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Community Debate - In-Game Banks

    • 9115 posts
    September 30, 2021 5:13 AM PDT

    Should there be one, how big, shared across your account? What are your thoughts? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    • 135 posts
    September 30, 2021 5:25 AM PDT

    In order: Yes! Big! Maybe?

    We're going to need space for all the tradeskill mats we'll never use; the environment Glyphs we don't need at the moment; old gear that just looks cool; new gear that sucks but looks cool; twink gear for that alt Enchanter we swear we're going to make; stacks of food and drink we bought; unfinished fan fiction drafts and so many other things! Going to need lots of space for that.

    For sharing it, I think it's better to just share a couple of slots if you're going to do that. Otherwise each character should have their own bank space. You know for all the tradeskill mats we'll never use...

    • 1281 posts
    September 30, 2021 5:36 AM PDT

    A shared stash between characters is great. Makes transfering items/cash between them safer and easier without losing much. You may have some people who may create more characters to get more bank space for their main, but that's a lot of hassle.

    Maybe add a feature so players can pay in game currency to expand their bank slots? Help keep the cash out of the economy.

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at September 30, 2021 5:36 AM PDT
    • 1 posts
    September 30, 2021 5:46 AM PDT

    I have a hard time imagining a game without a bank.  Is the alternative unlimited storage on each character?  And even then there'd be the issue of how to get items from one character to the next on the same account.

    With the complexity of this game (crafting, needing different gear for environments, support my hoarding tendencies), I think the bank is a necessity.  And I think the bank should be large (possibly using in-game currency to buy additional slots, money sinks are good).  This also supports crafters (assuming that bags can be crafted) as people will always be looking for bigger/better bags to improve storage.

    A shared bank is a huge quality of life improvement.  Otherwise people will either need to have a second account to facilitate moving gear between their characters... OR they'll have to find someone that they trust to help them, which would result in a lot of petitions/tickets when that person turns out not to be trustworthy.

    This post was edited by Tsyke at September 30, 2021 5:47 AM PDT
    • 223 posts
    September 30, 2021 7:52 AM PDT

    I posted on twitter but now I wish I asked whether the banks in Terminus would have attractive high elf bank ckerks.

    • 2138 posts
    September 30, 2021 9:04 AM PDT

    I think there should be a bank, I'm not a fan of shared banks because my experience with the first iteration of it seemed to facilitate RMT'ers equiping up characters to sell for real money which i felt cheapened the game.  

     I think there should be a race specific bank in racial starting cities. I think it would be unique if there were smaller universal storage for classes, amongst those races that share the class within guilds, class guild Storage. I think it would be unique for deity or faction specific universal storage to be available.

    The racial bank could be sizeable and hold coin of course and some items. tricks for expanding that should be available like putting in bags or make them static and- oh someone clever mentioned like size fixed? something like that, volume fixed?, weight fixed?

    However to move coin or withdraw coin in addition to other items from another racial bank needs local faction, and a dual signed writ or something (like how knights templar started check writing). So you would have to go to the place, get faction, get the signed writ, go back home, get the writ dual signed and then with that writ, once you turn it in you can withdraw at the other place. If you need to do it again, you need to get another writ so it would be a good idea to get a second one while there, just in case. Another reason to head back to home city.

    Guild class storage would be small, but available to all of that class. Access granted by local faction and racial guild faction- you could only store class related items like weapons/spell scrolls, or maybe a quest item or two? no trade skill stuff. 4 slots?

    Deity/faction specific storage could be like- mausoleums, temples/churches (abandoned or otherwise), bee-hives, beaver dens, semi-sentient race outpost(goblin) hard to achieve, maybe 6 slots? available wherever they are and limited to non-weaponry, no coin, no perishible(no food but some dry-goods) some quest items? could be tradeskills.

    Behind this, I am not a big fan of the inventory management mini-game that tends to evolve from lots of little things, but then again I like having specialized items for preparedness and smugness, like: a special smithy hammer that I quested months for, or, Swapping out a top-end crafted group ring for a lesser ring I picked up 30 levels earlier with +50 fire resist. So, I suppose I talk out of both sides of my mouth a little on that.

    The key is determining what items need to be put in storage.


    This post was edited by Manouk at September 30, 2021 9:07 AM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    September 30, 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Should there be one, how big, shared across your account? What are your thoughts? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    No.  Banks should be 1) per character; and 2) per city.  Nothing more.  No global banking.

