Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Locked classes

    • 256 posts
    September 14, 2021 9:02 PM PDT

    I fall under the position of yes and no. 

    I like the concept if it fits in with the world and story in a way that makes sense. For example, the DK class in WoW could have been implemented as an unlockable class after a player defeated the Lich King in the final raid tier of that expansion. This would have delayed players having access to this class, but it could have been an awesome reward for playing through the entire expansion. Their storyline might have had to have been modified to fit this obtainment method, but I feel like it still could have turned out great. Final Fantasy 14 is another game that had the potential to pull this off with their post-launch classes. However, I can understand why they chose not to.

    I don't like the concept of unlocking classes if it doesn't fit with the world, the story, or already expected standards. For example, FF14 can't start doing this because it would break their standard precedent for unlocking classes. I also don't think that it makes much sense to do this with initial launch classes. VR could do this with the bard and necromancer classes. However, I would argue that those two classes are important for balancing out the support role and locking them behind an unlocking method would be ill-advised.

    With that being said, I would be ok with seeing future expansion classes having to be unlocked. The progeny system could also have unlockable aspects like race/class combinations that aren't available initially. I think that Pantheon has the potential for unlockable content if it is implemented right. 

    This post was edited by FatedEmperor at September 14, 2021 9:03 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    September 15, 2021 8:29 AM PDT

    >I don't totally understand the idea, I guess I'd need specific examples.  Every game has locked content, depending on how you look at it.  When an expansion comes out with a new race or class you could look at that and say "that was locked until now."  As the server progresses and new lands are unlocked (discovered?) it would make sense within the story to unlock a new race or class.  <


    I believe the OP was referring to something much more specific. Not content, classes or races unavailabe at launch because they hadn't been created yet.

    Rather the thought was - what about something called "prestige" classes  or races in some games. But not unlocked by paying extra money to buy the class or race as the concept has degenerated into in many games. Rather something earned by accomplishments within Pantheon. To deliberately use a term from a different mythos - suppose there was a Jedi class. Available at launch although no one could meet the requirements for a while. The requirements being that the account had to already have a level 50 character in each of three other roles (damage, healing, tank). Yes this is an extremely unrealistic scenario given how long it will take to do this in Pantheon. Or perhaps the requirement being that a character had to reach level 50, use Progeny and become a different class, reach level 50, use Progeny to become a different class and then reach 50 again. Just as unrealistic as before but involving a single character not three characters. 

    More likely the requirements for the premium class or race would be far less burdensome but would still involve significant accomplishments by the player not just waiting for the first or second expansion or buying access to the class on a VR website or, all Gods forbid, in-game store.

    Obviously the OP or others can correct me if my summary of the idea is off base.


    This post was edited by dorotea at September 15, 2021 8:32 AM PDT
    • 888 posts
    September 16, 2021 10:07 PM PDT
    I don't like having locked content since it tends to force grinding.

    I am very much in favor of some game mechanic to allow blocked race/class combos, and the traditional way to do that is to require grinding out max level. But there are other ways. For instance, we can all be given one extra character slot with no race/class restrictions upon our one year anniversary of being subscribed. Other rewards should be offered, so many won't choose the any race/class option, keeping it uncommon.
    • 1285 posts
    September 16, 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    Not sure if it's really the same thing or not, but it just hit me, this is the reason why I quit playing Diablo...I played it all the way through, and THEN the game asked me if I wanted to play the entire thing again on a more difficult setting.  Why wasn't that an option the first time I played?  No, I don't want to play the entire story again, but I would have liked to play it through on a more difficult setting in the first place.  

    • 520 posts
    September 18, 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    I'm certainly against blocking "pure/basic" classes and hiding them behind a "wall". I was thinking of something like: To unlock "Black/Fallen Paladin" or "Blood Mage" you'd have to first ascend to certain level on Paladin/Wizard and finish certain quest line where you meet their ranks and get aquainted with their leader. In order to unlock the forgotten class of "Runemaster" you'd have to venture into the deepest parts of dwarven lands, find remnants of their laboratories and works and gain mastery in a crafting specialisation. In order to unlock "Slayer" class you'd need to vanquish all "Dragon Lords".  The number of such "blocked classes" should be relatively small - something for flavour - not like in most games with class unlocks where you have 3 classes on start and you have to work  to unlock 50 others. For people compaining about grind - like it or not Pantheon will mostly consist of grind (and communication) anyway and not collecting exp via running between npcs ...  


    As for examples the first that pops to mind is Tales of Maj'Eyal though it's not mmo, from mmo genre most go for "jobs" like system where you can change them freely on one char which i personally wouldnt want to see in Pantheon and therefore are not very good examples. Extremaly basic form of this system had an old mmo Mu Online where you'd unlock Magic Gladiator and Dark Lord character upon gaining 220 and 250 level on any class respectively. I had a better example of what I was looking for, but it hid in the corners of my memory and can't remember what online game did it right.

    • 1303 posts
    September 19, 2021 9:35 AM PDT

    If the idea is that at level 40 as a summoner I can embark on an epic questline that unlocks Necromancer, and from that point on I am a necromancer, I can see the appeal. 

    If the idea is that I have to play 50 levels as a summoner, then do a questline, so that I can restart at level one as a Necromancer, no. That's crap. 

    If the thing that is going to keep me engaged and entertained (playing a Necromancer) is locked behind 50 levels and a questline, I'm likely to never start on the path at all. Worse so if playing a summoner holds no interest for me at all. 

    Nothing can really be done about having new races/classes released later. That's a different concept altogether. But locking races/classes behind a grind just because it sounds interesting, actually sounds like a combination of PITA and a veiled attempt to keep people paying subs longer because the content itself is not engaging or complete enough. 


    • 118 posts
    September 19, 2021 4:09 PM PDT

    I hope that progeny is implemented, and that some minor benefit can be derived when a player chooses to retire a max leveled character.  I am against locking any of the currently planned classes or races behind some kind of achievement.  Considering the possible alternative race/class combinations is fun.

    (spelling corrected)

    This post was edited by CelevinMoongleam at September 19, 2021 4:10 PM PDT