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Tavern Talk - What is the closest you have come...

    • 9115 posts
    May 27, 2021 4:14 AM PDT

    Tavern Talk - What is the closest you have come to losing something significant in an MMORPG? Lost gear, missed out on a drop, failed corpse run etc. Let us know below! #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at May 27, 2021 4:19 AM PDT
    • 2756 posts
    May 27, 2021 5:13 AM PDT

    It's a long time ago, to be honest I can't remember the exact technical details, but had Zordak Ragefire (triggered dragon for cleric epic) kill-stolen by an uber-guild that were there to 'spectate'.

    What was lost?  Well, this was back in the days when you lost the item used to trigger.  Sometimes GMs would re-imburse the trigger item.  Sometimes (and in my case) not, since it was 'obvious' the other guild were there to 'compete' on the spawn (even though they said they weren't) and we 'should have postponed' if we thought we couldn't 'beat' them.

    So I lost the many hours of my time to obtain it along with my guild's combined time for that assembly.  Also a considerable loss of faith in humanity.

    Yes, I know, I'm a contemptuous filthy casual carebear to not relish the 'competition' and appreciate the 'added excitement'...

    • 9115 posts
    May 27, 2021 6:01 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    It's a long time ago, to be honest I can't remember the exact technical details, but had Zordak Ragefire (triggered dragon for cleric epic) kill-stolen by an uber-guild that were there to 'spectate'.

    What was lost?  Well, this was back in the days when you lost the item used to trigger.  Sometimes GMs would re-imburse the trigger item.  Sometimes (and in my case) not, since it was 'obvious' the other guild were there to 'compete' on the spawn (even though they said they weren't) and we 'should have postponed' if we thought we couldn't 'beat' them.

    So I lost the many hours of my time to obtain it along with my guild's combined time for that assembly.  Also a considerable loss of faith in humanity.

    Yes, I know, I'm a contemptuous filthy casual carebear to not relish the 'competition' and appreciate the 'added excitement'...

    Ouch man! :(

    • 947 posts
    May 27, 2021 6:42 AM PDT

    EQ is probably the only game that I have terrible memories of losing out on things (to the point that I quit playing)... but I didn't get my SHD's lvl 55 Epic until I was lvl 78 (for reasons similar to Disposalist's above my post... except people were often willing to help Clerics) - and that was only because I came back like 15 years later and still had to have lvl 100 people help me with the 1.5 (lvl 70 upgrade)... meanwhile I soloed most of my Druid's epic before he was lvl 50.  Hated the disparity in that game... but it was hands down the most memorable, because it was the worst experience in my MMO life.

    This post was edited by Darch at May 27, 2021 6:44 AM PDT
    • 438 posts
    May 27, 2021 7:40 AM PDT
    EQ in 1999 just logged in for the first time. Some dude came up and handed me a full set of bronze plate when I was level 6. I was excited. Made the way to the boat and fell into the ocean. Didn’t know how to swim up. Drowned. Also didn’t know how to ask a GM for help so lost it all on that corpse. Fun times.
    • 69 posts
    May 27, 2021 8:05 AM PDT

    Mordecai said: EQ in 1999 just logged in for the first time. Some dude came up and handed me a full set of bronze plate when I was level 6. I was excited. Made the way to the boat and fell into the ocean. Didn’t know how to swim up. Drowned. Also didn’t know how to ask a GM for help so lost it all on that corpse. Fun times.

    Getting on the boat at lvl 6 takes guts(or beginner's ignorance). Unfortunately, being a newbie in EQ can be a bruising experience. Taking uncalculated risks was often harshly punished, as in your case. At low levels, I died repeatedly in the newbie zone, but CR was a breeze and my gear was garbage anyway. The silver lining was that you learned to team up with others to avoid such painful events. This was the best part of EQ for me. The friends that I made became more important than gear or even the game itself after a while. 

    This post was edited by phil85 at May 27, 2021 8:09 AM PDT
    • 947 posts
    May 27, 2021 8:13 AM PDT

    Mordecai said: EQ in 1999 just logged in for the first time. Some dude came up and handed me a full set of bronze plate when I was level 6. I was excited. Made the way to the boat and fell into the ocean. Didn’t know how to swim up. Drowned. Also didn’t know how to ask a GM for help so lost it all on that corpse. Fun times.

    Yep - I lost a whole set of bronze armor around level 20 when I got into some PvP in Cazic Thule and then had to go home on leave back to Maine where we did not have broadband yet at the time... so by the time I came back my corpse had only a couple of items left on it.  That was when I learned about corpse decay... Youch!

