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Questions and Feedback after April 2 dev stream

    • 2130 posts
    April 6, 2020 1:24 PM PDT

    Keno Monster said:

    Learn to quote, newb. <3

    Clearly I didn't need to, considering you're fully aware the content of your post warrants the response I gave.


    • 22 posts
    April 6, 2020 2:44 PM PDT

    Just Watched the steam on YouTube, I think all the changes are awesome! The Mastery system is just an upgraded version of AA, I think this will help reduce the bot/boxers, as you must actually play your character.

    Keep up the good Work VR.

    • 839 posts
    April 6, 2020 4:28 PM PDT

    Keno Monster said:

    Hokanu said:

    Right, These features are not destroying the game, they are in their infancy



    A 6 year old infant? Just listen to yourself. 

    I think you're letting the flames distort your vision my friend. Take care of yourself.

    This post was edited by Hokanu at April 6, 2020 4:29 PM PDT
    • 49 posts
    April 6, 2020 7:47 PM PDT

    Not a fan of promoting fast-twitch style gameplay

    Going to have to agree with some of the folks here, combos are not the playstyle Im tryin to go for, especially sht with short windows and you gotta do a certain action or feel completely underpowered.


    This game should be about strategy, not being able to click buttons fast in a certain order.  Leave that to League and FPShooters and kids on adderal.




    • 1430 posts
    April 6, 2020 7:53 PM PDT

    removing downranking is a-ok if the design of the class is sufficient, meaning that the devs gave a full kit with plenty of options with tradeoffs of course

    i can get on board with the current design choice of the las8 uas6 and 2 oocs(8 is it?)  it's like poker, i can only have 5 cards in my hand.

    living codex is basically specialization(talent tree and spell book folded together- great idea to streamline btw)

    yay for gcds clarity.  when it goes down to 1 sec, can we get countdown by 10ths?


    glad that the prospecting shamans don't feel so gimped now >.> (not that the class was going to be the 'weakest' healer anyways)

    i don't really care to see other class showcases tbh

    vr probably gave the other classes just as much tlc as the shaman class

    i'd rather play the enchanter, then give feedback instead of theorycrafting that shamans are lowkey op(i said it.  watch, the most broken healer out the gates and don't complain if you get nerfed.  ya had it coming)


    i'm content with the 'state of being' (hopefully effects will be easy to see like a whooshing breeze for the duration of state instead of just a icon)

    this will really distinguish great players from decent players.  the faster one can spell combo, the more fraction of a damage one can do.

    and it really is marginal.  i'll put it into numbers.


    1-1.5 sec cast time

    30 sec cd

    4 sec window

    for pve, this narrows the execution to just not getting flustered during your sequence this allows player class improvement.  4 sec window is really forgiving.  grandmama is 6 sec faster at slapping a full house during family poker night. 

    for pvp,  OOOOOHHHHHHH yyeaaaa... this is gonna be real juicy.


    voice comm:

    me- oh the shaman just casted headwinds i'm about to get nuked.

    my healer- blows me a kiss, fair thee well brother!  i'm am but alas, cc'd

    *proceeds to get one shotted a wizard, jumps on the forums and cries about how broken shaman headwinds are*


    eh i wouldn't complain about that really.  that's just great coordination between the wizard and shaman.

    as a team, we should have been ready to either break up the combo or prep the incoming damage.

    like poker.  call, raise or check.


    a good design has tradeoffs.

    btw i think mastery should change the profile of the skill in this manner instead of number adjustments or special effects

    so if a player isn't comfortable with the twitch or apm tax, they can still be utilize the skill until they feel confident to mastery up in tiers.


    base level- 1.5sec cast time, 30sec cd, 4sec window

    master 1- 1.5sec cast time, 15sec cd, 3sec window

    master 2- 1.5sec cast time, 10sec cd, 2sec window

    master 3- 1.5sec cast time, 5sec cd, 1sec window


    numbers can be adjust but ya get the idea right?

