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October Developer Roundtable with Kyle Olsen!

    • 9115 posts
    November 6, 2020 10:11 PM PST
    Ben "Kilsin" Walters sits down with Lead Programmer Kyle Olsen to talk all things Programming for this month's Dev Round Table (DRT)
    • 274 posts
    November 7, 2020 6:30 AM PST

    Re: Linux client- Yes, please! I will also volunteer my time and hardware for Linux testing. I was already planning on trying to get the game to run through WINE at some point.

    It was also said you would likely use OpenGL for Mac and Linux ports, but Vulkan also works natively for Linux. Linux launchers like Lutris and PlayOnLinux, and I believe even Valve's Proton greatly improved game compatibility over the last few years by implementing Vulkan translation layers for DX games.

    This post was edited by eunichron at November 7, 2020 6:43 AM PST
    • 1921 posts
    November 7, 2020 9:22 AM PST

    May 3, 2017, from here:


    It has become evident over the last few years that OpenGL and OpenGL ES have completed their life cycle and that it was impossible to evolve further on top of an API that carries so much inherited weight after serving the industry for over 25 years. Additionally, GPUs are becoming highly programmable and compute capable, mobile platforms are becoming more relevant, memory is becoming unified and processors are becoming multi–core. Therefore, Vulkan is central to the GPU future.

    The talk covered two of the most relevant benefits of Vulkan for graphics: multithreading and multi-pass.

    Given their current version is apparently 2019.4.x LTS, they definitely have the capability to integrate, use, build, etc, for/with/via Vulkan support.

    • 560 posts
    November 7, 2020 2:53 PM PST

    Kyle talked a bit about cheating and how they are planning to combat it. But as it seems everyone agrees it is impossible to stop entirely has VR considered developing the cheats themselves and putting them out there and then just banning players that use them? I know there are many issues with this idea but I feel it has some advantages. If a player was interested in cheating but knew that if he downloaded the wrong one, he would be banned it might just stop a lot of people from even downloading them in the first place. VR could even be up front about what they are doing and warn people they are not safe.

    Kyle thanks for taking the time I found this roundtable to be very interesting.

    • 1921 posts
    November 7, 2020 3:34 PM PST

    Regarding cheat/anti-cheat, it comes down to (in my experience):
    The minimum information (sent from the server to the client) required to play the game, simply displayed in a different way, provides a tremendous advantage to anyone willing to view it in that way.
    So you have to weigh that reality against the absolute horrific end-user experience burden that any anti-cheat potentially places on your customers.

    Do you want to place yet another potential barrier in front of your paying customers, or instead, take the RTT hit and server-side authenticate the important transactions and avoid most of the rabbit hole of cheat/anti-cheat?
    Personally, I accept the reality of client side hacking.  Because it always has been and always will be "a thing". :D

    • 902 posts
    November 10, 2020 2:36 AM PST

    Regarding cheat/anti-cheat:

    The main problem with having no cheat detection/prevention/punishment is that cheating becomes the defacto standard. If a player does not employ the same mechanisms as those that are cheating, you are at a great disadvantage. This can lead to everyone having to cheat just to stay level with everyone else; you have to use the cheat apps. This requirement kills a game a lot quicker than putting in checks and preventions to stop it.

    Just because there will always be an arms race with cheat and anti cheat software does not mean it should be ignored. I know there is a lot that can be done by reviewing data produced by game interactions to catch cheating and this should be employed as a bare minimum. Once caught, the loophole should be plugged. Yes cheating will always happen because some people just want an easy, everything served on a plate, life!

    Personally, anyone caught cheating should have a significant ban to a life time ban (depending on the cheat). Yes there are ways around these bans but the ban should be re-applied immediately (and extended) upon detection. In RL laws are there to protect people, it should be no different in game. Cheating at the expense of others is no less anti-social than breaking the law. Detection and punishment has to be employed.




    • 1281 posts
    November 10, 2020 9:18 AM PST

    This was a very enjoyable interview, one of the best you have done so far. Kyle has so many great answers and good information.

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at November 10, 2020 9:19 AM PST
    • 2 posts
    November 10, 2020 9:53 PM PST

    Quick suggestion for Banning cheaters.

    Don't outright ban someone forever unless they are just horrible people.  First offense X amount of time banned.  Second offense double that time.  Third offense double that time.  Like this: First 2week, Second 4week, Third 8week.  Another option would be that after X number of bans your account is wiped out so you have nothing on it and everything but your account name/password are cleared.  You can still create a new character and play again, except starting from scratch.  That alone would probably keep most people away from cheating.

    • 4 posts
    November 11, 2020 1:43 PM PST

    Ready and waiting!!  Keep up the great work!  
