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In game events (dont do what New world did)

    • 233 posts
    December 2, 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Hello quick bit of advice here, so the MMO New world had a thanksgiving event that involved a giant turkey world boss, very immersion breaking and stupid, but thats not the point.

    The worse part is they told no one, not a single hint or clue that it was happening.

    All those people taking  a break because the game is trash where not told about an event that may have gotten them playing again, if even for a few days.
    No idea when the event ends, if i havent missed it already.


    Always let us know if an event is happening, no event should ever be a one off, this creates exlcusive items, people leave MMOs if they arent allowed to earn or atleast buy everything the game has to offer.


    Thanks for your time.

    • 729 posts
    December 2, 2021 12:45 PM PST

    No surprises?   I'm against that idea.  If I miss out on something it stings a bit but not enough to make me upset.  I just know that it is a persistent world and I can't be there all the time.   Now the turkey thing is in line with a real-world holiday ,here in the US, so yes a notice would have been nice but a blanket proclamation that all game events outside the norm should be announced feels too rigid a thing.

    • 258 posts
    December 2, 2021 1:22 PM PST

    StoneFish said:

    No surprises?   I'm against that idea.  If I miss out on something it stings a bit but not enough to make me upset.  I just know that it is a persistent world and I can't be there all the time.   Now the turkey thing is in line with a real-world holiday ,here in the US, so yes a notice would have been nice but a blanket proclamation that all game events outside the norm should be announced feels too rigid a thing.


    Not to come off like wanting to disagree with you, but, it would be more vocal for them to at least try to appease those players that decided to still keep playing that game. Kind of like a way to say thank you to the loyal people that still are playing the game. The ideology they're portraying as new MMORPG and how they should try to earn everyone's attention and loyalty to their product should give them the responsability to announce if they have a new event going on to try win back over their previous fan base and keep their current fan base engaged with the game. Now, do we know if they for some reason just didn't think or planned to announce it or just plainly forgot we'll never know. Just knowing these things are important needs to be adressed. No hate or company flashing here at all, it's just company business semantics.

    This post was edited by Arzoth at December 2, 2021 1:24 PM PST
    • 2752 posts
    December 2, 2021 1:33 PM PST

    It kind of runs against some of the things I would like to see return to the genre to have large windows and pre-planning/announcements, namely GM events. Things that feel spur of the moment and exciting, the servers chatter begins to buzz with talk of something special happening in XYZ location(s). If you are online and have the time you can go try to get involved or at least witness whatever event transpiring...and then it is gone. Maybe something similar but many different things occuring randomly over time, not repeating. 


    • 233 posts
    December 2, 2021 2:01 PM PST

    StoneFish said:

    No surprises?   I'm against that idea.  If I miss out on something it stings a bit but not enough to make me upset.  I just know that it is a persistent world and I can't be there all the time.   Now the turkey thing is in line with a real-world holiday ,here in the US, so yes a notice would have been nice but a blanket proclamation that all game events outside the norm should be announced feels too rigid a thing.


    As long as random GM events dont give exclusive items i dont mind, but yes every event should be annouced in some way, otherwise whats the point, having a handful take part while thousnds miss out.

    I dont want cosmetics to lord them over others, i just want to lose myself in the game im playing.
    I ask the same thing from every game company, ideally let me earn everything and what i cant earn, let me buy, but dont tell me i can never have a title or mount etc because i wasnt logged in on a certain day at a certain time, nothing angers me more as a collector.

    • 233 posts
    December 2, 2021 2:03 PM PST

    Iksar said:

    It kind of runs against some of the things I would like to see return to the genre to have large windows and pre-planning/announcements, namely GM events. Things that feel spur of the moment and exciting, the servers chatter begins to buzz with talk of something special happening in XYZ location(s). If you are online and have the time you can go try to get involved or at least witness whatever event transpiring...and then it is gone. Maybe something similar but many different things occuring randomly over time, not repeating. 


    How could in game chatter start to buzz if there is no annoucement?

    Even a simple social media post with a time and date is enough, they dont even need to say what an event is, just thats its happening and how how long.

    • 839 posts
    December 2, 2021 3:10 PM PST
    A live in game announcement in the lead up / hour before. Server wide message giving a hint to the location etc would suffice and cause a stir within the players currently online
    • 223 posts
    December 2, 2021 3:22 PM PST

    Why not some spontaneous GM events and others that are scheduled and communicated in advance?

    Randomness isn't a bad thing. 

    • 2139 posts
    December 2, 2021 3:37 PM PST

    Grimseethe said: Always let us know if an event is happening,...  Even a simple social media post with a time and date is enough

    I don't think I'm in a minority when I say that the major value I get out of playing MMO's like Pantheon is the excitement and danger of fighting scary monsters. The ones that appear without warning are often the most exciting of all. The unexpected 'Live Events' where a really big monster played by a Dev - or a horde of high level, normal mobs - invade a player city and leave corpses and destruction in their wake, have always been THE most exciting experiences in those games for me.