    This post was edited by NoJuiceViscosity at April 6, 2020 10:55 PM PDT
    • 627 posts
    April 7, 2020 1:05 AM PDT
    Great stream overall happy so see get the more insight on the Shaman. I was a little let down that non of the spells had any cool visual effect.
    • 7 posts
    April 7, 2020 8:08 AM PDT

    Mana regain

    I was pretty disapointed to see the mana regain skill. It was WAY too powerful in that stream and i feel would almost completely remove mana management for shamans when you have such an insigificant hp loss that can also be  spamedl far faster than you can use your mana.



    Also didnt like to see all the passive skill procs that masterys seem to give. For example the HoT skill gives a chance to cleanse a debuff. I feel like debuffs should be looked for and removed by the healers instead of just spaming heals and having them randomly removing bad things. Maybe the HoT could give you a buff that allows you to cast a cleanse off GCD, you would still need to look for debuffs and choose to remove them and you would also need to have the cleanse skill on your skill bar.


    I saw that mastery points can come from many diffrent things. I think it might be good to set limits on how many you can get from diffrent sources. Points that would be bound- xp gain and quests could have no limit.  Points you can get from trading- crafting and drops would have some restrictions. The idea that you can create a brand new toon and instanty master many skills from shards you bought from your main seems broken.



    To me the reason for using a low level skill is because the number and variety of high rank skills is lacking. You shouldn't need to slove this by leaving in low level skills but rather make more skills to fill in all needs. For example- Bolt of the Bunny Killer- this skill could go down in mana cost and damage as it levels.



    I didnt mind this when i saw it. I would guess that states could not only come from player skills but from the environment as well. This mechanic would make me think twice about what skill i cast next and make my choices meaningful- something i thought this game was all about.

    • 1404 posts
    April 7, 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    A glaring UI "issue" I can see the April 2 stream is the three individual text windows. That takes up a lot of real estate on the screen and I'm pretty sure very few want to see all of that info all the time. I'm really hoping this will (if it's not already done and just not shown) allow these windows to be put into a single window with Tabs. I like to run three, One of Chat, another of all my damage/info, then a third showing everything else (all the other group members damage for example) 

    I'm sure Jason can make that happen pretty easy and find it hard to believe it's been overlooked, but wanted to mention it just in case. I don't recall any stream showing tabbed windows. I understand that it very possibly is already there and it's just streamers preference to have all of it displayed. Options are nice.

    Another preference I have is a WIDE text window to minimize word wrap in messages. The way the action bar with it's nice graphics and all appears to be docked at the bottom center of the screen limiting how wide one could make there text box. I really hope that is movable as well, so I can stretch the tabbed text box across the screen and put the buttons above it.

    • 2111 posts
    April 7, 2020 1:13 PM PDT

    Zorkon said:

    Another preference I have is a WIDE text window to minimize word wrap in messages. The way the action bar with it's nice graphics and all appears to be docked at the bottom center of the screen limiting how wide one could make there text box. I really hope that is movable as well, so I can stretch the tabbed text box across the screen and put the buttons above it.

    It has been stated more than once that you will be able to move, resize and turn on/off all of the elements in your UI. Having tabs in chat hasn't been mentioned or shown that I can remember so it's a good thing to point out. I have just assumed (!) that it's such a simple functionality that we'll have it.

    • 1404 posts
    April 7, 2020 3:40 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    Zorkon said:

    Another preference I have is a WIDE text window to minimize word wrap in messages. The way the action bar with it's nice graphics and all appears to be docked at the bottom center of the screen limiting how wide one could make there text box. I really hope that is movable as well, so I can stretch the tabbed text box across the screen and put the buttons above it.

    It has been stated more than once that you will be able to move, resize and turn on/off all of the elements in your UI. Having tabs in chat hasn't been mentioned or shown that I can remember so it's a good thing to point out. I have just assumed (!) that it's such a simple functionality that we'll have it.

