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Not logging in for (x) time

    • 729 posts
    May 22, 2021 8:10 AM PDT

    If I fail to log into the game for, say a month, do I loose anything or any skills or attributes?   The account will be active but I just can't play for a month or so.  Do acclimation stats degrade over time?  

    • 1860 posts
    May 22, 2021 4:08 PM PDT

    StoneFish said:

    If I fail to log into the game for, say a month, do I loose anything or any skills or attributes?   The account will be active but I just can't play for a month or so.  Do acclimation stats degrade over time?  

    Nothing has been mentioned about anything degrading. 

    As far as acclimation, you will lose some/most glyphs when you swap them out for a different acclimation type glyph.  There will be some, highest tier type/most powerful, glyphs that you will be able to keep when you remove them.

    This post was edited by philo at May 22, 2021 4:09 PM PDT
    • 612 posts
    May 23, 2021 9:36 AM PDT

    StoneFish said: "If I fail to log into the game for, say a month, do I loose anything or any skills or attributes?   The account will be active but I just can't play for a month or so."

    They haven't said anything about skills or attributes fading over time. In most MMO's even buffs don't normally fade when you log out unless they specifically say that they fade when you zone or log out. And they haven't mentioned anything to suggest that they would.

    StoneFish said: "Do acclimation stats degrade over time?"

    There is a part of the system they are calling 'Natural Acclimation' which is just your body adapting to the environment you are in. Like in Real life how those who live in colder climates tend to be able to handle the cold much better the longer they live there. Or the opposite, people who live in a Desert can handle the heat much better than those who don't.

    So just hanging out in a Climate will grant you some of this 'Natural Acclimation' but it takes time to build up and it only gives you a limited protection. And this 'Natural Acclimation' does fade over time if you are no longer in the Climate anymore. Although we don't know how long it takes to build up or how long before it starts to fade when you leave the area, nor how long it takes to fades back down to zero.

    And they also have not said anything to suggest this would fade when you are offline. So if you log out in a zone with a Climate type and have built up some Natural Acclimation, I would assume that just like a buff, this would stay active while you are offline so that when you log back in you will still have the Natural Acclimation. But this is just my guess as they have not said anything one way or another about it fading while offline.

    Philo Said: "As far as acclimation, you will lose some/most glyphs when you swap them out for a different acclimation type glyph.  There will be some, highest tier type/most powerful, glyphs that you will be able to keep when you remove them"

    Yeah. Joppa described glyphs like putting on a Tattoo. He then explained later that Glyphs may fade over time and need to be re-applied. And when you remove a Glyph to add a different one you will lose the old one. He then said that some Glyphs you obtain may have multiple uses and some rare Epic ones will have infinite uses. Think of it like putting on one of those temporary Tattoos, then some are like getting a pack with several copies of the temporary tattoo, and then some Mythic or Epic Glyphs are like getting a Stamp Device that literally stamps a Tattoo on you whenever you want.

    Also of note, Glyphs will have their own seperate inventory tab and will not take up space in your normal bags.

    These latest details about Acclimation were talked about in This video at timestamp: 11:08 and the part about Glyphs being temporary, except for Epic ones, is found at timestamp: 19:50.

    • 2144 posts
    May 23, 2021 1:04 PM PDT

    Thanks Goofy. What you said is what I remember too, but I couldn't remember where I heard it.

    • 729 posts
    May 24, 2021 4:45 AM PDT

    GoofyWarriorGuy and Philo.  Thank you very much.

    That is exactly the info I needed and sought.

    So Glyphs are something we can collect and use, with foresight, when we commit to a zone for a while if that glyph is a lesser-kind. 

    But overall if we take a break for Pantheon, inconceivable I know, we don't have to worry to much about loosing our ability to withstand pressure or heat or toxins.  But we do have to be aware that removing an active lesser-kind Glyph could cause some ability loss not part of the overall character growth.