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Community Debate - Transmog systems

    • 256 posts
    February 25, 2022 12:43 AM PST

    I think that transmog systems are ok. I think they give players something to do in their downtime and give them a reason to go back and collect items from older content. The only time I think transmog systems negatively impact the game is in PvP scenarios when you NEED to know what someone else is wearing in order to be effective, otherwise, I don't think there is any harm in allowing players to have armor customization options. 

    With that being said, I don't necessarily think Pantheon needs a transmog system right out of the gate. I think if one is being planned for the future then there needs to be an appearance collection tab implemented right out of the gate. One of the biggest issues with implementing transmog systems later are items that are no longer obtainable. An appearance collection tab very early in the game's life helps negate the frustration of certain items that are no longer in the game but are iconic to the player's experience. 


    This post was edited by FatedEmperor at February 25, 2022 12:46 AM PST
    • 2756 posts
    February 25, 2022 2:36 AM PST

    I think, as predicted, some people are commenting related to Transmog systems they have seen before in other games, not how they might be best done in a game like Pantheon.

    It's such an emotive subject because there appears to be such misunderstanding that player agency and portraying ones character in a role-playing game is fundamental to some and seemingly secondary or  even unimportant to others.

    To help clear up one thing: The prestige and meaning of gear could be *enhanced* by a Transmog system that uses in-game adventuring gear only, not damaged.

    There is no reason to assume the items used for their look would be any less difficult to earn. There would be no items only existing for their look, there would just be stat gear, as normal, but simply an option to override the look of one with the look of another, consuming one in the process. The item being shown might be the more prestigeous and difficult to earn than the stat gear, it might not, but on average it should be no different.

    Effectively, someone using transmog has achieved at least twice the prestige that another player has, because they have adventured for two pieces of gear, at least, for each slot. One for the ideal stats and one for the ideal look.

    The only argument I can really understand for not wanting transmog is those that insist they must be able to tell exactly what people are wearing at a glance, for some reason. I understand it, but I still don't get why anyone thinks that it is necessary (when not in PvP) or some kind of 'right' (so you can 'judge' other players?), but /inspect is a normal option if you really must know. Or, you know, ask? Or trust that people have adequate gear for what you are all about to encounter?

    But this argument has been had many times... It often comes down to "I prefer this" and "what I want is right" and is hard to discuss when some won't even consider that to gut the system, with a toggle, for example (that means someone using a system to curate what they look like has no control over what they look like) makes it pretty much pointless.

    This post was edited by disposalist at February 25, 2022 2:55 AM PST
    • 274 posts
    February 25, 2022 5:19 AM PST

    disposalist said:

    The only argument I can really understand for not wanting transmog is those that insist they must be able to tell exactly what people are wearing at a glance, for some reason. I understand it, but I still don't get why anyone thinks that it is necessary (when not in PvP) or some kind of 'right' (so you can 'judge' other players?), but /inspect is a normal option if you really must know. Or, you know, ask? Or trust that people have adequate gear for what you are all about to encounter?

    Ostensibly the premise of MMOs is to progress your character power, traditionally by investing time. Competition is a part of that progression, whether it's PVE or PVP, but I will speak directly to PVE, since that is what primarily concerns Pantheon. Competing for resources (i.e. dungeon clears and boss kills) is what adds gravitas to player interactions and the world. Players gauge their accomplishments by comparing themselves to others in game, that's just a natural aspect of competition. When a system like transmog negates that, it doesn't necessarily diminish the accomplishments of players, but it does negate those aspects of competition and player progression that lend meaning and purpose to player interaction, both with each other and the game world.

    I'm all for players being able to express themselves by modifying their gear in some way, but transmog does have a tangible impact on the game and gameplay. In my opinion it has no place in a game which the primary focus is PVE and PVE accomplishment.

    This post was edited by eunichron at February 25, 2022 5:20 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    February 25, 2022 6:35 AM PST

    " A toggle just makes transmog worthless."


    This is self-evidently untrue. If you get to see yourself as you like that is a benefit. If people that want to see you can see you as you like that is a benefit. All a toggle system takes away is your ability to force other people to see something that is not actually there.

    • 3237 posts
    February 25, 2022 7:22 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    " A toggle just makes transmog worthless."


    This is self-evidently untrue. If you get to see yourself as you like that is a benefit. If people that want to see you can see you as you like that is a benefit. All a toggle system takes away is your ability to force other people to see something that is not actually there.

