Forums » Crafting and Gathering

Dress clothes

    • 118 posts
    March 5, 2015 4:48 PM PST

    I would like to see some middle ages authentic formal wear, but it is not high on my list of priorities.

    • 44 posts
    March 5, 2015 4:56 PM PST

    i am strongly against a seperate appearance slot, i want to see the gear that you have equipped at that time. Pantheon is gonna have different climate zones wich you need resist gear for from what i understood. don't want to see let's say a girl in bikini in a zone with a winter climate etc etc..

    • 610 posts
    March 6, 2015 2:15 AM PST
    Gelax said:

    i am strongly against a seperate appearance slot, i want to see the gear that you have equipped at that time. Pantheon is gonna have different climate zones wich you need resist gear for from what i understood. don't want to see let's say a girl in bikini in a zone with a winter climate etc etc..

    First off, lets hope they dont have bikinis...and avoiding stupid stuff like that is why I said keep the appearance items showable only in towns or safe spots

    No Tuxedo wearing Trolls in a dungeon!

    • 44 posts
    March 6, 2015 5:41 AM PST
    Sevens said:
    Gelax said:

    i am strongly against a seperate appearance slot, i want to see the gear that you have equipped at that time. Pantheon is gonna have different climate zones wich you need resist gear for from what i understood. don't want to see let's say a girl in bikini in a zone with a winter climate etc etc..

    First off, lets hope they dont have bikinis...and avoiding stupid stuff like that is why I said keep the appearance items showable only in towns or safe spots

    No Tuxedo wearing Trolls in a dungeon!


    yeah i hope this aswell :) was just en example, couldn't find the words to say anything else.

    i'm sorry, didn't see that part where you said in towns only

    • 49 posts
    March 6, 2015 7:46 AM PST
    Sevens said:
    Gelax said:

    i am strongly against a seperate appearance slot, i want to see the gear that you have equipped at that time. Pantheon is gonna have different climate zones wich you need resist gear for from what i understood. don't want to see let's say a girl in bikini in a zone with a winter climate etc etc..

    First off, lets hope they dont have bikinis...and avoiding stupid stuff like that is why I said keep the appearance items showable only in towns or safe spots

    No Tuxedo wearing Trolls in a dungeon!

    Towns only would still make you look like a miss matched weirdo in the outside world. I don't often stand around town and just admire my toon. It's when I am in the thick of action! My two cents....
    • 62 posts
    August 27, 2015 5:36 AM PDT

    "Costume" gear turns me off anymore (and by costume, I mean the stuff you get to wear over your armor and have on all of the time.)


    There used to be a time where I wanted it all of the time. I thought it was fun, cute and funny - but after playing games like AION, where despite being in a medieval, high fantasy world, you could wear a modern day bikini or formal attire like a wedding dress or pimp suit, I think that kills the feel of a game, and I hate it.


    In my own personal opinion, keep it real gear only. What you find, what is best for you, that's what you should wear and what should be seen.


    I do, however, like the idea of finding complete sets of gear that may look more bad ass should you complete the full set. THAT Is an option I am really down for. Some of them could even be "sporty" gear, which could also be considered "costumes". Like there could be pieces of plate armor with no stats that are for casters only, a normally silk/cloth wearing class, and if they find all of the armor pieces (head, shoulders, torso, legs, feet, gloves) then they could look like an armor wearing caster. These could be rare drops people may group up just to farm for. There could also be robes for classes that normally would not wear a robe, too. Etc.


    I don't think you should be able to go into battle looking like that though. It should just be for sport, like "hey, look what I have?" while standing around LFG or selling or offering buffs, etc.


    As for swimsuits, Santa outfits, Power Puff Girl costumes, formal wedding wear and pimp suits, please leave them out. I don't want to see it, lol.

    • 81 posts
    August 27, 2015 6:31 AM PDT

    I am not a fan of costume gear or transmog stuff. If they were to allow it how would you be able to regulate it. I remember back in EQ2 we had a caster who was always in costume type stuff. In raids he always looked like he did not fit into the picture. Like others have said it just didnt work for me. I would rather see what you attained as what you are wearing. 

