Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Class and race restrictions need to change

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    • 196 posts
    April 3, 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Liav said:


    Jobs have absolutely no customization in XIV.

    Even so, we're getting off the beaten path. You seem like you had a bad experience with a toxic player at some point and it has colored your perception to the point that you're painting with some rather broad strokes.

    No, I am not painting broad strokes I am painting it with a .5 brush and cutting through the statements with facts. then why don't the Min/max players make a post listing everything they want in one post  what they want from this game (like this post)? Instead of going into various posts to try to make there point? Because you know the overall community would shoot them down. Do not tell me what my experiences with toxic players has been it has nothing to do what the topic is about. Your grasping at straws by attacking me with the toxic player statement. 

    • 2130 posts
    April 3, 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I'm not attacking you, you're just screaming bias. Your entire point is basically "people who want this specific thing are min/max, cookie cutter WoW players who want to troll people".

    This is barely even paraphrasing, these are your own words.

    • 2752 posts
    April 3, 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Darch said:

    The lore was written AFTER the race/class matrix was developed 3 years ago, proving that the current matrix was not designed based off of the lore (that is still being written) to just end that debate...


    In D&D (and other similar RPGs), good DM's require their players to have a background/backstory to help the players become immersed in the game because they now have a more fully developed "being" to connect with on an emotional level.  But with that said, I aggree with 187 (oneADseven) that, like in recent editions of DnD, the players can become even MORE immersed into their characters if they can create their own narrative (within reason).  Maybe there's an Ogre that REALLY wants to be a rogue, ranger or monk but his clan would disown them... what's stopping that Ogre from leaving their clan and adventuring with the elves and humans?...

    That is false. The lore predates the race/class matrix by quite a bit. 


    As for pen and paper RPGs, that is an entirely different situation. The players can be pretty much whatever they want within a game world without it breaking the lore or "feel" of the world as a whole; one Ogre breaking from their societal/cultural reality or restrictions doesn't alter the overall perception of Ogres in the world. In an MMO it absolutely shatters any meaning of racial culture/lore and the perception of any given race by players. The majority of interactions with different races is going to end up being other players, you may as well not have any rich culture and racial lore when you pass your 100th Ogre wizard and Skar cleric or any other combo that breaks from the defined lore surrounding a race. 


    At the very least if they relaxed race/class with progeny it would give those people an avenue to earn that odd combo by actually living that "backstory" instead of just insisting it happened. 

    • 196 posts
    April 3, 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    oneADseven said:

    Shea said:

    Simple answer NO ..... no need to change the race restrictions , lore and faction matters .. so no .. dont change it unless necessary  to change it due to lore or faction . 

    I always found the "lore and faction matters" comment rather strange.  How exactly does faction matter?  There is the idea that certain races don't like each other and it's even backed up by lore and faction.  Yet, in the world, this isn't actually realized.  Players get to be special snowflakes and ignore the lore and faction that supposedly matters.  Elves and Skar might hate each other based on the game lore and their factions, but that only affects NPC's, right?  An Elf travels to Skargol and is KOS with Skar NPC's.  An Elf player sees a Skar player and can instantly group up with them, potentially become best friends, purposely die in order to save them in combat, or even get married.  It could happen, right?  I don't buy into this narrative that lore/faction matters when players are exempt.  If anything, this is a good reason why the race restrictions do not make sense.  Every NPC in Skargol might want to try and kill every Elf they see on sight but when it comes to Skar players, the opposite is true.  Elves are an ally, a friend, a guildmate.  Players are obviously exempt from history, tradition, faction, and lore in this sense.  If lore and faction are actually supposed to matter in a believable and consistent way, Elves would be artificially restricted from grouping with Skar, and a variety of other restrictions would emerge that follow the same logi

    I've always disliked the whole opposing 'evil' and 'good' concepts for playable races, unless you have a non-optional PvP situation (and I don't play PvP in MMORPGs), *but* adventurers always have been the exceptions in RPGs and it's a suspension of disbelief we are used to (from before EQ even).

