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Community Debate - Are you someone who likes Quests?

    • 9115 posts
    October 14, 2021 5:12 AM PDT

    Community Debate - Are you someone who likes Quests? If so, what is your favourite type of quest to do? If you're not a quest person, why is that? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    • 438 posts
    October 14, 2021 5:23 AM PDT
    I enjoy quests. But not in the sense of a primary way to level like WoW was. I loved the epic quest lines on EQ1. Or quests for a specific item such as the wood elf illusion clicky.
    • 422 posts
    October 14, 2021 6:04 AM PDT

    Quests like EQ Epic quests, yes. They were about the lore and were long and tedious and tough.

    Quests like WoW where you get a few hundred thousand during the life of the game and none of them mean anything except another tick on the XP meter, no.

    • 223 posts
    October 14, 2021 6:43 AM PDT

    I like my quests to be meaningful and tied to the world. I don't want the quest or the reward to be handed to me on a platter. Nor do I want to be told I'm the only hero meanwhile everyone else is doing the same thing.

    The irony is that early on EverQuest had minimal actual quests. The "quest" was experiencing the world and the community. The rewards were the outcomes from that.

    And personally, I'm done with quest hubs and needing to complete mindless quests to level.

    Sometimes less is best, and in this case, quality over quantity is what's best, for quests.

    • 2419 posts
    October 14, 2021 7:10 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Are you someone who likes Quests? If so, what is your favourite type of quest to do? If you're not a quest person, why is that? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    That all depends upon how you, VR, defines 'quest'.

    Looking back at EQ1, the Coldain Prayer Shawl, the Coldain Ring, all the epic weapons...those were quests.  They had many steps, required you to have multiple skills, required you to travel extensively, were not always very clear on details so you had to think.  The first set of class armor in EQ1 were quests, but the later sets of Kunark and Velious armor?  Those weren't quests, they were tasks. Go here, kill that, bring junk back, get armor.

    Quests need to be something that you just don't want to pick up on a whim because you need a bit of money or you have a few moments to go kill something somewhere.  They neeed to be a serious undertaking, something that will require thought, effort, time, travel, use of many of your class skills and, last but not least, assistance from others at some (or several) points along the way.

    So if VR is going to make 'quests' like this then yes I'm someone who likes them.  But if you're going to fill the game with stupidly mindless tasks, no, I won't like them and most likely won't bother doing any of them.

    EDIT:  A follow up question you should ask, Kilsin is this: What aspects of quests/tasks do you like and which do you not like?  You can have interesting tasks and you can have completely annoying that make you want to quit the game just because of what you need to do in the task. 

    An example: NPC offers a task for a set of boots or something and tells you go to gather X of something.  So you do.  Then the NPC tells you that you now also need Y of something which is found right where you just were getting X. That type of thing is bull#%@. If there is a shopping list for some item, give me the entire list at the outset. Don't piecemeal it behind subsequent steps. Forcing me to go back to that NPC over and over is just a stupid waste of time. 

    Another point:  If an item is needed for some task/quest, that item should drop regardless if you have the task/quest or not. I've seen this this too many times where I'm in an area killing various NPCs and nothing out of the ordinary drops. But a bit later I find an NPC who wants me to go kill those very same NPCs and suddenly that item starts dropping only because I spoke to that NPC.  More bull#%@.

    By the token, by letting the items drop regardless of if you have the task or not, means that pre-looting must be allowed.  I've seen this too on my quests/tasks where you've just happened to have collected all these items and came across the NPC that wants them but it won't accept them because you looted the items before you got the question.  Even more bull#%@.

    So when you're writing up these tasks/quest, be mindful of not only the outcome/reward but also the whats and whys of the various steps along the way.,

    This post was edited by Vandraad at October 14, 2021 7:59 AM PDT
    • 124 posts
    October 14, 2021 7:30 AM PDT

    I loved the EQ 1 epic quests, and the fact that the rewards at the end truly were pretty epic (some more so than others, granted) made the struggle worthwhile. I don't mind 'tasks' in-game, the ones where NPCs will ask you to complete mundane tasks for XP or cash, as long as they're not masquerading as something else, such as a 'quest'. Collecting some reagents from the local forest for an NPC in town is not a quest, it's a task, and as long as it's marketed as such, I don't mind. They're mundane, they can be tedious, but sometimes, especially at lower levels, they are ideal to make a little progress when you don't have the time to invest in grouping for an extended period.

