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Some thoughts to keep the creative juices flowing.

    • 54 posts
    January 31, 2021 12:04 PM PST

    I had rewatched Sword art online, (the first two seasons) not too long ago, and reread Alter World: by D Rus.  I would challenge the developers to watch, read or listen.  Those authors developed truly living worlds.  Granted they are fictional, but I think there is a lot of cool ideas there and could help keep the creative juices flowing. Loved the last stream!

    Also, can't wait to be saved from the dread of logging into WOW.  I am so bored of the repetitive daily quests, and the speed dungeon runs.  I likely will head back to ESO where the environment has some danger. ESO just seems more alive, people have a favorite town, and no matter the expansion that doesn't seem to change much. You can actually interact with the environment, bust open a crate, or check a desk for a hidden item.  They at least give you a reason to explore and not run to the boss and fast as possible.


    Stay Healthy!





    This post was edited by Albe at January 31, 2021 12:05 PM PST