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One Good MMO Until Pantheon Is Ready

    • 66 posts
    March 9, 2020 7:16 PM PDT

    Someone from this forum suggested a MMO called Project Gorgon, so I watched a Youtube video and it looked promising. I then downloaded the free demo, which is the starting island, and really liked it. I've been hooked ever since.

    This game has alot of things that Pantheon fans may like, with a few exceptions. This game is in early access, but it's late in development and very mature. 

    1. First off, the players are extremely friendly, inviting and mature. I've never seen any griefing or significant bad behavior, ever. People seem more mature and have MMO experience, and are probably at the older end of the spectrum for MMO players. I've screwed up numerous times, and nobody got upset. In fact, everyone was very patient. People are helpful in chat and with questions. 

    2. The Dev team is great. Very active, and working hard to update, fix bugs, listen to problems, and add more content. This weekend had a fun event and they just added a new race to the game today. This is a smaller team with lots of love and attention to detail. Just the way we like it. They are very creative and have a ton of interesting and innovative ideas in the game. It's pretty inspiring for such a stagnant market. 

    3. The game is very detailed, interesting, and full of content. There are many quests, many zones, and alot  to do. 

    4. The combat system is very good. You can solo if you want, but upper level content is much harder without a group. Every class is viable, but there is not a class that is required for groups. There is pvp but it's mostly a pve game. 

    5. The class system is fun and balanced. Each player is basically a hybrid of two classes. Some classes are not compatible with others. I am a fire mage with the shield ability, but I cannot be a fire mage and a cow. Yes, I said cow. You can be a number of animals including bat, deer, wolf, pig, rabbit. Each has it's own skill set. A cow is a big tank FYI. 

    6.  Crafting. Wow, this is huge. It seems better than any other MMO I've played. There is a long list of crafting skills that are all very detailed and involved. They can all directly improve your stats and gameplay. I'm stressing about trying so many that it's competing with my fighting/leveling time. 

    7. Death Penalty. You can choose to play "hardcore mode" which gives the EQ type death penalty. Otherwise, the death penalty is mild and consists of sending you back to the zone entrance. You can even get experience from dying and it levels up as a skill. If you die to certain bosses, you can get cursed with some nasty debuffs, whch can only be removed by killing the boss. This encourages grouping. Solo players will also receive a mild exp penalty after a while of solo play, but it's like 1% only. 

    In summary, this game is not Pantheon, but it's the next best thing while I wait. The community and dev team are top notch, and they remind me alot of the Pantheon community and dev team. There are former EQ and Vanguard players in game every day. Check it out. 

    This post was edited by phil85 at March 9, 2020 7:23 PM PDT
    • 431 posts
    March 9, 2020 8:20 PM PDT

    Agree great till PROTF comes out , everything you mention it has .  

    Will mention graphics are rudimentary , but For those of us who could care less about the hoopla graphics its a good game with great gameplay . 

    Indeed the team is very small , But hands on and extremely helpful community  . ( so yes if you want something to hold you over ) this is it :) .

    • 624 posts
    March 9, 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    I would consider posting this in Off Topic in the future as it was not about PRotF.

    • 66 posts
    March 10, 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Rudimentary graphics? I must be old because they look fine to me. The devs mentioned that the final build will have enhanced performance and, I believe, graphics- amoung other things. I posted in this section for increased visibity. This game is not going to compete with Pantheon, but it's a good option until then. 

    • 1921 posts
    March 10, 2020 7:33 AM PDT

    I played PG quite a bit, mastered several schools, opened up a bunch of storage and trainers, saw most of the world.
    I stopped playing for exactly one reason; they still, today, currently, reserve the right to wipe any and all player progress, for any reason at any time.

    In other words, they do not guarantee persistence.  Which is fine, as long as you know this up front.
    The challenge with their design is the things most likely to be wiped are the things that take the most time and effort to obtain, that is, items, access to trainers, storage, what you would normally call faction (they call favor) in other games.  All you'll have is your levels, potentially.  They're also incredibly vague about these incredibly important points, and the public message has changed several times over the years.
    Once they pass the point they are still willing to wipe all that?  I'll head back to playing PG.  Until then, not for me.

    Current caveat from Steam:
    "Please note: At the end of Early Access, you will retain your characters and all their skills, but items will be reset in order to help foster a healthy economy.”
    " ... we will be wiping some aspects of your character including but not limited to: items, currency, NPC favor levels, and favor-quests. However, we don’t plan on wiping most skill levels. Please note, this is subject to change as we progress through development.  " ; "How long until full release approximately? We don't have an official estimate currently. We still have a lot of content to add before we want to release it. " 

    • 3852 posts
    March 10, 2020 7:40 AM PDT

    Project Gorgon has been my first choice for "if I ever decide to start an in-development MMO" for years. But I never have. Not to replace Pantheon but to tide me over. vjek's points are entirely valid but simply do not affect me. I have deleted so many characters over the years I was hauled up on charges for mass toonicide. I would be doing hard time now if I hadn't deleted the judge.

    I never knew that a *cow* was a class in Project Gorgon. Now I am really tempted to start. That is a game I could develop a real steak in.

    • 431 posts
    March 10, 2020 7:41 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    I played PG quite a bit, mastered several schools, opened up a bunch of storage and trainers, saw most of the world.
    I stopped playing for exactly one reason; they still, today, currently, reserve the right to wipe any and all player progress, for any reason at any time.

    In other words, they do not guarantee persistence.  Which is fine, as long as you know this up front.
    The challenge with their design is the things most likely to be wiped are the things that take the most time and effort to obtain, that is, items, access to trainers, storage, what you would normally call faction (they call favor) in other games.  All you'll have is your levels, potentially.  They're also incredibly vague about these incredibly important points, and the public message has changed several times over the years.
    Once they pass the point they are still willing to wipe all that?  I'll head back to playing PG.  Until then, not for me.

