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how are things where you live since corona-chan came?

    • 196 posts
    March 15, 2020 8:29 PM PDT

    just wondering how people are acting since the corona virus hit everyone world-wide and how people are acting?

    • 2117 posts
    March 15, 2020 9:57 PM PDT

    I live in a fairly poor, rural community in the Pacific Northwest. While numerous counties around us have confirmed cases, the one I live in still does not. (Of course, that's most likely due to only FOUR people having been tested so far!) As I'm semi-retired, I already go to town no more than once a week. I upped my stocks of perishables like bread and milk so I can reduce visits to grocery stores, but I resisted the tempation to fill my garage full of hand sanitizer ROFL!

    In my recent trips to the local town, I've seen no real change. I haven't noticed any empty shelves and haven't seen a single person wearing a mask. The local emergency management agency sent out 3 public notice emails through all of this. The 1st was a general warning of Covid19 and the background info and how to be safe. The 2nd advised that someone in the country had been tested. The 3rd told us that that person had tested negative. I imagine if someone does test positive we'll get another. The local Fire Dept. posted on their Facebook page that they had a training day for their guys about dealing with possibly contagious people on emergency calls.

    Everything so far is pretty low key, though I'm sure many are paying closer attention to local news events than we might otherwise, as am I.

    • 196 posts
    March 15, 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    well I have my children and a few friends living in the pacific Northwest and I pretty much got a simular response as well. I do worry about people if they are ok. so knowing some people are fine at least some places haven't lost there heads yet. but from where I am some people have lost it already and police had detained them.

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at March 16, 2020 8:32 AM PDT
    • 370 posts
    March 16, 2020 4:15 PM PDT

    Central illinois here. They Just confirmed 2 cases here within 10 miles of me in the last 48 hours.

    Have to look at it this way. Is it really spreading this fast? Or is it that it had already spread and due to the lack of proper quantity of tests and general mildness of the infection for most that we're just slowly seeing the numbers tick up as testing becomes more available.

    I personally believe its been here a while and most of us have already gotten it and gotten over it. I may be wrong in that but I hope that it is the case and this panick quickly passes when we all come to realize it.

    FFS people stop buying so much TP...

    This post was edited by arazons at March 16, 2020 4:16 PM PDT
    • 2117 posts
    March 16, 2020 7:38 PM PDT

    arazons said:

    Have to look at it this way. Is it really spreading this fast? Or is it that it had already spread and due to the lack of proper quantity of tests and general mildness of the infection for most that we're just slowly seeing the numbers tick up as testing becomes more available.

    I agree that the current rapid increase in numbers is likely due to us finally getting testing kits available. But I don't think most of us have had it already. I believe it really is a new strain that's just going around this year for the first time. Everything I read (from sites I consider reliable) suggests that it really is more dangerous to older people than influenza, by at least a factor of 10. If a 'flu' with that rate of serious complications for elders had swept across the country, that itself would have already gotten into the news. (full disclosure, I'm one of those older people)

    Yeah, the only empty shelves in the supermarket today was the TP. Holy Crap! :D

    • 844 posts
    March 17, 2020 6:49 AM PDT

    Correct, if you can't test, how would you know anything about where it's spreading.

    Until testing becomes widely available, staying away from others is the only way to protect yourself and hopefully let the virus peter out on it's own.

    • 196 posts
    April 7, 2020 3:37 PM PDT

    lets hope it does putter out I am a gamer, but I also like being outside as well when I am not gaming.


    • 839 posts
    April 8, 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    We've done really well so far over here in Australia, we were in a very fortunate position geographically and also because we could model off other countries mistakes.  Furthermore to that I moved away from the city 2 years ago and now live on acres in what i could only describe as a sub tropical paradise, i'm so lucky here at the moment, in saying that we needed a break after being one of the areas the Bushfires clustered around.  Thankfully the virus didnt start until after the fire situation was controlled.   

    I'm so sorry and saddened for all of you in the US, UK, China and other hard hit countries.  I really hope your leaders can get a grip on the population soon and lock it down to help the health care workers and at risk patients.  It must be terrifying to be a doctor or nurse at the moment in those countries.  Man they deserve some crazy pay rises now and a massive paid holiday with all the pampering they could imagine when this finishes.

    I really hope the US government can release their federal stockpiles for the people not just the whitehouse residents and guests, it is really scary to see this political stand off during this of all things.

    • 196 posts
    April 9, 2020 8:04 AM PDT

    I hope so too I don't live far from the epicenter (30-45 mins. from NYC by train). People from NYC thought they could outrun the spread....nope they brought to where I live and some of the people have been infected by these idiots thinking running to there vacation beach house's would keep them safe.

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 9, 2020 8:04 AM PDT