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The Grim Reaper Calls

    • 2 posts
    July 7, 2020 5:50 AM PDT

    I stumbled across a group of 5 newbies camped at the edge of an area I farm for rare drops. Lol, they sat around a campfire in their sad gear RP’ing gibberish. ‘Wilst’ this and ‘Thou’ that. I figured they were suckers. ‘G’day, how’s the hunting?’ I said as I splashed a little Preserver’s Wildfire on the group.I know where there are some good drops close to here. I can help you out. Please invite.’

    I brought the suckers into my hunting area. While I was a few levels above the mobs, they were a few levels below. I had them pull a couple of mobs I quickly killed to get their confidence up. I let them have all of the drops - mostly just junk. Then, there he was…

    The fight was long. I watched as they slowly drained their mana and health. Then they began to drop one by one. As the last idiot died, I unleashed on the mob quickly killing it. I looted the rare mob and got some awesome drops to sell. Then I dropped from the group. Lol, they won’t be able to get their corpses. ‘Time to log off and eat dinner’ my Mom was yelling to me.

    After dinner I logged back on. I tried a couple of times to join groups, but no luck. People are jerks. I ran over to another area I farm all the time, but I kept noticing something strange. Every couple of minutes I would just catch a glimpse of some black smoke. It almost looked like some type of apparition, but it would just disappear. Then, as I was killing a low level mob something happened. I started to miss alot. Then my armor seemed to degrade. My healing spells weren’t being effective any more. I was slowly dying. My hp got down to 1 then just stayed there. I used up all of my potions I had and was out of mana. Finally, after about 10 minutes I croaked. Then I saw it. The Grim Reaper had materialized behind me. It cast some type of spell and my corpse disappeared. Then the Grim Reaper melted away in a cloud of black smoke.

    For 5 dollars, you purchase a 1-use Grim Reaper. You submit the name of the person you want revenge on. You are notified when the person logs on. You are teleported close to the target as the Grim Reaper. You get to control your visibility, have no agro. You have spells to lower the targets armor, movement speed, mana, and attack. You can also make them not die for a while. You cannot communicate with the target and you are anonymous to the target. You get to kill the target once. After they die, you can move their corpse within 150 yards.

    This seems like a good addition to the game.

    • 2756 posts
    July 7, 2020 6:39 AM PDT

    Whilst (!) that sounds fun, unfortunately having money in RL is not necessarily indicative of a tendancy to use power responsibly or with moral intention. Some might even say it would tend the wrong way...

    The Grim Reaper would be a powerful tool for the righteous! Also, and probably more often, a powerful griefing tool for the rich baddies.

    The world may have made me a cynic, but that "with great power comes great responsibility" saying is an ideal, not a reflection of reality. The reality tends to be "with great power comes the ability to abdicate responsibility"

    Might be fun if the GMs could lend that kind of power to those they know have suffered at the hands of others... but again, you just know that will perpetuate a cycle of revenge, ill-feeling and, ultimately, toxicity.

    Man, what a downer, Dispo! Gonna go and hug my dog until I cheer up...

    This post was edited by disposalist at July 7, 2020 6:41 AM PDT
    • 1289 posts
    July 7, 2020 6:57 AM PDT

    Fun story though!

    • 2419 posts
    July 7, 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Oh yeah, please put something like this in the game. I would SO spend a ton of money just to antagonize, annoy and otherwise piss off people all within the allowed rules and mechanics of the game.  What is better than that?  The hilarity that would ensure when an entire guild decided to use this against a single person?  Epic.  To kill them then move their corpse?  Yes please.  Drop the corpse into a lava pool, or at the feet of a boss mob.