    For people who mostly care about agency and self-expression in a shared/virtual world, specifically as it relates to this topic, a toggle would indeed make the system pointless.  Imagine if our real-life efforts to make ourselves presentable were self-only and other people could simply toggle the effects of.  The beauty/clothing/fashion markets would implode.  VR has always taken their world/lore connections between everything very seriously and have gone on record multiple times that doing so is at the heart of many of the things they do.  Assuming that we had a lore-friendly system implemented where appearance-alteration was aligned with thematic world/character consistency, the argument that the 'appearance' isn't actually there wouldn't really be accurate.  As an example ... enchanters will be able to 'change the appearance' of themselves and others through illusion-based spells.  That illusion is actually there.  As such, it wouldn't make sense that players would simply be able to toggle it off.  An appearance system should be no different.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at February 25, 2022 7:30 AM PST
    • 2756 posts
    February 25, 2022 8:31 AM PST

    eunichron said:

    disposalist said:

    The only argument I can really understand for not wanting transmog is those that insist they must be able to tell exactly what people are wearing at a glance, for some reason. I understand it, but I still don't get why anyone thinks that it is necessary (when not in PvP) or some kind of 'right' (so you can 'judge' other players?), but /inspect is a normal option if you really must know. Or, you know, ask? Or trust that people have adequate gear for what you are all about to encounter?

    Ostensibly the premise of MMOs is to progress your character power, traditionally by investing time. Competition is a part of that progression, whether it's PVE or PVP, but I will speak directly to PVE, since that is what primarily concerns Pantheon. Competing for resources (i.e. dungeon clears and boss kills) is what adds gravitas to player interactions and the world. Players gauge their accomplishments by comparing themselves to others in game, that's just a natural aspect of competition. When a system like transmog negates that, it doesn't necessarily diminish the accomplishments of players, but it does negate those aspects of competition and player progression that lend meaning and purpose to player interaction, both with each other and the game world.

    I'm all for players being able to express themselves by modifying their gear in some way, but transmog does have a tangible impact on the game and gameplay. In my opinion it has no place in a game which the primary focus is PVE and PVE accomplishment.

    "When a system like transmog negates that"

    But it doesn't. An appearance item is what you see and there's no reason that appearance items should be easier to gain, because, in a good transmog system, they are the same in-game normal stat items everyone seeks, as I explained in my post.

    I don't really agree that MMORPG progression is measured in competition (It's primarily a co-op experience. I don't care in the least about what I accomplish compared to others. I'm not there to 'beat' other players, I'm there to beat monsters *with* other players), but even if it did, as I further explained before, hunting transmog items *and* stat items increases the amount of adventuring needed to outfit yourself and, so, increases the amount you are competing and, thus, *adds* to the prestige of your gear.

    "Wow that breastplate looks awesome! Where did you get it?"

    "It's actually just a crafted steel breastplate - I need the stamina stat - but I spent the whole of last week hunting the Fire Wyvern in the Wild Volcano to get this look for it"

    "Nice! I wondered why most warriors look so plain and you didn't. What were the stats on the Fire Wyvern BP?"

    "Mostly Dexterity and Strength. That might be good for you as it is? Shall we spend next week getting you one?"

    "Nah I don't have the time for that, but well done you. Maybe get another and sell me it, next time? Hehe!"

    "You can maybe buy one in the city, but they are very expensive, since they are very tough to get and, of course, are a popular look"

    "No! Those are very expensive! And you sacrificed it to get the look? Wow! You must have way more gold than me!"

    As I say. If you are a competitive type, having gear that represents earning both desirable stat *and* desirable appearance items has *more* prestige.

    • 2756 posts
    February 25, 2022 8:52 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    " A toggle just makes transmog worthless."

    This is self-evidently untrue. If you get to see yourself as you like that is a benefit. If people that want to see you can see you as you like that is a benefit. All a toggle system takes away is your ability to force other people to see something that is not actually there.

    I think maybe part of the issue is this "not actually there" concept.

    If transmog is done how I want it to be, it will be a crafting process involving a combination of transformation magic and re-working of an item based on another. Both the 'appearance' item and the 'stats' item will be consumed - made one - in the process.

    The result is an item that is a combination of the two.

    How is seeing this item "to see something that is not actually there"?