    • 430 posts
    August 27, 2015 10:31 AM PDT

    Although I am not a fan of costume gear , I did like the gear sets from Diplomacy we got in NT by completing Diplo quests for different houses        ( Vanguard).   Perhaps they could do the same for crafting gear , or even getting costume gear from certain towns/cities that might represent the style of their area.  As for myself I shall be in the new Shawl Of Awaking   :)

    • 51 posts
    September 24, 2015 2:09 PM PDT

    The way I see it, if the armor and clothing are all lore-friendly it shouldn't interfere with anyone's immersion. I always liked the idea of making armor visuals customizable by crafters. By making each piece of gear from multiple parts you could craft the same tunic (for ex.) with the same stats in many different appearances. Little things like straps and buckles and ornamentation could be included for further customization. Plus you could dye cloth and stain hides in realistic, lore-friendly colors. That way you would able to have your own personal style, and it would give crafting a little extra depth.


    It would also be a money maker for crafters. Especially if they could modify the appearance of dropped gear as well. Don't like the look of your new sword? Take it to a weaponsmith. The better the crafter the more customizations they've unlocked or discovered, so the best crafters could design some really nice looking gear for you. And it could make use of rare components, so the designs could include enhancements depending on what components the crafter has to work with. That way you can make your own unique looking gear instead of hiding it with premade cosmetic items. I have nothing against cosmetic stuff, but if we can design our own functioning gear that we both use in battle and wear for style, then it's win/win, isn't it? It covers both form and function.


    Put this sort of thing in the hands of the players and it brings the world of Terminus to life that much more. Plus it puts a lot more options into crafting, making it more hands on and creative. As a lover of crafting and someone who needs to have a unique looking character, but also appreciates the lore and doesn't want to see lollipop greatswords and french maid outfits in Terminus (although I trust it would never go that far here), I think giving players the ability to customize the actual armor they wear would be a worthy addition to the game.

    • 8 posts
    November 1, 2015 4:50 AM PST

    Diplo gear in VG was great for RP, but this could all be collected as regular gear and switched too for certain events and activities. But it does feel like this could be addressed at a much later stage of development. It does make sense to have different gear for different roles in a RPG I want my alcohol resistant gear on when I’m in my local tavern :) but would rather everyone looked the part when we fight.

    • 122 posts
    December 12, 2015 7:20 PM PST

    I'm a fan so long as you have to take your armor off to wear it. I like the idea of having diplomatic gear, or even just RP gear... but you should not have a "costume" slot. I even wouldn't mind having certain costumes that you might need for a quest... but again, it needs to be something you choose to swap your armor out for. I don't mind seeing someone running around a dungeon in a fine set of clothes, so long as they're super squishy since they have no armor on! Also, I would only be ok with it if it's period-appropriate. 

    It needs to look like this or this.

    • 208 posts
    February 5, 2016 7:16 PM PST

    Some of my favorite memories in Anarchy Online was chilling at one of the nightclubs in Omni HQ, with my armor off and a pimp ass smoking jacket on, listening to Rubi Ka Radio and chatting with friends and guild mates. And that was in spite of the fact that the way armor and skills worked in game, changing from armor to smoking jacket and back was a lot more work than simply right clicking, especially if you were really twinked into that armor, but we did it anyway. The difficulty of doing that with no social tab at the time says a lot about how players will jump through rings of fire for social experiences. Social clothing is a great source of social gameplay and I hope to see it in Pantheon.

    To be clear for the people who think in black and white and assume I want to see smoking jackets in Pantheon, or want a social clothing tab that lets me wear a banana hammock while in combat, that is not the case. I just mean the concept. It's a great tool for social emergent RP and gameplay and a good change of pace from always grinding away in the field.


    • 1095 posts
    February 6, 2016 8:41 AM PST

    Under Game Features we find this, 


    • Quickly equip situational gear as you move from one climate to the next.


