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Got Crafting Questions?

    • 34 posts
    February 4, 2021 5:56 AM PST

    Is there plans for a crafting bank?  If so, are there plans to make the regional crafting banks?  If so, are there any plans to make the open up with faction related work for that cities crafters guild?  

    • 2165 posts
    February 4, 2021 5:27 PM PST

    What is the maximum number of different 'specializations' you expect to have for a given school of crafting, like Blacksmith for example?

    or put differently:

    How many different Blacksmiths will I have to level up in order to make all the kinds of metal armor AND all the kinds of metal weapons that I would reasonably want for the various classes I hope to play?

    • 560 posts
    February 4, 2021 7:14 PM PST

    To elaborate on my original question about keeping both crafted gear and adventure gear relevant. In past MMO’s it seems to me that if you want good gear you have to adventure and crafting other then a few key items is sub-par. I personally like adventuring far more than crafting and so in past games like EQ and Vanguard I have been very happy with this balance. Is this the plan for Pantheon as well to have most of the crafted gear be sub-par compared to adventure gear?

    I hope the plan is not to have all notable items needing a crafter to finish before you can use it. An item now and then like in the demo stream with the sword hilt off the boss is cool but too much and it become a crafting centric game.

    • 1785 posts
    February 4, 2021 8:55 PM PST

    Just stopping by to mention it here for those that may have missed it on the stream - We answered what we could on the stream tonight, but we'll try to come back through over the next few days and answer everyone's questions as completely as we can :)

    • 1785 posts
    February 5, 2021 2:12 PM PST

    As promised, I want to try and answer everyone's questions.  This is going to take a little time so please bear with me as I get through all of them.  But here are the first few!


    Valheru said:

    Thanks for the reminder!  For tiering up and Mastering Crafting, I was hoping to learn if there will be crafting quests associated with this.  While quality of materials, numbers of crafted items and difficulty of crafting items is important, I would REALLY like to see Crafting and Gathering both include some questing both for materials and for recipes, kind of like Dark Age of Camelot had for crafting and gathering.   To me, crafting should include much more than just sitting in a crafting area repetitively making items or buying mats from other harvesters.   Quests break up the monotony and encourage players to get out and see and experience the game world.  For failed items will they disappear with total loss, no loss or partial loss?  Is there a potential for the player to explode? I used to get a laugh out of hearing/seeing players in DAOC explode and keel over dead when making certain items.  Can we make it so that harvested items are bound to the player and not sellable to other players ?  It is fine if the crafted items are able to be sold, Im just not real keen on seeing players kill or harvest all items and then sell them for ridiculous amounts to other players (eg: Black Lotus in WoW).  Perhaps a set cap on value of materials is a happy medium?

    There will be crafting-related quests both in the form of simpler tasks as well as longer-form storylines.  Some of them will likely be related to horizontal progression, specialization, or mastery, but these will usually be set up as optional things you CAN do (with useful or interesting results) rather than gating things that you MUST do.

    The penalty for failing a craft is still TBD.  This is something we probably won’t lock in until late alpha or beta, when we have more of the crafting gameplay in place along with economic data and can make a more informed decision.

    We probably won’t have players exploding just in general crafting and gathering, but if you happen to be somewhere special there might be some added risk involved.

    Harvested resources will be fully tradable.  We will be keeping a close eye on economic data and making adjustments to rarity, etc. to keep things from getting too far out of hand.

    Grizzly said:


    How will the mech be for crafting mini game or some thing new maybe ?

    Will there be restrictions or open crafting as in how many alts do I need to make ?

    Will there be restrictions for gathering or can we do em all on 1 char ?

    Will refining be in crafting or gathering or maybe both ?

    I will stop here as I will fill this tread by my self......

    We’ll be able to talk more about the gameplay associated with crafting in the future – we’re looking to build a robust and fun experience for players there, but that also means we have to develop some UI for it first and things can shift around during that process.

    There will be restrictions in terms of how many crafting and gathering professions you can have on a single character.  We want to promote social gameplay and some interdependency between players (and yes, we know that people will make crafter alts over time, but not everyone will do that and not at the same rate).  

    It is important to note that in Pantheon, you will have more choices in crafting and gathering than just which profession you choose to pursue.  The profession is simply the first choice that you make.  Right now, for crafting we are looking at allowing you to have a single profession (on a character) with the ability to specialize within that profession.  For gathering, right now we are looking at allowing characters to learn the basics of all gathering professions, but you will only be able to specialize in two of those.

    Progression is one of the last aspects of gameplay that we will lock in, so the strategy I have outlined may change and shift before we get to launch.  Our ultimate goal is to ensure that each character can have a fun and fulfilling experience with crafting and gathering, but also to preserve some diversity and interdependence between players as mentioned above.

    AwRy3 said:

    how many different crafting skill are out there, enchanting, glyphs, jewelry, rune crafting, gemcutting for weapons? etc...

    Right now, here’s the list of base professions for crafting:







    We may add to or modify this list slightly before launch.  We’re using this as a starting point, however, as we start to map out which things are made by which professions.

    starblight said:

    How will you balance adventure gear with the crafting gear?

    This is a big topic that is tough to explain in a single response.  In general, looted items and crafted items will be roughly equivalent in terms of their overall power and how they scale throughout the game.  However, there will be subtle differences between them.  Our goal is to give players choices and preserve value for all items.  So for example, one of the ways we can do this is by having the stat distribution work slightly differently between crafted items and looted items.  A simple example:  You might loot a really nice Warhammer that has a +7 STR and +3 DEX bonus on it.  Or, you might be able to get a crafted Warhammer with the same damage range that has +5 STR, +2 DEX, and +2 STA.  Which one is better for you is really going to come down to a choice between the stats that you want to emphasize.

