Forums » Pantheon Races

Just for fun Race concepts...

    • 2 posts
    May 10, 2022 9:21 PM PDT

    Here is my silly suggestion for a new race.



    Dwellers are a Golblin like race with showlike skin and blood color like hair. They are known for their impressive dexarity, cunning and ambushing. They live in a tribal like cultire deep within the mountains or barrows. They can see very will in the dark, but weak in the light. When they are on the surfice they suffer some Stamina and Mana lost, but do gain it back during night time or underground. Some say the reason for their blood color hair is they dip them in the blood of their defeated enemies.


    Zanders are a lizard like race with a head of a frong and an body of a humanoid lizard who live in the deepest swamps. They are good hunters and immune to toxins/poisons. They have a vemom sack under their jaws to spit out a line of poison to stun and poison their enimes. They ahve good swimming speed and hld their breath underwaters longer than any nonaquadic race. Zandes are more of a nomadic type culture



    • 326 posts
    May 11, 2022 2:15 PM PDT


    The more ideas bandied about the better. 

    • 947 posts
    May 12, 2022 9:06 AM PDT

    I'm curious to see what they come up with for new race ideas.  I'm really expecting some kind of dragon lineage, halfblood decsendants/followers that will come to Terminus to prepare for Rok’Nhilthamos' retrun.  I also foresee a new class(es) with that expansion (to include a class more akin to the Shadow Knight... but maybe called Dragon Knight or something).  I think both of those would be wildly popular.

    • 74 posts
    May 18, 2022 8:36 AM PDT

    Honestly I just want goblins, but not coming from the current ones on Terminus. I like the idea that while there are already goblins as mobs in the game, the universe is a big place, and there's bound to be other goblins on other worlds that found their way to Terminus. A clannish, collectivist, and eminently practical race, these goblins were once members of a great and glorious empire, but are now reduced to scavangers treated almost like vermin by the majority of other nations for their similarities to whatever common goblins/mobs are already extant. This has influenced their culture to a great extent, and has made staying under the radar a particularly strong value in their culture. In fact, until recently (ie: whenever they would get introduced), the few examples of this isolated people were considered by many to be no different from the various other greenskins. It doesn't help that they have been pushed to fairly unhinhabitable areas, where they are prey as often as anything else.

    As a result of their empire's collape, the fleeing to terminus, and the treatment received, they are a fatalistic people, but with a sort of aggresively grim optimism. A goblin's lot in life is to die, probably badly, but hey, it could be worse! Things could be on fire! They're highly adaptable, with a focus on using their wiles and cunning over their (relatively lacking) brute strength. If we're introducing new classes, I would say that having an Alchemist/Concocter would be a neat thing that they bring to the table.

    If anybody has read The Wandering Inn, or read the Pathfinder goblin lore, I would like a kind of fusion between the two representations of goblins in those works. Less on the "maliciously evil" side, but not a "good" people.