    • 69 posts
    May 27, 2021 9:02 AM PDT

    My very first god raid in EQ was Fear Plane.  I was very excited and nervous. I had read about the sprinting path you could take to the safe zone, if you weren't insta killed on zoning in. I thought I had it memorized from a drawing on an EQ website. When the time came to zone in, I was sure I would be dead on the loading screen. There were other people from the raid zoning in with me. When I zoned in, I saw damage spam all over my screen. I was expecting to get the infamous "loading, please wait" screen, but I did not. I was standing there and nothing was attacking me. The others zoning in were getting beat down. I felt a surge of adrenaline and sprinted in the direction of the safe zone far to the north.  I had the path in my head. I kept going and nothing was attacking me. Nothing was aggroed by me. I kept running. And running. It seemed too good to be true. I was in the Plane of Fear for the first time, running past dozens of uber mobs, across a large swath of the zone, and nothing was attacking me. 

    After a while I became concerned. The path to the safe zone didn't look this long. My current location was clearly different than what I was looking for.  I must have made a wrong turn somewhere. I slowed down and changed directions. Two seconds later I was dead. 

    I wasn't worried at that point, because my raiding party had done this before. My raid had an experienced CR team.  I had to be close to the safe zone after all that running. I was just happy to be on my first Plane raid. I would just chill and watch some T.V. and keep an eye on my chat screen. 

    Well, the zone in was messy and the raid started about 2 hours later. They didn't see my corpse anywhere near the safe zone. After another 2-3 hours, they still couldn't find my corpse. Eventually, I was told that my corpse was right next to CT's feet. There was no guarantee that they could get it unless we cleared the entire zone. This was back in 1999 when clearing Fear was not a sure thing. I didn't know how long it would take me to get in on another Fear raid. It could be days or weeks. I began to realize that I could lose my gear, after months of playing.  After about 8 hours, I was told to prepare for a rez. I felt a huge wave of relief. I was able to participate in the last 20 minutes of the raid, which felt like magic, depite the 8 hour CR.

    I was reminded that EQ was a game about teamwork and friends. That's what I miss most about it. 

    This post was edited by phil85 at May 27, 2021 9:47 AM PDT
    • 438 posts
    May 27, 2021 10:28 AM PDT
    @phil85 yea dude was pure ignorance. Worst part was it was my uncles character lol. He let me play and went to work. I had no idea what I was doing.
    • 69 posts
    May 27, 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Mordecai said: @phil85 yea dude was pure ignorance. Worst part was it was my uncles character lol. He let me play and went to work. I had no idea what I was doing.

    I get it. EQ was my first MMO. Initially, I was psychologically stuck in the single player RPG mode. I had played those games for years.  I didn't worry about CR, losing my gear or experience by dying.  I was used to taking risks, exploring new areas, attacking much higher level mobs just for the fun of it- all solo of course. Because in the single player games, you just reload a save or autosave. It was never a big deal. EQ changed all that. I learned the hard way, just like everyone else. I just never used someone else's account. That's even worse. 

    On the other hand, if I had given my newbie nephew permission to play my EQ toon while I was at work, I wouldn't have been surprised by the predictable disasters that were sure to follow. 

    This post was edited by phil85 at May 27, 2021 11:13 AM PDT
    • 413 posts
    May 27, 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    I guess I would say RL friends.  I had one friend who went from 0 to 60mph when he was introduced to EQ2.  But he was a "over the top" Barney Fife guild officer guy.  He took to policing everybody on guild conversations as self proclaimed moderator. to class tactics critiquer.  He would not mellow out.  I was a guild officer as well, but I was role-playing a self-absorbed Erudite Coercer.  One of our friends (RL) could not stay logged in at night as a vendor to sell loot in her housing.  So we decided to shack up together in EQ2, and I would leave my Coecer (Psychosis) logged in to help out with selling at night.  We role-played this out.  We had a doublebed, bunch of candles every where and chains above the head board.  And we had a pet duck, who we named "Jesse", which was the real life name of "Barney Fife guy".  Needless to say Barney was taking big issue with all this.

    Barney eventually gave up MMO's all together because he took himself "way" to seriously, eventually got burnt out.  Even the guiild leader once had me send an invite to a newly made alt he created for the soul purpose of playing a prank on Barney.  Barney kick him from the guild in like 9 minutes after some hilarious exchanges.  Barney still does not talk to me to this day.  so that sucks.

    Years later, about six months ago my new Real life GF are living together and adopted two cats.  She insisted on naming the male, "Jesse"...LMAO!!!  I message my old EQ2 roomate this news, she though it ws hilarious as well.

