Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Lets Here Your Unique Monetization Ideas!

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    • 4 posts
    February 4, 2021 12:52 PM PST

    Lets here your unique monetization ideas! This is not designed as a space to talk about what you neccesarily want in Pantheon or to describe monetization methods you dont like but to be creative. Let’s think outside the box, this is a brainstorming session no bad ideas. Share your unique, or not very well known, ways games can monetize. 


    I’ll Start

    1. Assuming a transmog system similar to the one Minus describes is in place add one additional requirement beyond sacrificing the item to create the transmog, a physical currency fee.

                    1a. Charge for additional transmog pre-builds/slots for different saved looks for your character.

    2. Allow guilds to have monthly membership fees that is converted to a digital currency and can be used for in game stuff by leadership: Guild housing, decorations for guild housing, portraits of guild members or defeated bosses, custom guild emblems, gang guild tattoos, extra built in tools for high end guilds, entire guild teleport scrolls, use your imagination.  Much of this can be one time or monthly fee.

    3. Charge for additional gear build out slots / saved gear configurations for you character.

    4. Charge extra monthly fee for phone app (you have a phone right?) Could include, or not, things like: Bank access, guild chat, guild tools, out of game crafting, etc…

    5. Magical boxes filled with loot that are given to you constantly and you can’t see what is in them or open it until you pay a fee :).

    • 119 posts
    February 4, 2021 2:13 PM PST

    Cosmetic Customisation

    • Limited to three slots - Cloaks , doublet (over chest), hats (over helm) wouldbe ok with cash shop customisation.
    • e.g.mostly full choice of dye colours / pattens / emblemens (vetted for rudeness).
    • Not fine with other items being customised beyond some basic 'natural'  dye colours (Dull Black, dull silver, brown, dark green, dark blue, dark red) as i want the look of an itemto be part of its appeal, andI wantthe WOW factor when you see a person whom has earnt a flaming sword.


    Other cash shop items

    • Containers are fine (but should not be as good as best in base game/tradeskills)
    • When an account has a max level character an auto level up purchased to avoid newbie levels is fine.
    • Also fine with mini non combat pets (in town) , or eventually player house customisation.
    • Purchasing emotes also fine.
    • XP boost - not ok
    • Items to remove unlocks etc - not fine
    • Consumables to boost power - not ok unless superceded by relativly availible  tradeskills.


    Other stuff

    • Tornaments with a cash buyin that grant a title for winner are fine. No other rewards.



    This post was edited by Galden at February 4, 2021 3:14 PM PST
    • 1281 posts
    February 4, 2021 2:38 PM PST

    Why couldn't this have been added to one of the other theeads about cash shops since this is basically just another form of cash shop?

    • 500 posts
    February 4, 2021 2:57 PM PST

    Just go play BDO. They pretty much have everything your asking for. I truly hope Pantheon never has any of that crap. Nothing personal. Just my opinion.

    • 2144 posts
    February 4, 2021 5:14 PM PST


    #1. There have been many changes to the game since those FAQs that Minus refers to were written. It is not impossible that such will be ingame, but not nearly certain and not necessarily even likely.

    #2. - #4. Much of what you suggest are ideas that many Pantheon supporters would see as varying degrees of pay-to-win. A concept that is widely disagreed with, including by me (fair disclosure).

    #5. This system has been judged to be outright gambling in some jurisdictions and therefore illegal.

    I also agree with Kalok.

    The mods work hard to keep related discussions in already existing threads. They do it because they actually want our ideas and it's much easier for them to find those ideas if they are are in the same place (which you probably didn't know if you're as new as your post count suggests). It also benefits you by getting more exposure for your ideas as much as it benefits VR.

    Also, Welcome to the forums!

    • 3852 posts
    February 4, 2021 5:23 PM PST

    What monetization do I want? Subscriptions. Nothing else whatsoever. My only compromise is that I can accept it if VR has to compromise to keep the game going as long as they don't go too far. As discussed in the store threads.