    I've always explained it to myself, like, there's no reason the Ogres as a race can't be violent and domineering and 'hate' other races (from historical and current conflicts), but individual Ogres be ok to cooperate with similar individuals of other races they see as powerful and deserving respect (in an adventuring group). Also, adventuring Ogres probably are more outgoing and tolerant of (or at least interested in) diversity. The less outgoing ones will use their training to take up tribal positions and jobs.

    And ongoing adventuring activities may well effect their faction standing with other races or their own race if they aren't careful what they do with that group. You could even do that in EQ I believe. If not careful, joining with a group when they killed *your* faction could see you KOS to individuals (or your trainers!) in your own home.

    It kinda *is* an explanation for race-class restrictions, since adventurers presumably can't train each other, only NPC guilds have the capability and those guys are not outgoing and adventurous in their values (no, Mister Skar, I will not train you to be a cleric, just because this cleric here says you are a "stand-up guy"). So level 1 characters can only be a product of their own racially restrictive society.

    In EQ, characters could gain opposing faction enough eventually to train with them, though that was where classes were shared. But, maybe their offspring (progeny, even...) could then train as a class previously unavailable to their race? And/or maybe if, for example, there developed an enclave of faction-changed Ogres within an Elven city - that would mean level 1 Ogre Bards would be possible?...

    I'm waffling, but I guess I'm saying, there's always an element of suspension of disbelief involved in MMORPGs and though I would prefer 'evil' and 'KOS' be reserved for non-playable races to make things more sensible, the lore and factions can still apply if well written.


    let me come back later I have a long list of things in here i can prove that are false as I do not have the time right now to type it out as IRL things are happening, but you will get a responce on the "broad strokes" you seem to be using yourself.

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 3, 2020 11:38 AM PDT
    • 196 posts
    April 3, 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Liav said:

    I'm not attacking you, you're just screaming bias. Your entire point is basically "people who want this specific thing are min/max, cookie cutter WoW players who want to troll people".

    This is barely even paraphrasing, these are your own words.

    No I am not screaming bias I am making statements with facts behind it.

    • 2756 posts
    April 3, 2020 2:11 PM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    disposalist said:

    oneADseven said:

    Shea said:

    Simple answer NO ..... no need to change the race restrictions , lore and faction matters .. so no .. dont change it unless necessary  to change it due to lore or faction . 

    I always found the "lore and faction matters" comment rather strange.  How exactly does faction matter?  There is the idea that certain races don't like each other and it's even backed up by lore and faction.  Yet, in the world, this isn't actually realized.  Players get to be special snowflakes and ignore the lore and faction that supposedly matters.  Elves and Skar might hate each other based on the game lore and their factions, but that only affects NPC's, right?  An Elf travels to Skargol and is KOS with Skar NPC's.  An Elf player sees a Skar player and can instantly group up with them, potentially become best friends, purposely die in order to save them in combat, or even get married.  It could happen, right?  I don't buy into this narrative that lore/faction matters when players are exempt.  If anything, this is a good reason why the race restrictions do not make sense.  Every NPC in Skargol might want to try and kill every Elf they see on sight but when it comes to Skar players, the opposite is true.  Elves are an ally, a friend, a guildmate.  Players are obviously exempt from history, tradition, faction, and lore in this sense.  If lore and faction are actually supposed to matter in a believable and consistent way, Elves would be artificially restricted from grouping with Skar, and a variety of other restrictions would emerge that follow the same logi

    I've always disliked the whole opposing 'evil' and 'good' concepts for playable races, unless you have a non-optional PvP situation (and I don't play PvP in MMORPGs), *but* adventurers always have been the exceptions in RPGs and it's a suspension of disbelief we are used to (from before EQ even).

    I've always explained it to myself, like, there's no reason the Ogres as a race can't be violent and domineering and 'hate' other races (from historical and current conflicts), but individual Ogres be ok to cooperate with similar individuals of other races they see as powerful and deserving respect (in an adventuring group). Also, adventuring Ogres probably are more outgoing and tolerant of (or at least interested in) diversity. The less outgoing ones will use their training to take up tribal positions and jobs.