    If you are able to change out gear quickly, then there could be an additional gear rotation that has appearence slots for strolling about, then quickly put on combat gear, crafting gear etc.

    This post was edited by Aich at February 6, 2016 8:42 AM PST
    • 72 posts
    April 13, 2017 7:31 PM PDT

    Shea said:

    Although I am not a fan of costume gear , I did like the gear sets from Diplomacy we got in NT by completing Diplo quests for different houses        ( Vanguard).   Perhaps they could do the same for crafting gear , or even getting costume gear from certain towns/cities that might represent the style of their area.  As for myself I shall be in the new Shawl Of Awaking   :)

    I do like the idea of casual wear under our armor if we so choose to showcase it.  Transmoging and the desire to cover up armor should not be an issue so long as there's a large variety of armor appearances to dawn.  I don't think anyone likes to look like a roll of fruitloops, and im sure the developers know this all too well.


    • 17 posts
    June 21, 2017 5:11 PM PDT

    All for appearance slots! Besides, some designers make the most hidious outfits. Let us pick what our character should be wearing and when.

    • 18 posts
    June 21, 2017 10:45 PM PDT

    Shea said:

    Although I am not a fan of costume gear , I did like the gear sets from Diplomacy we got in NT by completing Diplo quests for different houses        ( Vanguard).   Perhaps they could do the same for crafting gear...


    Vanguard did have something simmilar to this, as you changed into a different sphere (adventuring, crafting, or diplo) your worn armor appearance would automatically change to that set of armor.  I thought that added a very cool factor when you're running around in a town while crafting or working on diplo people would see you in that worn gear set and know.  The heavy leather gloves and apron with the crafting was a very cool look.  Certainly fit the roleplay aspect of the sphere.  Would be nice to see more things like this in Pantheon

    • 40 posts
    August 3, 2017 10:11 PM PDT

    Reading the posts people just say "you should not be able to have costume gear" well... why the hell not? Other then your dislike of it.. its lore friendly. If you can have magic armor or swords, and enchanters can cast illusions, and druids turn into an animal... 

    Where is the great break in lore if you have a robe that casts the illusion of something else? It's a world of magic and wonder... illusions and transformations will already be a part of the game.

    Granted there shouldn't be any bikini's or pimp suits. but I'm all for costumes, either by Xmoging 1 item at a time or a full outfit slot.

    I myself like cute things and dressing up my character, I should be allowed to. Maybe have an on/off option on if you want to see costumes or something Just like EQ did with the new/old luclin graphic options (old school ftw baby)

    So again... other than your dislike... what reason is there to not have look customizable gear?

    This post was edited by Cyanmoor at August 3, 2017 10:12 PM PDT
    • 8 posts
    August 5, 2017 3:49 PM PDT

    I used to enjoy collecting outfits in the old Star Wars game. (before they nerfed it) When you went on missions you had to change back into armor, but when listening to music or just chilling you could put together some really cool looks. I had this whole Laura Croft Tomb Raider outfit that was my favorite. In EQ2 I loved the appearance slots. It allowed me to make my character fit with the vibe I was going for. I played mostly squishies so robes and dresses fit. I hope they do have some customization. I want to make my character unique.

    • 40 posts
    August 5, 2017 5:42 PM PDT

    Zeem said:

    Under Game Features we find this, 


    • Quickly equip situational gear as you move from one climate to the next.


    If you are able to change out gear quickly, then there could be an additional gear rotation that has appearance slots for strolling about, then quickly put on combat gear, crafting gear etc.

    Makes me wonder how they will do that as well. Having to carry around 150 gear items for all situations would be crappy... but having it all magically stored somewhere where ya just hit 1 button to change gear sets... idk I don't like that idea either.

