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    • 21 posts
    June 30, 2020 1:42 PM PDT
    So I've had my knights pledge from several years ago now. Been lurking since trying to patiently wait. In said time I have procured myself a new girlfriend that'll be around for a while methinks.

    My question is that I would really like to play in the pre alpha with her as a couple and show her (hopefully) the finer side of mmos instead of WoW which she has played. Is there a way to get her access? I believe my pledge came with 2 copies of the game but maybe only 1 pre alpha/alpha access code. There's no way I could have foresaw this turn if events as I figured I was destined to remain the lone wolf of legends. Mwhahahaha
    • 63 posts
    June 30, 2020 1:49 PM PDT

    Get her to pledge! Haha.

    But in terms of if there are two access codes in the pledge package... I do not believe so. However, you might ask this on the Pledge Rewards Questions thread since this seems to be a question directly aimed at that. 

    • 1860 posts
    June 30, 2020 1:52 PM PDT

    Knights pledge is alpha, not pre-alpha.  We arent there yet.  You would have to make another pledge that includes alpha if you want to play with your gf.

    • 9115 posts
    June 30, 2020 4:05 PM PDT

    gabelle said: So I've had my knights pledge from several years ago now. Been lurking since trying to patiently wait. In said time I have procured myself a new girlfriend that'll be around for a while methinks. My question is that I would really like to play in the pre alpha with her as a couple and show her (hopefully) the finer side of mmos instead of WoW which she has played. Is there a way to get her access? I believe my pledge came with 2 copies of the game but maybe only 1 pre alpha/alpha access code. There's no way I could have foresaw this turn if events as I figured I was destined to remain the lone wolf of legends. Mwhahahaha

    Congrats on the GF! As the others have kindly pointed out, testing access in pledges is restricted to only the person who purchased the pledge, a copy of the game, once released, can be given to you GF but she will not receive any of the benefits like titles etc. just a download key for the game and most likely a trial of some sort.

    To give her testing access, you can purchase a pledge with the same testing access as yourself and gift it to her via our CS department if you like, I'm sure she would love it :)

    • 793 posts
    July 1, 2020 4:21 AM PDT

    Come on Kilsin, close that sale. :)

    • 21 posts
    July 1, 2020 6:12 AM PDT
    @kilsin why not offer long time patrons a short window to upgrade a second key to just have the testing? I'm sure I'm not the only one with this type of want/need. It would benefit the community by having more people join the community and help get more views on testing. As well as make a good impression for VR for caring for the community since release has taken sooooo long. Maybe only offer it to long time people who's situations have changed.

    I've personally had like 5 pay raises and purchased a new house and all kinds of stuff since I got the pledge 3 or 4 years ago.

    Would be a nice gesture to long supporters. VR gets the community driven players and the extra cash too.
    • 1289 posts
    July 1, 2020 6:31 AM PDT

    You can already do all the things you're asking for by purchasing the pledge you're interested in...they are not closed.  Upgrades are available to all (not just long time supporters).

    Unless you're asking for a discount or something I don't understand the question.  Or are you simply asking that they add a pledge level that includes only testing and no other benefits?

    This post was edited by Ranarius at July 1, 2020 6:43 AM PDT
    • 21 posts
    July 1, 2020 8:36 AM PDT
    Exactly. Since I already have 2 copies of the game because I got a pledge so early the rewards were much better for the money. I don't need another copy and she won't care about all the extra titles and stuff that comes with a pack.

    I would just need like a maybe $20-30 upgrade fee to add the same level of testing to the second copy of the game that I already have. The main reason is because in super early testing the game is much more fun and a much healthier community. People arent worried as much about min maxing or building the strongest guild. I think it would be a much better experience for her to play then and not after I already know everything for the game. We could learn together. Which, if I'm not wrong, is the single biggest core principle behind Pantheon. Learning and playing together to advance.