    • 2752 posts
    September 30, 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Different characters, different banks. I am on the fence about having "shared" slot(s) for the account in the bank, ones that do not allow no-drop or specific other items to be placed within. 

    • 1289 posts
    September 30, 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    No banks!  Down with banks!!  Ha, kidding.


    I'm not sure I have a strong opinion on this.  I'd be totally fine with a single bank, or with regional banks, or maybe some other idea.  The bank should not be big enough that you can just hold onto every item that you've found in the game.  It should be important to make choices about what to keep and what to hold on to.  It should be big enough to hold a set of backup gear, maybe a couple sets of gear for different climates, some room to hold crafting gear or items, and room to hold some quest items.  How big it ends up needing to be should be based on how many items of each of those categories VR thinks players will need.


    I do NOT want shared bank accounts across multiple characters though.  Each character, in my opinion, is it's own, has it's own story, it's own inventory, it's own banks, etc.  I understand people wanting to share things with their own characters, but there are ways to do that without having a shared bank.  

    • 394 posts
    September 30, 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Banks should be run by player guilds, my guild will go ahead and get things started so feel free to toss all your valuables my way. (/joke)

    There does need to be banks, if I was building it I would do a normal windows with x mounts of slots and then have a smaller part of the window or another tab with only a few slots for account storage.

    Breaking things by city or continents would be a fun spin on it too.

    • 33 posts
    September 30, 2021 1:23 PM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    I do NOT want shared bank accounts across multiple characters though.  Each character, in my opinion, is it's own, has it's own story, it's own inventory, it's own banks, etc.  I understand people wanting to share things with their own characters, but there are ways to do that without having a shared bank.  


    I completely agree Ranarius. 1 Bank per character seems reasonable. The size is up for debate, 100 slots? Maybe option to purchase more slots or earn through quests/the world? IDK. Talk amongst yourselves.


    • 2111 posts
    September 30, 2021 4:18 PM PDT

    Yes to a bank. With the current structure of Pantheon, I can't imagine not having significant storage available for players.

    I THINK that we've been told there would be ingame mail. If that is true, then I'm against shared banking among all characters on an account. I'm not sure I'd be in favor of shared banking even if there is no mail, though having a safe way to share items between one's characters is a pretty reasonable expectation.

    I like the idea of regional and/or continental banks.

    • 422 posts
    September 30, 2021 7:30 PM PDT

    Yes, Banks need to be a thing. I like the way EQ did it. Give about double the slots we have in inventory, allow bags to be placed in them and opened from the bank to expand storage.

    The more bags, trunks, chests, etc you have with the more slots the more storage you have. Simple and gets the job done.

    I'd love a small number of slots, again with bags being placable in them, that are cross character. I dislike having to mail things to myself to get them from one character to another.

    I mean, clone EQ's bank system and i'd be happy. Again, simple and does everything we need. This is one of the very few things i'd want to see simply copy/pasted from EQ.

    • 150 posts
    September 30, 2021 7:36 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Should there be one, how big, shared across your account? What are your thoughts? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    1) Yes, or credit unions, with some offering free coffee inside. 

    2) Some smaller than others, if they are separate, depending on the location. If they are interconnected across continents than quite large, with the option to buy more space with coin or to gain access to it through a series of tasks/quests. 

    3) Separate bank space from one character to the next and one bank to the next, unless the surrounding cities are allied and, even then, only coin. If I ruin my faction with a particular city by slaying its guards or whatever, I lose access to the items in its vaults. This is not the most player-friendly option and I wouldn't be disappointed if it doesn't make the final cut. However, shared banks across cities and continents is a tad bit odd unless the bankers themselves are a faction of their own, one that does not concern itself with the battles and politics of the day.

    Sharing slots between characters does reduce interdependence in the world. Admittedly though, the convenience might make the gameplay more fun without detracting too much from the world's believability, especially if players have to earn it. For example, in order to share bank space, a player's characters might first need to have the same surname, indicating that they are relatives. They might even need to complete tasks/quests for the bankers beforehand, to gain favor over the average penny/copper saver. There could be a hefty price on on each shared slot as well. That said, all of this sounds immersive in theory, but in practice it could end up being tedious and frustrating. If things were truly realistic bankers and merchants wouldn't be able to interact with more than one or two players at a time, which would not be fun at all. 

    This post was edited by Leevolen at September 30, 2021 7:36 PM PDT
    • 223 posts
    September 30, 2021 9:34 PM PDT

    I often forget about the mail system in Vanguard. It worked great; I'll love to see this in Pantheon.