    And ongoing adventuring activities may well effect their faction standing with other races or their own race if they aren't careful what they do with that group. You could even do that in EQ I believe. If not careful, joining with a group when they killed *your* faction could see you KOS to individuals (or your trainers!) in your own home.

    It kinda *is* an explanation for race-class restrictions, since adventurers presumably can't train each other, only NPC guilds have the capability and those guys are not outgoing and adventurous in their values (no, Mister Skar, I will not train you to be a cleric, just because this cleric here says you are a "stand-up guy"). So level 1 characters can only be a product of their own racially restrictive society.

    In EQ, characters could gain opposing faction enough eventually to train with them, though that was where classes were shared. But, maybe their offspring (progeny, even...) could then train as a class previously unavailable to their race? And/or maybe if, for example, there developed an enclave of faction-changed Ogres within an Elven city - that would mean level 1 Ogre Bards would be possible?...

    I'm waffling, but I guess I'm saying, there's always an element of suspension of disbelief involved in MMORPGs and though I would prefer 'evil' and 'KOS' be reserved for non-playable races to make things more sensible, the lore and factions can still apply if well written.


    let me come back later I have a long list of things in here i can prove that are false as I do not have the time right now to type it out as IRL things are happening, but you will get a responce on the "broad strokes" you seem to be using yourself.

    Did you quote the wrong post? I didn't bring up the broad strokes thing that was someone else. Also, I'm largely just giving my opinion. Hard to 'prove' someone's opinion 'wrong'.

    It's a shame these discussion threads end so often in arguments.

    • 947 posts
    April 3, 2020 4:08 PM PDT

    All of the arguing is mute... Joppa has already said that they are making some changes to the Race/Class matrix.

    • 839 posts
    April 3, 2020 5:22 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    Also, adventuring Ogres probably are more outgoing and tolerant of (or at least interested in) diversity. The less outgoing ones will use their training to take up tribal positions and jobs.

    This I love haha, Worldy, well travelled ogres mingling with halflings without even the thought of eating them, and all the while, tribal and ritualistic ogres at home thinking all their adventurer friends are out there gorging of halflings, when really they are sitting down in a little hobbit house to share some tea and a smoke of Wild's End Weed

    • 3237 posts
    April 3, 2020 6:06 PM PDT

    Hokanu said:


    This I love haha, Worldy, well travelled ogres mingling with halflings without even the thought of eating them, and all the while, tribal and ritualistic ogres at home thinking all their adventurer friends are out there gorging of halflings, when really they are sitting down in a little hobbit house to share some tea and a smoke of Wild's End Weed

    Indeed.  This is the kind of player-driven content that truly makes a world feel alive, IMO.  Imagine having to first cast a shrink spell just to get inside the house.  And before all that ... the player-controlled halfling hooks his ogre friend up with some inside knowledge on how to best improve his faction in order to make it inside the city.  When I think of this kind of scenario, this is pretty much exactly what I would envision an ogre bard doing.  I don't see the point of trying to put characters in a box when they are controlled by players.  Stereotypes will be shattered every single day on every server.  You can do that all you want with NPC's but when it comes to our character, embrace roleplaying and the main draws to open-world gameplay.  It doesn't have to be easy or balanced.  There is nothing wrong with making the journey of an oddball character more dangerous, more involved, or more inconvenient, and telling players to "enjoy responsibly" if they take that path.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at April 3, 2020 6:07 PM PDT
    • 119 posts
    April 3, 2020 9:30 PM PDT

    I get really deep into developing my character's story, personal lore, etc as sort of a hobby. I really enjoy that part of the game, rather the opportunity that the game provides to do so.

    That said, I'm not really bothered by class/race restrictions. I actually kind of like them. I'm also a fan of gender-restricted classes in the right situation. Orders/sects of some religion/spirituality, etc. Those restrictions have and do exist in our own world, and while they may be archaic, I think when applied correctly they can add a neat element to a world setting. (I'm not advocating for it in Pantheon, just stating my position on a closely related topic.)