    Another really important thing to consider here is that creating that crafted item is not necessarily going to be easy.  Using my example above, that looted Warhammer likely comes from a named mob in a dungeon somewhere.  The crafted version however may require several different materials that are similarly difficult to get.  In general, we’ll be working to keep scarcity at about the same level between looted and crafted equipment as their overall power and stat values increase.

    Maintaining this kind of balance is obviously far more complex than writing out an example scenario.  This is something we are being very careful with as we build out the game, and we’ll be looking to tune carefully during alpha and beta.


    Hoiyay said:

    Will crafters be dependent on each other? 

    In eq2 a weaponsmith needed to depend on a leather worker for components like the Hilts. A Scribe (spell maker) depended on an alchemist to make the ink...etc. Will it be this way? 

    Will crafting professions attempted to be balanced for economic reasons? Ex: Alchemist generally make a lot of money because their potions are consumed meaning you need to buy more. Whereas I will only need a tailor once to craft me my 5 bags and then not need one again. 

    We’re approaching interdependence as an optional but desirable thing.  For example, if you’re a blacksmith working on making a sword, you will have the ability to do that all on your own.  However, if you go to the trouble to get the hilt and grip made by another player, your resulting sword will be just a little more powerful as a result.  Both weapons will still be viable, and the differences will be slight, but they will be there.

    Economic viability is something that is very important to us in terms of the different profession choices that we will have.  We don’t want players to feel that their choice puts them at a disadvantage, but we also still want the different professions to really feel unique and distinct as well.  A big part of this is making sure that all of the items that each profession can produce remain desirable and useful to other players as the game ages.  This is something that we’ll be looking at closely once we have most of the game’s systems in place, so that we can make adjustments before launch.


    More answers coming as I get them written out! :)

    This post was edited by Nephele at February 5, 2021 2:13 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    February 5, 2021 2:24 PM PST

    More answers:

    Barin999 said:

    Will there be a world for crafters to live in? Societies to thrive in, factions to oppose each other. (Pure crafting that is, so not general npc factions)

    Will there be competition between civilizations/ethnic populations when it comes to crafting or economy? Or will we all just be a merry bunch?

    Can crafters be feared/honoured/celebrated? (by npc populations due to the crafters' standing with a faction)

    Is there a player ranking in the pipeline when it comes to crafting? Or will we be solo players registered in an offline database?

    Could house items be stolen? (player made ones that is)

    Is there such a thing as an evil crafter? Or in what way would the choices of the crafter have its consequences in the world they are living in? Or are we all just running the same threadmill?

    If there are such things as evil and good recipes/products. Will they be linked to the character's own background (be that evil or good?) or would it be seperate thing all together? Where a good2shoes halfling, can craft products only found in the darkest places of the world/evil continent.

    If construction events would occur in the world, would they be weekly/monthly/annually? Or even more rare? And after what time would they reset, if at all.

    What ways are there for a crafter to become known or desirable/unique? Would the game design methods or would it all derived from player's interaction and good manners?

     (I might have missed this one...) Will I be able to rent a shopdisplay/spot on the marketplace where I can display and sell my wares? To meet costumers? And will this have a discount in comparison to putting things up on an auction system. (aka stimulating player interaction, instead of the less personal auction method we all know today)

    Crafting and Gathering are an integral part of Terminus, and that applies to NPCs as well as to players.  As a crafter or gatherer, the goal is for you to be able to find opportunities to work with different groups that will have their own goals and agendas – sometimes conflicting.  The choices you make should be meaningful and will often have visible (if sometimes unexpected) impacts on the world around you, in addition to anything you might obtain from them.  It will be up to you to evaluate which groups your character works with and whether the potential rewards fit with how you want the rest of the world to perceive your character.

    In terms of making your mark or acquiring fame as a crafter or gatherer, that is really up to you as a player.  You might become renowned for your ability to create certain types of items.  Or you might take a broader approach and work to keep the economy supplied in a more general way.  You might focus on exploring the world and learning its secrets, and become known by other players for that.  Our goal is to provide you with a world of opportunities and then it is up to you to decide which of those you want to pursue.

    Player ranking isn’t something we’ve considered yet.  That’s not saying we couldn’t do it, but we just haven’t really thought about it yet.  If we were to do this it would probably be in the context of specific content rather than a general leaderboard.  As for what that content might look like or how it might work, that’s not something we’re ready to talk about yet.

    If/when we implement housing, theft (from other players) will never be a permitted activity.

    We’re not quite ready to talk about how you’ll be able to buy and sell just yet, but we will be looking at this more closely once we have some of the more fundamental systems in place.

    philo said:

    Will crafting try to be "interesting" by adding many player choices or clicks during a complex combine? 

    Can you talk about any of these type of "mini games" in the Pantheon crafting combine process?

    We are planning to have some gameplay that you will go through in order to successfully create items.  Our goal is to make this experience fun and engaging for players.  We have to build out the underlying systems first, so this is something that we’ll be looking at more closely during alpha, and we may test out several ideas to get feedback from testers on different approaches before finalizing the gameplay across all professions.  It is also possible that we may have different gameplay for different professions or types of crafting as well.  The good news is that we will have a lot of freedom here during alpha to experiment and get to something that really feels good for players before we finalize it.

    Barin999 said:

    Will everyone see harvestable nodes? Or would the noticeability of those nodes depend on the skill/choices of that character? 

    Is there a durability on harvested items or a weightfactor in consideration? (to possibly mitigate hoarding and banking)

    If I harvest a frozen berry in the arctic will it be impacted in a hot climate?

    Can we expect to fill our drinkingpouch with water from a stream or other body of water?