    Why would I want to drop another 100+ for a game I already have a copy of? Then I basically just have a copy of the game that I have to give away. When I first got the pack, that extra copy of the game was a bonus and just wanted the other stuff. Now it's something I value more. The reason I said only long term supports that got old packs was because I'm sure they don't want a ton of people flooding into early testing and breaking the servers before it's ready to be stressed.

    Also, I got the old knights pledge before it was changed. I have access to pre-alpha. The pledges now are much less generous for the same money. Thats the reason for getting it early on. The rewards were much better.

    • 2752 posts
    July 1, 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    gabelle said: The main reason is because in super early testing the game is much more fun and a much healthier community. People arent worried as much about min maxing or building the strongest guild. I think it would be a much better experience for her to play then and not after I already know everything for the game. We could learn together. Which, if I'm not wrong, is the single biggest core principle behind Pantheon. Learning and playing together to advance. 

    That is not what testing is for or about...

    • 500 posts
    July 1, 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Iksar said:

    gabelle said: The main reason is because in super early testing the game is much more fun and a much healthier community. People arent worried as much about min maxing or building the strongest guild. I think it would be a much better experience for her to play then and not after I already know everything for the game. We could learn together. Which, if I'm not wrong, is the single biggest core principle behind Pantheon. Learning and playing together to advance. 

    That is not what testing is for or about...

    Have to agree with Iksar here... this is not what the testing sessions are for. My 2 cp

    • 2117 posts
    July 1, 2020 1:43 PM PDT

    If VR was to allow what you ask, they would have to offer it to all pledgers or risk a huge backlash. To offer a deal like you are describing would very seriously undermine the 'upgrade' sales of all current pledges that offer pre-alpha, alpha and beta pledges.

    Further, if offered to all pledgers, there is no doubt that quite a few pledgers would take advantage of it. Meaning that it could incease the number of players entitled to pre-alpha & alpha by (IMO) anywhere from 20 to 70 percent. That could well be more players than VR wishes to have in their alpha, and is very likely to be more than they wish in their pre-Alpha.


    Finally, just as an observation, the info you posted about "I've personally had like 5 pay raises and purchased a new house and all kinds of stuff since I got the pledge 3 or 4 years ago. " does a good job of undermining any question of you 'needing' a special deal that would cost VR a lot of pledge money (given how many people would take advantage of it) just so you can avoid shelling out $250 to get her into Alpha & Beta. As far as pre-Alpha goes (assuming you are already in it), the current outlook on it strongly suggests that there will be very few hours of actual 'run around and play' available to those testers before it's over and Alpha starts.

    This post was edited by Jothany at July 1, 2020 1:44 PM PDT
    • 21 posts
    July 1, 2020 2:03 PM PDT
    Actually it's the opposite. She is a totally different gamer than I am. You want all the feedback you can from various viewpoints. I'm a very hardcore type of gamer. I've played many MMOs, fps, mobas I know what to look for know the expectations and various other things. I'm also in technology. She on the other hand is a much more casual gamer and has other view points. Spent most of her time in WoW, overwatch, and tons of play time in Fallout and red dead. There's a couple of interesting videos on YouTube you can look up where people test this type of theory. Hardcore minded gamers a lot of time do not realize certain aspects of a game or notice needs because we just know from years of experience and various games how to do things. While more casual gamers don't know those things and point out very needed things from a different perspective. Menu options, UI, "why can't I ..... I should be able to do ...." Moments. It's actually crazy how different people and play styles can change the experience.

    You guys are going way deep in tangents and blacklashes and whatnot.

    My idea was a simple courtesy to long time supporters. Now people trying to apply it to everyone. The idea is to reward long term supporters and give be personal with the community.

    Of course people would be upset they didn't get the opportunity, but hey that's life. You should have supported earlier and you would have the opportunity as well. Not everyone is an SJW and a lot of the world still understand not everyone can be the winner, or get the deal, or whatever. Insert complaint. If that was the case I wouldn't be where I am today and have a hard worth ethic and reap the rewards from it.

