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RUN! Someone opened the floodgate!

    • 113 posts
    December 10, 2021 7:08 AM PST

    In the 12/9/21 stream they talk about being able to manipulate the water in The Gate in order to drain a channel and gain access to submerged passages. 

    If our group is down in one of those passages, can another group turn the water back on and flood you?

    Mechanics wise it would be reasonable that when diverting the water it has to go somewhere, perhaps flooding another area that another group wants to access. So that group decides to flip the switch the other way.

    Or will they design around this due to griefing? 

    Which way would you want it?

    • 729 posts
    December 10, 2021 7:39 AM PST

    They can easily add a lock to the mechanism.  So if your group is "downstream" the release can not be engaged.  The area must be clear.  Magic or mechanical lock.  


    This post was edited by StoneFish at December 10, 2021 7:45 AM PST
    • 2138 posts
    December 10, 2021 7:53 AM PST

    I got the impression more like a door you can swim in, like, a channel lock. Drain, dry, enter, close behind, behind what is closed then refills. Or, submerged, drain, dive into more submerged (underwater tunnel), above becomes refilled perhaps sluicing so if you touch the "door"(the restored flowing current is the "door" like a sideways waterfall) you are whisked away from your group in the current/undertow. 

    Definitely want to have some climbing and swimming ability, and some decent breath holding before entering, Or learn as you go, someone closed the door? we died, best come back later with climbing and some swimming. Oh! here's an evil Dev idea. Have air pockets, oh how convenient, like turning a boat upside down in a lake and breathing under it :) and breathing...C02 build up, accidental player created sandbox atmosphere! who knew! why am I so tired? must get out, I can't get a deep enough breath! we should have left sooner! (muahahahaha!)

    This post was edited by Manouk at December 10, 2021 7:55 AM PST
    • 113 posts
    December 10, 2021 9:31 AM PST

    Lol nice. 

    Yea in the concept art in the stream when Joppa says they had another screenshot of it filled with water, you can see where it is a hallway labeled Submerged passage on the bottom right. 

    Obviously if you had enough waterbreathing / pressure gear you wouldn't even need to drain it. But if that were the case then why even have the feature? You probably have to come back again later with better acclimation and stuff to make it to the bottom. I'd bet it connects to the well pond deal underground hehe. 


    Anyway I suppose it would cause too many problems with griefing to allow someone to turn it back on. 

    Having them be unrelated to other areas would solve that so there is no reason to turn it back on, eg the water is not being diverted to another room of interest, it is being cut off. In that case it could be on a timer so you have to make it through the hallway before the water comes back on it's own. (Otherwise it would Always be turned off after the first person did so)

    • 413 posts
    December 10, 2021 10:50 AM PST

    GeneralReb said:

    In the 12/9/21 stream they talk about being able to manipulate the water in The Gate in order to drain a channel and gain access to submerged passages. 

    If our group is down in one of those passages, can another group turn the water back on and flood you?

    Mechanics wise it would be reasonable that when diverting the water it has to go somewhere, perhaps flooding another area that another group wants to access. So that group decides to flip the switch the other way.

    Or will they design around this due to griefing? 

    Which way would you want it?


    Another group should be able to manipulate the water in the gate.  don't camp in one of these channels.  I sure there will be areas safe from flooding.  But yes I hope you can get cut off from the way you came in, just as Mobs respawn behind you.  The world should be dynamic.  

    When you prepare to go to "The Gate" and plan to as deep as you can, you better plan on bringing things that will help you to survive.  It a perfect example of risk and reward.

    Could a group think, "Wow that group just when down the east tunnel, lets flood it!"  Sure, but there is a better chance that it could just happen randomly.  This to me is perfect, because you know the risk before hand and you do it anyway in hopes of a nice reward.   It will be a lot of fun trying to figure out how to overcome challanges like this.  In the back of your mind you know it could happen, and that is entertaining.

    • 888 posts
    December 10, 2021 2:49 PM PST
    Having the tech for dynamic water levels offers many interesting possibilities:

    • Tidal flood plain that exposes at low tide and which had a harvestable resource only available in that area.

    • Seasonal changes to rivers.

    • Flash floods.