    But I miss Barney in a wierd way.

    This post was edited by Zevlin at May 27, 2021 11:41 AM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    May 27, 2021 1:01 PM PDT

    Around 2002-ish, I attended a public open raid on Lady Vox, and won the roll for an RBB against dozens of others. (98/100 or something like that)

    Played for at least two more years, then moved to EQ2. When I went BACK to EQ1-Live, many years later (after 2010), everything was still on my char, all the money, all the other no-drops, all my tinker bags, all my DKP loot, everything matched my Magelo profile 100%..

    Except the RBB.  Nothing was in my waist slot.  I opened a ticket and there was the standard "nothing we can do" and they closed the ticket.
    I mean, I know they COULD have gone back through the database audit log and figure out what happened to it, but no-one was inclined. 
    Really disappointed me, given the possible options of what could have happened to it.  To this day, I suspect insider shenanigans.

    • 1860 posts
    May 27, 2021 2:07 PM PDT

    Summoned bags in EQ.  Forget you have stuff in them and log off and it all poofs.  

    • 69 posts
    May 27, 2021 4:40 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    It's a long time ago, to be honest I can't remember the exact technical details, but had Zordak Ragefire (triggered dragon for cleric epic) kill-stolen by an uber-guild that were there to 'spectate'.

    What was lost?  Well, this was back in the days when you lost the item used to trigger.  Sometimes GMs would re-imburse the trigger item.  Sometimes (and in my case) not, since it was 'obvious' the other guild were there to 'compete' on the spawn (even though they said they weren't) and we 'should have postponed' if we thought we couldn't 'beat' them.

    So I lost the many hours of my time to obtain it along with my guild's combined time for that assembly.  Also a considerable loss of faith in humanity.

    Yes, I know, I'm a contemptuous filthy casual carebear to not relish the 'competition' and appreciate the 'added excitement'...

    I played P1999 for over a year and loved it. I got to be an enchanter, which I had never tried before. It was alot of fun and I got pretty good at the class. Not bad for being an SK back in EQ. 

    I had a great time until all the poop socking and boss stealing uber guilds took over the high end content. There was no cooperation or rotation that I recall. Just all out monopoly of top tier mobs with the grieving thrown in just for good measure. I quit shortly after that. What a shame, because a little cooperation would have changed everything. 

    • 1921 posts
    May 27, 2021 6:47 PM PDT

    philo said:

    Summoned bags in EQ.  Forget you have stuff in them and log off and it all poofs.  

    Nah, I played for years, never once used a summoned bag for that exact reason.  I had full tinker bags! :)

    • 454 posts
    May 27, 2021 9:05 PM PDT

    My experience closely matches disposalist's.  I can't say how many times I was camping a rare spawn until somebody higher up wanted the same item for his fifth alt.  That's why I hope grey mobs won't give experience or drop loot.  I will compete with anyone in an equal level.  But I don't want Uber guilds bottle necking content so no one can compete with them.

    • 902 posts
    May 28, 2021 2:24 AM PDT

    I was new to EQ1 and had got cocky enough to think that I had a good handle on Qeynos Hills and decided to look elsewhere in the world. After exploring a bit, I came across West Karana, so in I went and (being a ranger) scouted around, keeping clear of anything remotely dangerous (which was in essence, everything). I passed by some shops and a bandit camp and came to a hill. "Great vantage point!", I thought, so up I went and turned around to survey the land.

    After a couple of seconds, out of nowhere all hell broke loose, I had suddenly lost 90%+ of my life. "What the..." I shouted and I spun around only to see Froon or Choon (my memory fades) ready to pound my head again. Before I could do anything, I was dead. One corpse run back only to find Froon and Choon standing way too close to my corpse. I didn’t know what to do. Everything I owned was on that corpse. I could not defend myself; I really was stuck.

    Out of the blue, a ranger appeared beside me and said, "Need a hand"?

    "Yes, please!", I replied gratefully.

    I wish I could remember their name, but it was an exceptionally long time ago. The ranger conned about the same as the two mobs, so I wondered what was going to happen. After a chat to set things up; in the ranger piled, grabbed my corpse and legged it for the zone, dragging my body behind him with the two cyclops hot on his tail. I followed at a distance and watch him zone. I sent a tell thanking the ranger and they replied "NP". I never encountered that ranger again. That's how I remember it, anyway.

     There was nothing in it for them except to help a newbie out and my faith in humanity was bolstered greatly. From that day forward, I always kept an eye out for corpses or newbies needing a hand or a good sword.

