or checking buffs seems very small, maybe the actual game is bigger than watching it on youtube fullscreen, but i was squinting my eyes half the time and i have perfect vision:)

    3. That rabbit and the rat seem a bit strong, i get that the character Minus was using was lvl 1 just starting out, but theyre small rodents and he had to eat after every fight.
    I love challenge, i do, but if players need to eat and drink after every fight with a rat...even if its just for the first 10 hours and then you get strong, the drop off of player in that first 10 hours will be huge, gamers just arent like they used to be, after 23 years, ive found time and patience of the average gamer has gone way down and im not saying cater the game to those people, but find a middle ground.

    Maybe have people need to eat after every second rat, because the first one didnt almost kill them, also kinda breaks immersion the thought of a rabbit posing any threat to anyone.

    4.Please dont make us type /sit in order to eat, im not sure if thats what im seeing, but eating food should just automatically make you sit, if needed, trust me on this, nothing wears out faster than novelty, always be thinking  years ahead.

    5.When you open a vendor your bags should automatically open.

    6. The damage and healing numbers should appear at the side, look at the addon for WOW called Mikscrolling battle text
    is the perfect way to display numbers.

    7.The two text boxes in each corner could really be made into one that has multiple tabs, most people arent going to care about the information shown.

    Thats all for now, keep up the good work.

    • 810 posts
    June 10, 2022 5:24 AM PDT

    I would assume most of the UI stuff will be customizable as they have said over and over.  This should resolve 1, 2, and 7 although the defaults should be tweaked eventually. 

    I disagree with your #3.  You are seeing a huge middle ground already compared to other early MMOs.  Difficulty will continue to be tweaked all through alpha and beta, but if this dude was running around slaughtering same level enemies I would lose faith in Pantheons goal of a group focused game.  VR could make rats worth less xp so their level is effectively -4 compared to the lvl 1 start.  VR could also turn rats into stray dogs, boars, fantasy creatures or anything to fit the idea of difficulty you have would work nicely.  I get not wanting to be a mouse slayer.  I too would rather deal with a different verisimilitude at level 1, but combat flow seems fine soloing based on nothing but player level and NPC level.  They say in the video the food is just a passive hp regen.  So you won't be doing the wow trope of eating after every fight to go to full, that said, make bandages great again! 

    4 and 5 are the kind of things I hope they adopt for simple changes to have smoother gameplay. 


    This post was edited by Jobeson at June 10, 2022 5:36 AM PDT
    • 247 posts
    June 10, 2022 6:29 AM PDT

    I think you perhaps misunderstood or didn't clearly hear some of the comments in the video, perhaps you could watch it again.


    UI is still basic design, I believe the grey is also part of it being placeholder and alpha.


    At level 1 in EQ there were plenty of dangerous mobs outside Freeport, Qeynos, Neriak or in the Greater Faydark etc, this is fine, it's a good part of the challenge, some level 1 mobs may be stronger than others!

    It's dangerous out there! Take this!


    Tehom mentioned that you don't need to eat food to gain a short term hp or mana regen buff (like Vanguard). So you won't be eating after every fight.

    Food will give you a long duration buff (you can see it in the corner at 30 mins duration).

    This food buff will augment your regular sitting to regen hp and mana in the example given.


    I'm sure all sorts of different food and drink effects will be available in the released game.


    I don't think bags should automatically open when speaking to a vendor, but a hotbutton to open all bags would be simple to provide.


    Floating text will likely be customiseable, it was very customiseable in EQ2, plus it may be editable with UI add-ons that I believe are still planned to be supported as - by players made for players.

    • 274 posts
    June 10, 2022 7:13 AM PDT

    I'm going to try and be diplomatic about this, but Grimseethe, I see you making posts all over the forums about how such and such thing in Pantheon isn't like World of Warcraft, or needs to be like World of Warcraft, or how World of Warcraft did some thing or another better than anyone else... Dude, Pantheon is not WoW, and it is not intended to be like WoW. World of Warcraft does what it does, and it does what it does well, but what it does needs to stay in World of Warcraft.

    Pantheon is intended to bring back an old-school, pre-WoW, style of MMO gameplay for those of us that grew up playing those types of games where it is possible to die to a level 1 rat. Trying to change the game to be more like World of Warcraft, or integrate systems and features from World of Warcraft into Pantheon is missing the point of why Pantheon exists.