    This was literally a post for long term supporters who's life situation has changed from years ago. I believe I bought my pledge back in early 2016. What, about 4 years ago when I was still in school and didn't even know this gal, much less have money to spend. But, I believed in the cause enough to drop some money to support when I didn't even have much money.
    • 63 posts
    July 1, 2020 2:30 PM PDT

    You seem like you have no idea what testing is about, especially pre-alpha and alpha testing.

    When you say you shouldn't have to shell out another 100+ for "another copy of the game you already own" shows me that you don't understand what a PLEDGE of support is for. You have a copy of a released game down the road. The PA access is a privelege where you can help test by doing important work for the development team. This isn't shelling out for a game you already own. This is pledging support to help develop a game that many of us are very passionate about.

    Most of us knew that we were pledging to support a vision that we may have never even seen actualized, and many have paid a lot more than you. Now you feel entitled to more for your pledge, just because you already pledged? And on top of that, you pledged early on for much less than people do now. But no, you should be given another PA access for free, when others here are paying $1000+ just to have the privelege to help make the game better.

    Your comment is kind of insulting, actually.


    This post was edited by snocap at July 1, 2020 2:32 PM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    July 1, 2020 3:42 PM PDT

    gabelle said:My idea was a simple courtesy to long time supporters. Now people trying to apply it to everyone.


    I do believe it's a bit exagerrated to await a kind of reward for a fictive support from a game in development. Would you have subbed for years and paid a monthly fee of a released game it's a concept I could have understood, but here you pledged to support a game and the rewards are already courtesy of the pledge.


    I'm in the same boat as my girl will play with me and I'll buy her an alpha pledge when time comes, as I already own one for myself. Multiple "free" copies of the game will just be handed to my close friends willing to play, but not willing to pledge an unfinished game or unable to afford such, that's just how it works and Alpha is not necessary, mandatory or even early access. It will be unfinished, unbalanced, bugged and broken and it might not be the best glimpse to get into the game as a casual gamer that just wants to play and chill TBH.

    • 1289 posts
    July 1, 2020 4:36 PM PDT

    gabelle said: ... Of course people would be upset they didn't get the opportunity, but hey that's life. You should have supported earlier and you would have the opportunity as well. Not everyone is an SJW and a lot of the world still understand not everyone can be the winner, or get the deal, or whatever. Insert complaint...

    I'm slightly confused by this part of your statement.  You still have the opportunity (and the money apparently) to get what you want.  You did support early which gave you the opportunities you already have.  There was nothing in your early pledge that said "and if your situation changes we'll definitely cater to your needs" ... you got what you were told you'd get when you pledged.

    My situation has changed too.  I'd like to get 4 more accounts for my kids.  I'm also a long time supporter (going on 6 months now!).  Where and how do you draw the line?  

    I get what you're doing, it's just way different here than it would be going into a Car Dealership and using the same argument.  They have room to make special deals for each individual customer.  A game that has published pledge levels that list specific rewards doesn't really have the ability to make individual offers and exceptions.  

    Now, if you were over the $10,000 pledge level I have no doubt that they'd be willing to work with you individually, because that level is not defined already.  

    Anyway, I don't fault you for asking, can't get what you want without asking (most of the time).  So go for it, hope they do it for you.  But if they do, I hope they do it for me too (so I can play with my kids!).

    This post was edited by Ranarius at July 1, 2020 4:37 PM PDT
    • 1247 posts
    July 1, 2020 5:06 PM PDT

    Well, gf's def aren't my thing. I'd say get her to pledge is my vote! 

    • 500 posts
    July 1, 2020 9:37 PM PDT

    Kilsin should go ahead and lock this down before it starts getting heated.

    • 1289 posts
    July 1, 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Trying to do something nice for your girlfriend...this was HOT from the start.  ;-)

    • 1404 posts
    July 1, 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Well he does have a point about the differant perspectives. 