    Actually, if you somehow see the 'old' pre-transmog item, you are seeing something that is not there.

    Also, if there's a toggle, then some people will see one thing and some another, which is confusing nonsense, but somehow, to some people, is more sensible than seeing the transmogged item, which *is* what is actually there now? Weird.

    As I've said in other posts, I understand the arguments against, but I believe transmog done something how I describe it, resolves those arguments.

    Want to lust after items that have prestige? Done right, transmog gives *more* prestige, not less.

    Want to know the stats on an item? /inspect. Or ask. Or just stop obsessing about other peoples' stats.

    This post was edited by disposalist at February 25, 2022 8:53 AM PST
    • 2109 posts
    February 25, 2022 9:43 AM PST

    There is a period that kids go thru, early on. Starts somewhere around 4-5 yrs old. Where you can watch them playing in their home, and will hear the kids constantly saying "Look at me ride my bike, Mommy" or "Daddy, come watch me play". It doesn't matter what they're doing, only that Mommy/Daddy WATCH them doing it.

    We're supposed to grow out of that. We're supposed to figure out what things please ourselves, and then do them BECAUSE those things please us - not because we need constant approval or attention from those around us. There are more cliches, old sayings and even song lyrics about this - "You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself" - than one can count. All trying to teach us this lesson. Hard to belive so many people don't seem to learn this.

    Offer to let players change their ingame appearance - something not necessarily available in every game - and you'd expect to hear "Oh cool, I'm gonna make my character look exactly the way I'VE always wanted him to look!" Instead, the first thing we hear is "if everybody in the game can't see the really cool stuff I choose to wear, then it's just like I have to wear sackcloth & ashes all the time and there's just no point in even trying to look nice for myself and my friends".

    Do players actually expect to be receiving compliments everywhere they go? Do they expect to get lots of /tells from strangers who saw them at the vendor and just HAVE to compliment their sartorial selection? Apparently, having a guild with hundreds of friends in it who prefer the 'cosmetic view', with many offering daily compliments on one's wardrobe, just isn't enough for some. Having just one person on the entire server not caring to view their stylistic choices will somehow suck all the joy out of the Game and totally ruin Pantheon: Rise of the Fashionable for them.

    Give me a break!

    This post was edited by Jothany at February 25, 2022 10:06 AM PST
    • 500 posts
    February 25, 2022 10:25 AM PST

    Feyshtey said:

    In general, not a fan of transmog. I much prefer to know what a player is wearing by sight. 

    I understand the desire. Sometimes there's that piece of gear that just looks odd, or out of place with the rest of your setup. But it bothers me when someone appears completely different from head to toe from their actual inventory. Not to mention that it detracts from those moments when you see someone who has actually completed a full set of a particular gear. It stands out when its rare. Its hardly noticeable when most people look like they have a tailored look. 

    At minimum if transmog is used, please give the option for me to turn it off for everyone I see. 


    ^ What he said!

    • 2756 posts
    February 25, 2022 10:43 AM PST

    Jothany said:

    There is a period that kids go thru...

    I can't believe I'm about to try and explain this, but here we go...

    In real life most people care about how they look. Yes, to others. They care about how they are perceived from others. You find that even people who claim they don't care will dress intentionally to *display* how little they care.

    Lots of people truly just dress almost exclusively for function and comfort. I am one of those people, actually.

    But we are talking about A GAME. A fantasy game, too. A fantasy ROLE-PLAYING game, no less. In these games, people, even those who in real life don't 'dress up', in fact *especially* those that in real life don't dress up, like to play (role-play!) heros that *are* impressive to others and, yes, a huge part of that impression is how they look.

    Do we want to play a knight in jeans and t-shirt? No, we want to play a knight in shining armor.

    Honestly, if you don't understand that, in a role-playing game especially, never mind in real life, people like to decide what they look like to others, then it's hard to discuss transmog at all, no?

    In theatre, films and, yes, games, millions of dollars go into just the character visuals. The perception of the characters is perhaps *the* most important thing. The 'costuming' is meticulous. But, we shouldn't have any say in that ourselves, no... In a game in which we decide everything else about our characters and directly control our characters, being particular over our appearance is childish and silly. Right...

    It's not hurt feelings. It's not childishness. It is simple reason. If they bother to develop a system allowing player choice over how they look and then make it so 99%? 1%? 50% (The fact that you will never know who or how many actually makes it worse) don't even see how they look, then, yeah, it's not worth the effort.

