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Griefer Griefing

    • 24 posts
    June 1, 2020 8:09 AM PDT

    This is my take on it . Was going back over some of the old vids and had a idea . Those who chose to have fun griefing others . Well do on to others aye . SMACK DOWN THAT GAVEL. You Sir are on trial. If found guilty. You WILL BE EXILED to the Realm of Ponder and Dispair. Blah blah blah and so on ferther and so on more blah . You end up in a new area no chat no buffs just npc's waiting for u and your worm blood . /evil grin . Hmmm wonder how long . **Oh how many times did I how many people did i train .** " Man is this exp loss going to be in game when i get back ? IF i get back ." Yeah friends this is teh place for all the griefers . No chat jsut mobs no safe spot no rest nothing but death . For a day a week a month ? Yeah good luck with that try to email a GM or Dev see if thqat helps . When its done its done . Oh u will lose exp u will have to put in X number of hours per day on average . When you have finnished your time away from well every thing and finnished whats expected of YOU . Learn any thing /hmmmm ? You can come back to Pantheon, Ponder is finished with the likes of YOU.  NOW GO !!!! Grief them back In game and let them do a lil time away as is costomary for this time and age.

    Well thats it more a less send them to griefs vill .

    Later all Bo out till next time. Be safe and take care of each other . /smiles


    • 35 posts
    June 2, 2020 2:55 PM PDT

    GraveRobber said:

    This is my take on it . Was going back over some of the old vids and had a idea . Those who chose to have fun griefing others . Well do on to others aye . SMACK DOWN THAT GAVEL. You Sir are on trial. If found guilty. You WILL BE EXILED to the Realm of Ponder and Dispair. Blah blah blah and so on ferther and so on more blah . You end up in a new area no chat no buffs just npc's waiting for u and your worm blood . /evil grin . Hmmm wonder how long . **Oh how many times did I how many people did i train .** " Man is this exp loss going to be in game when i get back ? IF i get back ." Yeah friends this is teh place for all the griefers . No chat jsut mobs no safe spot no rest nothing but death . For a day a week a month ? Yeah good luck with that try to email a GM or Dev see if thqat helps . When its done its done . Oh u will lose exp u will have to put in X number of hours per day on average . When you have finnished your time away from well every thing and finnished whats expected of YOU . Learn any thing /hmmmm ? You can come back to Pantheon, Ponder is finished with the likes of YOU.  NOW GO !!!! Grief them back In game and let them do a lil time away as is costomary for this time and age.

    Well thats it more a less send them to griefs vill .

    Later all Bo out till next time. Be safe and take care of each other . /smiles



    A pocket dimension filled with mobs that you cant escape and kill you over and over again, if I am reading it correctly?

    • 1860 posts
    June 5, 2020 2:20 PM PDT

    Is this another post about some type of jail server?  ya...they don't have the time for that.  This type of thing has been discussed multiple times.

    • 1289 posts
    June 5, 2020 2:44 PM PDT

    Fun idea, but I think part of the point is to change peoples behavior, not just make them quit the game outright :)  haha

    • 264 posts
    August 24, 2020 6:20 PM PDT

     ArcheAge may have been a ridiculous P2W cash shop game but I loved their "justice" system. Players would get drafted to be on the jury for a guilty player, players went on trial if they got too many crime points and got killed by another player. During the trial the defendant could make their case or just plead guilty. If found guilty the criminal would serve time in a jail where they could do their time or break out. If the jury said innocent they walked, and the jury could decide between a range of time the player had to serve. It was awesome and I'd love to see more of that from MMOs.

    • 844 posts
    August 25, 2020 9:58 AM PDT

    When Jake Song originally designed ArcheAge, he did so on a model of EQ1. A game he had grown up on.

    I recall watching his early proof of concept video's and was very excited. But many years later, when it did finally release and the bait and switch took place, I was mortified.

    Now All Korean games are simple P2W, Grind2Win jokes. All following the same ridiculous monetization scheming that totally removes any skill from the games.

    • 24 posts
    August 25, 2020 11:21 AM PDT

         Got you to look. Just take those that don't play well with others. Those who get their kicks from others troubles . AFTER CS has found they only play to disruped. Click the switch God mode ON . They would get the hi its me and we have more reports/proof . Last warning, good luck with that. You have seen it in Videos turn off agro walk around see the sights . This time. click God mode on, no help agro only on taged character. After death Mobs go back to spawn point . Mobs go back to their reularly scheduled programs. 

          Some have their one liners. No time, I take U back to the PoD Priest of Discord. Yeah 1999 turn in  your parchment of discord Tome turn it in to him. Son you are on your own . Had a friend do that no buffs from players no groups nothing from any one, you V the environment. So how much time was that again??

         Put in old system tag character (Which is funny if you look it up,character that is .) Only hurdle, mobs not agroing other players, respawn timer on mobs disrupted. Devs. could have a Jane the pain died at zone line resume gaming in X seconds. Oh and there has to be proof. Not just people crying and lying so they can get a camp or rare spawn. CS knows the games. The only time killer is people using the system for their own needs.

    Long and short, its a idea. If some thing is done CS, not gamers find proof VIDEO not crying proof. Then warn them. Then action taken. Return to your reularly scheduied programs... Peace