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Lost MMO friends

    • 729 posts
    June 16, 2020 6:42 PM PDT
    I met them outside the entrance to Crushbone.
    Sitting and resting they watched me pull and trap with my ranger. They invited me, I was green and new, they were too. I remember so few details. I'll never forget the feeling of the fun we three had, for many weeks.
    That summer season I worked in computer repair during the day and drove a taxi at night, my playing time fell and I lost touch with them.
    Only through text, we had laughed and adventured and I loved it.
    Lost those two are to me now. How, I wish I could find them again. Max, was shortened from a longer name, and Luzia, I think, maybe, it's all a bit foggy, I bump my head on a lot of things.

    Can you recall any lost friends and the feelings of those early joyous gatherings?
    • 10 posts
    June 16, 2020 7:53 PM PDT

    Vanguard, I was on my Psionicist Feizu soloing in and around Mnalus Cave. There wasn't very many people in game that night and just as I was about to log I ran into a couple who were looking to Kill Hegnarian for swamp gear and Heg pants. Verinus the Sorcerer and his wife Molasses a bear Shammy. We got in and did a Heg run easy peasy and then spent a few hours after killing around Flordiel and Ichtakhta for swamp gear drops.

    The night after I ran into them again at Nusibe Necropolis and we spent a few hours inside looking for spell drops. Night 3 we were now on friend lists and met up for some Gorgaluk kills and then temple flips and I joined their guild that night. Over the coming months we got the small guild geared up to start trying out APW entrance, but the population took a dive and it was hard to keep going and the guild broke. I got into TPO and they went with another guild, but the world population was shrinking. We grouped up for OT bosses and for Harakhan, did the new elementals on the bridge and had a great time, but the population was now critically low, people logged on less and less and a year after we had met I retired all my charaters. I never got their RL contacts and I am sad that we may never meet again, but I"ll raise a mug of Dwarven Ale to the adventures that we had.

    This post was edited by Seona at June 16, 2020 7:55 PM PDT
    • 99 posts
    June 16, 2020 8:47 PM PDT
    I joined a guild when I rolled my first alliance toons on wow ended up meeting a guy from Brazil named Rinaldus. Did alot of pvp and raids with him was a good dude but I ended up leaving the game for a while and came back but he had transferred servers and had no idea where he went.
    • 122 posts
    June 16, 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    When I was still pretty new to EQ1 I met an Iksar Shaman name Mcdank who helped me travel at such an early level from Kunark to Antonica, he also helped me get some pretty sweet stuff from Lockjaw, the giant crocodile in the Oasis of Marr.  We remained good friends until I left for EQ2. 

    Another friend I met was named Kitiara, a wood elf druid who originally gave me a levitate in the Dreadlands in EQ1.  I remember us talking for hours while I would farm in Velketors Labyrinth, just about day to day things.  If I remember right, she also made in-game food for me all the time lol.

    Nice trip down memory lane =)

    • 6 posts
    June 17, 2020 12:59 AM PDT
    I remember Mcdank on Saryrn.
    • 122 posts
    June 17, 2020 3:35 AM PDT

    Xyndor that's crazy!  Yep it was definitely on the Saryrn server.  Was your character's name Xyndor on Saryrn?  I had a level 55 Iksar Warrior named Morraak and a level 70 Iksar Beastlord named Kukasik.

    • 36 posts
    June 17, 2020 5:30 AM PDT

    This has happened to me so many times.  My first made in game friend was a guy named Nfurno on Torv.  I was a druid and he was a necro, and the two worked surprisingly well together.

    Later I added Nynnaeve and Faolin (a couple) who were great.  We got together to play 3-5 times a week for probably a year.

    When all of them had quit I ended up in a small guild with Alayenya and her husband (Scott) no idea what his character name was though.

    My final set of in game friends in EQ were Dove and Lachlan, who I had the benefit of running into in 2 other games, both times completely by accident.  

    It's awesome that this community can be so tight knit that we can run into the same people, but I really should get better at keeping a way of contacting them out of game as well.