    Same, I've heard the same thing, and have also been assuming something so obvious wouldn't be overlooked. But I keep seeing three individual windows.

    And then laity with all the LAS talk, and seeing the bar docked bottom center....

    Just wanted to throw it out there.

    • 287 posts
    April 7, 2020 5:43 PM PDT

    Keno Monster said:

    Ezrael said:

    I pleged for the overall vision behind the game and what I perceived their intentions and goals to be.

    I didn't pledge because of how the game appeared during one Pre-Alpha build expecting the game to never change and to release identically to that... sorry that you did.


    For me the on-going development, iterations and changes being implemented show Pantheon going from strength to strength. I like it more with every stream and update.

    lmfao. The vision beind the game that started the entire thing was how it was manifested in the first pre alphas. I'm genuinely sorry, and not massively, condescending, passive aggressively sorry like you pretend to be, that you don't get that. The irony is painful. 

    The magic of Everquest is dead, and this was our last chance to feel it again. VR had it in their hands, and they lost it because they didn't have the courage. 

    They lied to us, or screwed it up along the way. Either way this project looks like a massive failure. This is no longer Brad's vision, this is not a virtual world with the game as the means to the end, this is an arcade bastardization from a music teacher with too many eggs in his basket, and it's a ******* tragedy. 


    This literally made my laugh out loud. Funniest post I've read in a while and I thank you for that.

    For those of you hyperventalating over the "windswept" state and somehow concluding that this game is now akin to Street Fighter (LOL!!), just realize this is a more clever way of applying a short duration elemental-resist debuff to a mob. Shamans can essentially debuff fire resist.....shocking. Your chickenlittle comment serves no purpose other than entertaining those of us that don't perceive the sky as falling. The game that VR is putting together is looking better with each on of these streams. I know it sucks to have to wait endlessly for this game, but that is really the only gripe I have, and I understand it's the nature of the beast with an indy studio. As far as I can see, it will all be well worth the wait.

    • 379 posts
    April 7, 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    randomrob82 said:

    For those of you hyperventalating over the "windswept" state and somehow concluding that this game is now akin to Street Fighter (LOL!!), just realize this is a more clever way of applying a short duration elemental-resist debuff to a mob. Shamans can essentially debuff fire resist.....shocking. Your chickenlittle comment serves no purpose other than entertaining those of us that don't perceive the sky as falling. The game that VR is putting together is looking better with each on of these streams. I know it sucks to have to wait endlessly for this game, but that is really the only gripe I have, and I understand it's the nature of the beast with an indy studio. As far as I can see, it will all be well worth the wait.

    It's obvious you don't understand what short duration debuff windows mean, when having to 'set-up' other classes (or yourself) to get a bonus effect to occur. Let me sum it up for you:

    "I cannot imagine how terrible it's going to be to have 6 people in a group, let alone 40, screaming over Discord every 6 seconds about what status effect is up. Denying that is what gameplay will devolve into is beyond naive. EQ was great, in part, because it didn't enforce a meta. Imagine all the other status effects across all the other classes, what a nightmare." - Good friend of mine.

    • 1714 posts
    April 7, 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Why would a shaman want a fire resist buff from casting a fire dot that will most likely be more resisted by, you know, mobs attuned to fire, and not resisted at all by mobs that aren't? It's really poor design. It doesn't feel good to get a randomly sometimes maybe useful buff from spending so many points. Putting up a buff that may or may not be of ANY use to the player, for such an absurdly short duration, feels very bad for the player. And I just have to laugh and shake my head at the people who think 6 second durations are cool and fun. You're the same ones who want the LAS so the game doesn't become arcade spam, and yet you can say with a straight face this is a good concept? Hell, they couldn't even get their windswept status combo to work on the stream without using dev tools. 