    • Creating / Destroying dams
    • 2139 posts
    December 10, 2021 4:21 PM PST

    Having any kind of button that could be activated by any passing player and it would wipe a group is effectively a big red flag saying "Press This to Cause Grief". It doesn't matter if 90% of the server would respect it, the disruption and anger that could result from the 10% of players who would happily use it would IMO result in a negative overall impact on the players.

    I'd be totally against it.

    • 211 posts
    December 10, 2021 5:01 PM PST

    This dungeon sounds awesome!

    Maybe the water being present changes the level of the mobs in the dungeons....when water is there, sea creatures 20 levels higher are swimming around, looking to eat you and your weak party! 

    This post was edited by AgentGenX at December 10, 2021 5:01 PM PST
    • 1404 posts
    December 10, 2021 7:32 PM PST

    So many different things could apply to stop the griefing some of you are worried about. I think it unlikely the VR team just overlook the possibility.

    • How fast does it refill? could be a several hour process if the reservoir huge..
    • Are there exit's (possibly one way, portal stones or something) out of the caverns.
    • Switches down below to drain it


    Thats in 2 min and I'm not even a game developer sitting around thinking through this for day/weeks/months


    • 223 posts
    December 10, 2021 7:37 PM PST

    Manouk said:

     Oh! here's an evil Dev idea. Have air pockets, oh how convenient, like turning a boat upside down in a lake and breathing under it :) and breathing...C02 build up, accidental player created sandbox atmosphere! who knew!

    Oh damn, I just had a horrid flashback to the industrial level in Sonic. 

    • 24 posts
    December 11, 2021 11:39 AM PST

    If they do not want people to be griefed they could put in place some kind of pressure switch when a group of people are in an area and it would not be release until they get past a door to another section.  To prevent people from blocking out several doors they get a warning once they open the next door in the process there is flooding and they have a few minutes to shut the door behind them or risk flooding both rooms. This would make a 1 way process through the dungeon but could help move along people to go deeper or take and escape tunnel to abort the proccess which then resets once they trigger the escape tunnels. If they make it all the way there could be a exit portal if they do not want people to find a use any back door to the end of the dungeon. If they are okay with a back door process maybe it exit on a small island that at times is flooded because of the process of flooding other areas of the dungeon.

    • 41 posts
    December 14, 2021 6:33 AM PST

    Seems to me it is a modern kind of entry to Karnors basement

    • 2138 posts
    December 14, 2021 7:10 AM PST

    there was an expansion in a spiritual legacy game where in one area, the tide came in. When the tide came in it had the effect of slowing your movement, you were already ankle deep in water to begin with, when the tide came in it felt like you were thigh deep. Pros: 1, neat. 2, crawling MoB's like crabs and eels moved faster when tide was in and had larger aggro range- they would come after you. Cons: 1, Mob's targetable when the tide was out, were now submerged when the tide came in, making them untargetable as they were underwater and the water was not deep enough to dive under to re-target, annoying, 2, untargetable MoB beat on you when tide was in unless you dragged it through other Mobs to shore. (small zone, thick with MoB's ov varying level ranges) 3, If you were levved, you rose with the tide exacerbating the targeting issues even more. 4, Pets were not affected and would psychotically stick to their target but were prone to subleties in geometry and since you were on another "level" when the tide came in, would not back off, but the Mob's knew exactly where you were.


    I like the idea of the tide coming in, and I think the waterway griefing possibility may not be an issue because it may be similar to elevators. Players on either end of the elevator clicking the button to call it down/up and the ensuing social dynamic XD both self-righteous, I waited for YOU, I waited for YOU, YOU coulndn't wait? what was taking YOU so long? Next time, just...drink a little kaopectate would you? what is that supposed to mean?! - get your s**t together! and move!, Buzz off~

    • 395 posts
    December 14, 2021 8:59 AM PST

    GeneralReb said:


    If our group is down in one of those passages, can another group turn the water back on and flood you?

    Gosh I hope so.

    We can call "Drain" instead of "Train".


    • 888 posts
    December 17, 2021 10:37 PM PST
    We could train to drain.
    • 1 posts
    December 20, 2021 12:06 PM PST

    "If you don't like them, drown them." -Ben Dean probably