    Current caveat from Steam:
    "Please note: At the end of Early Access, you will retain your characters and all their skills, but items will be reset in order to help foster a healthy economy.”
    " ... we will be wiping some aspects of your character including but not limited to: items, currency, NPC favor levels, and favor-quests. However, we don’t plan on wiping most skill levels. Please note, this is subject to change as we progress through development.  " ; "How long until full release approximately? We don't have an official estimate currently. We still have a lot of content to add before we want to release it. " 

    They will not wipe your skills , which IMHO is most important . So only your gear/cash such gets wiped .. ( sounds reasonable ) . :)

    • 431 posts
    March 10, 2020 7:49 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Project Gorgon has been my first choice for "if I ever decide to start an in-development MMO" for years. But I never have. Not to replace Pantheon but to tide me over. vjek's points are entirely valid but simply do not affect me. I have deleted so many characters over the years I was hauled up on charges for mass toonicide. I would be doing hard time now if I hadn't deleted the judge.

    I never knew that a *cow* was a class in Project Gorgon. Now I am really tempted to start. That is a game I could develop a real steak in.






    cow you say ? what about Rabbit/deer/Bat/ you name it ... Guano is more then crap :)_

    • 1921 posts
    March 10, 2020 7:55 AM PDT

    They may not wipe your skills.  "We don't plan on wiping most skills" is what you quoted, and what they wrote. 
    The wording is precise, entirely because they have wiped skills in the past, post "release" (which was on March 12, 2018).

    • 1289 posts
    March 10, 2020 8:05 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Project Gorgon has been my first choice for "if I ever decide to start an in-development MMO" for years. But I never have. Not to replace Pantheon but to tide me over. vjek's points are entirely valid but simply do not affect me. I have deleted so many characters over the years I was hauled up on charges for mass toonicide. I would be doing hard time now if I hadn't deleted the judge.

    I never knew that a *cow* was a class in Project Gorgon. Now I am really tempted to start. That is a game I could develop a real steak in.

    I laughed :)

    • 287 posts
    March 10, 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    I'm a Spirder/Druid. Pretty fun game, and they just launched a new "advanced" race. Crafting is VERY wide-ranging and overall very fun, but it can be very overwhelming. The UI in game is very rough but overall a good time sink while I wait for pantheon.

    • 627 posts
    March 10, 2020 11:43 AM PDT
    I tried it but could not get past 20 hours.. Servers was dead witch was unfortunate.
    • 1921 posts
    March 10, 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    It's worth noting that the first hour (typically, at least) would be spent on the starter island, which often doesn't have more than 10 players on it, concurrently.  The game did "release" back in 2018, after all.
    If you play on the starting island during off-peak hours, it's possible you won't see any other characters.
    However, the main city is filled with people, sometimes even too many, every day.  Especially, (as is normal) evenings and weekends.

    • 201 posts
    March 10, 2020 1:16 PM PDT

    Interesting.  Might be worth investigating.

    • 557 posts
    March 10, 2020 1:21 PM PDT

    Dorotea evidently guilty of much more than mass toonicide.   OMG the puns.

    • Moderator
    • 9115 posts
    March 10, 2020 1:57 PM PDT

    Moved to Off-Topic as this isn't related to Pantheon.

    • 66 posts
    March 10, 2020 4:14 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Moved to Off-Topic as this isn't related to Pantheon.

    That makes sense, but how do I find the Off Topic section on the forum? I don't see it in the forum list. 

    • 66 posts
    March 10, 2020 4:17 PM PDT

    My understanding was that they will only take your gear and cash. That's not a big deal. You can get the gear back in a few days and money is much easier to make at higher levels. Just level up and get some good crafting skills trained. You won't miss it much. 

    This post was edited by phil85 at March 10, 2020 4:18 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    March 11, 2020 1:03 PM PDT

    ((That makes sense, but how do I find the Off Topic section on the forum? I don't see it in the forum list.))

    The sections of the forums start with general, then guilds, then off-topic. There are two categories in off-topic, the first being "Identify yourself".

    If you don't have that perhaps the forums are being uncooperative to you. 

    • 201 posts
    March 12, 2020 1:21 PM PDT

    Played it a bit yesterday.  Liked it so far on the demo and could see how with some changes it would be really fun.  Definitely feel the Asherons Call influence.  Think it might be a bit solo friendly compared to the ideal for me, but who knows after only a few hours.  Also, did not like the mention of dailies in chat, clearly there is some kind of incentive to run a dungeon or mob etc each day.  I think dungeons have chests with treasure that resets in 24 hours or something.  Honestly, kind of disappointing that basically 2 people could turn that out and Pantheon is still where it is because I enjoyed it enough to play the demo some more and I would likely buy it when it is on sale again on steam for 27 bucks or so.

    • 66 posts
    March 12, 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    antonius said:

    Played it a bit yesterday.  Liked it so far on the demo and could see how with some changes it would be really fun.  Definitely feel the Asherons Call influence.  Think it might be a bit solo friendly compared to the ideal for me, but who knows after only a few hours.  Also, did not like the mention of dailies in chat, clearly there is some kind of incentive to run a dungeon or mob etc each day.  I think dungeons have chests with treasure that resets in 24 hours or something.  Honestly, kind of disappointing that basically 2 people could turn that out and Pantheon is still where it is because I enjoyed it enough to play the demo some more and I would likely buy it when it is on sale again on steam for 27 bucks or so.

    They have multiple dailys every day. It is more solo friendly than EQ was or Pantheon will be, but most dungeons require groups. I haven't gotten to the top tier content yet, so that may be less solo friendly. Dungeons do have chests that reset every day.