    I hope you get to try Pantheon at some point, and I hope you like it, but please, man, you need to start thinking of Pantheon as its own game, divorced from the current design trends of modern MMOs.

    • 135 posts
    June 10, 2022 7:27 AM PDT

    These are fantasy rodents who know kung fu. They've been watching the monks train their whole lives. Have you never seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

    In all seriousness, go out and box a Jackrabbit and see how that turns out for you.

    • 729 posts
    June 10, 2022 7:32 AM PDT

    Rabbits are notorious killers that eat their own poo.  Please see the critically acclaimed documentary "The Search For the Holy Grail" by the brave team of Pythons. In that factual film there is a clear example of the ferocious nature of rabbits, just look at all the bones! 

    • 3852 posts
    June 10, 2022 7:52 AM PDT

    Rabbits are indeed dangerous. People wear rabbit feet in the hope of getting some of their ferocity. And "hare razing" is a well known phrase in the English language.

    • 233 posts
    June 10, 2022 7:53 AM PDT

    eunichron said:

    I'm going to try and be diplomatic about this, but Grimseethe, I see you making posts all over the forums about how such and such thing in Pantheon isn't like World of Warcraft, or needs to be like World of Warcraft, or how World of Warcraft did some thing or another better than anyone else... Dude, Pantheon is not WoW, and it is not intended to be like WoW. World of Warcraft does what it does, and it does what it does well, but what it does needs to stay in World of Warcraft.

    Pantheon is intended to bring back an old-school, pre-WoW, style of MMO gameplay for those of us that grew up playing those types of games where it is possible to die to a level 1 rat. Trying to change the game to be more like World of Warcraft, or integrate systems and features from World of Warcraft into Pantheon is missing the point of why Pantheon exists.

    I hope you get to try Pantheon at some point, and I hope you like it, but please, man, you need to start thinking of Pantheon as its own game, divorced from the current design trends of modern MMOs.

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    I dont want pantheon to be wow, but when wow does something perfect, or when any MMO does something perfect, devs should take notice.


    I'm so bored, ive always had really high standards and i havent played anything seriously in years.
    New world was beyond garbage, WoW TBC is trash, wotlk will be great but it wont last forever, i need something to play, so if i can give feedback that i know is 100% gold, i will do so.

    • 2419 posts
    June 10, 2022 9:14 AM PDT

    The weighst and intertia of the various movements, both combat and running/sprinting still need work. Everything just seems to have no mass, no intertia.

    • 1860 posts
    June 10, 2022 10:08 AM PDT

    Grimseethe said:

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    I dont want pantheon to be wow, but when wow does something perfect, or when any MMO does something perfect, devs should take notice.


    I'm so bored, ive always had really high standards and i havent played anything seriously in years.
    New world was beyond garbage, WoW TBC is trash, wotlk will be great but it wont last forever, i need something to play, so if i can give feedback that i know is 100% gold, i will do so.

    In eunichrons defense, around here, having 23 years of mmo experience and playing mmorpgs from the beginning is a dime a dozen.  

    You might be surprised how many 30 something year olds claim they have a lot of experience but they were simply in highschool or younger during first gen mmos prime and were not capable of experienceing everything those games had to offer when they were current, so they have a skewed perspective.

    In the real world the difference between someone who is 35 yo and 45 isn't much but as far as mmorpgs, and the way the genre progressed so that 1st gen experience wasn't available later, it is night and day.  

    I'm not saying that is you, I'm just saying this type of thing has come up repeatedly over the years and saying you have 23 years of mmorpg experience doesn't hold as much weight as you seem to be implying.

    This post was edited by philo at June 10, 2022 10:23 AM PDT
    • 1289 posts
    June 10, 2022 10:52 AM PDT

    1. Please consider removing as much grey as possible from the UI, actionbars all of it, grey isnt a good colour, there is a reason no one has used it since windows 95, it puts the player to sleep.

    I actually do like grey quite a bit, must be an opinion thing.  With that said, I do expect plenty of UI improvements all the way through alpha and beta.  I don't like the current ability book and hope it gets a complete overhaul.    

    2. The writing when mousing over things in the interface or checking buffs seems very small, maybe the actual game is bigger than watching it on youtube fullscreen, but i was squinting my eyes half the time and i have perfect vision:)

    I would hope to have many options available for things like UI scale and font sizes, etc.  

