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Community Debate - What's the biggest ever accomplishment..

    • 1289 posts
    March 30, 2021 3:23 PM PDT

    Oh my an 18 year old kid I was a guild leader.  Counselling people through divorce, abusive relationships, deaths of family members, and other drama that comes with big groups of people.  I doubt anyone knew I was 18, I didn't talk about personal stuff in-game, but when real life drama crops up people always go to the guild leader for solutions (kick her out, she stole my husband, etc. ya know!).  I was always a peace maker, trying to keep things calm, reasonable, friendly.  The glue.


    What I am looking forward to in Panthone - NOT being a guild leader :)  

    P.S. @Caine I really like your post, that is one of the best stories I've heard ... wish I had heard more of this type of positive stuff when I was a guild leader!

    • 413 posts
    March 30, 2021 4:07 PM PDT

    Ranarius said:

    Oh my an 18 year old kid I was a guild leader.  Counselling people through divorce, abusive relationships, deaths of family members, and other drama that comes with big groups of people.  I doubt anyone knew I was 18, I didn't talk about personal stuff in-game, but when real life drama crops up people always go to the guild leader for solutions (kick her out, she stole my husband, etc. ya know!).  I was always a peace maker, trying to keep things calm, reasonable, friendly.  The glue.


    What I am looking forward to in Panthone - NOT being a guild leader :)  

    P.S. @Caine I really like your post, that is one of the best stories I've heard ... wish I had heard more of this type of positive stuff when I was a guild leader!

    Thanks, my youngest was in 5th grade in 1999,  at school, he was behind in reading and writing.  EQ fixed that real quick, and he was bartering on a 1st year college level... lol

    I love your intangible experiences, hehe, you were like the guild's Shrink. LMAO  You were probally a good sounding board and listener.  These are the social aspects of the game I enjoy.

    This post was edited by Zevlin at March 30, 2021 4:08 PM PDT
    • 12 posts
    April 7, 2021 2:13 AM PDT

    Having best geared necro on the stromm server for a couple years was probably my biggest achievement in EQ. I was also the 1st to attain epic 2.5. Although.. All of this was a group effort. I owe many a thank you to the guild Evolutia. Being chosen as their Necro class lead was an honor. We achieved several server 1sts and it was always really special. I will always hold those memories close to my heart..

    Being apart of the efforts of silky venom in vanguard. We were at the top of the progression and had a blast despite the broken ! That is a huge achievement in my book. 

    Hopefully Pantheon will once again inspire us to group up and endeavor to meet its challenges. It’s been along time since I’ve been hopeful about such a thing.   


       ACTUALLY...The biggest achievments are the lasting friendships i've made through these games. 

    ***To those people reading this... thank you for making my life better.  I Love YOU. 

    This post was edited by Thirteenmoons at April 7, 2021 7:02 AM PDT
    • 247 posts
    April 22, 2021 8:02 AM PDT

    EQ2 server firsts for all the main raids in DoF and KoS, those days were great.

    EVE - Capital ship hot drops and huge fleet fights, extremely exciting and nerve-racking with my own carrier when I got primaried before everyone's remote repairers kicked in.

    • 12 posts
    April 22, 2021 7:27 PM PDT

    Getting my wife to play WoW at release.  The only game we ever played together as she hated everything else since.

    Upcoming would be trying to coerce her to play my second copy of this game.

    • 2138 posts
    April 23, 2021 8:22 AM PDT

    Biggest accomplishment was researching the shawl quest and coaxing the group I happened to play with regularly to go for it. I knew we could not do it all the way but was able to convince that even at the lower levels it was good and the first few steps were easy. If we got as far as we could go reasonably, it would be BiS even though not at its max, considering where we all just happened to be good at in trade skills.


    They hemmed and hawed a bit initially, but the next time we met I had gone out and gotten the Mats for the next steps because I had time and they were pleased so we got like 4 steps done in 2 nights. The nice thing was the following step was the chase bit in Kael where we had to find the coldain buried in the snow and then once the giant patrol spawned, run-run-run! into Kael (into danger!) right after we hailed the coldain, because the giants were too hard for us and they werent mezzable. We didnt have a tracker so we had to use the elemental to triangulate where the buried coldain was because at that time elementals would always face NPC's so we would put it on guard and walk away and see where he was staring. When we did that step we found we could not always ourtun the giants and after some discouraging deaths almost went somewhere else until I was able to call to a passing necro to help and was able to get it done for all of us and actually kill the giants, each time. We let the necro keep the loots from the giants. Necro's were OP. 

    And the Mnemonic of Kati Shah (A mage casting SoW?!0_o)


    My goal in Pantheon at launch would be to travel to other cities while still young enough to take advantage of newbie quests and factioning in those places to learn about their social mores if the game goes that way. If I am a certain class I would like to try to ingratiate myself with the local trainers/guild masters and townsfolk before venturing out in earnest from my home town.(yes, I would have to circle back) Ideally, I would meet newbie friends along the way and hopefully run into them again when we are both older in other places after having been seperated, or not.



    If this means, 3 months later I am still level 2, cowering in a rock, clutching a tattered bag of mail in wide-eyed fear in a zone I have no place being because of some sense of duty to deliver that mail, So be it.

