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Community Debate - Subscription-based MMORPG's

    • 1303 posts
    February 6, 2021 7:18 PM PST

    CanadinaXegony said:

    $20.00 a month I am good with that,  cheapest entertainment around when you realize that is for a whole month of logging on.   Cheaper than going to a movie..or the bar. :P

     Oh also willing to pay for new expansions of course.   


    I wonder how much money I save over the last 20 years directly because of MMOs. I was paying them $10-$15/month. But I stopped buying a game every 3-4 weeks at $50 a pop too. And far more late nights spent killing pixels than throwing back shots and buying cab rides home. 

    • 101 posts
    February 6, 2021 7:18 PM PST

    If you are trying to derive game value on a $cost/time basis then casual players subsidise hard core players in games with monthly fees.  If you are both paying the same amount, and a casual plays 10hours/month while you play 200hours/month; then the casual player is paying for the extra infrastructure that is needed for you to play so much.  Higher subscription fees drive away more casual players, which means the sub fee has to increase even more to make up for the lost casual players. There needs to be a way to balance the cost to maximize the number of people who pay without sacrificing the integrity of the game itself.

    • 3016 posts
    February 6, 2021 7:53 PM PST

    Telepath said:

    If you are trying to derive game value on a $cost/time basis then casual players subsidise hard core players in games with monthly fees.  If you are both paying the same amount, and a casual plays 10hours/month while you play 200hours/month; then the casual player is paying for the extra infrastructure that is needed for you to play so much.  Higher subscription fees drive away more casual players, which means the sub fee has to increase even more to make up for the lost casual players. There needs to be a way to balance the cost to maximize the number of people who pay without sacrificing the integrity of the game itself.

       I am a casual player..I help other casual players..I could care less if someone else spends 24/7 in the game, that's up to them.   I don't have any game envy. :P



    • 101 posts
    February 6, 2021 9:49 PM PST

    CanadinaXegony said:

    Telepath said:

    If you are trying to derive game value on a $cost/time basis then casual players subsidise hard core players in games with monthly fees.  If you are both paying the same amount, and a casual plays 10hours/month while you play 200hours/month; then the casual player is paying for the extra infrastructure that is needed for you to play so much.  Higher subscription fees drive away more casual players, which means the sub fee has to increase even more to make up for the lost casual players. There needs to be a way to balance the cost to maximize the number of people who pay without sacrificing the integrity of the game itself.

       I am a casual player..I help other casual players..I could care less if someone else spends 24/7 in the game, that's up to them.   I don't have any game envy. :P



    I guess i could have worded that better. i was not talking about casuals getting to derive less enjoyment. I was referring to other posts about the bargain value of games comparing other activities of the same cost and how much time you get to use them. like "$15/mo is a good deal because i drink $15 worth of coffee in 8 minutes" or "$15/mo is a bad deal because my family watches 500 hours of netflix each month"

    • 646 posts
    February 7, 2021 6:59 AM PST

    I would expect a $30-$40 per month subscription fee.



    Back in the day we paid $12-15 per month and with inflation and added features doubling that is reasonable.


    I would rather pay the higher end of this plus pay for expansion packs to avoid cash shops

    • 801 posts
    February 7, 2021 8:39 AM PST

    fazool said:

    I would expect a $30-$40 per month subscription fee.



    Back in the day we paid $12-15 per month and with inflation and added features doubling that is reasonable.


    I would rather pay the higher end of this plus pay for expansion packs to avoid cash shops

    What? that is pure crazy talk. Nobody is going to spend 30-40 per month, you can purchase a new game for that then. 17 to 20 is the normal prices. It is also a reason people avoid sub games, because of extra costs. IF we hit that level you would probally lose a ton of the player base right off the bat. I should also point out, I personally wouldnt have backed the project if Brad said 30-40 per month up front.

    This post was edited by Crazzie at February 7, 2021 8:43 AM PST
    • 101 posts
    February 9, 2021 10:18 AM PST

    This was posted in the Pantheon+ discord and I kind of love it.

    DarthGamer said:

    I just thought of a F2P/Sub model i can live with. If you don't sub, you get to watch a full commercial during every load screen
    I was watching youtube on my wifes account and was like "wtf is this? commercials?
    its not pay to win. it is f2p'ers working for their play time.

    I agree that an ad-model is not pay-to-win, and a game where you are loading in and out of zones, logging in, teleporting to your bind location, etc. are perfect spots to see ads instead of loading screen tips if you don't want to fork over a subscription fee.

    • 333 posts
    February 9, 2021 3:31 PM PST

    weee! /pizza is back 

    • 394 posts
    February 9, 2021 4:45 PM PST

    Oh no we pulled more then we wanted and died, time to watch 2 1:30 ads before I can respawn.

    • 2752 posts
    February 9, 2021 6:22 PM PST

    Gintoki88 said:

    Oh no we pulled more then we wanted and died, time to watch 2 1:30 ads before I can respawn.

    Who needs an SSD when you are going to be loading a full minute watching an ad anyway. HDD are back in style.

    This post was edited by Iksar at February 9, 2021 6:22 PM PST