    I've already got the conformation I'll be able to install my main pledge account on both mine and my wifes PC so I can report of preformance of both machines (Mines hella faster than her's is... she may need an upgrade) but of course it will only run on one at a time. As for the differant perspective from users, I'm hoping were allowed more than one charractor. I'll do one from my perspective, then sit there and pop a bottle of Buffalo Trace and watch her play from her's.

    No need for two Test accounts.

    • 1289 posts
    July 1, 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    Zorkon said:

    Well he does have a point about the differant perspectives. 

    I've already got the conformation I'll be able to install my main pledge account on both mine and my wifes PC so I can report of preformance of both machines (Mines hella faster than her's is... she may need an upgrade) but of course it will only run on one at a time. As for the differant perspective from users, I'm hoping were allowed more than one charractor. I'll do one from my perspective, then sit there and pop a bottle of Buffalo Trace and watch her play from her's.

    No need for two Test accounts.

    Yeah, that is a great solution.  I've often thought about that with my kids but I'm too selfish to give up my play time for them ;-)

    (actually, I don't play while they're awake so maybe they're in luck)

    • 21 posts
    July 2, 2020 6:05 AM PDT
    Damn people. I'm starting to like this community less now. I feel like I'm being attacked for trying to play with my gf with the copy of the game I already have....

    You guys need to have some fun or something sometime. Maybe get out of the house sometime and get some fresh air since y'all so butthurt, apparently, about someone trying to play with others.

    I know all about testing. I've been testing games at all levels for many years 20+. The few times the devs have listened it's been a success. The many times devs haven't the games have flopped. I'm trying to suggest way for devs to interact with the community in meaningful ways and y'all just want to overanalyze it and come up with every reason not to. That's what's wrong with the world today. People just can't enjoy crap and live life.
    • 318 posts
    July 2, 2020 6:59 AM PDT

    @Gabelle, well nothing is stopping you from playing the game with your gf with the copy of the game you already have...

    Sit in the same chair and you control WASD on the keyboard while your gf controls the mouse.

    • 22 posts
    July 2, 2020 7:01 AM PDT

    There are also many examples of dev's listening to people and they have flopped :)

    • 1289 posts
    July 2, 2020 7:20 AM PDT

    gabelle said: I feel like I'm being attacked for trying to play with my gf with the copy of the game I already have....

    You're not being attacked for wanting to play with her, it's because you're asking for very special treatment...what you're asking for would also hurt the community.  

    Side note:  The game you already own has not been released yet.  When it is you will both be able to play together easily.

    • 2752 posts
    July 2, 2020 9:51 AM PDT

    gabelle said: Damn people. I'm starting to like this community less now. I feel like I'm being attacked for trying to play with my gf with the copy of the game I already have.... You guys need to have some fun or something sometime. Maybe get out of the house sometime and get some fresh air since y'all so butthurt, apparently, about someone trying to play with others. I know all about testing. I've been testing games at all levels for many years 20+. The few times the devs have listened it's been a success. The many times devs haven't the games have flopped. I'm trying to suggest way for devs to interact with the community in meaningful ways and y'all just want to overanalyze it and come up with every reason not to. That's what's wrong with the world today. People just can't enjoy crap and live life.

    But this is also you:

    gabelle said:Of course people would be upset they didn't get the opportunity, but hey that's life. You should have supported earlier and you would have the opportunity as well. Not everyone is an SJW and a lot of the world still understand not everyone can be the winner, or get the deal, or whatever. Insert complaint. If that was the case I wouldn't be where I am today and have a hard worth ethic and reap the rewards from it.

    Right now everyone has the same opportunity and VR is not giving special treatment to people just because they supported sooner than others aside from whatever benefits were promised at earlier dates, as someone donating today is just as valuable to the future of Pantheon as someone who came early. To give special treatment would be awful for the community and it seems like you are upset you are not being given special privilege over others, special opportunity...but hey that's life.