    And if some higher levels come by and chastise and berate me for being foolish to be in that zone, and b**ch and moan because they feel they need to escort me to the other side, and some die while doing so and lose exp, recover on the fly and slap the meager money out of my hand when I try to pay them and yell at me where I wince at every word, and the rogue steals and opens one letter and begins to read it and I get upset because it's private and he plays keep-away while they all laugh and gives the letter back suprisingly unopened, So be it. 

    • 520 posts
    August 7, 2021 6:03 AM PDT

    Doing all the game's content/ seing all things there is to see (excluding all variations)

    Mastering my main (best gear, max level, all masteries and playing as a pro)

    Being well known across the server as helpful guy, good player and friendly person.

    • 33 posts
    August 12, 2021 8:15 AM PDT

    The usual EQ stuff, Epics, SSoY.  One fun thing was personally putting together a spur of the moment Trak raid with some friends and guild buddies, leading it myself, and getting the kill shot in order to complete my GF's Bard epic!


    I don't know if I would consider it an "accomplishment" but one thing I am proud of is designing, along with my guild Raid Leader Truehawk, a raid boss pull technique as a Ranger using Weaponshield.  Pull Boss (generally into a corner), pop weaponshield, begin massive threat generation with things like tangling weeds, flame lick, etc, and then at the last second the Main Tank pops his taunt, at which point has so much threat he couldn't possibly lose aggro for the rest of the fight.  We utilized that technique, with me being the primary puller, all the way from Temple of Ssra to PoTime.

    • 135 posts
    August 17, 2021 6:09 AM PDT




    I was the mastermind behind getting the Animist class nerfed in DAoC because we exploited their mushroom turrets and some trebuchets to invade a portal keep (allegedly impossible.)



    Still one of my proudest gaming moments. Though I do have many, many fond memories of being a war leader on Warhammer Online.

    • 209 posts
    August 19, 2021 2:30 PM PDT

    As soon as I left my starting city the first time I logged in to my first ever MMO, I came face to face with a creature from my darkest nightmares...a Small Rat!!! Needless to say, I was terrified, but I steeled myself for what I knew would be a momentous confrontation. 13 seconds and several auto-attacks later, the fiend lay dead at my feet, and I was even able to loot the first of three rat pelts I had been tasked to retrieve by my class trainer. With shaking hands, I held my prize aloft and shouted my victory to the heavens. Nothing I have achieved since in an MMO has been even remotely so rewarding.

    Ok, as for the real answer, I would say the one that sticks out in my mind is when I won a server-wide scavenger hunt devised by the GMs in EQOA. Out of the blue, they told everyone to collect ten or so random items from all corners of the world. No help with directions or item locations, so it helped to already have an idea of what mobs dropped what kind of loot. Somehow I was able to get all the items and turn them in before anyone else on the server. I can't even remember what the prize was, but I do remember one of the GMs announced in server-wide chat that I had won and referred to my character by name. Over the next minute or so, I got about a hundred thousand private congratulatory messages from people I didn't even know. :P

    • 1479 posts
    August 19, 2021 3:30 PM PDT

    I thought I already answered theses, albeit I missed it.


    I did Epic 1.0 on rogue and monk, and despite them beeing cool, my fondest memories are shared between :


    Guise of the Coercer : Basically doing all steps of the Rogue epic questline 1.0 but instead of killing General V'ghera in kithicor woods, you had to slay Stanos Herkanor in high pass hold and turn both his head and the box containing the tools of the assassination to General V'ghera. While Stanos would reward you with the weapon, Ragebringer, taken from the box, V'ghera will keep the blade (which is blessed by innoruuk) and hand you the guise of the Coercer, an high elf illusion mask that was to be used to reach the ambassador beeing targeted for assassination. The whole quest was basically a fork in the epic quest line, where you choice is different than doing "justice".


    Whistling fists : A specific "epic like" Quest for monks that included a lot of iksar pre quests, making it very hard for human (faction grind or sneak turn ins I guess), until you met the last step where you need to get to plane of fear and hand items to Cazic-Thule, who first forged the iksar monk Tynn using Zan Fi's remains (the mythical founder of the order of the whistling fists, which attacked and battled Cazic-Thule himself for days before falling). Fortunately any iksar had /con Ally with cazic-thule himself, but the whole plane was hostile. It took me a crazy run and 4 days of camping there atop a hill checking for thule's respawn to get him, and when I tried to reach him I aggroed some nightmare nearby and that feared and blinded me, leaving my screen black spamming feign death key. Fortunately when the lights went on I was alive in feign death, at the feets of Cazic Thule which dual attacked me for 600+ each hit before I could FD (he was ally but still had social aggro with mobs KOS to me), leaving me barely dead. I took upon a few mend wounds CD before standing up, hailing him and handing him my items for one of the least done rewards.

    Handing it got you this neat message :

    "Cazic-Thule seems pleased at the amount of pain that you have been able to inflict. Cazic-Thule then grabs your hands and begins to infuse them with his power. Your hands burn like they were placed in lava for a moment, then feel cool as ice. You can feel the sheer power flowing through your new weapons of pain."


    Felt like quite an accomplishment.