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The Dec HDRP stream

    • 729 posts
    December 9, 2021 7:10 PM PST

    Wow.  That looks like a triple A game.  That looked so good.  Scale, details, everything.   Plus a puzzle and mechanical change of environment in a dungeon.    It's really looking like they are hitting some milestones.   I'm a happy Halfling.

    • 839 posts
    December 9, 2021 7:29 PM PST
    Haven't watched it yet, but that was the kind of post I was hoping someone would make about it! Pumped!
    • 295 posts
    December 9, 2021 11:34 PM PST

    Very much enjoyed the stream. I will be watching it again because I was also reading a lot of the comments. So much good stuff.

    • 20 posts
    December 10, 2021 2:13 AM PST

    I agree, good stream - looks good.

    • 252 posts
    December 10, 2021 6:39 AM PST

    Great stream guys. Things are looking really good.

    Now that HDRP conversion is almost done I'm hoping for more long-form play session streams. 

    • 57 posts
    December 10, 2021 6:55 AM PST

    The improvements certainly appear to be worth the time and effort, they look great. As always its nice to hear Joppa talk shop about lore and design while Roenick mentioned a few times he has been impressed with the development speed recently. Keep the train rolling boys!

    • 2138 posts
    December 10, 2021 9:10 AM PST

    Patent to suede(natural/worn?), sort of. Hyper-realistic, to digestibly real.

    • 454 posts
    December 12, 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Every stream brings more anticipation for the next stream. Each detail discussed, makes me want more.  Grand job VR.

    • 810 posts
    December 14, 2021 7:15 AM PST

    VR really needs to show off the new lighting system that came with HDRP.  Part of the HDRP asset conversion is to have extra layers to allow assets cast shadows and reflect light appropriate to their form. 


    Show off how the HDRP lights stack with multiple players, armor reflections, shadows cast from walking by objects.  

    • 902 posts
    December 15, 2021 4:24 AM PST

    What? No dissidence, dicord or disapproval! Wow! VR you must be on the right track. :D

    Seriously though. Great work, progress and my expectation is getting greater and greater!

    • 2756 posts
    December 16, 2021 2:33 AM PST

    chenzeme said:

    What? No dissidence, dicord or disapproval! Wow! VR you must be on the right track. :D

    Seriously though. Great work, progress and my expectation is getting greater and greater!

    Check the YouTube comments if you want the expected moaning and groaning.

    Lots of folks saying "they are re-writing it all again!" "It will never release!" etc hehe. Ignoring that those points have been addressed again and again, of course.

    Less moaning than usual, though, definitely!

    Good stuff VR. Can't wait to try it. Writing on top of Unity will give many such 'rewards' over the years, I hope, and, though the effect to incorporate this upgrade seems significant, it seems more than worth it and, as you keep saying, every such reworking makes the subsequent development faster and better.

    This goes for the refactoring and tool development you've done over the past couple of years too.

    Whilst you *could* have built upon previous code and produced something good in short order, I am very pleased that you guys chose to re-work and refactor in order to produce a product, that I'm sure will be, many times better in many ways and, actually, probably will take less time in the longer run when producing expansions and upgrades.

    Not only am I confident it will be better, it speaks well of your working practices, attitudes and ideals to not just make do with something you realise was messy and problematic. Also to 'do your thing' rather than heed to significant complaining about the time development has been taking.

    Please keep doing your things hehe.

    • 146 posts
    December 16, 2021 7:47 PM PST

    it was great and i enjoyed it alot looking forward to to equiping all those awesome weapons!

    • 200 posts
    December 17, 2021 5:43 AM PST
    I finally got to watching the stream, and it looks amazing! What I really, really love is the simplicity and feel of things like the armour and weapons, the physicality of textures and such. It’s exactly the thing I’ve been missing more and more in mmorpg’s over time, and it’s incredible to see how it is a part of the vision for the game. I’m sure some people may feel it’ll not be glamorous enough, and I’m sure some things will be ‘glamourised’ to appeal to us gamers’ inner magpies but I wanted to express my love and appreciation for it and what was shown of it in the stream :).