    As it is, I think most of the restrictions are sensible and stand to add a nice flavor to the atmosphere of the game.

    • 57 posts
    April 4, 2020 4:36 AM PDT

    Similarly, I've got to say the matrix seems perfect and is one of my favorite aspects of the design.

    • 1584 posts
    April 4, 2020 5:32 AM PDT

    Didn't we already have a thread about race/class combos? How is this one still alive especially after he had like a 15 page convo to go with it, look VR already put their stand on this they said they did it to compliment their lore they put in place, much like some of their passives. Plus you don't have to agree or like everything about the game to actually enjoy the game, there has been plenty of things VR has said that I might have to overcome, but at least I don't write books and 50 different messages about how it rubs me the wrong way. I get it some people don't like it, I've also heard people say they didn't like many things but once the game got rid of them they stopped playing the game for various reasons. Point being not everyone knows what they want, but VR has a plan, and a dream, and we came to support them, and not baby rage everytime they make a decision, plus also until the time comes complaining about it yet again does nothing, and at least to me if you honestly don't want race/class restrictions honestly 2 of the best mmos actually used it when they first launched and are still alive, so I'll give that a 2-0, what the non class restriction scenario looking like 2-5 maybe?

    This post was edited by Cealtric at April 4, 2020 6:52 AM PDT
    • 196 posts
    April 4, 2020 8:01 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    @Jothany Just playing devil's advocate, I don't dispute the disparity, but I wonder: why does it matter?

    Are some players so attached to Gnome or Ogre that they won't play the game because of limited class choice?

    Are we bothered that we won't see many Gnomes or Ogres around, given an even class/role distrubtion?

    That's just a couple of questions, but I guess my overall point is: Given we aren't offending real races of people by under-representing them (or some such weirdness) why does it matter?

    What if elves could only play wizards? So what? *shrug*

    Are a good proportion of people *really* that attached to a particular race and class combo that they will be upset that VR's lore precludes them?

    I repeat: I'm just playing devil's advocate (though I actually do not see the big deal hehe)

    ok here is a good question:

    As we all know Ogre historicly throughout Fantasy settings Ogre's are not the brightest race...SO!! Would it be lore breaking to see an Ogre Mage with there nottoriously low Int. to able to cast spells that they could not even comprehend because of there Int? In a role playing setting it would be a funny sight to see, butt(and that is a big Ogre butt btw XD ) then you apply it to this the mechanics of this perticular game...An Ogre mage would not be able to do hardly any damage at all(magic wise at least) or even be able to cast a spell becuase of there Int..  (not the D&D Ogremagi are excluded from this as they pretain to D&D and not this game) So what the people in this game are trying to request is some that would invalidate one of the core tenants of the game? And we Should let the devs finish the for the late Brad Mcqaid's sake before asking for anything honestly.Let's see his last thing he was working on finished to the end honestly. People are using his passing on as a way to ruin something that Brad wanted to see finished.

    • 196 posts
    April 4, 2020 8:06 AM PDT

    Darch said:

    All of the arguing is mute... Joppa has already said that they are making some changes to the Race/Class matrix.

    Provide proof to your statement with links to show that what your saying is true or what you just stated is invalid..

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 4, 2020 8:07 AM PDT
    • 196 posts
    April 4, 2020 8:12 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    disposalist said:

    oneADseven said:

    Shea said:

    Simple answer NO ..... no need to change the race restrictions , lore and faction matters .. so no .. dont change it unless necessary  to change it due to lore or faction . 