    Yes, when the whole point is to give players control over how others see you, to take away control over how others see you makes it pointless, lol.

    • 413 posts
    February 25, 2022 10:55 AM PST

    I am not a fan of Transmog.  Earn your gear, let it reflect your class, race and where you have adventured in the world.

    There is a caveat though;  Player Interdependence and the abilty for a crafter to modify the armor and/or equipment.

    When the piece is inspected, it say  "Modified by Name of Crafter"  then it needs to be realistic color scheme and not break emmersion.

    But honestly this Transmog is Cash shop garbage.  I dislike Free to Play and Play to win.  I Dislike like the idea of bending over backwards for QoL things that detract from Tennets of the game.  And I will be investing a modest ammount of game time each week.



    If you need more money for funding and profits then create a monthly sub and then another Sub for future expansions.   I know Ben D. mention the C "Cash Shops" word in a stream as still a possibilty.  he also said "Train them if you don't like them.  Sell exportable NFT's as another revenue channel.  Just do your best to not destroy the game before it launches.


    This post was edited by Zevlin at February 25, 2022 10:58 AM PST
    • 413 posts
    February 25, 2022 11:23 AM PST

    disposalist said:

    Jothany said:

    There is a period that kids go thru...

    I can't believe I'm about to try and explain this, but here we go...

    In real life most people care about how they look. Yes, to others. They care about how they are perceived from others. You find that even people who claim they don't care will dress intentionally to *display* how little they care.

    Lots of people truly just dress almost exclusively for function and comfort. I am one of those people, actually.

    But we are talking about A GAME. A fantasy game, too. A fantasy ROLE-PLAYING game, no less. In these games, people, even those who in real life don't 'dress up', in fact *especially* those that in real life don't dress up, like to play (role-play!) heros that *are* impressive to others and, yes, a huge part of that impression is how they look.

    Do we want to play a knight in jeans and t-shirt? No, we want to play a knight in shining armor.

    Honestly, if you don't understand that, in a role-playing game especially, never mind in real life, people like to decide what they look like to others, then it's hard to discuss transmog at all, no?

    In theatre, films and, yes, games, millions of dollars go into just the character visuals. The perception of the characters is perhaps *the* most important thing. The 'costuming' is meticulous. But, we shouldn't have any say in that ourselves, no... In a game in which we decide everything else about our characters and directly control our characters, being particular over our appearance is childish and silly. Right...

    It's not hurt feelings. It's not childishness. It is simple reason. If they bother to develop a system allowing player choice over how they look and then make it so 99%? 1%? 50% (The fact that you will never know who or how many actually makes it worse) don't even see how they look, then, yeah, it's not worth the effort.

    Yes, when the whole point is to give players control over how others see you, to take away control over how others see you makes it pointless, lol.

    I totally feel you.  Yes we are role-playing and want to be that knight in shining armor.  But knights in shining armor usually have to slay the dragon first,  then the King rewards them with the shining armor.

    Lets, say "Vandraad" spends a month trying to defeat the dragon,  he busted his butt and gained 10 lbs eating hot pockets and gulping down energy drinks.  But now he has the armor.

    He is standing in the town square for all to see.  he looks awesome! People are bowing, waving and inspecting him... But then some Transmog guy comes by and his armor looks totally cool too, but bought it for $4.99, but did nothing, actually the dragon owned the cash shop and he got richer.

    Vandraad acomblishments are devalued and he say's "you know what.. screw this game. because it just does not matter,  you don't have to put the work in, because everybody gets a trophy."  He just quits playing.  which sucks, because now there is no one to kill the dragon.

    One idea to meet in the middle --- Like only being able to modify armor you have earned, and then earned the right to modify it with paying a crafter in currency and materials

    I think VR has some good ideas in the pipe for modifing armor and weapons.  they should chime in with their thoughts, since they created the thread.  beans, we want beans.

    This post was edited by Zevlin at February 25, 2022 11:32 AM PST
    • 3237 posts
    February 25, 2022 11:43 AM PST

    It's too bad that people feel compelled to talk about transmog, a unique appearance system built exclusively for WoW that sells full sets of cosmetic armor right out of their cash shop, thus giving legitimacy to posts like the one above.  I wonder if we'll get to talk about Pokemon systems when a thread about summoner pets comes up!?