    What you ask for will result in most of the server, fully buffed and equipped, sitting around waiting for the event for a half hour before it begins. NO player on the server will be unaware of the coming event. Beyond the potential lag it would cause to have every player on the server at one place, no player will get to experience those peak feelings of terror and exhiliration as they try to deal with it.

    IMO more people would prefer the excitement than the opportunity to gather a collectible item.


    How could in game chatter start to buzz if there is no annoucement?

    In every unannounced 'live Dev event' I've ever experienced, it was heralded in World Chat within a minute of players experiencing it. Guilds then announced it to their members. And posted about on the Game forums very shortly after. I never ran into one of them that fizzled out because not enough players showed up. I've been in some where SO many players showed up that those of us without the fastest machines & connections were stuck in lag as thick as concrete.


    but dont tell me i can never have a title or mount etc because i wasnt logged in on a certain day at a certain time, nothing angers me more as a collector.

    Perhaps you missed this at the end of the last thread you made on this subject:

    Kilsin said:

    You will never be able to earn everything in-game unless you are a gaming god and raid at the highest levels, craft at the highest levels, explore everything, do every quest, join every competition and promotion etc. so it would be wise to acknowledge that now so you don't set yourself up for disappointment later as we're not going to make the game watered down and easy for everyone so you can collect everything and "win", it will take many hundreds of hours and a variety of gaming to accomplish this and even then, you may never collect everything.

    This post was edited by Jothany at December 2, 2021 3:37 PM PST
    • 2752 posts
    December 2, 2021 4:17 PM PST

    Grimseethe said:

    How could in game chatter start to buzz if there is no annoucement?

    Even a simple social media post with a time and date is enough, they dont even need to say what an event is, just thats its happening and how how long.

    The same way it did just about any time there was a GM event going on in EQ back in the day? People start spreading the word when something is happening and it ends up all over in zones /ooc chatter. 

    Lafael said:

    Why not some spontaneous GM events and others that are scheduled and communicated in advance?

    Randomness isn't a bad thing. 

    Right. The random GM events are far more immersive experiences, less game-like or even gamified like scheduled events tend to be. 

    This post was edited by Iksar at December 2, 2021 4:18 PM PST
    • 1404 posts
    December 2, 2021 5:59 PM PST

    Oh absolutely need spontaneous events! As a matter of fact I would prefer MOST if not all were spontaneous. Yes I would miss many, maybe even most, but the "spreading of the word" through the world by /tell or /guild etc. when the even is noticed. The rush to decide to drop what your doing and try to make it there in time to see whats up or not. The global chatter and stories told after the event.... exhilarating!  

    Make the world ALIVE!!

    For the sake of all the god's of Pantheon, don't schedule catastrophic or unique events, the tales will be told if you miss them. 
    I do think "The Keeper" (Castigue) should be at every event, mingled into the crowd (incogneto maybe) recording the event with commentary in first person view to post on the Web after the fact...  (Read Advertising)

    This post was edited by Zorkon at December 2, 2021 7:01 PM PST
    • 729 posts
    December 2, 2021 8:56 PM PST

    Lafael said:

    Randomness isn't a bad thing. 


    Life's motto is "s*** happens"  

    • 122 posts
    December 2, 2021 10:43 PM PST

    Zorkon said:

    I do think "The Keeper" (Castigue) should be at every event, mingled into the crowd (incogneto maybe) recording the event with commentary in first person view to post on the Web after the fact...  (Read Advertising)

    I like this idea a lot.  One of the things I'm sad to see about EQ1 is that a lot of GM events has been lost to history since there wasn't a record kept of them (to my knowledge at least).

    • 3852 posts
    December 3, 2021 5:06 AM PST

    I emphatically agree that scheduled events like festivals should be announced in advance by in-game calendar or on the forums. If the OP is referring to a real festival I agree that it should have been publicized not just tossed in. But a giant killer turkey - horrible idea - doesn't sound like a festival.

     On the other hand I also agree that it is great when GMs or Guides just suddenly appear and do something. Maybe as a whim. There is nothing wrong with sudden one-offs like a GM creating a dragon that suddenly attacks Terminus City. Even if the rewards are unique. Not every subscriber should have every item in the game - or even a chance for every item in the game - just as the value of many real-world items is based on their rarity not the intrinsic value.

    This post was edited by dorotea at December 3, 2021 5:07 AM PST
    • 41 posts
    December 3, 2021 5:47 AM PST

    I think the main differentiator between a "surprise event" and a "scheduled event" is the...uniqueness (best way I can think to describe it)...of the event.

    Several peolpe have mentioned random GM or dynamic events - IMO these don't need to be scheduled as, in my mind, these things will happen somewhat frequently. If you miss one, there is a stong chance you will be able to participate in another fairly soon. As long as the random GM event isn't awarding some one-time only prize, then I think it is fine that they happen unannounced. It adds flavor to the game.