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at April 8, 2020 12:01 AM PDT
    • 839 posts
    April 8, 2020 12:04 AM PDT
    Let's presume at this early stage the finalised duration of status effects are up in the air and through testing we will land on a duration that doesn't feel like a long debuff and at the same time isn't too quick that it becomes twitchy. I don't think things like the duration of a newly shown skill are set in stone at all yet. And as you mentioned earlier in the thread Fragile, if the duration was different / longer you could get behind it, or something to that effect. So I wouldn't be too worried Keno & Fragile.

    Maybe you could get that question to Joppa for the next steam, if the durations for states like windswept will be open to change during testing. I'm sure they would be able to answer it.

    I'd like to see states have positive and negative effects for players attacking a mob who has their status altered, meaning they are supposed to be used with a bit of group preparation, not just constantly thrown up for anyone to use at any time with no negative consequences. The obvious one being wet is good for lightning and bad for fire.
    • 724 posts
    April 8, 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Tbh, I don't understand the worry and complaints about the status stuff. I seem to remember that VG had things that worked similarly - but there were never (m)any complaints about VG's combat to be "twitchy". There it was so that once an opportunity to use a specific ability was available, the ability would highlight in your hotbar (and even make a sound effect iirc) so you were immediately aware. You didn't watch chat or debuff effects, you waited for your abilities to highlight. So IMO getting this usable well is an implementation question.

    Overall, I was very happy with the stream, and hope to see more indepth views of other classes soon.

    • 316 posts
    April 8, 2020 5:09 AM PDT

    Fragile said:

    "I cannot imagine how terrible it's going to be to have 6 people in a group, let alone 40, screaming over Discord every 6 seconds about what status effect is up. Denying that is what gameplay will devolve into is beyond naive. EQ was great, in part, because it didn't enforce a meta. Imagine all the other status effects across all the other classes, what a nightmare." - Good friend of mine.

    Yeah, that would be hellish, so we aren't going to do that. Beyond naive to think we aren't going to scream at each other every status change? You guys really need to adjust your communication habits, your default is too hostile. We will be very familiar with the status effects by the raiding stage of the game, having spent ungodly numbers of hours learning our class abilities and others'. I'm sure there'll be some preliminary discussion about the abilities to expect based on class make-up. And oh no, maybe a few wizards are primed before hand to be ready with their Inferno spell when the Windswept status comes up. These statuses will have visual cues. That's one thing I hope to see improved - better visual cues. But I'm sure those will be worked on more as development progresses. It will be a little messy in the beginning of grouping as we learn the systems and synergies, but that's a fun learning experience. Once we discover the combinations, we'll know how our abilities can stack on what we're observing in the fight. Remember, we won't be fighting many mobs at one time - mostly one, sometimes two, rarely three? For the giant god we're fighting in a raid, our 50 levels of honed observation skills can be employed. For multiple mobs, we'll be separated into smaller units to focus our fighting with. Also, we will not doom a raid encounter if we miss a few opportunities for synergy.

    But yes, I hope visual cues are improved to reflect status. I hope spell effects are made to look a little more interesting across the board, really. I'm a little excited by the potential for demonstrating skill by recognizing a mob is being buffeted by magical winds and deciding then to conflagrate them.

    So we're not going to be screaming at each other because no one wants to do that and it won't be needed. VR doesn't want us to scream at each other. *rolls eyes*

    And Keno - yikes..

    This post was edited by Alexander at April 8, 2020 5:15 AM PDT
    • 1315 posts
    April 8, 2020 6:07 AM PDT


    I think it is likely that if the states are critical then in a 40 man raid there will be enough sources that it will always be up.  The raid might need to setup rotations in order to keep it up around cool downs but thats just raid organization.  Make a macro that says who is next in the rotation and the player responsible will need to learn when and how to use it.

    There is a big difference between a 1 second response time, 3 second response time, 6 second response time and 12 second.  1 and often 3 seconds will seem rather twitchy but 6 seconds or longer is pretty slow paced.  You are not going to be able to AFK dps with 6 second response times and you wont be able to multi box with 6 second response times. Sorry not sorry?

