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In remembrance of Brad McQuaid. 4/25/69 ~ 11/18/19

    • 115 posts
    November 18, 2021 6:54 AM PST

    • 1860 posts
    November 18, 2021 8:44 AM PST


    • 150 posts
    November 18, 2021 10:58 AM PST

    Definitely improved my teenage years, sleep loss and late homework aside. So cool seeing Aradune on the Vanguard emulator, standing watch over the wilderness. Can't wait to see how Brad is immortalized in Terminus. 

    This post was edited by Leevolen at November 21, 2021 4:18 AM PST
    • 902 posts
    November 18, 2021 11:25 AM PST

    Never forgotten. 

    • 1281 posts
    November 18, 2021 1:56 PM PST

    Much love!

    Was there ever confirmation he was born in 69? I saw some obituary sites that listed 68.

    • 223 posts
    November 18, 2021 2:24 PM PST

    Thank you sir. A great man.

    • 2139 posts
    November 18, 2021 3:41 PM PST

    Gone, but never to be forgotten.

    • 115 posts
    November 19, 2021 6:19 AM PST

    bigdogchris said:

    Much love!

    Was there ever confirmation he was born in 69? I saw some obituary sites that listed 68.


    • 58 posts
    November 19, 2021 1:22 PM PST

    Still inspiring. A genuine visionary, in the base senses of both words. We'll all miss him and the impact he had on our lives.

    • 197 posts
    November 19, 2021 1:36 PM PST

    True legends live on. Cheers. 

    • 122 posts
    November 19, 2021 7:24 PM PST

    RIP Brad, you live on in the games we play.

    • 2138 posts
    November 20, 2021 7:10 AM PST

    *taking queue from perceived "cool" people that know things about PC's and games from listening to chats and shouts, I shout about messed up glitches and boats trying also to be "cool" and make jibes at VI like them when out of the blue*

    "Are you ok?"

    *attitude changes to my normal self* -I cant get back to Odus, the boat keeps kicking me back to the docks.

    "why dont you take the spires?"

    - It's too far away, That zone is too high for me, I know i'll die along the way. Are you heading that way?

    -*interrupts* I wont expect to group, ill just run near you

    "no, we're heading to Highpass and we have a full group"


    - I understand. Well, Nice meeting you. Be safe! hey, is that the pally epic? but you're a ranger right?

    "if you zone into WK run straight until you get to the fishing village, then turn left and follow the river north. you will reach the spires"

    - I wont get attacked? there are lions there (I hadn't learned strafing yet as a trick for lions) are there guards? sometimes they dont help

    "there is an outpost on the way to the fishing village. But dont stray far from the rivers edge"

    - ok * a few minutes later as they are escorting me to Wk Zone line* -are you sure?

    " yes"

    -ok, thank you. How come I can't put you on friends?

    - hello?

    *begins run*

    *makes it back to Toxx forest using spires and Nexus and shouts to no one in particular* I Made it! Thank you!

    *hears nothing*

    *checks in with merchants and guild trainer then kills some kobolds to toughen up some more*

    • 83 posts
    November 21, 2021 2:44 AM PST


    And if you wanna visit Aradune's memorial yourself in EQ, head to East Karana, then go to +1400 -2600

    • 258 posts
    November 21, 2021 3:53 AM PST

    You'll always be a shinning star upon our virtual world <3

    • 64 posts
    November 21, 2021 4:09 AM PST

    Brad will be Missed :(

    • 395 posts
    November 23, 2021 8:58 PM PST

    Thanks for everything Brad!

    • 1247 posts
    November 29, 2021 6:57 AM PST

    Thank you Brad (and the others) for mastering what "mmorpg" truly was (and arguably is) in Old Everquest. One could only hope the magic to return here, but I don't think so when I see things like a branded level-number on the mob, an emphasis on 3rd person, plasticy graphics etc. 

    Thank you for the good times. 

    This post was edited by Syrif at November 29, 2021 7:01 AM PST