    I always found the "lore and faction matters" comment rather strange.  How exactly does faction matter?  There is the idea that certain races don't like each other and it's even backed up by lore and faction.  Yet, in the world, this isn't actually realized.  Players get to be special snowflakes and ignore the lore and faction that supposedly matters.  Elves and Skar might hate each other based on the game lore and their factions, but that only affects NPC's, right?  An Elf travels to Skargol and is KOS with Skar NPC's.  An Elf player sees a Skar player and can instantly group up with them, potentially become best friends, purposely die in order to save them in combat, or even get married.  It could happen, right?  I don't buy into this narrative that lore/faction matters when players are exempt.  If anything, this is a good reason why the race restrictions do not make sense.  Every NPC in Skargol might want to try and kill every Elf they see on sight but when it comes to Skar players, the opposite is true.  Elves are an ally, a friend, a guildmate.  Players are obviously exempt from history, tradition, faction, and lore in this sense.  If lore and faction are actually supposed to matter in a believable and consistent way, Elves would be artificially restricted from grouping with Skar, and a variety of other restrictions would emerge that follow the same logi

    I've always disliked the whole opposing 'evil' and 'good' concepts for playable races, unless you have a non-optional PvP situation (and I don't play PvP in MMORPGs), *but* adventurers always have been the exceptions in RPGs and it's a suspension of disbelief we are used to (from before EQ even).

    I've always explained it to myself, like, there's no reason the Ogres as a race can't be violent and domineering and 'hate' other races (from historical and current conflicts), but individual Ogres be ok to cooperate with similar individuals of other races they see as powerful and deserving respect (in an adventuring group). Also, adventuring Ogres probably are more outgoing and tolerant of (or at least interested in) diversity. The less outgoing ones will use their training to take up tribal positions and jobs.

    And ongoing adventuring activities may well effect their faction standing with other races or their own race if they aren't careful what they do with that group. You could even do that in EQ I believe. If not careful, joining with a group when they killed *your* faction could see you KOS to individuals (or your trainers!) in your own home.

    It kinda *is* an explanation for race-class restrictions, since adventurers presumably can't train each other, only NPC guilds have the capability and those guys are not outgoing and adventurous in their values (no, Mister Skar, I will not train you to be a cleric, just because this cleric here says you are a "stand-up guy"). So level 1 characters can only be a product of their own racially restrictive society.

    In EQ, characters could gain opposing faction enough eventually to train with them, though that was where classes were shared. But, maybe their offspring (progeny, even...) could then train as a class previously unavailable to their race? And/or maybe if, for example, there developed an enclave of faction-changed Ogres within an Elven city - that would mean level 1 Ogre Bards would be possible?...

    I'm waffling, but I guess I'm saying, there's always an element of suspension of disbelief involved in MMORPGs and though I would prefer 'evil' and 'KOS' be reserved for non-playable races to make things more sensible, the lore and factions can still apply if well written.


    let me come back later I have a long list of things in here i can prove that are false as I do not have the time right now to type it out as IRL things are happening, but you will get a responce on the "broad strokes" you seem to be using yourself.

    Did you quote the wrong post? I didn't bring up the broad strokes thing that was someone else. Also, I'm largely just giving my opinion. Hard to 'prove' someone's opinion 'wrong'.

    It's a shame these discussion threads end so often in arguments.

    I messed this one up as I was rushing and made some mistakes with the quoteing and such I was trying to break things down really fast like...I was trying to give a proper well put together answer with very small amount of time..Don't worry you will get a better answer today...

    • 196 posts
    April 4, 2020 8:14 AM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    Liav said:

    I'm not attacking you, you're just screaming bias. Your entire point is basically "people who want this specific thing are min/max, cookie cutter WoW players who want to troll people".

    This is barely even paraphrasing, these are your own words.

    No I am not screaming bias I am making statements with facts behind it.

    also do not project your feelings and sentiments onto my statements. they are mine and not yours to put emotions to.

    • 196 posts
    April 4, 2020 8:24 AM PDT

    Iksar said:

    Darch said:

    The lore was written AFTER the race/class matrix was developed 3 years ago, proving that the current matrix was not designed based off of the lore (that is still being written) to just end that debate...


    In D&D (and other similar RPGs), good DM's require their players to have a background/backstory to help the players become immersed in the game because they now have a more fully developed "being" to connect with on an emotional level.  But with that said, I aggree with 187 (oneADseven) that, like in recent editions of DnD, the players can become even MORE immersed into their characters if they can create their own narrative (within reason).  Maybe there's an Ogre that REALLY wants to be a rogue, ranger or monk but his clan would disown them... what's stopping that Ogre from leaving their clan and adventuring with the elves and humans?...