    Will harvesting and the climbing feature be combined? As in, will I need to climb into a tree to harvest honey from a beehive? Or chop some mistletoe or a branch?

    Or are we only talking about climbing up a rock to pluck a flower on top?

    Is underwater harvesting being considered? For sake of the Dark Myr, I hope so. And will it appear different? I hope I won't be swinging my mining pick with my feet on the ground at the bottom of a lake trying to mine for ore. 

    Will there be drifting nodes to harvest at the surface of a body of water? (in case the previous one is too difficult to manage)

    One for many eyes will I harvest from a spider? 1? 1 pair? A set? Or as many as 10/spider? :)

    Will I be able to harvest when attacked or being in combat? 

    If seasons, will provide more or less nodes/yield depending on the season. How will you prevent the flattening of the supply and demand curve, when it comes to available harvestables on the market? 

    How do you expect to keep harvesting interesting/fun/optional throughout the years? If I mine 1 or a 1000 nodes will there be a difference in experience? Or are we ok with it being all the same?

    Are you aiming for a skill challenge in the harvesting process? Or just a click and yield kind of design?

    Will there be a society just for harvesters? Npc's that provide content for those explorers and hermits that just enjoy being out in the world?


    In general, gathering nodes will be openly visible to everyone in the world.  There may be some exceptions to this – we have the opportunity to be a little creative in this space.  In terms of what those nodes will be, you’ll find that more exotic materials occur in more dangerous or remote places.  Some things may only be found at the tops of mountains or in the deepest caves, or underwater, or in extreme climates.  While you’ll be able to gather in the open world relatively safely, you’ll find that by taking on additional risk you can gain additional yields or better access to rare and exotic materials.

    It’s also important to know that gathering will likely be slightly more involved than simply clicking repeatedly on a node.  As with crafting, we want that interaction to be interesting and engaging, and add to the experience.  This also increases the risk.  If you are gathering in an area with hostile animals or NPCs, you will want to keep an eye out or have someone watch your back while you’re doing it.

    In terms of the materials you gather, weight and space will indeed be a factor.  A chunk of unrefined ore or an uncut log is still fairly heavy, and you won’t be able to load up dozens of them in your bags without experiencing some level of encumbrance.  However, one of our goals for both gathering and crafting is quality (and diversity) over quantity.  So, even if you’re planning on a big crafting session, you won’t generally need to have dozens of chunks of unrefined ore to make those items.

    There will indeed be gathering-related content in the world, and plenty of it.  As far as spider eyes go, it will really depend on the size of the spider and on your skill level in skinning/butchering – and also on whether the eyes are useful.  In general, if you can gain a resource, we want that resource to be useful.


    Souls said:

    1 - What will you do to stop guilds from massively feeding their crafters and flooding/controling markets. (I think, crafters should only be able to use what they harvested, it would stop this problem)

    2 - Will there be a maximum of 1 profession per character ? (It's rare to see people mastering more than one craft in life hehe) 

    3- Will there be different kind and quality of harvesting tools (to mine gold, you need that special pickaxe etc)

    4- Will there be a connection between classes and professions? (Let's say only druid and shaman can make potions, rogue poisons, enchanters for enchanting bars, mages to create bars, melee classes for armor and weapons, rangers for fletching, wizard /necs for scrolls etc)

    5- Will certain races be able to make special armor or weapons (Dwarfs can make special dwarven weapons and armor, elves make elven armor and weapons etc)


    With the way our itemization and stats work, there is a very broad variety of items that can be created, sold, and used by players – and so it’s going to be difficult for any single person or group to really try to control parts of the economy.  Our crafting system is also geared towards creating distinct individual items rather than mass producing the same items.  That’s not to say that a determined person or group couldn’t attempt to become the primary supplier for a given market, but that activity will be more challenging of an undertaking than in most other comparable MMORPGs.  Beyond that – the health and accessibility of the game economy is something we will be keeping a close eye on.  We generally don’t want to put arbitrary barriers in front of players, but we will have some limits in terms of how many items can be put up for sale at a time, and also some other ways to tune the economy.

    There will indeed be limits on the number of professions per character, and there will indeed be different crafting/gathering tools that you will seek out to help you as you progress.  Most of the time these tools will improve your effectiveness in different ways, rather than being a hard gate on something.  As an example, you could attempt to skin a dragon with a basic skinning knife, but it would probably be excruciatingly slow and you’d likely not get much in the way of usable materials when it was done.  Using a diamond-edged skinning knife would yield much better results.

    There won’t be a direct connection between adventuring classes and crafting professions.  We don’t want to force every rogue to be an alchemist, as an example.  However, in general we want each profession to produce something that is useful to most adventuring classes.  That way if you wanted to be both a warrior and a woodworker, as an example, you could still craft a few things for yourself as well.

    There will absolutely be regional, racial, and factional variations of armor and weapons that can be created by crafters with the appropriate knowledge and materials – but these won’t be locked to your character race.  Starting as a dwarf might make things a little easier for you when learning the secrets of coldark steel, as an example, but a human or an elf (or even potentially a dark myr) could also learn to do it with enough time and effort.  They would simply have to build up a bit more trust than a native dwarf would to get there.


    • 88 posts
    February 5, 2021 2:34 PM PST

    Great Responses Nephele.  Thank you for taking the time to sit down and answer these individually.

    • 1785 posts
    February 5, 2021 2:40 PM PST

    vthorm said:

    1. Will crafting/harvesting be affected by stats?  For example, if I have a high strength/stamina, will I be a better blacksmith?  If I have a high dexterity, will I get better yields on harvesting plants?