    This post was edited by oneADseven at February 25, 2022 11:44 AM PST
    • 258 posts
    February 25, 2022 12:53 PM PST

    I think as such systems as transmogs go, it's nice to have but it really isn't necessary to have as it adds on to the pile of server / technical issues. I'm okay either way if there is or isn't transmogs in the game but if there isn't... at least make the gear stand out some, @VR? >:) No video game out there has done this efficiently and I'm hoping this game has at least something to look forward to, when it comes to this type of system.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at February 25, 2022 12:53 PM PST
    • 258 posts
    February 25, 2022 12:56 PM PST

    oneADseven said:

    It's too bad that people feel compelled to talk about transmog, a unique appearance system built exclusively for WoW that sells full sets of cosmetic armor right out of their cash shop, thus giving legitimacy to posts like the one above.  I wonder if we'll get to talk about Pokemon systems when a thread about summoner pets comes up!?


    Not sure which transmogs sets you talking about besides the couple transmogs they have for sale on the marketplace. I do know WoW is known to have the ability to get transmogs off any new apperanace in the game for its' type content.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at February 25, 2022 1:05 PM PST
    • 2752 posts
    February 25, 2022 1:21 PM PST

    disposalist said:

    It's not hurt feelings. It's not childishness. It is simple reason. If they bother to develop a system allowing player choice over how they look and then make it so 99%? 1%? 50% (The fact that you will never know who or how many actually makes it worse) don't even see how they look, then, yeah, it's not worth the effort.

    Yes, when the whole point is to give players control over how others see you, to take away control over how others see you makes it pointless, lol.

    I don't follow with that, sounds like something some portion might consider a waste but not all or likely even most people interested in appearance systems.


    People enjoy dressing themselves up even in the absense of others seeing them in games. People spend countless hours dressing up Sims or hunting down "cool" outfits in all kinds of single (or mostly single) player games whether it's Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, Fallen Order, Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil or plenty of others. Being able to see your own character however you want (and those who also are interested in engaging in the system) seems well worthwhile even if some choose to see the reality of player equipment in the world.  

    • 2109 posts
    February 25, 2022 2:38 PM PST

    disposalist said: Honestly, if you don't understand that, in a role-playing game especially, never mind in real life, people like to decide what they look like to others, then it's hard to discuss transmog at all, no?

    Honestly, if you can't understand that what I choose to see, on MY computer screen, in my home, is entirely up to me alone AND has exactly zero affect on anyone BUT me, then it's certainly hard to discuss transmogs, yes.

    You have yet to offer a single aspect of YOUR Game reality that can reasonably be expected to change in any meaningful way due to me choosing to alter what I see on MY screen. For starters, you'll have to explain how you would even know what I was seeing on my screen.

    If they bother to develop a system allowing player choice over how they look and then make it so 99%? 1%? 50% (The fact that you will never know who or how many actually makes it worse) don't even see how they look, then, yeah, it's not worth the effort.

    So you actually think that if I decide not to view your cosmetic gear even if every other player on the server views it and loves it, that my solitary choice is going to absolutely ruin the experience for you???

    Why on Earth would you ever give someone else that much power over your happiness?


    I believe that the biggest reason this issue is so contentious is the failure of so many people to understand the magnitude of difference between us players being all together in real life someplace, versus all of us playing a virtual game in our own client version of that world, created on our own computer, under the direction of a server.

    In a "real" world, it would not be possible to separate the act of you choosing how you look from the experience of me seeing you. In the online world of MMOs, those are 2 distinctly separate realities that can't be defined by the same rules.

    And as 2 separate realities, your rights about how you look reach a limit when they cross into attempting to control what I choose to see on my own screen.

    • 690 posts
    February 25, 2022 2:47 PM PST

    I think it's great, so long as every player has the ability to toggle cosmetic add-ons off.

    It makes it much easier to keep your character both meta and good looking.

    • 94 posts
    February 25, 2022 5:21 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Transmog systems, do you like them and would you like to see one in Pantheon? Please explain your answer. #MMORPG #CommunityMatters


    I'm probably leaning more against this type of system, but like most things if there's a toggle switch it doesn't really impact my play. I don't buy cosmetics or go out of my way to get them from achievements. In fact, ironically, the only way I could see myself using a system like this would be if items inherently have meaning or accomplishment tied to them. For instance, an "epic" item or weapon that I spent a considerable amount of time and effort to acquire is no longer content relevant down the road. I could see myself keeping this item appearance in future content because of the sense of accomplishment I feel when I look at it equipped. That's probably about it though.

