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the new stream with saicred questions.

    • 70 posts
    April 2, 2021 5:16 PM PDT

    Btw Great stream.  Allot of information saicred explained things perfectly thank you!!!!

    1.)  Bard, is it still (HOPEFUL) for launch? i know nothing is certain at this point, but are you (VR) still hopefull and striving for bard at launch

    2.)  I dont expect enchanter to be a rogue/wizard/summoner DPS but are your plans for them to have decent dps when not "crazy CCing"

    3.) I dont know if you can comment on this.  But as someone interested in the development side of this. what are you hurddles with summoner? is it PC to pet programming? is it pathing? or AI in what you intend for the pet to do for itself?  what would you say is the hardest thing to make the summoner playable? and will this hellp/increase the progresssion of the necromancer? (is it possible for launch... <3 beans).

    4.) can you explaine (limited im sure and i understand.) why we have seen classes such as druid and paladin in the past but are unable to play currently (this again is personal as i wanted to do this IRL but found out what i went to school for wasnt what i expected so left. this is just personal.

    5.) sorry missed one.  are you only looking at class balancing or lets say a raid zone has 3-5 boss fights. 4 of them are melee and 1 is magic. is the DL going to be sitting out till the that one fight (then booted) or are the trash mobs viable in keeping the different tanks viable through out the raid with the diffuculty of "trash" mobs.. guess what im trying to say is if a warrior can tank every mob in the zone efficiently until they get to that 1 boss mob that is magic based (or undead based) in which case then will invite and zone in a {instert tank} to tank that mob then camp out.  Ive been there and done that and just wanted to know if zones would be as balanced as you hope to make the classes... thank you


    This post was edited by Rhelic at April 2, 2021 5:24 PM PDT
    • 1430 posts
    April 3, 2021 8:37 AM PDT
    will there be a pvp server during alpha testing?
    • 70 posts
    April 3, 2021 7:51 PM PDT

    While i dont know 100% from my understanding they are not going to attempt the chaos that is a pvp blanced server until after launch. as i said i could be wrong. but the primary focus of PROTF is PVE there will be PVP and im sure it will be great, but i dont forsee it happening in alpha or beta.  but who knows. 

    • 1430 posts
    April 4, 2021 1:30 AM PDT
    okie ty for the info XD
    i think the plan still stands to have at least 1 pvp server on launch, just curious if we were gonna get some alpha pvp testing just to test some of the class interactions :D
    • 2756 posts
    April 4, 2021 3:14 AM PDT

    stellarmind said: okie ty for the info XD i think the plan still stands to have at least 1 pvp server on launch, just curious if we were gonna get some alpha pvp testing just to test some of the class interactions :D

    I'm sure there will be a PvP server at launch at least - VR have said so a few times - but I'm also pretty sure there won't be PvP in Alpha, since they've said PvE is the focus and used phrases like PvP at launch being "just switched on" not worrying about it being balanced, etc.

    Maybe, though *shrug*

    This post was edited by disposalist at April 4, 2021 3:42 AM PDT
    • 1430 posts
    April 5, 2021 12:05 AM PDT
    hmm u think we'll be able to request a duel in alpha?
    • 1281 posts
    April 5, 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    stellarmind said: hmm u think we'll be able to request a duel in alpha?

    I doubt it. PvP seems like a low priority to them and I am OK with that. Far as I'm concerned, it can be a post-launch addition.

    • 2144 posts
    April 5, 2021 1:47 PM PDT

    stellarmind said: will there be a pvp server during alpha testing?

    Since they have long held to the position that there will be at least one PvP server at launch, it would make sense to have at least some amount of PvP testing happen before launch, if only to catch some unforseen problem that might cause half the PvP player base to rush to the forums on opening day to complain. Which would NOT be good optics :)

    However, I agree that PvP is pretty far down their priority list. So I don't think there's much chance of such testing happening during Alpha - unless perhaps they get an '8-figure' investment soon. If things go well, it seems reasonable to me that there might be some test rounds scheduled during Beta as we close in on release.