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Can you beat my sad EQ1 story?

    • 33 posts
    April 23, 2021 1:11 PM PDT

    Well as i havnt explored or read much here yet, i thought i might amuse and perhaps get amused by some of you who already read most of the stuff here. Well here goes.

    Only started playing EQ1 after all my friends quit playing, and my first char was a warrior, sadly it got harder and harder to get groupinvites as i levelled up but didnt raid at all so my eq kinda sucked and in a random group, who want a tank with 8k health when you can get one with 20? So i started my cleric, now everyone wanted me in groups. Got in a little friendly guild and we raided smaller mobs. But then the guildleader quit playing so the guild fell apart.

    Well i was still max level(80) with plenty AA and had gotten my epic so i was an above average cleric. About this time more and more guilds felt the pressure of people leaving the game and one day i got an guildinvite from one of the big guilds in the game, think it was called Darkwinds, and now i was raiding the big new mobs! Lootsystem as per most guild i guess and after a time when i had enough raidpoint i started to join in the dicerolling, but i didnt win any rolls. Time after time after time my number didnt come up, After many raids but no wins i found myself being the cleric in guild with the most raidpoint, and shortly after that the guild disbanded. That did it for me.

    Can anyone beat this?

    • 470 posts
    April 24, 2021 8:46 AM PDT

    One of my first characters was a little mage. One day, the adventurous little mage, at the powerful level of about 5, set out for an adventure from Freeport with his little water elemental. Crossing the East Commonlands into the west, he strolled through surprisingly unopposed by the local mobs. As he stepped upon a hillside, a noise rang out from the distance. ~Crunch, Crunch, Crunch~ What was that, he wondered. Looking around he saw nothing behind him. 

    ~Crunch, Crunch, Crunch~ The noise again rang out from the distance. As the little mage turned to look the other way he was met with the rising, big beaty eyes of a hill giant coming up the side of the hill. Paniced, the little mage made for the zoneline with the running hill giant in tow. ~Crunch, Crunch, Crunch~ Sorry little pet, you'll have to take one for the team, he said. As he sent his little water elemental in to buy some time for escape. With the zoneline a few steps away, a loud crunch rang out as the "You have Died" screen appeared and the hill giant ran over the corpse of our fallen mage.

    Some say even now, if you listen closely in the newer merged Commonlands, you can still hear the tormented screams of the lost little mage, forever doomed to endure the constant pain of being stepped on from his embeded home of the boot of the hill giant.

    That's a pretty sad story. ;p

    Jokes aside (even though that's a true story), I think most of us have probably had some guilds we've been a part of implode at some point. I can recall at least 4 in my EQ days that inevitably met their end due to some sort of drama. Luckily, over the last decade and a half, I've been with a pretty solid group in other MMOs. Unfortunately, many of us haven't had an MMO to play in a while, so hopefully Pantheon will change that.

    • 2134 posts
    April 25, 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    I don't know if it was worse but I had a similar experience.

    My first MMO was Asheron's Call. I played it for about 15 years. Eventually all the friends I had made over the years left the game - not for another game, but for Real Life dammit!  After years of playing with friends, being solo or with strangers in PUGs got boring and I quit.

    Later, I jumped into Vanguard (Brad's previous game). Vanguard was difficult to run without a very good computer when it first released, so for many months I was unable to play much. Eventually they fixed the problems. Once I could play without glitches, I loved the game and wanted to stay there forever. Before long, I met a guild that had been in AC. I had not been in it, but a few of them remembered me from back then and invited me to join. Friends, Great!

    However that guild had been there since the beginning, so they were all higher level than me. While they played a few of their alts with me, I didn't get many chances to join them on their main characters. But I kept pugging and soloing and slowly caught up. Just as I was starting to be able to join their main groups, they all decided that they were tired of Vanguard and so they quit and went back to WoW, where they had also been a Guild together. Much like in AC, losing the few friends I had made took much of the fun out of the game. I played for a good while longer, but never found another Guild I wanted to join and eventually stopped playing.

    When I started to miss gaming enough, I decided to go try out WoW, since I had never played it. WoW being so old at that point, it was even harder to find actual newbies there and I soon gave in and joined my old Vanguard Guild to have a few friends. However, I was even farther behind them than I had been in Vanguard. Just like before, a few of them played their alts with me occasionally, but none of them were leveling up alts at all. So I mostly soloed and pugged. I kept at it for over a year, and got a char up into the 90's. But I never caught up to the regulars in the Guild, and in addition WoW just wasn't as much fun as my previous games, so I got bored with it and eventually quit.

    And now here we are, waiting for Pantheon.