    2. Will crafting/harvesting be affected/interrupted by outside influences?  For example, will I be able to harvest while a wolf is biting my caboose?  Or, if I'm in an atmosphere, but not fully attuned to it, will I still be able to work a forge?

    3. If I want to craft/harvest naked, will there be a toggle button for that?  Or do I just have to settle for being naked IRL?


    It’s still TBD as far as whether and how attributes will play a role in gathering and crafting.  They may matter in some way, but we want to make sure that we set that interaction up in such a way where players aren’t “locked out” of certain gathering or crafting interactions because of their race or adventuring class choice and the stats they choose to emphasize there.

    Outside influences will absolutely matter for gathering and crafting.  If a wolf is actively trying to eat you, it will definitely interrupt your concentration.  Likewise, the effects of climates and atmospheres will impact your ability to gather and craft as well.

    If you truly desire to have your character gather or craft in the nude, you’ll probably have to strip off your clothing and armor a piece at a time, rather than just having a toggle button for it.  I can only assume that you’d be doing that to make yourself a more appealing snack for any passing wolves, but we still have a responsibility to protect you from yourself, or at least attempt to

    WalkingWaste said:

    1. Will early level crafting materials have value 6 months to a year after launch or will they be just another stepping stone crafters have to step over to level their crafting to max level? 

    2. Will different continents have different harvest materials so gathering will require people to travel the world for specific ore/materials? Or will each continent have the same materials as the other continents?

    3. Is there a set amount of crafting professions a player is allowed to have?

    4. Will fishing enable a sea shanty theme song?

    5. What does it mean to become a Master Crafter of your chosen profession in Pantheon Rise of the Fallen?

    We’re setting things up so that there will generally always be demand for all crafted materials and items.  The nature of that demand may shift over time – for example, it’s likely that most iron that is mined during the first few months of gameplay will go straight into making armor and weapons.  Later on, a greater percentage of that iron might be mixed with other metals to create more powerful alloys, although some will still be used in armor and weapons on its own.  Ultimately however, even though the source of the demand will shift, the demand for more common resources will likely remain relatively consistent through the life of the game.

    There will absolutely be materials that can only be found or gathered in certain parts of the world.  In general, each region or continent will offer several exclusive resources that can’t be found anywhere else.  These will usually be more exotic resources so as not to get in the way of players who are just starting out with crafting and gathering, but as you progress and need more of those exotic resources, you’ll find that you have to travel or trade in order to get them.

    Fishing won’t force you to sing, unless perhaps you catch a cursed fish or something, but you are absolutely welcome to belt out the shanties of your choice while waiting to hook your catch.  You can also engage in the time-honored tradition of trying not to spill your beer if you desire.

    As far as mastering a craft goes, that’s a question that everyone answers a little differently.  While we may give characters the title at some point in-game, it won’t be simply a matter of vertical progression if we do.

    philo said:

    Has allowing a crafting skill to carry over to a progeny character been discussed?

    Progeny is honestly something that we are just not ready to talk about yet.  There are a lot of other things that we need to get fully fleshed out within the game first.


    darksaber8570 said:

    Hello and thank you for this. My questions are as follows ...

    1. If the crafting skills are interdepenent of each other, will we be able to create writs or consignments for other players to make sub items that we need to craft with?

    2. Will there be tasks that crafters can do help recover some cost of materials to leveling their craft?

    3. Can we can outline of what the main crafting and gathering skills  are? Also if possible which gathering skill is recommended for the main crafting skills?

    4. How will the crafting mechanic actually work? Examples : like EQ2 clicking at different stage of crafting an item. Or like wow you have all you ingredients , select how many you want to make then click to craft x amount and go get some coffee?

    One of the things we’d like to do is set up a system for players to post items they would like to purchase, that other players could then fulfill – sort of a reverse consignment system.  Exactly how this will end up working is something that is still TBD.

    There will be multiple ways to gain skill or experience in your chosen professions.  Content is absolutely one of those ways but you won’t be forced to go that route.  You could, for example, also just focus on making items for other players if you wanted.  We’ll be working to balance these methods so that it is a true choice for players and not simply a matter of one method being more efficient than others.

    Here are the crafting professions we are currently looking at.  This list isn’t set in stone yet and may still change:







    Likewise, here are the gathering professions we’re looking at right now.  Again, this isn’t quite set in stone yet and may still change (or be added to):






    In general, each gathering profession will provide something that is useful to each crafting profession.  Some professions may lean on different types of gathering more than others, of course.  For example, if you’re a woodworker, you probably can expect that woodcutting will be very useful to you.  However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t need things that come from other gathering professions as well.

    I mentioned this in another answer but there will be some gameplay associated with crafting – it won’t simply be a click-to-combine system like you may have experienced in other games.  We’ll be able to talk more about how that will work in the future, but our goal there is to make it fun and engaging for players to participate in.  As far as bulk creation goes, in general we want to avoid mass production, but if it's something like a refine or a component that you would legitimately need to do several times, we will do our best to make sure that is not a tedious activity.


    stonetothebone85 said: Will certain cities have special crafting stations like the dwarven city has better forges or dark my will have special looms for example. Or perhaps slightly better procs

    There will be legendary crafting facilities in various places in the world that might enable you to create items of great power.  However, the location of these facilities are often closely guarded secrets, known to only a few… or perhaps even lost and waiting to be found again.


    This post was edited by Nephele at February 5, 2021 2:45 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    February 5, 2021 3:24 PM PST

    Here are some more!

    Nekentros said:

    Will you have seasons that toggle the availability of certain types of harvesting nodes?

    Will you have harvestable nodes that are only available on certain continents? 

    Will you have any materials or resources that can only be moved from one location to another by foot as opposed to by magical modes of player transportation such as teleport/gate/etc.?