    3. That rabbit and the rat seem a bit strong, i get that the character Minus was using was lvl 1 just starting out, but theyre small rodents and he had to eat after every fight.
    I love challenge, i do, but if players need to eat and drink after every fight with a rat...even if its just for the first 10 hours and then you get strong, the drop off of player in that first 10 hours will be huge, gamers just arent like they used to be, after 23 years, ive found time and patience of the average gamer has gone way down and im not saying cater the game to those people, but find a middle ground.

    I really, really, really, do not want a game built for the average gamer.  Otherwise we end up with an average game.


    4.Please dont make us type /sit in order to eat, im not sure if thats what im seeing, but eating food should just automatically make you sit, if needed, trust me on this, nothing wears out faster than novelty, always be thinking  years ahead.

    There are hotkeys for things like that, I'm sure there are people that will use hotkeys and others that will use slash commands.  But yes, definitely agree they need both.

    5.When you open a vendor your bags should automatically open.

    I actually would prefer to not have my bags automatically open.  If I'm buying something from a vendor I do not need to see what's in my bags.  If I'm selling something I only need to see what's in the bag that is holding things I want to sell.  But, hopefully there are good options or hotkeys for this.

    6. The damage and healing numbers should appear at the side, look at the addon for WOW called Mikscrolling battle text
    is the perfect way to display numbers.

    I will certainly turn them off assuming it's an option.  I have played games where you had options for leaving them on AND choosing where/how they show up, that would be ideal for people that like to see them.

    7.The two text boxes in each corner could really be made into one that has multiple tabs, most people arent going to care about the information shown.

    Hopefully we have control over all the text boxes, where they are, what shows up in them, how many there are, font size, font color, etc.

    Disclaimer:  My opinions are only based on 26 years of MMO experience so take them with a grain of salt.  

    • 2752 posts
    June 10, 2022 11:21 AM PDT

    Grimseethe said:

    3. That rabbit and the rat seem a bit strong, i get that the character Minus was using was lvl 1 just starting out, but theyre small rodents and he had to eat after every fight.
    I love challenge, i do, but if players need to eat and drink after every fight with a rat...even if its just for the first 10 hours and then you get strong, the drop off of player in that first 10 hours will be huge, gamers just arent like they used to be, after 23 years, ive found time and patience of the average gamer has gone way down and im not saying cater the game to those people, but find a middle ground.

    Maybe have people need to eat after every second rat, because the first one didnt almost kill them, also kinda breaks immersion the thought of a rabbit posing any threat to anyone.

    There were a few times he fought two in a row.

    And adding to other points above: This sort of thing lends itself to showing benefit of grouping right out the gate. Hardly required at level 1 by any stretch but you can see how it would be immediately advantageous to at least duo with someone. 

    • 2139 posts
    June 10, 2022 2:47 PM PDT

    Most of my feedback on the feedback has already been posted by other responders above, so I'll just add the one thing not touched on.

    Grimseethe said:

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    When I speak it's from over 60 years of experience interacting with human beings of all types. By your professed standards, you should write down this well-meaning, sound advice for future reference:

    "Please try to be less full of yourself"


    Good Luck.


    • 274 posts
    June 10, 2022 2:55 PM PDT

    Grimseethe said:

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    I started with AD&D in 1988. When my family got its first PC in 1992 I moved on to Might and Magic and Ultima. I first played StarMUD in 1994, Ultima Online in 1996. Everquest and Asheron's Call in 1999, and World of Warcraft in 2004 until 2011.

    That puts my total RPG experience at 34 years, digitally at 30 years, and MMO experience at 28 years. I would wager the majority of active users on this forum aren't far off from that level of experience, or that path of progress in discovering online multiplayer games. It doesn't count for much here, and saying something like that really makes you seem obnoxious.

    • 394 posts
    June 10, 2022 3:02 PM PDT

    In my previous life I was a role play master, you're all 100 years too early to challenge me!

    On the internet no one will know that you're a dog.

    • 729 posts
    June 10, 2022 4:25 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    The weighst and intertia of the various movements, both combat and running/sprinting still need work. Everything just seems to have no mass, no intertia.

    I second this:. In fact Vandraad hit on exactly the one thing in that update to cause me to furrow my brow. Lack of inertia. 