    I used to enjoy doing quests in MMOs, but now I find a journal full to the brim with a tidal wave of quests, and every NPC wanting to send me half way across the world becomes frustrating. The quest journal ends up becoming nothing more than a task list in itself that you're not invested in, you don't care about, you just want each one ticked off of the list so you don't have to look at it anymore.

    I'm with Lafael, I'm so done with quest hubs, the idea of 'collecting' them all, not reading a single piece of text because there's just too much makes me feel genuinely sick. I'd rather VR refined the quest list immensely, focusing on a far smaller, more in-depth, more engaging, more unique, more appealing, more epic, number of quests.

    Quests which are linked to unique / desirble items are great, I found myself doing the Stein of Moggok quest on my Enchanter recently to make money selling them. Granted, it's not an epic quest, but it's challenging enough to make it something not everyone can do (primarily due to faction), and the reward is good enough to make it worth repeating to sell for money. These quests that give you endless loot, which you don't even look at, and simply sell to the vendor are terrible. Such a waste of development time.

    Lastly, epic quests don't need to be limited to one reward at the end, they can reward you along the way aswell. Maybe you're given a ring half way through the quest which will grant you access to a certain building / area / room to progress to the next stage of the quest, a key of sorts. You have an item that's not only a key (literally in this example) component of the quest, but it could be worth keeping once the quest is complete since it has some great stats, or effect that's beneficial to you.

    This post was edited by Shadowbound at October 14, 2021 7:49 AM PDT
    • 124 posts
    October 14, 2021 7:36 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Are you someone who likes Quests? If so, what is your favourite type of quest to do? If you're not a quest person, why is that? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    That all depends upon how you, VR, defines 'quest'.

    Looking back at EQ1, the Coldain Prayer Shawl, the Coldain Ring, all the epic weapons...those were quests.  They had many steps, required you to have multiple skills, required you to travel extensively, were not always very clear on details so you had to think.  The first set of class armor in EQ1 were quests, but the later sets of Kunark and Velious armor?  Those weren't quests, they were tasks. Go here, kill that, bring junk back, get armor.

    Quests need to be something that you just don't want to pick up on a whim because you need a bit of money or you have a few moments to go kill something somewhere.  They neeed to be a serious undertaking, something that will require thought, effort, time, travel, use of many of your class skills and, last but not least, assistance from others at some (or several) points along the way.

    So if VR is going to make 'quests' like this then yes I'm someone who likes them.  But if you're going to fill the game with stupidly mindless tasks, no, I won't like them and most likely won't bother doing any of them.

    Couldn't agree more.

    • 3852 posts
    October 14, 2021 8:40 AM PDT

    Do I like quests - heck yes I like quests!!!

    Many people here view quests the wrong way. Through the prism of how too many MMOs use them in recent years. A very fast way to get to maximum level. A golden path from level one to maximum level. But with all due respect to my fellows here on the forums - do not confuse the misuse of a thing with the thing itself. 

    Epic quests have been discussed above and surely will be discussed below. I have little to add. So I limit myself to "normal" quests. In Pantheon I agree with the great majority that:

    1. Quests should not treat our characters as great heros - like EQ and unlike most MMOs the heart of Pantheon will be enjoying a large world and playing the role we wish, Not having it revolve around us.

    2. Quests should not lead us from place to place to place until we are at maximum level. The "golden path". Quests should not give us a handful of places to go to because those are so very efficient for leveling while there is no incentive to explore the bulk of the world. Instead of quest hubs with huge numbers of quests - spread it out. Most areas should have things to do.

    3. Quests should not undercut the intended slow pace of leveling. If it takes me three months to get to level cap grinding - which I dislike - it should take me three months to get there by questing which I do like. Some of us like to grind. Some of us like quests. Years on these forums make that obvious. Ideally Pantheon will reward either playstyle comparably.

    There. That may protect me against attacks for not being a true "old school" player and suggestions that I play WoW. Whew!!!

    Quests should not be *the* way to go but they should be *a* way to go. Quests should not be a straightjacket but they should be a means to learn and participate in the lore. A way for those that enjoy interacting with the inhabitants of Terminus in a manner other than the old "Join the navy. Travel to distant places and meet exotic peoples. And kill them."