    To make a game group based and not solo based being in a group needs to mean something. Outside of filling class roles each character also should be boosted in their own abilities through other classes abilities so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This can be done passively through buffs or actively through skill synergies. Again I see the main complaint being based on not wanting to interact with others and again “Sorry, not Sorry”



    This post was edited by Trasak at April 8, 2020 6:07 AM PDT
    • 47 posts
    April 8, 2020 6:19 AM PDT

    Just so I'm sure it's said.
    I'm extreamly exited and really looking forward to seeing it all in acction, both the satus effects, masteries and shaman in general, you guys a doing super great work, or atleast making a game that makes me all happy and warm inside to think about playing/exploring.

    • 1618 posts
    April 8, 2020 7:18 AM PDT

    Alexander said:

    Fragile said:

    "I cannot imagine how terrible it's going to be to have 6 people in a group, let alone 40, screaming over Discord every 6 seconds about what status effect is up. Denying that is what gameplay will devolve into is beyond naive. EQ was great, in part, because it didn't enforce a meta. Imagine all the other status effects across all the other classes, what a nightmare." - Good friend of mine.

    Yeah, that would be hellish, so we aren't going to do that. Beyond naive to think we aren't going to scream at each other every status change? You guys really need to adjust your communication habits, your default is too hostile. We will be very familiar with the status effects by the raiding stage of the game, having spent ungodly numbers of hours learning our class abilities and others'. I'm sure there'll be some preliminary discussion about the abilities to expect based on class make-up. And oh no, maybe a few wizards are primed before hand to be ready with their Inferno spell when the Windswept status comes up. These statuses will have visual cues. That's one thing I hope to see improved - better visual cues. But I'm sure those will be worked on more as development progresses. It will be a little messy in the beginning of grouping as we learn the systems and synergies, but that's a fun learning experience. Once we discover the combinations, we'll know how our abilities can stack on what we're observing in the fight. Remember, we won't be fighting many mobs at one time - mostly one, sometimes two, rarely three? For the giant god we're fighting in a raid, our 50 levels of honed observation skills can be employed. For multiple mobs, we'll be separated into smaller units to focus our fighting with. Also, we will not doom a raid encounter if we miss a few opportunities for synergy.

    But yes, I hope visual cues are improved to reflect status. I hope spell effects are made to look a little more interesting across the board, really. I'm a little excited by the potential for demonstrating skill by recognizing a mob is being buffeted by magical winds and deciding then to conflagrate them.

    So we're not going to be screaming at each other because no one wants to do that and it won't be needed. VR doesn't want us to scream at each other. *rolls eyes*

    And Keno - yikes..

    Hopefully, we can use ACT or similar programs which can give audio cues.

    • 119 posts
    April 8, 2020 7:35 AM PDT

    Coming back to the video after some marinating, my opinion on it hasn't changed much. I can see why people are concerted about the States, but I think it's a bit early to be so hyperbolic and over the top in reaction to them. They just rolled out the first demo of said system, so it's obviously going to be barebones. I feel like VR is competent enough to understand that a combo system with no indicators other than squinting at a buff/debuff bar, or calling it out in voice chat, is a really poor execution. I'm expecting to see stronger visual cues and/or UI indicators, such as an ability that has a synergy available glowing on your bar in a way that's very hard to miss.

    Also, if the 4 second window is too short and twitch-y for some, what would be more acceptable? 8? 10? 30+ seconds, but making it consumped after 1 to X synergies are activated off of it? I do feel like 4 is a bit too short. 6-8 seems like a better place in my opinion.

    • 1921 posts
    April 8, 2020 9:06 AM PDT

    Sarim said:

    Tbh, I don't understand the worry and complaints about the status stuff. I seem to remember that VG had things that worked similarly - but there were never (m)any complaints about VG's combat to be "twitchy". There it was so that once an opportunity to use a specific ability was available, the ability would highlight in your hotbar (and even make a sound effect iirc) so you were immediately aware. You didn't watch chat or debuff effects, you waited for your abilities to highlight. So IMO getting this usable well is an implementation question.