     The sprint especially looks like an illusion of movement.  BOTW is the high mark.  Currently the sprint makes me assume Jesse Owens and Usain Bolt had a kid and that kid has places To Go! 

    If it stayed as it is I am happy and will have a great time running here and there.  All this can wait for beta as I'm not really concerned but for feedbacks sake.  

    • 2756 posts
    June 11, 2022 4:02 AM PDT

    Grimseethe said:

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    I dont want pantheon to be wow, but when wow does something perfect, or when any MMO does something perfect, devs should take notice.

    I'm so bored, ive always had really high standards and i havent played anything seriously in years.

    New world was beyond garbage, WoW TBC is trash, wotlk will be great but it wont last forever, i need something to play, so if i can give feedback that i know is 100% gold, i will do so.

    EDIT: Re-reading my post I realise it may come off as opinionated and judgemetal (and a slagging off of WoW hehe). As always I think I mean to help spead understanding - well I *do* mean to - but I realise it may not come off that way. So, I'll say "sorry" here, if it seems 'off', but I'll post it anyway!

    So, some of the devs, Minus especially, I believe, played WoW a lot. There are a few WoW fans in the team and they are fans drawing inspiration from many other games besides (Joppa frequently mentions Zelda :). I believe they know very well the strong and weak points of WoW.

    The original vision for Pantheon, though, and the overriding reason a lot (most?) people here are backers is the foundational involvement of Brad McQuaid and the firmly expressed desire for Pantheon to harken back to 'lost ideals' of games like Everquest and Vanguard. Even of MUDs. Brad expressed a few regrets of the way Everquest moved the genre from some of its multi-user dungeon inspiration.

    This vision has not changed, and another big reason many backers are here is that resolution to not change the vision. To stick to something some have called 'niche' but we know will actually be very broadly popular, because it is, essentially, a great idea. Estimates are there is already enough of an audience for the project to survive and we can be sure there will be many more players than that. The original backers will be a minority, but happy in the knowledge it is what made them a 'niche' audience that is driving what makes Pantheon great.

    I would have thought if you were into MMOs and RPGs for 23 years - since 1999 - you would have played Everquest and maybe Vanguard extensively. If you didn't, I wonder why and, I really don't mean to be disparaging of your opinions or sound elitist or whatever, but maybe you don't 'get' the old-school MMO vibe and that's why you're eliciting some animosity? EQ and VG really were very different to descendants like WoW.

    WoW is a slick and accessible game. I played it for years. It was fun. I also carried on playing EQ and EQ2 though and WoW was a very different experience. It's a bit like comparing a Tolkien novel and the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon series. I loved the D&D cartoons, but... you know... they just aren't on the same plane of existence when it comes to an immersive and meaningful experience.

    That's perhaps an exaggeration, but hopefully you get what I'm aiming at. WoW is very well appreciated as a rollercoaster themepark kinda game, whereas EQ and the like were appreciated as virtual worlds.

    Another aspect is that WoW and subsequent MMORPGs, in the experience and opinion of many old school gamers, are greatly responsible for what might be described as 'the downfall of the genre'. It's somewhat subjective of course, because it depends what you want from the genre, but surely anyone might appreciate that an "MMO" should primarily focus on multi-player interaction and an "RPG" should focus on immersion. WoW and the like moved more and more toward soloing and 'gamifying' of MMORPGs with every release. That is almost objectively moving away fundamentally from what the genre is defined as and certainly used to be.

    The evolution of the genre was most often based in 'quality of life' 'improvements' and WoW was a trailblazer in this regard, but with every one, slowly but surely they moved further away from what MMORPGs were. Not everything was a bad idea, sure, but the transverse was more often true, if you are an old-school gamer. Even the stuff WoW 'did best' is often the stuff that 'ruined' it as an MMORPG.

    I always look at the Pantheon website front page when I want a reminder - I looked just now: Community, Challenge, Discovery. That does not mean soloing, quest hubs and dungeon teleporters.

    "feedback that i know is 100% gold". Hehe sorry but I had to laugh. Even those of us that are extremely happy with the tenets and vision and development so far of Pantheon and almost feel Pantheon is pretty much being developed 'just for us' know that our opinions are still often personal, subjective and not "100% gold".

