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I'm old and need an alert.

    • 729 posts
    April 8, 2021 5:57 PM PDT
    So I'm old. 48 times around the sun old. That's 45 billion kilometers kids. So clearly I like to keep moving. Now in my travels I like to keep busy, and I expect this trait to continue within pantheon. One of the things I liked was the follow command. I hope to type /follow {ranger pall #2} and be able to make a tasty snack or yell at the squirrels on my bird feeder, general old peep joys, while I am being pulled to a new destination. But.
    I do not want to leave a ranger hangin if an unfortunate bad turn leads to danger.
    I'm wondering if I can tie a script to the battle music cue or the party member engaging, to flashing my lights or setting off an alarm of some type. Linking IFTTT to a speaker or something.
    Anyone heard of this being done?
    Anyone done this yourself ?

    I know I could crank up the music if I used speakers but I use only headphones while gaming so I want it to be automatic and I don't want to have to remember to turn it on. If I'm gaming and the lights flash every time I enter combat I am ok with it.

    Just a thought.

    Hey the squirrels are back!!! Get the f*+^€ out of here! /Shake cane
    • 2109 posts
    April 9, 2021 4:14 PM PDT

    Haven't reached 50 yet and calling yourself old? Very funny, young Padawan! You're not even an 'Old Coot' yet.


    I think having a script that interacts with your game client may be something VR doesn't allow out of concern for botting or various cheats. (You might still be able to do it, but you would risk being banned if caught). Though I'm with you on hoping for a 'Follow' command, for the same afk situation.

    If you plan to use voice chat for playing in groups, then you already have the solution. Even if you don't want to use voice for playing, you might still get friends to set up a voice channel just for 'alerts' of various kinds like this. I'll be happy to use - or not use - voice depending on the wishes of any given group I join. I'm easy to get along with that way.

    I'm sure many here know more than I about such things, maybe you'll get more useful info from another reply.


    Squirrels!! Where??

    • 612 posts
    April 9, 2021 7:19 PM PDT

    If the combat log is saved in real time, you could likely have a script or app that reads the combat log and sends you an alert when specific text shows up.

    • 729 posts
    June 25, 2021 5:50 PM PDT

    Both insightful thoughts.   I just realized that in this situation I'll be playing with people I know well and I'll more than likely be on Discord with them.  I can have it active on the phone.  No worries. 

    • 2109 posts
    June 26, 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    StoneFish said: Both insightful thoughts.   I just realized that in this situation I'll be playing with people I know well and I'll more than likely be on Discord with them.  I can have it active on the phone.  No worries. 

    That's all well and good, but....did you get the squirrels out of the feeder???