    Overall, I was very happy with the stream, and hope to see more indepth views of other classes soon.

      It's more the durations, not the mechanic overall.  Status exploitation is great.  What Vanguard had was fun, for myself and those in my guild interested in Pantheon.  Trying to react to a 1 second event when human reaction time + packet-round-trip-time consume half of the response window?  Not really so much with the fun, and more of the punitive.  Even worse if there is a global cooldown of equal to or greater than 0.5 seconds.  Then, you just need 250ms for RTT, 250ms for human reaction, and 500ms for GCD.  Now?  You can't react.  It's impossible.
    If you are playing your role and activate an ability 0-500ms after a status effect appears? Your chances of making the window are now.. slim.

    Having said that, adjusting these response windows such that they all start at 4 seconds and go up from there would resolve the issue entirely.  Playing around in the HRT, RTT, GCD region of response?  Historically proven poor/frustrating design.  Especially for anyone who has lived in Australia and/or Asia and tries to play on North American servers/time-zones.  Perfect storm of fail.

    • 2419 posts
    April 8, 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    There is also the issue of when you have such short duration windows of opportunity is that you end up just playing the UI and not the game. You're just staring at a spot on your UI waiting for an icon to appear so you can twitch-click the appropriate response.

    • 1430 posts
    April 8, 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    It not really twitchy at all for the shaman. He’s activating the state, which would be a standard sequence.  It maybe twitch for the other classes that may want to take advantage of the state, such as a fire wizard, but with good communication or awareness, it’s fine. 4 secs is a very long time.

    I mean if you take 4 secs to hit or click your next skill... shrugs. Factor in lag with decent internet is 3.5secs.  (i forgot additional math, follow up cast 1.5, that's a 2 sec window for the shaman follow up headwinds.  side note gcd looks like it starts at the beginning of the cast) if the net code is similar to how wow handles data, then u can do what some folks call “drift casting”.

    I would say Asia residents playing on a Na server for pantheon is super extreme example. They’d probably play an action based mmo that exemplifies individualism and very skimpy questionable functionality outfits ;0


    also some shamans aren't going to want to be healbots.  so they might want the option to be debuffing, state manipulation, dotting machines with a sprankle of healing.

    options options options

    we get class synergy, more skill expression and teamwork!  isn't this what we want?!

    This post was edited by NoJuiceViscosity at April 8, 2020 11:09 AM PDT
    • 1921 posts
    April 8, 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    It applies equally to anyone in north america too, if the GCD is 0.5 seconds (500ms) and you factor in even 100ms of latency (not atypical) and human reaction time of 250ms.  That's at 850ms consumed in a 1000ms window, worst case.  Fun?  Not really.  It essentially means you can't react "normally", but rather, you have to be anticipating every keypress.  And to Vandraads point, then you're just playing the UI, not the game.  There's nothing wrong with being efficient, but when the design forces you to predict the future, that's not ideal.

    Far better to err on the side of caution than ride the knife of frustration, for mechanics like this, if your intended audience is the players seeking a spiritual successor to EQ, old school gameplay, slow paced MMO combat, and/or non-twich gameplay, and/or non-action-MMO gameplay.

    • 1315 posts
    April 8, 2020 11:04 AM PDT


    Your suggestion of 4+ seconds as a minimum response time I think is a fair number.  Some of these states may last longer with the intent of getting multiple casts before it fades or last a certain number of triggers before it needs to be reapplied.  I could see either one working as a way to add active synergy without getting into twitch territory.

    I imagine that the in class synergies will be more as a way of creating complementary LAS setups to support one group role or another.  As such the personal states are going to be a lot more predictable and reliable as you control them.  This may turn into rotations of say 12 casts where on spell is cast once, two 3 times and a third 8 times for maximum effect but that’s not really any different than what we are used to and far superior to just casting action 1 twelve times in a row with an afk macro.

    This post was edited by Trasak at April 8, 2020 11:04 AM PDT