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Do you like solving in-game puzzles?

    • 2138 posts
    May 1, 2020 8:25 PM PDT


    EQ had a quest called the qeynos badge of honor that was a graduated quest. You could not complete it all at once because the next part involved enemies or encounters that was a way higher level than what you were, but the item you got at the various levels were good for that level. The quests stages were varied, not all puzzles, but there was one puzzle aspect at one part. The variety of trhe enounters in doing the quest, one of which was tghe puzzle made trhe puzzle part fun.

    slider tile puzzles I am not a big fan of, gthey need to be more clever than that. however something like the plumbing pipes simple puzzle is fine for a simple puzzle. Some of the puzzles in the old journeyman prohect trilogy were good I thought and intuitive (using cheese girl to propel yourself toward the sstation from empty space) However learning mayan counting methods was a bit much. SOmething along the MYST or RUVEN line of simple puzzles would be cool.  Even perspective puzzles like in The incredibles where Mr Incredible got the clue in trhe cave by looking at hoe Gazer Beam carved ouot the message in a certain way from a specific perspective, or like the old streched out letters illusion.

    • 74 posts
    May 2, 2020 9:21 AM PDT

    Puzzles in MMOs that can work:

    Navigation difficulties: Mazes, traps, shifting walls/floors, -- Being genuinely lost in a 10 level dungeon beneath the planet's surface just feels cool.

    Unobvious questing: Hinting at a location/enemy from a piece of parchment you find

    dynamic in nature: 2 people performing the same quest, may have to perform different functions depending on time of day, race, class, temperment, religion, or any other relevant variable. Quests could be formulaic in nature, allowing a multitude of variable inputs that are different each time someone starts a quest, and therefore are harder to just search on the internet to tell them to 'go here, click here.'

    And since we're basically able to climb anything and everything and it will be a main component of the game:Pantheon could introduce climbing/jumping puzzles across the world that provide some reward similar to gw2.

    • 1479 posts
    May 2, 2020 1:25 PM PDT

    From my previous experiences, there weren't until now "clever puzzles" that weren't pre made schematics or maps you just couldn't solve checking a solution online, which is how it usually end when people get stuck in the flow.


    There were a few puzzles you had in WoW with some randomness (not regular quest or such, specific puzzles and enigmas the developpers made in order for them to be solved by players that even made a discord for it) which made some part quite tricky and unduoable in less than an hour and map drawing, but that's relatively rare and reach a level of complexity that is unachievable for a big part of the playerbase, so I would say : I don't like ingame puzzle because they are either unchallenging, or too challenging.

    • 121 posts
    May 2, 2020 1:58 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Puzzles - Do you like solving in-game puzzles and if so, what types of puzzles do you like the best or consider the most enjoyable / challenging? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    At first I was going to say yes I love puzzles because I do enjoy a good puzzle (love me some Sudoku).  But then I got to thinking and decided I never really do any puzzles in MMORPGs.  So then I was going to answer that the closest I come to doing puzzles in MMOs is trying to figure out boss fights, raids, or epic quests as that is still kind of like doing puzzles.  Then I thought more and realized that whenever I have a raid coming up or an epic type quest, I go online and research it and read the strategy guides written by those that did the legwork already.  So I guess if I had to be honest then no, I guess I don't like puzzles at all in MMOs.  Even at 50, I'm learning new things about myself.  Who knew?

    • 431 posts
    May 2, 2020 2:04 PM PDT

    streeg said:

    Kilsin said:

    Puzzles - Do you like solving in-game puzzles and if so, what types of puzzles do you like the best or consider the most enjoyable / challenging? #MMORPG#CommunityMatters

    At first I was going to say yes I love puzzles because I do enjoy a good puzzle (love me some Sudoku).  But then I got to thinking and decided I never really do any puzzles in MMORPGs.  So then I was going to answer that the closest I come to doing puzzles in MMOs is trying to figure out boss fights, raids, or epic quests as that is still kind of like doing puzzles.  Then I thought more and realized that whenever I have a raid coming up or an epic type quest, I go online and research it and read the strategy guides written by those that did the legwork already.  So I guess if I had to be honest then no, I guess I don't like puzzles at all in MMOs.  Even at 50, I'm learning new things about myself.  Who knew?

    LMAO , I don't care for then either unless is heirogliphics such puzzles /d&nd puzzles things that had meaning / puzzles for the sake of puzzles just another puzzles :P ( sooner or earlier someone will post the answer ) yes even the Hierogliphics ones ,, why bother >?

    • 107 posts
    May 2, 2020 8:22 PM PDT
    Absolutely! I enjoy being made to think about/solve certain situations in-game provided the mesh well with lore and the reason behind the puzzle makes sense for that particular area of the game. Don't just drop in puzzles all willy-nilly or make them mandatory. Puzzles/riddles aren't everyone's bag.
    • 287 posts
    May 2, 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    I would like the idea of finding a fairly rare loot chest in the wild and in order to open it you would have to solve a minipuzzle, I also like minigames that help pass the time when you are particularly board. I like gambling games in taverns, especially if its an adversarial game against 1 or more people instead of you vs. the house.

    • 888 posts
    May 3, 2020 10:37 AM PDT
    As completely optional content, I don't mind puzzles. But please don't gate content or good rewards behind them.
    • 417 posts
    May 3, 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    I like mysteries that can be solved by observing and exploring your surroundings, especially if they are rooted in the lore of the world or reveal something about the local history.

    • 220 posts
    May 5, 2020 9:09 PM PDT

    i enjoy mini-games puzzle like challenges from npc especially when its a mini-side-quest that offer gear, bonus, titles, upgrades, golds, etc

    • 86 posts
    May 6, 2020 7:58 AM PDT

    It could absolutely be fun, as long as it's implemented correctly, I dont think the items rewarded should be anything major though.

    • 18 posts
    May 6, 2020 9:57 AM PDT

    Sure, I like solving in-game puzzles.  Wildstar had those and I enjoyed them, especially those "Mastermind"-eque ones, to unlock doors or whatever else.  I like them.  Heck, I even like jumping puzzles!  I know it's taboo to mention them :P

    • 13 posts
    May 6, 2020 1:27 PM PDT

    I like puzzles when they can be an optional project or a single time puzzle. I think of the ones in Rift where you would get a piece of gear that was decent for your level or the missions in Secret World that often involved a fair amount of internet research. You could skip those if it wasn't your cup of tea or look up spoilers to complete them, but it added variety to the gameplay.

    Required puzzles can be frustrating for some and jumping always seemed fairly hated, but never bothered me personally.

    • 91 posts
    June 7, 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    ghost7 said:

    Puzzles in MMOs that can work:

    Navigation difficulties: Mazes, traps, shifting walls/floors, -- Being genuinely lost in a 10 level dungeon beneath the planet's surface just feels cool.


    This could work quite well if characters didn't get trapped in shifting walls.  Making navigation itself the puzzle allows for some very dungeon-like feelings, especially in a place like a necromancers mansion..or an Illusionists forest grove...  

    that said, not sure if the map data from the ui will be hacked eventually although I've heard of this happening