    Welocme to the forums and don't take the "keep all discussion of the topic in the existing thread" as an attack or criticism. I was given the same information when I created extra threads when I started here.

    • 1020 posts
    February 5, 2021 9:33 AM PST

    Offer cash shop character animations.


    What I mean is offer people the option to buy how their characters are animated when they die, when they sit, when they stand idle etc.

    I'm hoping the game in it's base form offers two or three different animations when ppl die.  I'm hoping they offer 1 or 2 differences when characters sit and maybe 1 or 2 animations when a person's character is standing idle for a few moments.

    Offering a cash shop purchase of more animations of how your character is animated when they die, sit or idley stands would be an easy implamentation at the zero cost of affecting other's game play.

    • 2138 posts
    February 5, 2021 10:00 AM PST


    My Gosh "Critical Role" does it, "How Ridiculous" in Perth AU does it,  Even Uncle Roger does it.

    Tote bags, snuggies, towels (new designs based on gods/Characters every week) Mugs, WoW-like 3D printed Character models. vinyl puffy head  dolls. Enamel Pins, Posters. Cloth maps. T-shirts, Hoodies, DnD Dice (the Dark Myr set!) insulated cups, beer/bottle cozies, Cel-phone cases , premium photo-app "put your face on a pantheon race!", Polo shirts, Baseball caps, chapeaus, tuques, Patches, back-pack hangers.

    Then have someone look at all that and take out the chintz or anything that would cheapen the brand. Pick certain items and certain artwork, add 10-15 to the price domestic and list it in the catalogue and see how many bites- limited time only. 



    This post was edited by Manouk at February 5, 2021 1:01 PM PST
    • 1303 posts
    February 5, 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Not unique, but... Don't. Just don't. 

    Build a kickass product and sell access to it with an appropriately calibibrated static fee. 

    • 18 posts
    February 5, 2021 10:36 AM PST

    We need a way to downvote really bad posts like the op in this thread.


    Dear god no, just no to all montization outside of the box price and a subscription. Gouging your players for quality of life that should already be in the game ruins a game faster than bad gameplay.

    • 18 posts
    February 5, 2021 11:00 AM PST

    "no bad ideas"

    proceedes to say nothing but bad ideas.


    • 7 posts
    February 5, 2021 11:06 AM PST

    Considering you specifically mentioned, "This is not designed as a space to talk about what you neccesarily want in Pantheon", can a moderator please move this out of "General Pantheon Discussion"?


    Sorry, not sorry, this post makes me sick to think about.

    • 4 posts
    February 5, 2021 12:31 PM PST

    Thank you everyone that gave advice on forum etiquette!

    dispersion said:

    5. Magical boxes filled with loot that are given to you constantly and you can’t see what is in them or open it until you pay a fee :).

    Just incase someone thought me adding loot boxes as an idea was serious, it is a joke, I thought I would lighten the mood... I know discussing monetization can be a touchy subject, clearly it backfired. I thought the smily face and wording made it clear, apologies.

    My preferred method of monetization is subscription, full stop. I would like to see Pantheon succeed financially, just trying to be open to new ideas.

    • 2144 posts
    February 5, 2021 12:59 PM PST

    dispersion said: I thought the smily face and wording made it clear, apologies.

    Don't ya just hate that!

    I use a lot of humor in posts on many forums, and run into the same thing often. Text is just SO easy to misunderstand compared to speech.

    (Smileys and such don't have near the impact here as on forums where you get an actual emoji to show up)


    Again, welcome to the zoo. Hope to see you in game.


    • 9115 posts
    February 5, 2021 2:33 PM PST

    I appreciate the idea but I need to close this down, we have too many threads on monetisation and cash shops that have already been closed or removed as we need to keep them in one place. Please add idea's like this to current threads instead of creating new ones so we can better manage the information and people can find and join them more easily.