    • 18 posts
    June 17, 2020 8:23 AM PDT

    I have several buddies from my early days of WoW that come to mind, that I miss and wonder about from time to time, but the most memorable one comes from a game called Tibia. Her character's name was Anna Mossity. We both lived in the jungle city of Port Hope and I would see her at the local depot (bank) from time to time. I remember her asking me for help one day and that is where it began. I had played the game for a bit longer than her and was naturally inclined to help her out. Initially I just assumed that it was a guy playing a female character but as our conversations went on I realized this was not the case. Her character was a druid, and mine a knight, so we naturally had synergy in game but it blossomed into much more than that. I really fell for this girl; Mandi was her name. We spent most of the summer of 2006 going on many adventures together or just sitting at my in game house talking. I was 17 and she was 22 and we lived several states apart so I never got to meet her IRL, but we talked on the phone a lot of nights and talked about being together when we could. At the end of the summer I ended up hanging out with a girl from my hometown and we started dating, and I foolishly put Mandi aside. I remember the sadness in her voice when I told her we couldn't talk anymore when things started to get serious with the new girl. I don't know if it was impatience with the situation or what but I've regretted it for a very long time. To this day I can't listen the "From Under the Cork Tree" album by Fall Out Boy without thinking of her, as this was my favorite album at that time and is still one of my fav's. I actually listened to it this morning before finding this thread. I sure do miss her and wonder what could have been

    • 72 posts
    June 17, 2020 7:02 PM PDT

    StoneFish said:Can you recall any lost friends and the feelings of those early joyous gatherings?
    In MMOs I purposely try and keep myself at distance and closed off emotionally from other players due to how many friends in my life that either died or have gone missing. So, I can't recall any real joyous moments in a MMO with others as I tend to avoid getting too attached or close to people ingame but there have been moments where I created memorable moments in a random users time while ingame even though for me it was just another day.

    Like for instance:

     - when I played WoW back in Burning Crusade I had a tendancy to just go around an aid a random player through a questline or two, or even through a few zones, i did the same thing when i tried the game out again in legion as well. 
     - when I played Wildstar I helped like 3 players through the whole tutorial and starting zones because they were utterly lost and confused. 
     - when i played eso I had this one person whom I aided in clearing out 2 whole regions which they ended up sending me a long thank you message a few months later which i just deleted and didnt respond too. 
     - during FFXIV 1.0  I teamed up with a random user since we were going the same way alot and leveled with them up until like level 15 then i just unpartied with them and went about my day.

    there's more cases but i think you get the gist.

    This post was edited by znushu at June 17, 2020 7:03 PM PDT
    • 729 posts
    June 17, 2020 7:41 PM PDT
    Thanks for sharing everyone, these are sweet and make my heart feel good.
    • 2108 posts
    June 17, 2020 8:09 PM PDT

    1999, my first computer and first game. Logged into Asheron's Call the first day, made my first character (an archer) and walked into town. Saw another archer named Bow Diddley :) Being a lifelong fan of The Blues, I shouted in general chat "Heeeeeeeey, Bow Diddleeeey". He became my first gaming friend and my patron in his guild. A few months later I had outleveled him (as he had a job and I didn't), and as time went on we drifted apart as our level difference made grouping difficult and ultimately impossible . He eventually left the game.

    By the time a year had passed, I had started to trade email addresses with game friends so we could stay in touch. But Bow had left the game by then so I never had a way to stay in touch.

    • 207 posts
    June 20, 2020 1:55 PM PDT
    I remeber the first mmo I played I had met some pretty cool people. In final fantasy 11 one of my first groups I met a Mithra that wound up becoming a good friend of mine throughout the game, even started a small casual guild that had quite a few members in it. We basically helped out any newer people we saw joining the game. I seriously miss those times and hoping for a similar experience, hoping to just go into the world pretty blind(as far as knowing anyone) and falling into a kinda a close nit guild. Of course I'll prob do some raiding with a real guild when I get to that point but I seriously enjoy the community of smaller close nit guilds, can't replace those memories!
    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    June 21, 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Moved to Off-Topic.

    • 6 posts
    June 21, 2020 9:10 AM PDT
    I have a druid named Yidam. Can't remember where I found that name. Haha