    • 220 posts
    February 25, 2022 6:56 PM PST

    Give me a toggle button in the display menu to turn off Transmog *on my screen* so I don't have to see any of it. But on *your screen* you can see yourself dress up.

    Transmog toggle on/off - hide/show = everyone wins 



    please don't have a Fashion event every year...


    • 295 posts
    February 25, 2022 9:41 PM PST

    It's interesting to me that folks who don't want a toggle system wants to force everyone to participate in a Transmorg system...even if they don't want to. 

    Some of us are not interested in such a system and would rather time not be spent on such a system. 

    Some of you want such a system

    We are at a crossroads.

    The simple solution is that, if it is decided by VR to add such a system, give us the ability to turn it off.


    What reason would one have to argue for more than that is one taking that compromise and still trying to get an even bigger 'win' since actually getting the system should be a win in and of itself. Those who don't such a system are not getting what we want, which is no system at all, so we have to settle for having such a system....with a toggle. No one on either side will get a compete or bigger win with this. Take the compromise and move on or continue the debate ad nauseam.

    The choice is yours. But please don't think your 'logical reasoning' about why you feel one way or the other will change the mind of those who are opposed to your argument. It won't work.


    I remember folks saying on another MMO forum that Transmog won't affect other players gaming experience so they don't see why anyone would oppose it. At the time I heard that I was neutral on the whole subject and had not participated in it at all. Then I made an alt. My plan for my alt was to level my alt, mine some copper, sell it on the AH and buy some gear. I started on a new server so I had no money. I made 10 gold in a few days and headed to the Auction House. Level 10 green gear used to sell for 50 silver to a few gold for the better stuff. Due to the new Transmorg sytem low level green gear went from, maybe 2-5 gold for popular low level green items to 200-500 gold for those same items. 

    When rolling for gear in dungeons folks would pass or just click greed for green gear...unless it was an upgrade. With the new Transmorg system, folks now started rolling need for every green gear.

    Two major and substantial examples of how something that 'won't affect anyone else' objectively did affect everyone else.

    With all that being said, I have no thoughts on the actual implementation of a Transmorg system if one is introduced. I just want there to be a toggle to be able to turn it off if someone doesn't want to see it. 


    • 2756 posts
    February 26, 2022 7:11 AM PST

    Dikenzu said:


    The simple solution is that, if it is decided by VR to add such a system, give us the ability to turn it off.



    The 'compromise' argument has been had so many times, but just once here again and then I'll stop, because it's pointless hehe.

    For those that insist on knowing exactly what others are wearing at a glance - and /inspect is not enough for some reason - a toggle gives them 100% what they want.

    For those wanting their appearance to actually be seen and don't care if people know their gear stats, a toggle degrades the system by 50% if 50% use the toggle. Actually, it's worse, as never knowing who sees what makes it more confusing and unreliable, but let's say it's effectively degraded dependent on the percentage seeing through their look.

    This is not a compromise. A solution that makes one side 100% happy and the other much less than 100% is not a compromise. A compromise is where *both* sides give ground to achieve a solution in the middle.

    A compromise is having an /inspect function so people who must know can see *exactly* what everyones gear is whenever they like, however weird that is. Both get something of what they want.

    This post was edited by disposalist at February 26, 2022 7:40 AM PST
    • 2756 posts
    February 26, 2022 7:39 AM PST

    Iksar said:

    disposalist said:

    It's not hurt feelings. It's not childishness. It is simple reason. If they bother to develop a system allowing player choice over how they look and then make it so 99%? 1%? 50% (The fact that you will never know who or how many actually makes it worse) don't even see how they look, then, yeah, it's not worth the effort.

    Yes, when the whole point is to give players control over how others see you, to take away control over how others see you makes it pointless, lol.

    I don't follow with that, sounds like something some portion might consider a waste but not all or likely even most people interested in appearance systems.

    People enjoy dressing themselves up even in the absense of others seeing them in games. People spend countless hours dressing up Sims or hunting down "cool" outfits in all kinds of single (or mostly single) player games whether it's Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, Fallen Order, Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil or plenty of others. Being able to see your own character however you want (and those who also are interested in engaging in the system) seems well worthwhile even if some choose to see the reality of player equipment in the world.  