    "wotlk will be great" Again, sorry, I had to laugh. Subjective opinion, I know, but Wrath of the Lich King was when WoW truly lost its way. Dungeon finder speed runs became the norm. Community feeling disappeared almost completely largely replaced by toxicity. That you appear to think the best era of WoW is something I feel was its ruination is a great example of where/when posters like us should realise that neither of us is 'right' or 'correct' hehe.
    But to continue my opinion... WoW was its own worst enemy. Some great content and gameplay mechanics ruined by 'QoL' features that destroyed the whole meaning of "MMO" and "RPG" and turned it into any other mass market game.

    Disclaimer: I want to repeat: WoW was and is a 'good game'. I got fed up with it as it became something I didn't enjoy, but I did enjoy it for a long time. But I also play Battlefield and wouldn't say that is a good MMORPG either hehe. WoW simply started as a fun themepark rollercoster version of an MMORPG and became something over the years that was even less like the wonderful fantasy world of adventure that an MMORPG could (should) be. In my not-so-humble opinion.

    I read this through one more time and wonder if there shouldn't be a new genre invented so as to avoid argument and confusion. Maybe "Modern MMORPG" should be recognised as different to "MMORPG", just like many words appear to be used these days to mean things they really do not.

    I guess the problem is the changes to the genre were gradual and sometimes the effects unrealised until later. Also marketing a game as "not really an MMORPG, but kinda" doesn't ring well hehe.

    I think maybe we should use the phrase "Old School MMORPG" when we actually want "MMORPG" to mean "Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game". It doesn't seem to quite mean that anymore, anyway.

    • 729 posts
    June 11, 2022 4:08 AM PDT

    Some thoughts:

    - I think the pacing of the fights looked good, and yeah, while you can argue about "why does a rat/rabbit do so much damage", these are opponents the same level as you. They SHOULD hurt a bit :)

    - I like how the combat animations. They may not be 100% yet but they look pretty good already IMO.

    - I understand that the UI is still in "greyboxed" mode so it's not what we will see in the finished game. That said, I don't mind the "simple", grey look.

    - The plan for lvl 1-10 sounds good (and familiar from EQ): Some soloing first, but you learn early on that duoing/partying is faster/more effective.

    - When opening a merchant window, the inventory (character sheet, not neccessarily the bags) should open automatically. Or the merchant window should display somewhere how much money my character has available

    - Looking forward to seeing more classes!

    • 2756 posts
    June 11, 2022 4:32 AM PDT

    To get back to the OP though:

    Like the race-class changes. Was bound to change as lore/narrative got fleshed out and they make sense and are genuinely interesting.

    Monty Python killer rabbits! Bunny Kick for 12! I chuckled. Though I'm not sure...

    VR coming up with (or perhaps rather getting around to revealing) things like increasing returns for resting and Techniques based on Readiness is great.
    These kind of concepts are excellent and show the team's constant focus on meaningful, deep mechanics.
    The more I hear the more happy I am that VR are really thinking things through and are producing a well-rounded, interesting, challenging game.
    Love the concentration on tactical pace and decisions even when it comes to something as simplistic as sitting down!

    I found even watching the combat, when Tehom was there too, was interesting enough that I had to rewind and listen again to what Tehom was saying :) Several times!
    Hehe and now I've got to the bit where the devs themselves were doing that!
    I so can't wait to get into a group in Terminus again!

    Loving how dark it was at night! Makes use of torches so moody and good!
    Couldn't see the Skeleton-light effecting nearby environment though? That would be so cool.

    Re. hit animation and contact: Please don't worry about it, VR! This is not an action game (and even in action games it's hard to get that to work reliably!)
    We know (or should do) what we see is only analagous to actual combat movements. The reality would be wildly different and to attempt to reproduce that would be wasted effort and a folly.
    Animations should be cues and telepgraphs and sensibly useful.

    Re. Grouping vs soloing and difficulty: Good to here that grouping will be encouraged early. I think an important thing is that it's not just about difficulty and efficiency, but that duoing, trioing, grouping should be more interesting and fun. VR seem to be doing good things to make this so beyond the usual synergies of role interdependancy, but with group members setting and using states and the like. Also, it seems there are perhaps fewer artificial barriers like level difference resistences stopping groups from taking on higher level challenges. Literally the more the merrier!

    Re. Keeper combat ability: I like the approach in general. Not being a keeper doesn't exclude you, but being a Keeper will see you better informed about what you can and are doing.
    Non-keepers will perhaps unknowingly 'fall into it', but still *do* the same content.

