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Hoping to call Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen my permanent home

    • 258 posts
    November 18, 2021 10:13 PM PST

    I'm going to have to come straight forward with you all. I am so anxiously waiting for this game to release, like, yesterday. I honestly feel like this because of the community I used to have in EverQuest and because of the great game it once was with all the people that I've met when I was playing that game. It has been yet irreplaceable so far to this day. The amount of effort that I've went through to find the same type of feel for it's people has yet been the hardest task ever since I quit EQ.

    I'm currently playing World of Warcraft ever since 2017. The year I left EverQuest to find in what I would hope to find a static group of people I could progress with, has been yet the most impossible task for me that I still try until this day. I have not found like-minded people I can talk s**t with, so that has left me playing mostly solo. I mean, sometimes I feel people in  the general sense of personalities and customs went from being a lot of fun to people not wanting to use voice chat. I honestly feel like I find myself like I went through a black hole where I feel I missed out on being social and kind of has made me a bit frustrated as to why people separate themselves from people when you make friends after you add them to your friends list. I mean, I just can't figure out if I add someone and don't reply after I contact them to run stuff with me is so BOGUS that I've felt the need to even cut my friends list short sometimes.

    I'll also be perfectly honest with you. The reason I left EQ is because I wasn't really very Enlglish versed and it was something I've always had a hard time with when practically my English wasn't very good at the time and being mostly a hermit most of my life didn't help any either, I guess.

    While playing WoW I've had the hardest task of having to type every freaking time when I only type with 2 fingers and starting the game was a very slow process to find good friends that I wanted to connect with because everyone was just judgmental and elitist to say the least. I even found some good friends but they all got busy and knowing the state of the game and how difficult it is to master a class, at least with my knowledge towards the English language and reading comprehension has been the most impossible task to do because practically you had to look every single thing in the game that to me is very difficult to understand sometimes that has made me separate from society completely and having this Covid-19 pandemic was probably the hardest thing I've ever dealt with because of how things have played out ever since IRL and the game.

    There's times I rather not read some of the posts here because of the amount of times I've tried to comprehend what is being said on certain paragraphs always keeps me guessing their point of view. Especially when they're lengthy in context


    Anyway, I think it's enough of the negative view that I seem to be portraying here and it's not really what I'm here trying to express to you guys. I'm here to humbly express to all of you that I'm hoping to meet a lot of people in the process of playing this game because I have not given up on the fact that I know there's people that like to talk s**t and still have loads of fun while keeping it friendly.


    And with all due respec,t as it might be shocking to anybody I come across with is, if you ever hear me talk.. you're probably not going to be able to handle me lol.. or you might just want to join my guild when Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is playable. Because I'm coming in hawt and I'm planning to build a hell of a community we can all have fun while raiding or grouping while keeping it civil. Hell, we could even have drunken raid nights if I can get enough people interested on this sort of community lol.. So, Yes. I hope to at least be in a guild I can call home and I hope we'll come across with positive vibes and probably have some hope azz times <):) <3 >:)

    This post was edited by Arzoth at November 18, 2021 10:16 PM PST
    • 223 posts
    November 19, 2021 12:40 AM PST

    P99 may be your EQ fix. Many different folks and tongues spoken there. A Europe guild too.

    • 258 posts
    November 19, 2021 2:06 AM PST

    I'd love to if it would be just for chilling with people meanwhile this game comes out. At this rate, I think I may have to think about it but thanks for the offer man!

    • 2139 posts
    November 19, 2021 4:23 PM PST

    It might not be obvious, but many of us here - me included - are here for just the same reason as you. To find not just a game that's fun, but to make some friends to hang with. My first game started as just a game, but before long I was logging in to 'see my friends' more than I was logging in to go kill THAT dragon, or get the next reward in a questline. By the end of my time there, I often had my computer logged into the game for hours at time, even though I wasn't playing. It was just to chat with my Guild and my other friends. I still have a few friends I stay in touch with from our time together there, over 10+ years ago.

    The question of 'voice vs. text' has been debated in a few threads. Many prefer text chat. Just as many prefer voice. There will be plenty of friends to make who agree with your preference. Personally, I like voice but am willing to join a group that uses text. Though a few guilds might be dedicated to text only, they won't be the majority. At higher levels, especially raids, I think most guilds will insist on voice.

    I think you'll find a good home in Pantheon. I'm looking forward to grouping with you when we finally get to Terminus.

    • 258 posts
    November 19, 2021 4:49 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    It might not be obvious, but many of us here - me included - are here for just the same reason as you. To find not just a game that's fun, but to make some friends to hang with. My first game started as just a game, but before long I was logging in to 'see my friends' more than I was logging in to go kill THAT dragon, or get the next reward in a questline. By the end of my time there, I often had my computer logged into the game for hours at time, even though I wasn't playing. It was just to chat with my Guild and my other friends. I still have a few friends I stay in touch with from our time together there, over 10+ years ago.

    The question of 'voice vs. text' has been debated in a few threads. Many prefer text chat. Just as many prefer voice. There will be plenty of friends to make who agree with your preference. Personally, I like voice but am willing to join a group that uses text. Though a few guilds might be dedicated to text only, they won't be the majority. At higher levels, especially raids, I think most guilds will insist on voice.

    I think you'll find a good home in Pantheon. I'm looking forward to grouping with you when we finally get to Terminus.


    Hell yeah, bro! I can relate 100% to what you just said there. I'm all about having fun and killing Dragons or whatever it may be. I'm also looking forward to hang out with you bro <):) <3 >:)