    • 2111 posts
    September 30, 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Leevolen said: 1) Yes, or credit unions, with some offering free coffee inside.

    I love that. They should also offer calendars.

    And a free toaster if you open a new account!

    • 261 posts
    October 1, 2021 2:39 AM PDT

    Yes a bank is a must. Shared bank slots are very helpful. I rememebr in the early days of EQ, having to go to a dark corner of the zone behind a tree to drop a sword, and quick log off and log my othat char and hope like hell it was still there and I could pick it up. 

    Shared bank slots made that a trivial way to get items and coin between characters. Although in the beginning of the game, it could not exist and be an enticement for the first expansion.

    As for size, well it is hard to say considering I haven't played it yet to now how much loot we need to keep for skills or quests or epics etc. As long as you can but a bag into the bank and fill it then even a small bank at launch would be fine. But at least enough for well travelled players to store all their wares. Or with the shared banks slow Alts can be employed to store items.

    Also depends if you will have a mail system, you can use that instead of a shared bank slot..

    • 3852 posts
    October 1, 2021 8:54 AM PDT

    My opinion is as it always has been on this issue.

    1. There should be banks. Of course. Banks in various forms are a feature of almost all societies other than the most primitive.

    2. There should be shared storage. A very common feature of real world banks is allowing other people access to your safe deposit box or account via various commercial documents or powers-of-attorney or the like. Shared storage is merely a version of this where it is presumed that the character has given the bank a power-of-attorney naming all alts.

    3. Far more controversial - and probably very much a minority view though in line with what Vandraad said, among others. Banks should not be magical. Thus:

    (a) Items placed in a vault are in that vault. If you want them you have to go there and get them. If its a shared account and an alt wants them he or she has to go there and get them. At *most* perhaps for a fee the bank should be able to transfer items to a different branch in the same realm or a friendly realm. With a delay as the transfer takes place.

    (b) Cash deposited in a bank is in that bank. It makes sense to allow it to be withdrawn from any branch. Or from banks in friendly realms that have banking treaties with the home realm. Here there is no need for a delay if one goes to a branch in a different city.

    By "not magical" I mean that an item in one place should not simultaneously be in all other places. That doesn't mean that with a modest delay and perhaps a not so modest charge a bank could not send an item by magical means to another location. But "not magical" also means that the bank cannot just wave a wand and have the item appear anywhere. If two realms are hostile - no interconnection between banking systems. If a location is isolated - perhaps a race that keeps itself on a large island generally unknown to others - no banking connections whatsoever.

    This post was edited by dorotea at October 1, 2021 9:00 AM PDT
    • 99 posts
    October 1, 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    Im fine with the EQ version of banks. But in addition i always wished to be able to share no drop items on my account per shared bank slot. Since i always found it bothersome to get nodrop items on each character even if another one had it already.

    • 1289 posts
    October 1, 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Since I consider characters to be their own individual in the game it has always made sense to me that no-drop items should not be able to be shared between my characters.  It's not no drop to me it's not drop to the character that picked it up.

    • 438 posts
    October 1, 2021 12:26 PM PDT
    I like banks. Globally or regional don’t bother me none. If there is a shared slot for your own account great, if not no biggie. But I do agree that if there is a shared slot at banks, a NO DROP item should not be available for shared bank slots for other characters on your account.
    • 2111 posts
    October 1, 2021 1:34 PM PDT

    If VR intends for anything earned by one char to be usable by all others on that account, but not equippable by any other chars, then they should just code that into the no-drop item rules in the first place. Not make some requirement for putting it in a shared slot which the other char than is able to remove it from. I'd prefer that no-drop be truly limited to the one who earned it.

    • 37 posts
    October 1, 2021 6:25 PM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    Since I consider characters to be their own individual in the game it has always made sense to me that no-drop items should not be able to be shared between my characters.  It's not no drop to me it's not drop to the character that picked it up.

    Yeah; no drop is no drop.  It's for the character that picked it up.  Nothing in the bank should be shareable between characters as each character should stand on it's own.  If you want to give items to twinks, get a second account or a friend.

    • 521 posts
    October 1, 2021 6:58 PM PDT

    I’d say no to Banks of any kind. Your money & items should be limited to what you can carry on person. Banks encourage hoarding, sharing items between characters, illegal trades.

    • 220 posts
    October 1, 2021 8:39 PM PDT

    Shared bank between account would be great! making the storage space infinte would be welcoming as well. i love to hoard all items, drops, etc when playing a new game. I sell half or almost all after i know what those item are use for. $$$