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New Pre-Alpha Update!

    • 9115 posts
    April 1, 2021 3:57 AM PDT
    The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
    We here at Visionary Realms know you love challenge and excitement, and that's why we've included a dynamic new addition to our upcoming PA session. When you first create your character, you will be presented with an option - normal mode or hardcore mode.
    Hardcore mode offers double experience and a 50% greater chance for item drops, however, if your character dies, it's permanent, and you will need to start over again; this includes losing any loot box rewards you may have purchased.
    Hardcore mode for the hardcore gamer is finally here!
    • 83 posts
    April 1, 2021 4:03 AM PDT
    Should ramp up the difficulty significantly for hardcore instead of having permadeath. It's not like Pantheon will have that on launch so... Why bother?
    • 11 posts
    April 1, 2021 4:16 AM PDT
    I believe nothing today. Tell me tomorrow!
    • 6 posts
    April 1, 2021 4:22 AM PDT
    "Loot box rewards you may have purchased"
    • 58 posts
    April 1, 2021 5:24 AM PDT

    Nooo! Not my loot box rewards!

    • 139 posts
    April 1, 2021 5:33 AM PDT

    Nice, I think you should add this to the pokemon characters soon to be added to pantheon. Hardcore Pokemon. 

    • 20 posts
    April 1, 2021 6:11 AM PDT

    I would actually support this down the road, but without any boosts.

    • 70 posts
    April 1, 2021 6:11 AM PDT

    Doford said:

    Nice, I think you should add this to the pokemon characters soon to be added to pantheon. Hardcore Pokemon. 



    • 1 posts
    April 1, 2021 6:51 AM PDT

    I know it's meant as a joke, but hardcore mode sounds interesting.... minus the loot boxes.

    • 189 posts
    April 1, 2021 7:27 AM PDT

    Can you please confirm if there is going to be a Godzilla and Kong pet in these loot boxes? I would like to have some juicy pet battles and win some bets.

    • 47 posts
    April 1, 2021 7:40 AM PDT

    To be honest, aslong as it's for testing, wouldn't it be a good idea with permadeath? then people make characters more often and will do the starting area more.. and if we get caracter resets down the line anyway, why not? i would like if you make hardcore an option at alpha or the like, as a "while testing" thing, just for the giggles while testing, and as an option (and yes 1 of april and all that, but i meen my respons never the less)

    • 196 posts
    April 1, 2021 7:52 AM PDT

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA this is too funny

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 1, 2021 7:53 AM PDT
    • 394 posts
    April 1, 2021 8:34 AM PDT

    Not hardcore enough, make it a 50% penalty not a bonus.

    Get on my level scrubs. /s

    • 38 posts
    April 1, 2021 8:34 AM PDT

    Except that one of the loot boxes is a "continue" loot box, so as long as the microtransactions keep coming in, you can keep playing.

    • 72 posts
    April 1, 2021 8:57 AM PDT

    Make the hardcore characters permanently flagged for pvp, and have the loot boxes drop on death for maximum hardcore gameplay.

    • 77 posts
    April 1, 2021 9:47 AM PDT

    Seems like VR are "testing the waters" for loot boxes (again).  But this time under the guise of an April Fool's joke?


    I wonder if Kilsin will delete my post...

    • 318 posts
    April 1, 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Olympeus said:

    Seems like VR are "testing the waters" for loot boxes (again).  But this time under the guise of an April Fool's joke?


    I wonder if Kilsin will delete my post...


    Have no fear about this, Brad McQuaid has already previously stated that Pantheon would not have a cash shop.

    • 51 posts
    April 1, 2021 3:53 PM PDT

    To bad this is an April Fools joke. I would honestly be interested in a challenge like this. 

    • 9115 posts
    April 1, 2021 5:05 PM PDT

    fancy said:

    Can you please confirm if there is going to be a Godzilla and Kong pet in these loot boxes? I would like to have some juicy pet battles and win some bets.

    Confirmed! :D

    • 9115 posts
    April 1, 2021 5:06 PM PDT

    Olympeus said:

    Seems like VR are "testing the waters" for loot boxes (again).  But this time under the guise of an April Fool's joke?


    I wonder if Kilsin will delete my post...

    I will if you call me out again or post off-topic ;)

    • 74 posts
    April 1, 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    Kilsin, will VR be hiring people to purposefully gank others on the PVP servers so that they must spend more money reacquiring loot boxes? Because I could use a side gig...

    • 9115 posts
    April 4, 2021 2:52 PM PDT

    TheWingless said:

    Kilsin, will VR be hiring people to purposefully gank others on the PVP servers so that they must spend more money reacquiring loot boxes? Because I could use a side gig...

    This is great stuff mate! I'll pass it onto the Devs, keep the ideas coming :D

    • 2094 posts
    April 4, 2021 3:16 PM PDT

    Kilsin said: This is great stuff mate! I'll pass it onto the Devs, keep the ideas coming :D

    Shoot man, I'd be happy to lead groups into certain doom when playing my Tank and all it will cost VR is a bit of ingame Gold!

    • 1281 posts
    April 5, 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    The Gothic 1 remake posted something similar for April 1. It's hillarious I love the part about the finance department survey ...

    "With the Gothic Remake, we do not simply want to make the old Gothic look shiny, we want to fully adopt the game and bring it up to 2021 standards (and probably beyond). We are all big fans of open-world RPGs in general and in almost all of them is a shop for the modern player: Hardworking in real life, earning a lot of money but having no time to spend it. For this kind of people, we offer THE perfect solution!" says Reinhard Pollice, Studio Head at Alkimia Interactive & Business and Development Director at THQ Nordic, "we did a representative survey in our finance department and 100% of the people agreed, that this is a fantastic idea!“

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at April 5, 2021 10:34 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    April 5, 2021 2:05 PM PDT

    It's apr 5 and My heart skipped a beat!

    and my eyes were getting wider reading the responses thinking who are these people so glibly, what?  loot boxes?...-then I checked the date 

    But I was on board with the 50% exp and additional loot permadeath. To me It sounded like they ahd enough control over those variables to play around and see how things went. Besides, there is going to be a perma-wipe anyways before real launch. I was imagining the sudden motivation to find a group and stick with it to see how far you could explore. Oh the drama, would be prefferable if the whole group wiped.