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Metals in Pantheon

    • 627 posts
    January 14, 2022 11:18 AM PST
    Man they all looked soo good. Really impressive to watch also with this tech in place, its speeding up item generation and world building even more.

    Best of luck to the team here in 2022! I Hope you guys nail it, stay safe and be kind! Upwards and onwards everyone!
    • 9115 posts
    January 14, 2022 3:39 PM PST

    Thanks BamBam, glad you liked it mate,t he team has been hard at work and we look forward to showing a lot more off this year :)

    • 295 posts
    January 14, 2022 11:40 PM PST

    BamBam said: Man they all looked soo good. Really impressive to watch also with this tech in place, its speeding up item generation and world building even more. Best of luck to the team here in 2022! I Hope you guys nail it, stay safe and be kind! Upwards and onwards everyone!


    They looked exceptionally good. The underrated part of seeing all these fantastic looking assets is that all the other assests will look equally as good. You can infer a lot of things, graphics wise, from seeing these assets. The HDRP is shaping up to be something special and I can't wait to see more of it. 

    Like some folks said in the comments during the stream, I'm looking forward to just having rusted weapons and armor initially becasue it looks so My favorite is the cobalt metal. It might be cold steel or something. I'm sure folks will be posting some list of each metal and what they think each metal is. 

    Good stuff all around.

    This post was edited by Dikenzu at January 15, 2022 12:24 AM PST
    • 627 posts
    January 15, 2022 12:21 AM PST
    Im very much looking forward to see the other fabrics. Especially Cloths and leathers.

    I think one thing VR needs to be wery of, is to make sure to have enough designs and not "just" different meterials. For me one Short sword x 10 materials is not the same as 10 different swords. But its very cool and im glad to have that many different options, and it make sence in the game world.
    • 295 posts
    January 15, 2022 12:27 AM PST

    BamBam said: Im very much looking forward to see the other fabrics. Especially Cloths and leathers. I think one thing VR needs to be wery of, is to make sure to have enough designs and not "just" different meterials. For me one Short sword x 10 materials is not the same as 10 different swords. But its very cool and im glad to have that many different options, and it make sence in the game world.

    They showed different sword designs in the Forging Terminus stream if that's what you mean. I also remember the 'Short Sword of Solid Smoke' or something from the Cohh stream. It was most definitely a unique looking sword.

    • 627 posts
    January 15, 2022 12:40 AM PST
    Ya they showed us some great designs for sure.

    I just hope VR aim to have a lot of designs, rare special items aswell as a more general designs as the case of the human army Shields. That come in many conditions (rusty, polished) and so on.

    Its a trap to think different materials "caunt" as a new unique design. in many cases, its not how the player will feel about it.
    • 35 posts
    January 15, 2022 2:22 PM PST

    Dikenzu said:

    Like some folks said in the comments during the stream, I'm looking forward to just having rusted weapons and armor initially becasue it looks so My favorite is the cobalt metal. It might be cold steel or something. I'm sure folks will be posting some list of each metal and what they think each metal is. 

    Good stuff all around.

    I'm thinking the same as you - Cobalt Blue is so choice, but I loved the rusted look.  Thinking that any material can get to a "rusted" state (that's what is sounded like to me), I wonder if allowing something to become tainted in some way may actually give it other effects.  For example, in some fallout games, becoming very irradiated actually gives you some advantages.  That would be interesting to see the varying states of materials (especially armor and weapons) be something more meaningful than rusted = lower atk and polished = higher atk.

    This post was edited by Manofrohan at January 15, 2022 2:23 PM PST
    • 627 posts
    January 15, 2022 10:49 PM PST
    I belive for now atleast that an item will stay as it is not in Pantheon.

    But maybe there are ways to sharpen a dull swords, enchant or enhance a weapon into a Magical weapon.

    Or like the Rogue has ability to apply poison to their blades we will see some visual effects aswell. But that is a tempoary state.

    Maybe there are a Quest to change a normal weapon into a more advansed one.

    Maybe smithing tradeskill will enable the player to coat a blade or reforge it into a higere tier.
    And all this is great elements and gameplay.

    My Earlier point was that i hope VR will not use all these materials to go out and say. "Wow we have more than 1 million items". Same design with different coating is for me very cool but gameplay vige not as impressive.
    • 125 posts
    January 16, 2022 5:39 AM PST

    Loved the look of the metals - my main is likely to be a cloth wearer however and I do hope they will allow us to dye our armour or at least have numerous options for brightly coloured robes!

    • 258 posts
    January 16, 2022 5:44 AM PST

    I'm not much of a player for craft tradeskill but I'm impressed with the looks of the ore, opening a plathora of possibilities this game has.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at January 16, 2022 5:45 AM PST
    • 23 posts
    January 16, 2022 6:09 AM PST

    Honestly in love with the variety on display so far - Nicely ties into the previous video/stream wherein they showed off the different stages of weapons (rusted/basic/polished etc) and how this simply ties into this.

    As a crafting based individual, it'll be interesting to see the further development into the other textures, but we were definitely treated to a goodm visual display!

    • 2144 posts
    January 16, 2022 12:05 PM PST

    BigBadAzz1 said: I'm not much of a player for craft tradeskill but I'm impressed with the looks of the ore, opening a plathora of possibilities this game has.

    I haven't done a lot of crafting in games up till now either. A big reason was that Crafting never seemed to offer any gear for my chars that was as good as the loot drops that I was already getting.

    But VR has repeatedly told us of their intention to make Crafted armor and weapons genuinely worth having, if not down right needed for some situations. So I'm committed to having at least a Blacksmith that makes weapons and a Leatherworker that makes armor.

    And seeing all the colors of those ores sure impressed me as well!

    This post was edited by Jothany at January 16, 2022 12:07 PM PST
    • 258 posts
    January 16, 2022 2:20 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    BigBadAzz1 said: I'm not much of a player for craft tradeskill but I'm impressed with the looks of the ore, opening a plathora of possibilities this game has.

    I haven't done a lot of crafting in games up till now either. A big reason was that Crafting never seemed to offer any gear for my chars that was as good as the loot drops that I was already getting.

    But VR has repeatedly told us of their intention to make Crafted armor and weapons genuinely worth having, if not down right needed for some situations. So I'm committed to having at least a Blacksmith that makes weapons and a Leatherworker that makes armor.

    And seeing all the colors of those ores sure impressed me as well!


    Yep, honestly, I'm not going to lie but actually looking at the ore made me want to craft in this game lol

    • 1785 posts
    January 20, 2022 12:31 PM PST

    I'm glad you all really liked the look at the material library.  Our art team is doing some amazing things to help us make the world and all the items in it come to life, and they deserve a ton of credit for this :)

    • 363 posts
    January 21, 2022 3:27 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    I'm glad you all really liked the look at the material library.  Our art team is doing some amazing things to help us make the world and all the items in it come to life, and they deserve a ton of credit for this :)


    Looking good so far!! Keep up the great work!!

    • 220 posts
    January 21, 2022 8:30 PM PST
    Been awhile since I checked but things are looking great I'm excited and itching to play an old school MMO!! From rust to shiny hahaha