    This post was edited by Jothany at April 25, 2021 10:54 AM PDT
    • 114 posts
    April 25, 2021 4:18 PM PDT

    lost my level 50 paladin and whatever I thought was nice gear up in plane of hate when my dial up AOL connection (baud modem) disconnected.  came back when I could hourS later and died instantly of course.  everything rotted away after a week iirc ...  due to the time limit and not being able at all to get back there.  this was back during the begining when Hell Levels were present (level 35 and 49 into 50 the original cap and took like 9 months to reach 50.


    left came back to a different server (7th hammer) when Kunark arrived shortly after.  had a much better time then (2000-2006) playing my barbarian warrior.


    This post was edited by valhalla at April 25, 2021 4:19 PM PDT
    • 178 posts
    April 25, 2021 9:03 PM PDT

    My first character in DAoC was a minstrel (Albion faction). It was fun to play and I absolutely loved the battlegrounds. Similar to EQ I had come up with a backstory for my character and a whole roleplaying aspect to the minstrel.

    Well, I ended up getting flagged for my name. I was told to submit a new name. I pleaded with them and shared my backstory and justified my name (it wasn't an obscene name, someone didn't appreciate my use of french vernacular for my name). So rather than respond to my pleas and let me know they didn't accept my argument they just went ahead and changed my minstrel's name.

    It was the most horrid, god-awful name that anyone could have ever dreamed up and I am sure they did it on purpose. Well, I only used that character until we played through all the battlegrounds and my friends and I created characters in Midgard to do it again and then for a third time with Hibernia characters.

    That name was so horrible that it is an in-joke with my friends. It is used as an exclamation when something really stupid happens or exists - especially in a video game, and even moreso in a MMO.

    So while my original chacater lived and died in DAoC, the minstrel's name lives on in infamy to this day as something representative of anything that is really really stupid.

    • 220 posts
    May 5, 2021 3:02 AM PDT

    muscoby said:

    My first character in DAoC was a minstrel (Albion faction). It was fun to play and I absolutely loved the battlegrounds. Similar to EQ I had come up with a backstory for my character and a whole roleplaying aspect to the minstrel.

    Well, I ended up getting flagged for my name. I was told to submit a new name. I pleaded with them and shared my backstory and justified my name (it wasn't an obscene name, someone didn't appreciate my use of french vernacular for my name). So rather than respond to my pleas and let me know they didn't accept my argument they just went ahead and changed my minstrel's name.

    It was the most horrid, god-awful name that anyone could have ever dreamed up and I am sure they did it on purpose. Well, I only used that character until we played through all the battlegrounds and my friends and I created characters in Midgard to do it again and then for a third time with Hibernia characters.

    That name was so horrible that it is an in-joke with my friends. It is used as an exclamation when something really stupid happens or exists - especially in a video game, and even moreso in a MMO.

    So while my original chacater lived and died in DAoC, the minstrel's name lives on in infamy to this day as something representative of anything that is really really stupid.


    Soooo... what was the name?

    • 258 posts
    January 13, 2022 5:09 PM PST


    • 258 posts
    January 13, 2022 5:12 PM PST

    Gammelsmurf said:

    Well as i havnt explored or read much here yet, i thought i might amuse and perhaps get amused by some of you who already read most of the stuff here. Well here goes.

    Only started playing EQ1 after all my friends quit playing, and my first char was a warrior, sadly it got harder and harder to get groupinvites as i levelled up but didnt raid at all so my eq kinda sucked and in a random group, who want a tank with 8k health when you can get one with 20? So i started my cleric, now everyone wanted me in groups. Got in a little friendly guild and we raided smaller mobs. But then the guildleader quit playing so the guild fell apart.

    Well i was still max level(80) with plenty AA and had gotten my epic so i was an above average cleric. About this time more and more guilds felt the pressure of people leaving the game and one day i got an guildinvite from one of the big guilds in the game, think it was called Darkwinds, and now i was raiding the big new mobs! Lootsystem as per most guild i guess and after a time when i had enough raidpoint i started to join in the dicerolling, but i didnt win any rolls. Time after time after time my number didnt come up, After many raids but no wins i found myself being the cleric in guild with the most raidpoint, and shortly after that the guild disbanded. That did it for me.

    Can anyone beat this?




    In all seriousness, I'm going to build a Guild when the game comes out and me and maybe a few others will join! I have big plans that i'll try my best to give to the community one day <3

    • 395 posts
    January 18, 2022 8:43 AM PST

    I'd like to know the name as well.


    My story...first character I created in EQ. A half-elf druid. Everyone told me it was the worst race choice for a druid. I logged in. It was night. Could not see 3 feet in front of me. Died in moments to rat. 


    I then made a Barbarian Shaman.