    This post was edited by Cyanmoor at August 5, 2017 5:42 PM PDT
    • 3237 posts
    August 5, 2017 5:47 PM PDT

    I am in the camp that would like to see appearance gear ... but it has to be earned.  Meaning, you go out and get yourself a mithril set of armor ... you later find an upgrade for just your helmet, but want to keep the mithril "look."  You swap the mithril helmet into your appearance slot and now you get to keep the mithril look while still benefiting from the helmet upgrade.  As far as dress clothes or cosmetic stuff, I'm fine with that too ... FF series did good with this and their crafting sets.  We know we won't see cash stop stuff so people don't need to worry about that ... but if there is a rare recipe for a bakers outfit, coldsteel armorer outfit, or even wedding dress/tuxedo ...  more power to them.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at August 5, 2017 5:48 PM PDT
    • 40 posts
    August 5, 2017 7:54 PM PDT

    oneADseven said:

    I am in the camp that would like to see appearance gear ... but it has to be earned.  Meaning, you go out and get yourself a mithril set of armor ... you later find an upgrade for just your helmet, but want to keep the mithril "look."  You swap the mithril helmet into your appearance slot and now you get to keep the mithril look while still benefiting from the helmet upgrade.  As far as dress clothes or cosmetic stuff, I'm fine with that too ... FF series did good with this and their crafting sets.  We know we won't see cash stop stuff so people don't need to worry about that ... but if there is a rare recipe for a bakers outfit, coldsteel armorer outfit, or even wedding dress/tuxedo ...  more power to them.

    I want cute stuff like cat tails/ears, Cute dresses :P lol

    • 294 posts
    August 6, 2017 3:49 PM PDT

    I don't care much for costume gear/ appearance gear. I do appreciate dress clothes to wear in the city or a formal setting. I think crafted dress/formal attire should serve a purpose though. Crafting gear should look like crafting gear, be it a simple leather apron or heavy leather gloves made to handle moulton iron. Crafted formal wear should allow some benefit in social circles, perhaps a special pair of eye wear gives a bonus in the library when studying languages, A classy suit and top-hat allows one to gain audience with the local mayor or lord, etc...

    • 3016 posts
    August 7, 2017 9:26 AM PDT

    I'm sorry...I don't want Pantheon to resemble Hello Kitty Land,  costume gear sure,  but within reason.  :)  Lore based..please.  Want to dress up like the Wizard in the Tower of the Reckless Magician...yeah that refers to the lore,  Pantheon world and would make more sense.    Otherwise I forsee Pantheon resembling just any other game...due to going off the Pantheon themes.

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at August 7, 2017 9:31 AM PDT
    • 74 posts
    August 9, 2017 8:31 PM PDT

    Nymphey said:

    I want cute stuff like cat tails/ears, Cute dresses :P lol

    I agree with this, so very much. The current solution I've seen bandied about is if there is "cosmetic" gear, then others can toggle "having" to view it. So you can see everything and wear whatever, but if someone doesn't want to see my awesome cat ears? Well they can go ahead and toggle that option off. I feel like that just fixes the entire problem. The super stoic serious stop having fun the wrong way in my fantasy game people get to admire my sweet ass lambent armor, and the extra fun people can see my little additions.

    I also really like the idea that a crafter could customize their creations in appearance. Buckles, pockets, different stitching, or colors. Whatever is realistic. The higher level you get, maybe the more features you unlock for different styled armor, glyphs, or whatever. If you could maybe save the designs you like as a template, then there could be a whole market for people who make the best looking armor or robes. I feel like if there's anything VR should hear from this thread, it's this suggestion.

    For the people who hate the idea of cosmetic stuff like suits, jackets, or costumes, remember: there are such things as period costumes. Jester outfits, clown paint, mime stuff, maybe some cultures have stylized makeup and clothing for plays or whatever. Pop culture was a thing way before we had mass communication. In a world with shapechangers and magic, who's to say pop culture doesn't include some people idolizing those aspects and creating cat ears and griffon wings to wear?

    • 77 posts
    September 12, 2017 8:33 PM PDT

    I just want to see crafters be able to wear what crafters would wear. Instead of full metal plate while beating on a forge, a nice heavy duty apron, gloves, workboots etc would be nice. Lemme swing mah hammer without the encumberance.