    Will you implement some sort of mechanic that in some way slows teleporting classes from pretty much instantaneously leveling market prices across all regions purely as a result of how fast they can get things to the various markets all across Terminus? (I would really like to see regional price variation flourish specifically as it relates to materials sourced from region centric harvesting nodes)

    Some types of gatherable materials may only appear in extreme climates.  As far as more generic weather and seasons, this is honestly TBD.  We have a goal to make gathering really mesh with the overall world experience as much as we can, but there will be some limitations on what we can do both from a technical perspective and simply to try and preserve accessibility for players.

    I mentioned this in another answer, but there will absolutely be materials that are only found in certain parts of the world.

    In general, if an item can be carried by players, we probably won’t restrict how that player can travel with the item.  The only exception to that would be if it was something very special or unique, and if there was a good lore-based reason for the restriction.  For example, if you happened to be carrying a celestium core, you might want to be careful not to expose it to too much magical energy.  But that wouldn’t be something that you would expect to use in everyday crafting, either.

    Kratuk said:

    Assuming it isn't covered in the stream;

    1) What form will the crafting progression take? Will we be doing writs kind of like Vanguard or straight crafting items for XP?

    2) Will we have complications in the process and if so how varied will they be and how will we address them as crafters? 

    3) Will the crafting progresssion be paced as to not be too fast?

    4) Will there be ways to specialize your specific profession to differentiate it from someone with the same profession?

    5) In one of the livestreams (I believe it was Joppa) stated that there was an anvil with a fabled dwarf inside a scorching climate within the frigid climate of Amberfaet where only certain things could be forged for crafting. How many areas will there be like this and how large of a roll will they play in crafting?

    6) Will the Perception system have a roll in crafting?

    7) Will we be able to customize the cosmetic look of crafted items like weapons and armor in some way?  

    8) The guild system hasn't been discussed hardly at all yet so this might be reaching. I was wondering if the crafting system might have some sort of play in it like writs for faction or some other guild system function (See EQII and Vanguard as an example)? 

    9) Will we have the chance for crafting criticals and critical failures? If so can you explain how that will work?

    10) Can we craft boats?

    11) Last one. How will we carry our crafting materials? Will we have a big ol crafting resource bag like Vanguard or play juggle the inventory like many other MMOs?

    12) Ok, I lied. Will there be crafting quests?

    13) (More lies from Tuk. lol) Will we be able to craft armor dyes?

    14) (Yes, Tuk thought of something else) Have you considered adding a "work order" style system, where a crafter seeking certain materials or goods can post an order for harvesters to fill for an exchange of coin on completion? It would be probably complicated but it works like this - Step 1: Crafer places an order, deposits the coin into an escrow. Step 2: Harvester then accepts the task order like a quest from the board. They have X amount of time to fill the order as to not lock off coin or access permanently. Step 3: The board is the turn in, escrow coin is collected as items are deposited. Final Step: Crafter collects items.

    I realize that last one can be auction housed or bought directly. I just like the idea of more work order stuff in the community.

    There will be multiple forms of progression, both vertical and horizontal.  We’ll be able to reveal more details of exactly how this will work later on, but as a player you’ll want to pursue both to really maximize your potential within crafting or gathering.  We want that progression to really feel meaningful to players, so (just like adventuring) this is something that we want you to have to put some effort into.  Part of the horizontal progression will be a system that allows you to specialize a bit in some aspects of the base profession.  Exactly how that specialization will work is something that we’ll be able to talk about in more detail as we get some of the underlying systems more fully in place in game.

    In terms of the crafting process, as I’ve mentioned in other answers there will be some gameplay associated with it.  Our goal is to make the gameplay portion engaging and fun for players, and not something that is easily defeated with a macro (as an example).  There likely will be some form of complications or states that happen during the process that you can respond to, but they won’t be the only choice that you have to make.  As far as critical successes or failures, this is still TBD, but if we do this it will be as part of an individual action you might take, and not the overall process itself.

    Perception will not directly play a role in crafting (you won’t have to be a Keeper to be a crafter) but as with anything else, you will find that engaging in all spheres of gameplay may allow you to experience the world in ways that you would not otherwise be able to.  I realize that’s a cryptic answer, but we don’t want to spoil the surprises too much.

    You will be able to control the appearance of items that you make based on the schematics and materials that you choose to use in constructing those items.  So for example, you might be able to choose between using the blade cast for a Kingsreach Broadsword or a Reignfall Scimitar, and the choice you make would dictate the overall appearance of the item.  There may be even more customization available based on other choices that you make, but in general, the overall shape of the item will be determined by the schematic you’re using.

    I can’t really comment on guilds and how those will work just yet (we’re just not ready for that conversation), but in general, we do want to allow players to work together on larger collaborative crafting projects such as boats, bridges, and so on.  However, we want those projects to be meaningful and fulfilling and not just throwaway content.  So, like housing, this is probably something we will look at as a post-launch activity – that way we can take the time to really do it justice.

    I answered this up above, but yes, there will be a variety of crafting-related content in the game that you can pursue if you wish.  Our goal, just like any other content, is to make it meaningful without making it mandatory.  As far as how you carry your crafting materials, we have no plans for a special bag or anything of the sort at this time.  And as far as armor dyes go, that is still TBD.  There are technical requirements that we would have to meet to really make that work, and even if we did, the type and amount of appearance customization that we provide to players is a hotly debated topic.  We’ll be able to talk more about appearance customization all-up as we get closer to launch.

    Vixx said:

    I really want to know if if we will be able to work all crafting and havesting on  a single main in eq we could with aa do this in FF14 we could do this. We are Advenures Renaissance men. As some one that in games and life as always had a love of learning doing something more  I really would like to see this. 