    Floating numbers: As long as it's editable/toggleable, I'm good with it. I actually didn't mind it as much as I thought, but I would probably turn it off hehe.
    I'm assuming there's a lot of things like the casting bar info that won't be in the final game ;) Though some kind of cue so you can work out when to interrupt, for example, would be good, having something that explicit must be for testing. Something more subtle would be good, though yeah perhaps a Keeper would get more info?...

    Overall: It's always great to see the devs talk so passionately and knowledgably. More please!

    • 2756 posts
    June 11, 2022 6:34 AM PDT

    eunichron said:

    Grimseethe said:

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    I started with AD&D in 1988. When my family got its first PC in 1992 I moved on to Might and Magic and Ultima. I first played StarMUD in 1994, Ultima Online in 1996. Everquest and Asheron's Call in 1999, and World of Warcraft in 2004 until 2011.

    That puts my total RPG experience at 34 years, digitally at 30 years, and MMO experience at 28 years. I would wager the majority of active users on this forum aren't far off from that level of experience, or that path of progress in discovering online multiplayer games. It doesn't count for much here, and saying something like that really makes you seem obnoxious.

    Hehe yeah I started with Tunnels and Trolls around 1982 I think. Then D&D and then AD&D. Then as a Computer Science student I got access to various things like mainframe MUDs (a friend wrote a MUD as their final year practical), Wizardry and eventually my own PC with Ultima.

    Of course Everquest in 1999 was 'the big one', then EQ2, and then various others over the years.

    I do understand Grimseethe's comment, though. No one with many years playing MMOs and RPGs should be 'ignored', but also it needs to be realised that the Pantheon vision and tenets are quite particular and an intentional change/reversal from the direction modern MMORPGs have taken the genre, so any comments should and will, of course, be viewed in that context.

    What makes modern MMORPGs what they are is quite often going to be the opposite of the direction Pantheon will take.

    And whilst there is nothing 'wrong' with modern MMORPGs (though it is odd that multi-player interaction and immersive playing isn't a focus) many people are desperate for the return to an old school style social, challenging, immersive MMORPG that Pantheon will bring and, so, comments suggesting modern MMORPG features are good are often going to meet with... opposition.

    • 4 posts
    June 11, 2022 8:03 AM PDT

    eunichron said:

    Grimseethe said:

    When i speak its from 23 years experience playing almost nothing but MMOs and RPGs, you dont ignore someone like that when they speak, you start writing stuff down.

    I started with AD&D in 1988. When my family got its first PC in 1992 I moved on to Might and Magic and Ultima. I first played StarMUD in 1994, Ultima Online in 1996. Everquest and Asheron's Call in 1999, and World of Warcraft in 2004 until 2011.

    That puts my total RPG experience at 34 years, digitally at 30 years, and MMO experience at 28 years. I would wager the majority of active users on this forum aren't far off from that level of experience, or that path of progress in discovering online multiplayer games. It doesn't count for much here, and saying something like that really makes you seem obnoxious.


    I say this not as 'one up manship' but as in total agreement with you. I started D&D when it was just 3 little pamphlets. I cut my teeth on the Apple IIE and the TRS80. I've been doing this thing awhile.


    I don't speak up much about what I would like to specifically see in the game because despite having over 4 decades of gaming experience I am no game dev and I realize the devs of this game have a specific vision for it. I intend to be a full on healing Cleric. Healing is what I do. I rather liked how WOW did a lot of stuff over EQ/EQ2 because sitting during the bulk of combat really doesn't engage me. I would hope all classes are more dynamic then to have to sit on a log between tasks. But this game isn't WOW...but it isn't EQ either. I'm quite willing to wait and see what the devs do before commenting, knowing quite well I won't like every thing. (There was so much I disliked about WOW but it was my main game for years). 


    To me Pantheon won't be ended if all of the combat/healing/etc mechanics aren't to my liking. 100% they won't be. It will be the game as a whole and the community that makes or breaks it. 


    Having said all of that can I please get auto run and be able to navigate as in WOW. I loved the WOW movement scheme. :D

    • 274 posts
    June 11, 2022 10:26 AM PDT

    Troicheil said:

    ..this game isn't WOW...but it isn't EQ either.