    That is false. The lore predates the race/class matrix by quite a bit. 


    As for pen and paper RPGs, that is an entirely different situation. The players can be pretty much whatever they want within a game world without it breaking the lore or "feel" of the world as a whole; one Ogre breaking from their societal/cultural reality or restrictions doesn't alter the overall perception of Ogres in the world. In an MMO it absolutely shatters any meaning of racial culture/lore and the perception of any given race by players. The majority of interactions with different races is going to end up being other players, you may as well not have any rich culture and racial lore when you pass your 100th Ogre wizard and Skar cleric or any other combo that breaks from the defined lore surrounding a race. 


    At the very least if they relaxed race/class with progeny it would give those people an avenue to earn that odd combo by actually living that "backstory" instead of just insisting it happened. 

    and I agree with you Iksar on this one, butt these people who are not even backing the game that want the class/race restritions removed to benifit them, they do not want to spend time doing the progeny thing, as it will take too much time out of there day raiding in other MMO's. I do not consider these peole part of the community honestly they are only here for the benifits and that is it..more like leach players then actual community members honestly.

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 4, 2020 8:26 AM PDT
    • 1315 posts
    April 4, 2020 8:36 AM PDT

    I've always been a fan of consequences rather than restrictions.

    Want to be an ogre mage? Prepare to have a weak main stat and need to travel to a city with a mages guild in order to train, oh yeah do you have the faction for that?

    The class race restriction then turn into class/race optimizations. This of course means that starting stats need to have an actual effect of class balance and if you want to do something unusual you need to work for it. This becomes easier to justify and build mechanics for with the Progeny system than straight out of the box.


    • 3237 posts
    April 4, 2020 9:14 AM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    also do not project your feelings and sentiments onto my statements. they are mine and not yours to put emotions to.

    You need to do some reflection.  You have been projecting your feelings and sentiments onto others throughout this entire thread and several others.

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    People are using his passing on as a way to ruin something that Brad wanted to see finished.

    Absolutely appalling that you would go there.

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    and I agree with you Iksar on this one, butt these people who are not even backing the game that want the class/race restritions removed to benifit them, they do not want to spend time doing the progeny thing, as it will take too much time out of there day raiding in other MMO's. I do not consider these peole part of the community honestly they are only here for the benifits and that is it..more like leach players then actual community members honestly.

    I have seen this type of comment from you quite a few times since you joined the community less than 40 days ago.  Let's review:

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    I agree with you, but i do smell something fishy here. I don't think they actually donate, I think he is just someone who paid for forum access and figured out how to make it look like they backed the project.

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    What the op is trying to petition for(and btw not a backer) is to adjust the class/race restrictions to power game throught it just to get to endgame using so-called experance,ego, and authrative words to bully people in the community and convince the devs to change the race/class resrtictions to benifit him and a small group of players!!! I would take his words with a grain of salt at this point.

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    Are you backing the game? I do know the community is posative and the people who are negative just pay for access to the foums and not supporting the game..

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    are you backing the game?

    Are you backing the game? or are you just paying to hop on the forums just to spew negative behavior?

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    I am seeing what you want. NO stop trying to min/max this game before this game comes out and no again  I rather see the class restrictions based on race kept in place as they are now. Just deal with it and stop trying to change things to benifit a small playerbase that is trying ruin it for the rest of us. Funny how you do not show your profile oh wait another forum board rider and not a backer....again...

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    People (some of whom I doubt they ever pledged any money to it.) who want the development time to speed up for there sake and not for the sake of the entire community are wrong. I think revoking access to the people who just pay for forum access and let the people who actually backed the game use the forums and right away you should see a good amount of negativity go away.These outside influancers who have not put any money down except to access the forums and to cause as much havok as they can till VR listens to one of these chuckleheads then blam!

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    if someone from VR reads this please listen more to your actual backer that post on the forums then people who just access your forums to create negativity and hate.I have faith in VR can accomplish this task and listening to outside influancers who have not backed this project, should not be given a voice at all and we all need to relax alittle,sit back grab a cool beverage and watch what is going on currently and let VR do there magic properly.

