Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Is Worth A Thousand

    • 295 posts
    January 23, 2022 12:22 AM PST

    I keep looking at the picture used in the January Alpha Roadmap stream and wondering.

    What made VR decide to use that picture?

    My overactive mind is thinking that everything they do is purposeful, so what is the purpose of using that picture vs all the others. I'm not coming up with anything, so I posted the question here. When I first looked it I thought it was an old screenshot which didn't make sense to show an old screenshot of Terminus while talking about the HDRP and new stuff. Then I thought it was a screenshot in the new HDRP. Then I saw it as concept art. Regardless, the picture is a very cool one. The screenshots used for the other recent streams show the new HDRP and are self explanatory to me.

    I'm in an ifinite speculation


    This post was edited by Dikenzu at January 23, 2022 12:25 AM PST
    • 2138 posts
    January 23, 2022 8:34 AM PST

    thankfully, there is very little concept art.

    Personally I did not like being shown one thing and then given another by other games., Being shown something beautiful in concept art and then getting in game and not seeing tha at all but a pale and pathetic facsimile that left me feeling ripped off.

    that screenshot, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) will be there.

    • 902 posts
    January 24, 2022 2:27 AM PST

    I am of the counter school, Manouk. 

    Even though they may be representing the same subject matter; concept art and computer rendering are (obviously) not the same beast. It is like comparing an experience of a beautiful sun set to a photograph or a painting of such. They can all be very beautiful, and all be priceless in their own way, but not for the same reason. I take each for what it is and that's how I look at conceptual art and the finished computer render.

    I love to see how things are conceptualised from start to finish, from initial sketch to finished product. I love to find the differences and understand why the changes occurred, whether that was a technical reason or a change of mind or whatever. For me, it adds to the final product and doesn't diminish it. Hopefully, with respect, more concept art will be made available on the web pages and sate my hunger for such material.


    This post was edited by chenzeme at January 24, 2022 2:28 AM PST
    • 500 posts
    January 25, 2022 5:36 AM PST

    @Chenzeme, I would be surprised if we don't start getting a bit more concept art to sate your hunger. After all... they did hire a new Concept Artist.

    • 3852 posts
    January 25, 2022 7:25 AM PST

    To temper expectations and hopes a bit - never forget that VR doesn't use the term "hire" the way many of us do. They are all, or mostly, on what I would consider a consultant or perhaps part time basis. When they add someone to the team we simply do not know what that means - it could be 5 hours a day or it could be 5 hours a month. Perfectly legitimate but we do need to keep in mind how they operate.