    If not players like my self will just start rolling alts to level crafting we did it in EQ2 i had one of every crafter at lvl 90 with epics when we quit in wow i had one of ever crafter maxed out when we quit. leveling crafting will keep the higher level players playing and helping the lower players giving away gear or selling at or below cost to make helping them  level well we farm for supplies ect.

    Barin999 said:

    When can we expect an up to date FAQ list on the forums, detailing responses for anything relating to crafting? 

    I've got the feeling that the same questions keep popping up although some have already been answered multiple times.

    Honestly, as soon as possible.  It’s a lot easier to update the website than it was in the past, but it still requires some time and effort to do.  But we are working on adding information to the website as quickly as possible

    Cleric said:

    Is there a plan for titles within Pantheon? If so, would crafter titles be a possibility? Like "Master Blacksmith Soandso"

    TBD still, but just like anything else we do in Pantheon, if we do it, we would want the titles to really represent meaningful accomplishments for players.

    Titanias said:

    Since there has been no official crafting information yet, just speculation and theory crafting,  I guess my question is, Can we have info on the professions, gathering, any plans on how crafting will work?  I think we have to start from there.

    Take a look at the answers to some of the questions above, as well as the threads in the Crafting subforum :)

    HemlockReaper said:

    1.Will there be a Tradesmen Hub where Crafters and harvesters can list their services, or Customers can create writs to for tradesmen to fulfill.

    2.Will a Crafters character name be listed on the items they create, or will Crafters be able to register a custom Name for an item they make, or a Custom Brand Name for all items.

    3.Will there be Community tasks? Such as a bridge needing to be built to access new areas ect, that require harvesters to drop off supplies and Crafters to build the bridge once the materials are on location.

    4.Will crafting and Harvesting include merchant skills or will those be separate?

    5. What level of complexity are the recipes, will they be generic as in insert steel to get steel dagger, or will Crafters be able to experiment with the ingredient compositions for basic alloys to get a variety of steel types ect..for more variety in the results?

    We want location and travel to be meaningful in Pantheon, so rather than having a single big hub, it's safe to say that you'll find that any major town or city can serve as a hub for tradeskill activity or commerce.  There may even be value in setting up shop in more remote locations because of the resources or content that can be found nearby.  Ultimately, our goal is to present a realistic and believable fantasy world, and avoid bottlenecks or overcrowding that might damage the experience for players.  This is true for all spheres of gameplay, including crafting and the economy.

    We do want to include the crafter's name on items, as that is one of the best ways to get your name out there.  As far as custom naming, that is still TBD at this stage.

    Large scale projects are something that I would like to do, but it would be a different system from standard crafting, so no promises either way right now :)

    Right now, we're not planning on a separate set of merchant skills that impact how you can buy and sell - but like everything else that may change as our systems continue to evolve.  However, we don't want to put a barrier up in front of new players that would prevent them from participating in the economy, so if we were to approach this, it will be something we do very carefully.

    In general, starting out as a crafter you'll use simple materials and only a few components.  As you progress to more exotic items however, you'll find that the complexity increases as well.  Ultimately, the system is about choosing the right materials or ingredients for what you want to create, rather than just following the same recipe every time.

    chenzeme said:

    • Will there be cosmetic upgrades that can be crafted for equipment, tints and the like for armour, glows and effects for weapons?
    • Can existing items (crafted and found) be improved (either cosmetically or stats related)?
    • Will there be craft specific quests and quest lines?
    • Will there be items that need to be constructed by more than one crafter?
    • Will there be race specific products?
    • Will the Perception system have a role in crafting and if so, will it be just for rare or hard to find harvest nodes?
    • Will there be different qualities of skin (assuming skinning is a skill) and will these be used to create different qualities of goods?
    • How will crafting for clients work? (e.g., if the client has a rare component that is to be made into an object, how can the protect the component)?
    • Can objects (both crafted and found) be broken down into components to be re-used?
    • How will mastery work?
    • How will recipes work?

    Cosmetic adjustments such as dies, tints, and so on are something that we haven't really made a decision about yet.  If/when we decide to do something like that, we'll definitely be taking community feedback into consideration.  Likewise, improving existing items is still TBD.  It is something that I'd like to take a look at, but we have to get everything else in place first before we can really make a decision.

    There will absolutely be crafting quests as I mentioned in some of the replies above.  As far as items that require multiple crafters to create - in general, interdependency will be optional.  If we do require interdependency it will likely be for very special things, rather than general items.

    Groups of NPCs such as races and factions may have their own unique item styles and crafting techniques that they guard jealously, but you won't have to be a crafter of that race in order to learn those secrets - you will simply have to gain trust with that race or faction first.

    The role of perception in crafting is still very much TBD.  It probably won't impact the crafting process directly (we don't want to require crafters to also be keepers), but if you happen to be a keeper, you may fight that you can learn more interesting and useful information that will help your crafting in some way.

    As far as skinning goes, we're still working out the details on this.  Quality may play a role, but we don't want to set up a situation where anything that isn't "high quality" is less useful to players.  This is something that we'll be able to go into more detail about as we get further in implementation.

    Regarding crafting for another player, no decision has been made just yet.  That's something that we'll look at much closer to launch when we have everything else implemented.

    Salvaging is definitely still a planned system and so you'll be able to break down things that you find (or buy) for useful materials.  We'll be able to talk more about how this will work once we have the fundamental crafting and resource systems fully implemented.

    As for mastery and recipes, these are things that we'll be able to share more detail about once we are further along.  We're being careful to build the underlying systems first, before we try to lock in some of these things, so that we can drive a truly engaging experience for players.