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    I just don't want this game becomeing what current MMOs have become because of the kids who cry loud enough are being listened to or the weasels that are just on the forums but have not backed the game and are influencing others...

    How many times are you going to try and play that card?  You think it's fair to call other people leaches and weasels because you assume they haven't pledged to the game?  Please hop off your high horse and practice what you preach.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at April 4, 2020 9:47 AM PDT
    • 2130 posts
    April 4, 2020 9:29 AM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    People are using his passing on as a way to ruin something that Brad wanted to see finished.

    I know I shitpost a lot, but this is truly awful. Wtf is wrong with you?

    • 1584 posts
    April 4, 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    @oldwargoat I wouldn't make any more post like that, on any forums whatsoever, plus we can have different opinions, and still admire/love Brad Mcquaid, theres nothing worng with that, and simply becuase they have that different opinion doesnt have anything to do with ruining what he wanted to finish, simply bad taste.

    This post was edited by Cealtric at April 4, 2020 10:02 AM PDT
    • 2134 posts
    April 4, 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    Darch said: All of the arguing is mute... Joppa has already said that they are making some changes to the Race/Class matrix.

    Provide proof to your statement with links to show that what your saying is true or what you just stated is invalid..

    Joppa on Oct Dev Roundtable

    19:50 to 23:30

    "yes we will be revisiting it and yes we will most likely be making tweaks along the way because - just because we've come to those conclusions doesn't mean that the lore and other thoughts and ideas surrounding the game continue to evolve and mature that those previous decisions don't change...[explains the recent change to allow Archai to become summoners]..So yes, we do revisit that list, there's other ones in mind that we're looking at and working through"

    Oldwargoat39 said: I do know the community is posative and the people who are negative just pay for access to the foums and not supporting the game..

    Provide proof to your statement with links to show that what your saying is true or what you just stated is invalid.. 


    • 79 posts
    April 4, 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    simple fact it  probably wont happen doing so would increase the art work needed each of those armors would have to be tailored to  skar or whatever just incase someone spent 3 years or whatever killing the one mob it took to get the faction  for example, do you want the game to come out IN 2035?  unless you want the armors to  look all the same on everyone, which kind of takes the point of races  out


    • 2134 posts
    April 4, 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Quseio2017 said: simple fact it  probably wont happen doing so would increase the art work needed each of those armors would have to be tailored to  skar or whatever just incase someone spent 3 years or whatever killing the one mob it took to get the faction  for example, do you want the game to come out IN 2035?  unless you want the armors to  look all the same on everyone, which kind of takes the point of races  out

    I don't know if you are aware, but we've been told that armor is not going to be customized for each race, specifically because of how much extra art work that is involved. There was mention of some kind of texturing/decorations that might be added to give a small racial flavor, but fundamentally the 'Breastplate of Impenetrability' will pretty much look the same on every race.

    • 947 posts
    April 4, 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Jothany said:

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    Darch said: All of the arguing is mute... Joppa has already said that they are making some changes to the Race/Class matrix.

    Provide proof to your statement with links to show that what your saying is true or what you just stated is invalid..

    Joppa on Oct Dev Roundtable

    19:50 to 23:30

    "yes we will be revisiting it and yes we will most likely be making tweaks along the way because - just because we've come to those conclusions doesn't mean that the lore and other thoughts and ideas surrounding the game continue to evolve and mature that those previous decisions don't change...[explains the recent change to allow Archai to become summoners]..So yes, we do revisit that list, there's other ones in mind that we're looking at and working through"

    Oldwargoat39 said: I do know the community is posative and the people who are negative just pay for access to the foums and not supporting the game..

    Provide proof to your statement with links to show that what your saying is true or what you just stated is invalid.. 

    Thanks Jothany... can't stand people that are too lazy to look things up themselves when they also put the burden of proof on others.  If Oldgoat had asked "could you please site where you heard/saw this?" I would have been more obliged to even respond.  You're a more pacient man than I.