    This here is key. For everyone that would like to see Pantheon be another WoW clone, there's probably more that want it to be a 1:1 copy of EQ. I've said it before, and I'll say it again now, the only way to ensure Pantheon's failure is to release it as a clone of EverQuest, or Vanguard, or any other MMO. If it's going to succeed, regardless of your measure of success, it needs to be able to stand on its own legs and be its own distinct experience.

    Of course, it's fine to take inspiration from systems in other games that have proven to work, but if the game is just another WoW clone, it will end up in the bin with the rest of them. If it's an EQ clone, it will be forgotten before it even has a chance. The reason this is the first and only crowd-funded game I have pledged to is because VR has shown that they don't just want to make an EQ/VG clone, but they want to take proven design elements and proven systems, and integrate them in a way to make a new and unique experience that has been missing from the genre for a couple decades. There's any number of new and upcoming MMOs that claim to do the same, but Pantheon is the only one that I think has the right devs behind it to deliver on that promise.

    • 31 posts
    June 11, 2022 12:50 PM PDT

    eunichron said:

    Troicheil said:

    ..this game isn't WOW...but it isn't EQ either.

    This here is key. For everyone that would like to see Pantheon be another WoW clone, there's probably more that want it to be a 1:1 copy of EQ. I've said it before, and I'll say it again now, the only way to ensure Pantheon's failure is to release it as a clone of EverQuest, or Vanguard, or any other MMO. If it's going to succeed, regardless of your measure of success, it needs to be able to stand on its own legs and be its own distinct experience.

    Of course, it's fine to take inspiration from systems in other games that have proven to work, but if the game is just another WoW clone, it will end up in the bin with the rest of them. If it's an EQ clone, it will be forgotten before it even has a chance. The reason this is the first and only crowd-funded game I have pledged to is because VR has shown that they don't just want to make an EQ/VG clone, but they want to take proven design elements and proven systems, and integrate them in a way to make a new and unique experience that has been missing from the genre for a couple decades. There's any number of new and upcoming MMOs that claim to do the same, but Pantheon is the only one that I think has the right devs behind it to deliver on that promise.

    Totally agree except for the part where you say "the only way to ensure Pantheon's failure is to release it as a clone of EverQuest, or Vanguard, or any other MMO." It's a sure-fire way to ensure Pan,theon's failure but there are many other ways to doom a mmo and Pantheon is no exception but as long as they keep to the tenets it should be fine.

    • 454 posts
    June 11, 2022 1:15 PM PDT


    I have to say I was very impressed with the Monk stream.  I thought VR listened to the feedback they have received while remaining true to their tenants.  I am glad to hear VR is taking a slightly slower pace on combat, allowing some down time for socializing, especially between fights.  That reminds me vey much of early UO and EQ.
     I really liked the initial takes on Monk combat.  The combat moves shown are good.  While I understand the idea of fighting rabbits might seem unworthy of my efforts to fight, irl my chance to kill a bunny with a bow staff would be nil.  
    I do agree with Disposalist.  I don't feel the need to quote all his stuff.

    FWIW, I have been playing computer games since I had access to the University's main frame in the 70s, and mmorpgs since UO in 1997.

    • 161 posts
    June 11, 2022 1:32 PM PDT

    eunichron said:

    I started with AD&D in 1988. When my family got its first PC in 1992 I moved on to Might and Magic and Ultima. I first played StarMUD in 1994, Ultima Online in 1996. Everquest and Asheron's Call in 1999, and World of Warcraft in 2004 until 2011.

    That puts my total RPG experience at 34 years, digitally at 30 years, and MMO experience at 28 years. I would wager the majority of active users on this forum aren't far off from that level of experiences.

    Kids these days! I started playing OD&D in 1976, and CalTech/MIT D&D shortly thereafter, distributed on the ARPANET, rules chain printed in all caps on green and white striped paper with guide holes on each side.

    Percentile die combat with differentiated weapon and armor types and the first mana system. Critical hits, fumbles, dodging and parrying. An online campaign world, an entire Planet, pole to pole done in 5 mile hexes, shared by dozens of face to face DMs uploading session results, with ecological updates. Killed a dragon, eh? So who moves in?

    I did find the combat shown in the video paced well for my preference. I don't want combat to be a fireworks display like Final Fantasy XIV.

    I am feeling more optimistic


    This post was edited by Balanz at June 11, 2022 1:38 PM PDT