    I do not, repeat *not*, want to spend my days on a hopefully large and interesting world looking for efficient spots to slaughter wolves or orcs or fairies by the thousand for the 5xp a kill or the 10 copper pieces per drop. I want to visit hundreds of towns and hamlets and interact with the locals. Be asked to kill wolves that are raiding the crops. Be told of a missing girl that may have been kidnapped by local bandits with a headquarters somewhere in the area. Find out about a cave that may have treasure in it. Be asked to take pictures of dozens of types of animals or capture them for a local zoo. Be told of an unwalled town with rich loot by a group of bandits that is not sure it has the power to raid it and get away.

    Please - make Terminus a living world with good and bad people with their own lives to live that I can help or hinder. Not a place where advancement requires that I be an amoral or genocidal beast intent only on endless slaughter for the previously mentioned 5xp a kill or 10CP a drop.


    This post was edited by dorotea at October 14, 2021 8:41 AM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    October 14, 2021 8:50 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Are you someone who likes Quests? If so, what is your favourite type of quest to do? If you're not a quest person, why is that? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    That all depends upon how you, VR, defines 'quest'.

    Looking back at EQ1, the Coldain Prayer Shawl, the Coldain Ring, all the epic weapons...those were quests.  They had many steps, required you to have multiple skills, required you to travel extensively, were not always very clear on details so you had to think.  The first set of class armor in EQ1 were quests, but the later sets of Kunark and Velious armor?  Those weren't quests, they were tasks. Go here, kill that, bring junk back, get armor.

    Quests need to be something that you just don't want to pick up on a whim because you need a bit of money or you have a few moments to go kill something somewhere.  They neeed to be a serious undertaking, something that will require thought, effort, time, travel, use of many of your class skills and, last but not least, assistance from others at some (or several) points along the way.

    So if VR is going to make 'quests' like this then yes I'm someone who likes them.  But if you're going to fill the game with stupidly mindless tasks, no, I won't like them and most likely won't bother doing any of them. ...


    Yep, agreed.

    This community and the general public does not have a definition, from Visionary Realms, regarding what they define as a Quest and/or Task.
    Until then, welcome to the land of 7.5+ years of speculation, enjoy your stay.

    In the spirit of speculation, I'll answer the question "Are you someone who likes Quests?" with an answer similar to Vandraad's: It depends on how you define Quest.

    Are you someone who likes static Quests (aka Tasks)? No.
    Are you someone who likes daily Quests or Tasks? No.
    Are you someone who likes procedural Quests? Yes.
    Are you someone who likes personalized Quests? Yes.
    Are you someone who likes unique (per character) Quests? Yes.
    Are you someone who likes shared (per group) Quests? Yes.
    Are you someone who likes grouping-required Quests? Yes.
    Are you someone who likes Quest flags, rather than Quest items consuming general inventory space? Yes.
    Are you someone who prefers adventuring in a group to gain XP, rather than performing solo tasks or static Quests to gain XP? Yes.

    Personally, I see the separation between task and quest as this: 
    - A task is done in the same zone, very near the NPC, volumetric trigger, Search, Spot, or perception ping offering the quest.  They do not require travel to another zone, nor do they require a group to complete.
    - A quest requires travel to or through at least 3 different zones, all of which are different than the zone where the Quest starts.  They require consuming at-level group content to complete.  You canNOT complete them alone at their intended level and gain XP, although you can outlevel them and gain the faction and item rewards.

    In general, if solo'ing is going to be a viable advancement path for the Adventure loop, I will consume at level solo tasks to advance more efficiently, but I think it's terrible design followed by terrible implementation and yet another missed opportunity for creating positive social interaction.

    It's also worth noting that procedural content, tasks and quests have been implemented in games for over 40 years.  There is no good technical reason, regardless of the platform, engine, client or server, to not have procedurally generated tasks, quests, and/or content added to any game at any time.  Each paying customer's story through the game world can be unique, with common infrequent milestones, if desired.

    This post was edited by vjek at October 14, 2021 8:52 AM PDT
    • 560 posts
    October 14, 2021 9:51 AM PDT

    I am still trying to figure out what it is I do want when it comes to quests. When playing EQ I was happy doing almost no quests but in later games and especially in WoW it seemed almost impossible not to do them. I even tried once playing WoW doing no quests at all and to my surprise, I did not like it.

