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Community Debate - Grinds

    • 810 posts
    November 3, 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    FatedEmperor said:

    I don't mind spending a decent chunk of time trying to farm a BIS with a low RNG chance.


    I would add I don't mind spending an entire expansion trying to farm a BIS with a low RNG chance and not getting it.  You need the carrot to keep coming back. 

    • 159 posts
    November 3, 2021 1:10 PM PDT

    Jobeson said:

    FatedEmperor said:

    I don't mind spending a decent chunk of time trying to farm a BIS with a low RNG chance.


    I would add I don't mind spending an entire expansion trying to farm a BIS with a low RNG chance and not getting it.  You need the carrot to keep coming back. 

    I agree.


    I don't like the opinion that after trying "x time" I have earned it. No, you "earn" it when it drops and you win the roll. That's what makes it special.

    • 247 posts
    November 3, 2021 7:30 PM PDT

    For me i hope that we dont have people at max level in 3  months i want there to be a grind to that aspect but i do feel that we should see progress in someing in a 4-6 hour game time. now this being said i do think that lower levels should go a little faster it should be about to get from 1-10 in a month and 10- 15 in the next month of doing 5 hours a night. i fill that a hardcare should get about 5 to 10 levels a month and an avarge play should get 1-4. but that is just leveling we also have the mastery points and for i can see being about to ajust the exp gonig to that or to levels i would figur that you get one  for just leveling but it would be nice to to leveling and add more to mastery if we wish or split exp to could make it split in 10% -100%.  that is the exp stuff tho we have gear skills exct i think we should see movment in these area  every day ish. 


     what dose this mean well we should see a way to gain funds, skills, quest or gear. we should see we are making progresss. <----  but that is the normal thoughts on progress we also have the fog mag to clean and explore and if this is done right that its not easy to get  to some place's this is also a good grind feeling.. now i dont mean  going on trade routes to and from main citys and such. 

    • 2752 posts
    November 4, 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Raidil said:

    For me i hope that we dont have people at max level in 3  months i want there to be a grind to that aspect but i do feel that we should see progress in someing in a 4-6 hour game time. now this being said i do think that lower levels should go a little faster it should be about to get from 1-10 in a month and 10- 15 in the next month of doing 5 hours a night. i fill that a hardcare should get about 5 to 10 levels a month and an avarge play should get 1-4.

    That would be an absolutely insane amount of grind/time, even if every level after 10 kept that same pace (at 5 hours a night) it would be over 6,000 hours (250 full 24-hour days) to reach max level. 

    I fully expect to see level 50s within one to two months time for those hardcore folks at 12+ hours a day. 

    • 810 posts
    November 5, 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    The estimations times all depend on how much XP they end up setting for the target.  Everything is up in the air still as this thread helps illustrate.  I would imagine we see some pure grinders finding a way to monotonously grind xp then complain how horrible the grind is or the lack of content.  VR has ballparked it in the past, but we won't really know until launch day. 


    The options of 1000 hours of content vs 300 hours of pure grinding with people who think MMOs don't start until max level, I would guess is where we end up.  Content > speed running in my book.


    Going back to the question: Alts shouldn't be necessary for people playing less than 25 hours a week.  That is the level of grind I hope we can see.  If one person plays one PC 25 hours a week all year they should not run out of content, and yes, grinding is content.  Grey content doesn't count.  If players cannot reasonably do the all zones for lvl 20s count only one of them.  

    • 99 posts
    November 5, 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    I like to grind as long as it feels rewarding to do so. Thats what EQ has done to perfection. Alternate Advancement was a reason , rare item drops , being able to group up and strengthen a group with your class was a reason as well. Because if you couldn group and show your skills to others its not interesting at all to play a MMO. EQ groups been like 1.3x1.3x1.3 per player todays mmos are like 1+0.5+0.25 per player.