    I think you are correct that some people would be pleased to be able to dress as they want just for themselves. I'm comfortable saying that's a very small proportion, though.

    People are 'happy' to do that in solo RPGs, but there is no alternative, of course, and if a single-player RPG became multi-player and the developers said "oh, but your carefully designed cool costumes won't be seen by others" those players would be very disappointed indeed.

    Some wouldn't mind much, but most would.

    And again, let's not forget, we are talking about a fantasy, role-playing game. All aspects; "fantasy", "role-playing" and "game" tend to see people who ordinarily don't care about how people 'see' them being much more interested in that kind of thing.

    The transmog/cosmetics/wardrobe/appearance/whatever argument always gets weird even though it's absolutely plainly obvious that most people care what they look like and of people who care about what they look like a vast majority care because of what others think of them from their look.

    There are multi-billion dollar clothing fashion industries and also multiple billions spent on the looks of other prestige things like cars, houses, gods let's face it pretty much anything.

    If you don't care? Cool. Fine. Lucky you. That must make life simpler, though dressing like you don't care brings it's own issues, because people will still react to how you look, right?

    (This isn't aimed at you Iksar hehe. Gonna go off on another final rant and then remind myself that it's been argued too many times before and give up...)

    So, people that don't care? Perhaps appreciate you are in a small minority, maybe. Try and understand that for people that do care, to remove that is far from trivial.

    Examples are being given again and again and still people say they don't get it. I guess that means some people just don't get it. Comments like "how does what *I* see effect *you*?" related to this issue are ridiculous or deliberately obtuse.

    The issue is all about how characters are seen by others. "But how does how your character is seen by me effect you?!". Lol. *sigh*

    Another funny one is "How can it effect you - You don't even know what I see on my screen". Lol. Yes. I do. I carefully designed what I look like and I know that's what people see...

    ...UNLESS THERE IS A TOGGLE OF COURSE! In which case I have no idea what people are seeing! Get it now? No? Lol.

    • 902 posts
    February 26, 2022 7:48 AM PST

    Role-playing!  I have come to realise that there are two types of role-players. Those that role play to the universe they inhabit and those that role play to the type of character they want regardless of the universe. I don't think these two types of game play always mesh easily.

    If you are wanting to see your character, other players and mobs show the weapons they wield, then a transmog system (unless it is woven into the lore in some meaningful manner), breaks game immersion. Some people don't want to see a pirate wielding a sack of veg making the same damage as Thor's hammer.

    Some do and it can break game immersion if they can't have their character look the way they want.

    Not an ideal place to be. I would be in favour of having a role play server where there is no transmog  system and another server where it is available.  Let players decide which they want to participate in. If you don't, then one group will be disappointed. 

    Personally I don't want to see anything pretending to be something that it is not (unless it is game story driven, that is).

     I would not be happy if any transmog system was developed prior to the current design being fully implemented too.

    This post was edited by chenzeme at February 26, 2022 8:22 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    February 26, 2022 7:55 AM PST

    As to a few points raised above.

    I agree that an appearance system without a toggle is more desirable to those that care about what other players see. My point was, and is, that a toggle doesn't make an appearance system "worthless" as one person said - it simply makes it less comprehensive. 

    The trade-off is the possibly greater number of people that will be bothered - will "lose immersion" - if they see very jarring and unrealistic outfits. Unrealistic in the context of the fantasy game environment. If a warrior going into combat in a string bikini gets only the protection that it provides - none - her life will be nasty, brutish and short. Very few will do it and they will not exactly be welcome in serious groups. But if a warrior can get the protection of plate armour with the looks of a string bikini this will become more common. I simply do not want to see this. Having a toggle system is as far as I can go in compromising on this point so that those of us that don't want to see it - the great majority I suspect - can turn it off. Better might be to simply not waste developer resources on it at all.

    On disposalist's point that if an appearance system is implemented by a crafting process we won't be seeing illusions we will be seeing what is actually there. True, of course. But the odds on them adapting your suggestions are not necessarily high - and I don't want to see the string bikinis become a tank combat outfit even if they *are* crafted by master crafters to give the protection of plate.


    This post was edited by dorotea at February 26, 2022 7:57 AM PST