    My current working theory is that quests are a good thing in a game it can make just about anything you planed on doing anyways more interesting. It can help you branch out and explore new areas that you might otherwise have skipped over. It can help you ask for help from others and get a chance to meet new people. There are many good things quests can bring to a game.

    But WoW and many other games have really messed up the core game with quests. If you find a dungeon in WoW there is almost no point in going in unless you have a quest. If you want to level fast quests are almost a must. You have so many quests and there is almost no reason not to take them all.

    I am still trying to figure out what I want and I hope the developers are able to get Patheon quests perfectly balanced.

    If I was in charge my attempt would be to make all quests give no experience and very little gold. This would make the core reason to take a quest based on the reward given. There could be lots of quests but many of them you would just not want to take.

    • 2138 posts
    October 14, 2021 10:51 AM PDT


    Building on what Vandraad commented (btw vandraad, what are your thoughts on SK's and AC over HP's?  if you have any thoughts on it. I'm asking for my own hidden reasons, your answer will determine whether I have found your corpse, or not)


    I think quests should tell a story in the experiencing of it, not just be a task. However, I think early quests should be task-like to get newbies "hooked" into hailing NPC's and getting immediate useful rewards.

    "real" quests should be all that Vandraad mentioned and others after him but not limited to epics. Qeynos badge of honor for one, These are graduated quests that get much harder and need you to stop, get exp and level maybe 4 or 5 levels before completing. Meaning you have to do something else for a period of time like 4 or 5 months RL time in game somewhere else, before coming back to finish or go on from the quest. but the item you receive at each step of the graduated process is something nice you can use.

    "real" quests should also be somewhat obscure and reward those that "take in the air" in a given city. For instance:  Band of Rodcet Nife. Just after Newbie era of personal development, you're traveling at least one away, you know your limitations.You envy the ring someone near your level has. in the process of getting the quest for this ring you are introduced to 3 branching storylines: traveling far- way far to get things, even to two zones over, Led to a hostile city for said stein of moggok and you are not a chanter, so some deep thinking there ( but there are froglocks in the sewers in qeynos and you can make pickles! if you invis- scarily!- and run past  you can and stand just so behind the door and give pickles upon pickles to agonizingly get faction slowly) and- INTERESTINGLY- Vasty deep water where from having been in Qeynos ("taking in the air" ) you notice there is only one Erudite, granted a drunk Erudite, easily identifiable because like you, he's black.  Possibly the only black person in Qeynos you've noticed so far but back in Erudin there is a quest that leads you to someone who may know something about Erudite things in qeynos, who better than the only erudite in qeynos!  Connections like that that come from spending time in the city.

    Another example, Fellwithe. Getting faction, geting to know the people (NPC's) and a certain elf paladin with a last name Parlone. You note that is not a normal elf-sounding name, in fact its a name that easily rolls off the tongue, almost an italian name if you were to apply your RL bias. He pines over someone missing. Only "color" you think. To be old enough to travel that far you are becoming a little jaded and have been exposed to people that say such things and are more loot oriented than RP or story oriented. Until- being egged on to go to Najena for riches are there and "needing" your focus items you fall in a trap into a prison cell and cant get out! oh gosh you're bound so far away, no key. You understand its only a matter of time before a roamer gets near and you are dead but...there's an NPC in the cell that doesnt belong there, an elf who has the name... PARLONE?! you remember that name and so you hail and- quest prompts because you hailed that paladin in fellwith earlier, had you not hailed the paladin arbitrarily, you would have never gotten the prompts from Trilianna in the cell. <- **** like this. *chefs kiss*

    Additionally- and this may be uniquely an American meme of  exaulting the common man like "the gift of the magi"  by author Ohenry in the '20's, carried on by composer Aaron Copeland's "Fanfare for the common man", your pick of country music theme's, the almost idolatry given to "essential workers" identified as those grocery and convenience store workers and long-haul truckers during the pandemic  - I would like to see common things from quests still be usefull in higher end or later expansions. For instance: if there is a humble and small newbie task-like quest in to get holy water throwing things with vampire bane that is necessary to kill vampires to complete a slightly larger quest involving vampires? Then let that holy water also be useful against higher leveled vampires in later expansions- suprise. Maybe not as potend but still something. and same with he small and humble quest for  special vampire stakes with vampire bane as weapons, later on not good for you, but can arm pet with them, a little more oomph. Higher levels stocking up on the small or lower things, maybe even helping out those of approiriate level making quick work out of gathering the things needed, hang out for a bit with them, clear the- whatever- loot up the mats for turn in, split the divvy's, run back to NPC and collect the bane weaps.