    Dosi said:

    Will we have to manually equip crafting or harvesting tools?

    This is still TBD, but we're definitely listening to community feedback here.


    If I missed any questions from anyone so far please feel free to post those in the follow-up thread in the crafting forums, and I'll try to get to them as soon as I can!

    • 4 posts
    February 5, 2021 3:53 PM PST

    Since nodes are going to be visable to everyone, what's the plan to prevent node stealing?  There is nothing more fustrating than finding a node and starting to harvest it and have someone come up with better skills/equipment and take it from you.

    • 1785 posts
    February 5, 2021 4:31 PM PST

    gregoir said:

    Since nodes are going to be visable to everyone, what's the plan to prevent node stealing?  There is nothing more fustrating than finding a node and starting to harvest it and have someone come up with better skills/equipment and take it from you.

    I agree that this can be really frustrating!  How we'll handle it is still TBD, but I think it is likely that we will lock the interaction to the first person to start gathering to help prevent some of this.

    • 1289 posts
    February 5, 2021 6:56 PM PST

    "However, if you go to the trouble to get the hilt and grip made by another player, your resulting sword will be just a little more powerful as a result."

    Hey Nephele, does this mean another player with a different crafting profession or simply another player of the same profession?  I'm just trying to wrap my head around it, does it make it more powerful just because two people of the same profession worked together on it, or does the more powerful item require two people of different professions to work together?

    Hopefully that makes sense, having a hard time wording it for some reason haha.



    • 1289 posts
    February 5, 2021 6:57 PM PST

    Nephele said:

    gregoir said:

    Since nodes are going to be visable to everyone, what's the plan to prevent node stealing?  There is nothing more fustrating than finding a node and starting to harvest it and have someone come up with better skills/equipment and take it from you.

    I agree that this can be really frustrating!  How we'll handle it is still TBD, but I think it is likely that we will lock the interaction to the first person to start gathering to help prevent some of this.


    I'm not opposed to some sort of protection, but this is the same logic as "kill stealing."  In adventure if the kill credit goes to most damage done then in gathering the stronger crafter *should* get the node.   Maybe there should be general nodes and special nodes :)  Where the generals are dealt with like the most damage done mobs, and the special nodes are first to engage (similar to raid areas being first to engage in adventuring).

    This post was edited by Ranarius at February 5, 2021 6:59 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    February 5, 2021 7:54 PM PST

    Ranarius said:

    "However, if you go to the trouble to get the hilt and grip made by another player, your resulting sword will be just a little more powerful as a result."

    Hey Nephele, does this mean another player with a different crafting profession or simply another player of the same profession?  I'm just trying to wrap my head around it, does it make it more powerful just because two people of the same profession worked together on it, or does the more powerful item require two people of different professions to work together?

    Hopefully that makes sense, having a hard time wording it for some reason haha.

    Good catch - it means another player with a different crafting profession :)

    • 1289 posts
    February 5, 2021 8:06 PM PST

    Thanks, that's what I assumed, and what I thought I heard in the stream :)  Thanks for clarifying!

    • 83 posts
    February 5, 2021 10:34 PM PST

    The example given was that a Blacksmith might ask an Outfitter to make them a hilt, as 'hilts' are considered a Leather good in Pantheon and Outfitters work primarily with leather and cloth.

    • 115 posts
    February 6, 2021 2:39 AM PST

    Ranarius said:

    Nephele said:

    gregoir said:

    Since nodes are going to be visable to everyone, what's the plan to prevent node stealing?  There is nothing more fustrating than finding a node and starting to harvest it and have someone come up with better skills/equipment and take it from you.

    I agree that this can be really frustrating!  How we'll handle it is still TBD, but I think it is likely that we will lock the interaction to the first person to start gathering to help prevent some of this.


    I'm not opposed to some sort of protection, but this is the same logic as "kill stealing."  In adventure if the kill credit goes to most damage done then in gathering the stronger crafter *should* get the node.   Maybe there should be general nodes and special nodes :)  Where the generals are dealt with like the most damage done mobs, and the special nodes are first to engage (similar to raid areas being first to engage in adventuring).

    I dont care what your DPS is if some one has engaged a mob and you take the kill its kill stealing. Please if you  havest a node some one is fighting a npc on is stealing as well we need to make sure this does not happen. 

    • 1289 posts
    February 6, 2021 8:41 AM PST

    I dont care what your DPS is if some one has engaged a mob and you take the kill its kill stealing. Please if you  havest a node some one is fighting a npc on is stealing as well we need to make sure this does not happen. 

    It's not really about what we think is right or wrong, it's about what the mechancis of the game will actually be.  The devs have specifically said that this is a grey area, and there have been arguments even among them.  My only point was *IF* they design adventuring in a way where the most damage done gets the credit for a kill it makes sense to use that same philosophy for crafting.  I'm not bringing it up to debate which way it should be.

    This post was edited by Ranarius at February 6, 2021 8:47 AM PST
    • 201 posts
    February 6, 2021 9:36 AM PST

    Thanks for all the detailed responses.  Lord knows if the rest of this team spent the effort being as forthcoming with detailed info as the crafting dev, I think a lot of the community would have a different attitude.  I would say that after reading it, I have a few things that I definitely give a thumbs down to.  Interdependency is desired but optional?  Big TD from me.  I used to have to build relationships with other crafters to make my armor.  I like that I need cloth makers or leathermakers that I get friendships with as we supply each other.  A hassle at times, but I do not want the game to just play itself.  Also, crafted gear being the same as dropped with just stat differences.  Again, TD.  To me, I want a system like EQ and VG.  I want gear to be rare. I want it to be a big deal when I find a piece of bronze armor for the first time.  I think gear should be dropped crap -> basic crafted stuff -> rarer drops -> rare material crafted -> special drops/camps -> ultra rare crafted/raid/raid material based crafted stuff.  I want there to be a market for even basic crafted gear,  rather than it just being, why spend money if it is just different stats.  I should gain value by spending money to buy regular crafted over dropped junk, not just getting the stats in a different allocation. 