    On the flip side, a big event that might only happen once a year (based around some holiday, real or lore driven) should be scheduled, because if you miss it you won't get another chance until the next year. These events should provide a more unique reward that is only gained from that event. That being said, because real life is a thing and people have obligations, I am typically not in favor of a "scheduled event" only happening once. Schedule it to happen a couple times over the course of the entire "holiday" to give people a reasonable chance to participate.

    • 2138 posts
    December 3, 2021 6:57 AM PST

    I see the OP's point. If there is going to be an event, at least make it known before hand. Some people like to plan or at least dedicate some time to be able to participate in the fun.

    The other aquiescence I am willing to make (not sure if thats the right use of the word) is, if there is a non-announced special NPC or event, have that special NPC or event remain and if necessary respawn immediately in the same zone or area for a few days or weeks. word of mouth will spread and people will hear of it and be able to look at it or take part 

    Example: in old EQ when it was starting to wane a bit, someone with spirit made a thanksgiving type event. It was a huge cockatrice in the Overthere that ran just a smidge faster than Bard speed. It would shout every time someone zoned and razz them to dare them to try to catch him. He was called TurkeyLeggs. (get it, Overthere, "Over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go"... Overthere...). He was impossible to catch, even if you tried to cut him off but you couldn't predict where he would go, lol. After a while word got out and people started coming, dropping their previous plans to chase this cockatrice around- you couldn't miss him he was huge- while avoiding the natural creatures that had to be cleared. If you were able to corner it, and many did, he gave you a one hander ornament that looked like a turkey leg like you would get at a Rennaisance Fair, and 5 turkey sandwiches- leftovers!- that was a small stat food, nothing great but, fun. Didnt realize how much time I spent running after this thing as the zone started filling up, I think it was like an hour. I think Turkeyleggs was in Overthere for a week, by the end everyone you saw had turkey legs in their hands, it looked funny, festive. and people would break them out months later for some RP as if eating.

    • 128 posts
    December 3, 2021 8:51 AM PST

    I for one don't want spam mails from a game I dropped playing, just because they think they got a great event I may like.

    Yeah, do the mandatory Christian things on a calendar, I don't care. But the "real" events should be spontaneous, unscheduled and random. Let me hear about it in guild / world chats and then make up my mind if it sounds interesting enough to drop whatever I am doing at the moment. If it happens midway rough the day on a Monday, I won't be there, but I will hear the stories and envy those that don't need to work. ;-)

    • 413 posts
    December 3, 2021 10:11 AM PST

    It's sound like I did the right thing to pass on New World.  it was on sale for $30 already.  But Witcher III was on sale for $10, so cool.  

    Game event based on game lore.  yes they can happen around real life holidays, because that's when people have more time to play.  but keep things true to the lore.

    • 520 posts
    December 4, 2021 8:16 AM PST

    I like it mixed - some scheduled, some announced as it starts ("Ork horde is storming Thronefast! Fight or die maggots!"), some perhaps even unannounced (though i'm not the part of group that is massively into it) at all other than via msg from other players, however I do think that unscheduled events shouldnt have rewards unique to this specific event. Oh and by scheduled I mean in form of callendar (preferably both in-game and in some phone app) - definitely not via e-mails - if players come back to the game only becouse of a profitable event then something is wrong, but invested regular should be able to plan ahead (a week at least) gaming hours to not miss out too much of such content.

    • 3852 posts
    December 4, 2021 9:10 AM PST

    "Game event based on game lore.  yes they can happen around real life holidays, because that's when people have more time to play.  but keep things true to the lore."

    Precisely - a giant killer turkey at thanksgiving time is almost the definition of fowl play.

    • 258 posts
    December 4, 2021 3:01 PM PST

    It would be dope if the game had a story to tell with the events. Something we can be engaged with and to follow up when new content comes out. Like with cinematics and shtuff.

    • 41 posts
    December 6, 2021 7:48 AM PST

    Hmmmm I remember being in High Pass Keep farming guards for money on Christmas Eve wayyyyyy back in the day.


    I don't know if it was a Dev or whatever but a guy named Santug Grug or something like that showed up and turned all our players skins into snowmen or something like that LOL


    I even think there was a message that popped up in the zone saying "Santug Grug has arrived"


    it was pretty cool, I then died and my corpse still had the skin haha

    • 454 posts
    December 12, 2021 1:55 PM PST

    Damn. giant turkeys.  No Santa's.  No carved pumpkins.  This is Terminus, not Earth.  Now each culture might have a harvest festival.  But have the Dwarves should have roasted corn, the Dark Myr people should have a giant fish.  Gnomes, who the hell knows what a Gnome might want, but their festival might line up with January 1st.   But you get the idea.  Events can line up with Earth culture just not celebrate Earth culture.  There's plenty of lore for each race.  There should definitely be planned events.  Big deals that can matter to everyone.  But there should also be unplanned events.  Spread by way of npcs.  Archai bartender says, "Did you hear about "X" coming up tomorrow.  That's another reason to go back to a town, to visit an inn. Everyone has to know there will be stuff you can't be part of.  It will even out in the end.  The more Terminus can be a real place, the better it will be.