    Yes I like involved quests that tell a story or have you find out things or need a variety of skills, I like graduated quests that offer graduated rewards that are usefull as you level up and at the level you obtain them and beyond that level untill the next part. I like quests that lead to other quests. I dont mind quests where you have to stop for a while like 3-4 months RL time, and come back to. I dont mind quests where you are forced to become another race and class and even a lower level in order to complete provided you can go back and forth during that time (VR take note, this may be a way to make alt-aholics and get people to pay for subs for alts)

    • 2752 posts
    October 14, 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    The occasional quest (similar to EQ) I tend to enjoy. A story here and there, a unique reward. Questing like modern/post-WoW MMOs? Absolutely not. Sick and tired of quest focused gameplay. Just nonstop running from one place to the next to the next. 

    • 1289 posts
    October 14, 2021 1:48 PM PDT

    I really like quests!  But I should also define what I mean by quest.  I enjoy quests where you aren't completely sure what specifically you need to do, but you have a general direction or idea.  Something that is more of a "long game" type of thing.  Maybe early on you meet an NPC that mentions the name of another NPC and you maybe take a note of it, but nothing really comes of it till a month later when you happen to talk to another NPC that also mentions that same name.  Now I am intrigued.  Now I know something is up, but not sure what.  A few weeks later maybe I happen upon an NPC by that name so I question him, which gives me more information.  I could go on, but that should demonstrate the point.  


    I don't mind doing "tasks" where an NPC knows exactly what they want and where they want you to go to get it.  That stuff is fine.  But what I feel like is missing is real quests.  Stories to be uncovered, mysteries to be solved, things to look forward to and keep your eyes open for, "world" stuff.  

    • 2419 posts
    October 14, 2021 2:58 PM PDT

    Iksar said:

    The occasional quest (similar to EQ) I tend to enjoy. A story here and there, a unique reward. Questing like modern/post-WoW MMOs? Absolutely not. Sick and tired of quest focused gameplay. Just nonstop running from one place to the next to the next. 

    The old saying 'familiarity breeds contempt' applies to a game where quests are just everywhere, where every NPC has something it needs to you do regardless of how stupidly trivial it actually is.  I'd prefer fewer but more involved quests than a game flooded with meaningless tasks.

    • 223 posts
    October 14, 2021 3:29 PM PDT

    Oh daily quests. Uuugh.

    • 2114 posts
    October 14, 2021 4:26 PM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Quests need to be something that you just don't want to pick up on a whim because you need a bit of money or you have a few moments to go kill something somewhere.  They neeed to be a serious undertaking, something that will require thought, effort, time, travel, use of many of your class skills and, last but not least, assistance from others at some (or several) points along the way.

    Totally agree.

    Further preferences:

    The reward from the quest should be something other than XP. (Not that I shouldn't get normal XP for everything I kill on the quest, but the 'jackpot' at the end should not be a boatload of XP.) Exploring & adventuring should provide most of my XP for leveling IMO. Tasks are ok for helping to level up and adding a bit of bonus to grinding. But Quests should be something completely different. Rarer, more exciting and more rewarding.

    The quest should teach me something I didn't know about the world in general, or perhaps my Race/Class in particular. If REALLY well done, it should give me a small clue that - if I'm paying attention - leads me to something I wouldn't have discovered otherwise, possibly but not necessarily another quest.

    • 394 posts
    October 14, 2021 4:51 PM PDT

    As everyone else has said, I do enjoy them but they become less fun when every small town has a dozen of them to share before youre off to the next town to do another dozen.

    The most enjoyable quests are also the ones that are tied to your race or class in some way.

    • 37 posts
    October 14, 2021 5:43 PM PDT

    I don't care for quests much and I certainly don't want to do any of the kill 10 of these and return 10 of those quests.  I'd like to see quests return no experience at all and only items or some skill or spell. 

    • 810 posts
    October 15, 2021 7:39 AM PDT

    There are three main types of quests in my eyes.  They all have their place in an MMO, but I feel most MMOs try to make quests a form of leveling which ruins what is great about quests. They should not be a primary form of leveling, but something your PC can choose to do.  Harvesting materials and monster parts should be far more valuable than the vast majority of quests. 