    One thing I noticed and I was not sure if it was answered correctly was about adventure and crafted gear.  I wonder if the person meant is there going to be crafting specific gear with crafting stats ala VG?  I know that is a big deal to me and I loved specific crafting gear that had specific stats where a full set of crafting gear with stats made a difference on your craft ability, rare outcome, etc.  God, I loved VG crafting. 

    As for failures, they should come with a big cost.  Honestly, if there is a raid component to making an item (which I think should be most raid gear...pieces that need master crafters to make the final item with other parts), then a failure should lose some expensive secondary parts that always cost money but never the raid item.  So, like the sword hilt of greatness drops on the raid but needs a master to remake it along with 5 gold bars, 5 mithril bar and 1 crystal ruby, and the ruby is only sold by a vendor who charges 1000p or whatever and the ruby can be lost but never the hilt.  The cost of failure should be real but never cost something you quest, camp, raid for.

    • 13 posts
    February 9, 2021 3:21 PM PST

    I browsed through some of the crafting Q&A threads and didn't see an answer to my questions. Forgive me if they were answered elsewhere and I just missed them.

    1) Joppa has mentioned that a tenet of Pantheon is gear pride. He's said in the past that you should be able to see a piece of gear that another player has and know what it is. "What it is" is really tied to the stats, though. How does customization of crafted items fit into this? From the sounds of it there will be a wide array of potential customizations. Will the base of the crafted item always be unique enough to maintain the item's identity?

    2) SWG was mentioned as one of the influences for crafting. I loved crafting in SWG. One of the things that I thought was unique was the crafting materials themselves having qualities. The quality of the material that spawned was (or seemed) pretty random, with a higher chance of higher quality materials spawning in harder to reach or more dangerous areas. This allowed items to be pretty unique. Since customization of crafted items is going to be a thing in Pantheon, is crafting matial qualities (beyond "normal," "good" and "exellent") something that would be considered?

    • 1785 posts
    February 10, 2021 8:35 AM PST

    antonius said:

    One thing I noticed and I was not sure if it was answered correctly was about adventure and crafted gear.  I wonder if the person meant is there going to be crafting specific gear with crafting stats ala VG?  I know that is a big deal to me and I loved specific crafting gear that had specific stats where a full set of crafting gear with stats made a difference on your craft ability, rare outcome, etc.  God, I loved VG crafting. 

    This is still somewhat TBD.  Whether we include a lot of crafting gear will depend greatly on the gameplay loop that we create for crafting and how that works.  Or to put it another way, we don't want to do crafting and gathering gear just to do crafting and gathering gear - if we create those things, we want them to offer meaningful choices and value to the player just like adventuring gear does.  Right now I can say for sure that we will have crafting and gathering tools.  For anything beyond that, we'll have a better idea once we have the gameplay ready for everyone to see.

    Akom said:

    I browsed through some of the crafting Q&A threads and didn't see an answer to my questions. Forgive me if they were answered elsewhere and I just missed them.

    1) Joppa has mentioned that a tenet of Pantheon is gear pride. He's said in the past that you should be able to see a piece of gear that another player has and know what it is. "What it is" is really tied to the stats, though. How does customization of crafted items fit into this? From the sounds of it there will be a wide array of potential customizations. Will the base of the crafted item always be unique enough to maintain the item's identity?

    Yes.  This will be something that will be easier to show once the system is built out more and you can actually see how it will work across many different kinds of items within the game.

    Akom said:

    2) SWG was mentioned as one of the influences for crafting. I loved crafting in SWG. One of the things that I thought was unique was the crafting materials themselves having qualities. The quality of the material that spawned was (or seemed) pretty random, with a higher chance of higher quality materials spawning in harder to reach or more dangerous areas. This allowed items to be pretty unique. Since customization of crafted items is going to be a thing in Pantheon, is crafting material qualities (beyond "normal," "good" and "exellent") something that would be considered?

    Our resource system won't be as complex as SWG was, but our resources will have some stats of their own, and those stats will allow you to make some choices and tradeoffs when creating items.

    • 3 posts
    February 10, 2021 11:26 AM PST

    Valheru said:

    Great Responses Nephele.  Thank you for taking the time to sit down and answer these individually.


    I second this!

    • 247 posts
    March 14, 2021 2:03 PM PDT
    Too much to read was this in the dev crafting stream I normally listen to some of your guys' stuff like that on podcasts as drive
    • 441 posts
    March 26, 2021 5:29 AM PDT

    Lots seems to being done to incorporate raids into crafting. How will you make sure casual gamers will have a deep and meaningful experience in crafting? Also will we be able to look as cool?

    This post was edited by Nanfoodle at March 26, 2021 6:54 AM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    May 24, 2021 7:21 PM PDT

    Nephele said:

    gregoir said:

    Since nodes are going to be visable to everyone, what's the plan to prevent node stealing?  There is nothing more fustrating than finding a node and starting to harvest it and have someone come up with better skills/equipment and take it from you.

    I agree that this can be really frustrating!  How we'll handle it is still TBD, but I think it is likely that we will lock the interaction to the first person to start gathering to help prevent some of this.


    Have you made a decision on this since February with respect to locking harvesting/gathering, but leaving combat as most-damage-done/unlocked?  Is that the plan for Alpha?