    There were closer shaves and more significant losses and wins, but this first episode stuck with me since the very start.


    This post was edited by chenzeme at May 28, 2021 7:47 AM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    May 28, 2021 8:52 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Tavern Talk - What is the closest you have come to losing something significant in an MMORPG? Lost gear, missed out on a drop, failed corpse run etc. Let us know below! #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    In the 11 years of playin EQ1, only one time was I ever concerned that I was about to lose an item and that was during the Coldain Prayer Shawl quest.  In that quest (which had 8 parts to it) at each step you had to combine the previous version of the Shawl with some items to create the next version. If you failed any of those combines, you lost everything and had to start over.  There was one point (I think step 6?)where I had just given up on raising the tradeskill for that part any further so the combine was quite risky. Luckily I made it.  Had I failed, I would have lost weeks of work.

    But beyond that, I've never had a corpse rot, never lost any gear, items, spells...nothing in EQ1 or 2 or any other fantasy MMO. EVE Online did I lose a lot of stuff.  Dozens of carriers, multiple dreadnaughts, 3 supercapitals, multiple dozens of command ships, hundreds of battleships...basically untold dozens upon dozens of billions worth of ships and implants because that was EVE Online.  You lose a fight, your ship gets blown up, and your capsule destroyed and you find yourself back at your clone bay, naked, and the prospect of rebuilding/rebuying everything you just lost.

    This post was edited by Vandraad at May 28, 2021 8:53 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    May 28, 2021 1:11 PM PDT

    Not something that happened to me, but what I saw.

    So, I was struggling. Toxx Forest was unforgiving, anything close to my level was either wandering into or in the path of things 9 levels higher. I was dieing alot. I figured out I could buy armor only to learn-after scrimping - and dieing- to get enough coin that I could not wear all the plate I just bought.

    An evil told me to follow her to Paineel after I was nice to her and sold in the palace for her. I was doubtful at first but she begged. I saw guards and was concerned, she said, just run right through the middle of them! When I tried- I died. I didnt know she did something because she told me to try again and when I did, it was no problem, but there was alot of stuff my level there! in a nice small area.  I wondered why the evils  had it so much better.

    Anyways. That being my new spot, I was heading back to the palace one time to sell and bank, when I saw a group of people! (hardly anyone showed up there) they were talking intently so I eavesdropped a little. I knew there was a hole there, a big one, and was warned once not to even think of looking over the edge.  But these people were telling someone to step over it, it would be ok, because they would have Lev.  I wanted to see what "Lev" was. Then they said wait, lets group first. 

    I watched as they cast lev on a person and they floated!~ He took a step out then back in. Did so a bit more, 2 or 3 steps. Then while he was heading out again someone cast a spell on him- didn't do anything that I could see. Then I saw an emote for a duel and I wondered why they would want to fight, but saw them doing laugh emotes.  2 ran out a few steps and then another cast a spell and he fell! then the others ran and zoned out. I zoned out and shouted "I think that guy fell!"  but no one responded and I didnt see them

    I zoned back in and saw a shout for "Help!" I went to the edge of the hole and peered down, being careful, but I couldn't see anything. Then he appeared! in front of me over the hole! but he was naked he shouted Help! and he fell again!. next time he appeared he saw me and I said WAIT! and he said WAIT! but then he fell. I didnt see him appear again. 

    I waited a bit then went back to the palace to sell. On the way back I died- ugh-skeletons seemed to know where I was and I swear hiding behind trees- and I made it back to paineel to the newbie yard. I was there for about another hour or so when...

    Then I was frozen, I could not move. I was like, what the- I see some text in purple in caps THIS IS GM ABSALOR I NEED TO TALK TO YOU. I say outloud ok! how come you can talk in purple and where are you?

    I appear in a room with cats on it and I ask, where is this! . After asking me questons and recounting what I saw.  He pressed me for the names of the people if I could remember them. I did remember 2, the one casting lev and the one that dueled. and the one that kept falling. I asked are you going to help him? he said yes.

    I asked how are you going to do it? He said he would have a group at the bottom to keep it clear and a cleric up top.  There's a way to the bottom?! can I go with you?  can I watch? unfortunately I was too low and I would die,  even if I just stayed close. I asked when they were  going to help him and he said in 20min, I could stay with the cleric up top. Then poof. I was back. I learned the other people had cast lev on him,  got him to run out then cast bind affinity- because they were in a city- then got the chanter to cast annull magic to remove the lev. So he would respawn above the hole- fall- die-and respawn where he was bound which was above the hole to fall- die...again and again.