    Branching and sprawling quests are necessary to make the game shine.  I love quests filled with lore.  The kind of quests to unravel the who or the why behind various events.  Find long lost clues, recover lost spells, repair or rebuild a relic.  These grand quests are important to the story and to the player experience. Some people will ignore everything and follow a walkthrough to speed run these quests... it is their loss.  These kind of quests should be very rewarding, mastery points, items, spells, recipies, whatever the case is they should have a value worthy of the grand world sprawling quests. 

    The simple quests that just fit with the world are also important.  The adventurer trope is key.  A bounty board letting players know they can turn in the head of the some bandit is perfectly fine, don't just make NPCs bounty boards.  Players shouldn't have everything served on a platter though.  Talk to guards or civilians of the settlement in order to track down clues and information about this quest.  These quests should give minor rewards but but largely exist to show people paths they could take.  Letting players know there are rare items or NPCs in that area.  Delivering supplies to a new settlement is perfectly fine to get level appropraite people to travel to the location.  I am heavily against these quests being a form of leveling or a primary source of gear.  They need to exist to guide players slightly while making the world feel real.  New players should have a larger number of these quests guiding them to various aspects of gameplay like harvesting, crafting, class trainers, etc

    Lastly there are faction quests.  Some are to be repeated others can be a one off.  Faction quests should never give xp and their gold reward should barely pay for armor repairs if even that.  Look at 95% of the quests in various MMOs, they should all be faction quests.  Collecting boar skins or goblin ears, running errands for the guard captain.  These type of simple quests should exist to make a name for yourself.  They should exist to gain faction with the cities and hopefully specific NPCs.  Once the guard captain likes you they may be willing to tell you more about other quests or events.  What makes no sense is leveling for doing basic things.  If delivering milk gives xp the milk man NPC needs to be stronger than the guard captain.  Factions should be something people want to have.  Tie the access gained through factions back into the previous two quest types. 

    This post was edited by Jobeson at October 15, 2021 7:40 AM PDT
    • 252 posts
    October 15, 2021 8:24 AM PDT

    Before computer RPGs I have always thought of a quest as a sweeping adventure frought with danger. Great risk and great rewards. Adventurers setting out on quests would come back changed, having seen more of the world, having experienced fear and loss.

    In computer RPGs and MMORPGS especially quests are often just jobs. So I have two answers.

    I love quests by the traditional fantasy definition. I hate jobs but will do them because, heck, everyone's got to eat.

    • 1281 posts
    October 15, 2021 5:31 PM PDT

    Yes, but only if hand crafted. I don't like those basic repetitive quest that are the same in every area just slightly changed.

    I would say a rule of thumb for developing quest is not to allow the same one to be used more than once.

    With the right tools your lore team and designers should be able to make a lot of cool quest!

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at October 15, 2021 5:32 PM PDT
    • 63 posts
    October 16, 2021 7:26 AM PDT

    I agree with everyone's sentiment on the EQ quests, but I also do not mind some basic quests.  For example, when you come to a new village/city/encampment and they are overrun or threatened by a specific enemy. I do not mind quests where you have to help push back the threat and gain bonus xp by turning in tokens from said enemy (think bandit sashes).

    • 2138 posts
    October 16, 2021 8:48 AM PDT

    Mythic said:

    I agree with everyone's sentiment on the EQ quests, but I also do not mind some basic quests.  For example, when you come to a new village/city/encampment and they are overrun or threatened by a specific enemy. I do not mind quests where you have to help push back the threat and gain bonus xp by turning in tokens from said enemy (think bandit sashes).


    To add to this I think Joppa's idea of dimishing returns can be applied to this kind of thing and I agree that these are good to get acclimated initially as mentioned: bandit sashes, gnoll teeth, kobold teeth, orc scalps, crushbone belts, then after a while move on, but at least you learned where and how things are going down in that area on a basic level.

    • 49 posts
    October 16, 2021 9:18 AM PDT
    I love quests which is related to my profession/class progression.
    Too many and too mundane quests for xp makes them uninteresting to me, causing me to skip the text and skim for objectives and hopefully some minimap display to maximize xp/effort.
    • 49 posts
    October 16, 2021 9:18 AM PDT

    Accidental double post - and I cant figure out how to delete on of them.

    This post was edited by BitCrunzh at October 16, 2021 9:20 AM PDT