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Community Debate - What does your ideal...

    • 2139 posts
    June 27, 2021 2:05 PM PDT

    dorotea said: NPCs that begin to orient new players to this being a group focused game. A quest to recover the body of a fool that went out on her own after being told to bring friends. A bounty board for an enemy requiring at least a small group, with a warning not to do it alone. That type of thing. To go with soloable content so that new players can take their time, learn the mechanics of the game and learn their character a bit before going out to group.

    I think this is the single best suggestion so far on the thread.

    vjek said: if the goal of the game is NOT exclusively or primarily combat, then show me everything but combat, first.

    Emlar said: It needs to be so emblematic that 22 years later, you still remember your first steps into the unknown.

    Ainadak said: People and things that have nothing to do with me and my adventuring. The world should not revolve around the player, especially when they're brand new. I've always loved that first feeling of being a small fish in a big pond because it leaves room for growth. 

    bigdogchris said: A vendor to sell stuff to that claims to have the best prices in town, but doesn't.

    Vandraad said: At least one example of dispositions, environments,atmospheres and climbing that you are required to experience as part of some early quest.

    crazysyd102 said: A Tavern!  All good things start with an ale or two... and some new friends.

    Caine said: Require the players be observant, so if that means having a high level area near by, and you give the player plenty of clues, that they need to be careful and no go overthere.  teach them a nice early lesson.

    Leevolen said: Secrets tunnels and false walls leading in and out of the neighboring city.

    StoneFish said: Quest from crazy NPC that just wants banana nut bread but can't get the ingredients

    I think this list would work just fine for me!

    • 690 posts
    June 30, 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    My ideal starting area includes basic information on the world, both lore and mechanics, around me.

    It includes an easy way to find useful things like class trainers and starter merchants. These class trainers should have cool looking gear. The starter merchants should sell a simple, somewhat good set of armor that is way too expensive for me right now (Like fine steel or raw-hide in everquest).

    It includes other low levels I can practice grouping with.

    It Includes high levels who feel like they have enough time to cheer me on or welcome me to the game. Positive social reinforcement from superiors is always a good thing for keeping someone around and efficient.

    It includes secrets I catch the high level using.

    It includes the occassional easy to see high level enemy to bring me a sense of wonder or goal seeking.

    It includes very basic gear to find and quickly outfit my character in a way that shows my status as a new player, as opposed to a naked player.

    Finally it includes methods of making quicker money or experience like everywhere else. Some people might want more money early on for the convenience of it despite the harder work early , others might not mind being poor because they know they will get what they want later if they maximise their experience.


    This post was edited by BeaverBiscuit at June 30, 2021 11:37 AM PDT
    • 520 posts
    July 30, 2021 2:48 PM PDT

    1) Equipment/skill vendors

    2) Gathering spots

    3) Crafting stations

    4) Part of it with high level/end game content so new players interact with veterans from the start and starting areas get revisited/not become forgotten/desolated after a while 

    5) Secrets