    There he is! I said and the cleric said- damn.  Then he appeared again and I guess they timed it from the other group because the cleric  started casting before he appeared .  That didnt do anything, I said, you don't have lev? (I was going to ask for lev if she had it) She said, I have better, DA- if it stuck. She explained that was divine aura. Can I have divine aura? She said I was too low, and I wouldnt like it.  

    It worked or so she said, and he wouldn't be falling anymore and they were going to re-bind him.   

    • 19 posts
    May 29, 2021 7:11 PM PDT

    Guild group in Sol A, going after the GEB. Get close to the spawn point when we get overwhelmed and wiped. We had no high level players in the guild that could do a CR for us. It was late on a work night in PST time zone, not a lot of players on. Thought we were screwed, when a high level finally came to our rescue and did a CR. 

    • 91 posts
    May 30, 2021 9:41 PM PDT

    So many times this has happened…sometimes I think “Baerr, you’re not so great at RPGs”

    First time that I recall was in a Mechwarrior battle..yes the book based rpg from circa 1989 or so…learned the lesson, you can have fun and be a smart add, but don’t make the GM angry…still didn’t learn that so well…instakilled in shadowrunner and ad&d without so much as a die roll...but I had a lot of fun!

    Next, EQ2…I snuck my way past the entry following a group…promptly fell off a bridge and ended up deep inside Blackburrow caverns getting beaten up by gnolls around the brewery…back when EQ2 had corpse runs and decently slow progression. I barely noticed the experience debt because I was having so much fun at the game that was my first MMORPG…It did start to add up though and I ended up taking a remarkably long time to get past the area outside Qeynos…

    Next MMO, was my tricked out mission fit arty Hurricane shield recharge tanked Battlecruiser…a slow and painful death mid-mission in (barely) low sec space

    5th through the 100th time..all other kinds of ships in EVE online…kind of goes with the PvP sandbox territory

    Since then, the list of almost’s has outstripped the list of aww-hell’s… I truly wish I had been around for the advent of EQ..

    Still it’s fun to keep coming back…Not sure why

    This post was edited by Baerr at May 30, 2021 9:54 PM PDT
    • 5 posts
    June 2, 2021 5:08 AM PDT

    Everquest jewelcrafting

    pile a dragon's hoard of gems into a kit with some platinum bars and hit combine - poof! all gone. Didn't even get a skill-up.


    The closest I came but still succeeded? A friend fell into the hole. I was a Necromancer, so I had to run around to gather a correct sized coffin, get a lift back (pre-pop, so.. druid/wizard port and a long run) wait for the cleric to arrive...

    We eventually managed to summon the corpse just before the rez timer wore off.

    • 256 posts
    June 2, 2021 6:42 AM PDT

    In WoW during the Cataclysm expansion, my account was hacked. My main had his gold stolen and all his armor sold. I opened a petition and within almost an hour of doing so, I had my account banned for life for gold selling. 

    I was eventually able to get this issue resolved and have access restored to my account, the gear returned, and a minor portion of the gold stolen restored. The only thing I really lost was a significant portion of gold and the faith that my account was safe from hackers.

    I learned my lesson though and attached an authenticator to my account, in order to prevent a situation like this from happening again.

    I really hope that VR plans to implement some kind of dual verification system to protect accounts from hackers.

    • 3852 posts
    June 2, 2021 9:05 AM PDT

    A verification system would be a good topic for a separate thread. I don't recall it having been discussed much though it does come up now and then. 

    If there is such a system I hope it would be optional. Playing on a desktop that no one else has access to and with a fairly complex password someone might rationally not want to spend the extra time to have a dual verification system. Someone playing on a laptop (more likely to be lost or stolen) that is shared by others and using a short simple password would have far more incentive to opt for the protection.

    • 256 posts
    June 2, 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    A verification system would be a good topic for a separate thread. I don't recall it having been discussed much though it does come up now and then. 

    If there is such a system I hope it would be optional. Playing on a desktop that no one else has access to and with a fairly complex password someone might rationally not want to spend the extra time to have a dual verification system. Someone playing on a laptop (more likely to be lost or stolen) that is shared by others and using a short simple password would have far more incentive to opt for the protection.

    I'll be honest I use to be in the same boat. I thought that I was fine because I was on a desktop, didn't share my account/info with anyone else, and had a fairly complex passowrd. Hackers will be hackers though and will do what they do especially if the game is popular enough.

    You're right though the topic of a verification system would be a great topic for a separate thread.