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Community Debate - Pledges

    • 370 posts
    March 7, 2020 9:58 AM PST

    If we're being perfectly honest I think the biggest thing that would create a surge of new pledges would be moving on to the next phase and publicly announcing X amount of new people are in the PA5.

    • 228 posts
    March 9, 2020 6:10 AM PDT

    So far I have pledged 800$ and I honestly don't know what that entitles me to other than Alpha and Beta access. I would have settled for Beta. My main (only, really) reason for pledging is that I hope Terminus will become my second planet for years and years. The pledge trinkets are of no interest to me.

    Would I consider pledging more? Maybe in the form of a prepaid, non-refundable supscription.

    This post was edited by Jabir at March 9, 2020 6:11 AM PDT
    • 11 posts
    March 9, 2020 6:37 AM PDT

    For some, pledging is primarily a show of support for the game.  I believe part of what draws people to certain pledge levels is the time-sensitive exclusivity of the perks being offered. Something offered now that could be obtained later (e.g. an item or mount that can be found or produced) is of much less value than even something relatively insignificant yet time-exclusive.

    • 93 posts
    March 13, 2020 4:26 PM PDT

    The only thing that I’d like to get that is not currently offered in a pledge package (that I’m aware of) is a nice sized cloth world map. That is it. Thank you. Willing to pay handsomely (although I’ve already paid handsomely).

    Nevermind... it's in the $3000 pledge tier.  Guess I'm a tad short  :(

    This post was edited by urgatorbait at March 13, 2020 5:53 PM PDT
    • 196 posts
    March 13, 2020 5:30 PM PDT

    Nephele said:

    So, for me, a pledge isn't about the rewards.  It's about how much faith I have in the game and its community.  If I'm very confident that a game has a high chance of being good, and I have the money available, I'll buy a pledge to help support it.  On the other hand, if I'm on the fence about a game or if I have big concerns about its design, I'll wait.  I don't want to spend money on a game that I don't think I'll enjoy playing if it releases, or that I don't think will release.  Which pledge level I buy in at is usually more about how much I can spend, and how confident I am, and not about any of the rewards that come with it.

    That said, I  *do* look at the rewards, if only to reassure myself that there is nothing there that looks pay-to-win or seems like it might significantly impact gameplay in some way.  I want the game to have a level playing field for everyone when it launches, regardless of whether they pledged or not.  So cosmetic or vanity items are usually ok but things like expanded bank storage or whatnot can feel really iffy.  I do think it's important that all the different pledge levels, as well as what rewards come with them, are clearly laid out and explained.  I also think it's important that the rewards are generic enough that they're not going to be invalidated if the game design changes in some way.  After all, we all know that these games take multiple years to create, and that initial designs can get refined or even radically altered as things start to come together.

    For me this is same thing as well. It's about time the masses got what an actual MMOrpg experance should be and not what they current;y become. When I pledged my 50.00 per month over a year pledge this is the best I can to support this project (When I put my money down on something like this I trust you VR in doing the job right). I want the game to be brought to the masses, but I also want people to understand something like this takes time to develope and if you rush the devs into makeing this game fast, mistakes are going to be made, which can be costly in the long run. People (some of whom I doubt they ever pledged any money to it.) who want the development time to speed up for there sake and not for the sake of the entire community are wrong. I think revoking access to the people who just pay for forum access and let the people who actually backed the game use the forums and right away you should see a good amount of negativity go away.These outside influancers who have not put any money down except to access the forums and to cause as much havok as they can till VR listens to one of these chuckleheads then blam!! we get a product no one wants and no one wins.There are people within various MMOrpg communities that want this game to fail from FF14,WoW,and few other communities. They want this game to fail, because they know if this game launches off in the right direction they are going to lose alot of players to this game. if someone from VR reads this please listen more to your actual backer that post on the forums then people who just access your forums to create negativity and hate.I have faith in VR can accomplish this task and listening to outside influancers who have not backed this project, should not be given a voice at all and we all need to relax alittle,sit back grab a cool beverage and watch what is going on currently and let VR do there magic properly.  

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at March 13, 2020 7:13 PM PDT
    • 947 posts
    March 13, 2020 5:55 PM PDT

    Jabir said:

    So far I have pledged 800$ and I honestly don't know what that entitles me to other than Alpha and Beta access. I would have settled for Beta. My main (only, really) reason for pledging is that I hope Terminus will become my second planet for years and years. The pledge trinkets are of no interest to me.

    Would I consider pledging more? Maybe in the form of a prepaid, non-refundable supscription.

    This is why they will not move to the next phase...  numerous people keep giving them money with 0 return on investment.  Why would you give people a $10 pen when thousands of people continue to give you $5 for the "promise" of a $10 pen (when they will stop giving you money once you give them the $10 pen)?

    Add:  for +$200, you could've pledged for Pre-Alpha access.

    This post was edited by Darch at March 13, 2020 5:56 PM PDT
    • 70 posts
    March 13, 2020 5:57 PM PDT

    early access/testing and name reserve

    • 196 posts
    March 13, 2020 7:20 PM PDT

    What i care about more if the game is being developed right and from start to finish properly and tested properly and not rushed through because people with there ""me wants now!!!" mentality.. Look just give VR time to fully flesh out the systems in place.Stop trying to push VR into something when it's not even out of pre alpha yet. they want to make sure everything is being done right. remember how NES games had to be QAQCed out before it was put on a cart. well correct me if I am wrong but I think VR is taking a page from that book and appling it here.

    • 431 posts
    March 13, 2020 7:49 PM PDT

    To be honest Won't say what I pledged but I get the cloth map .  Honestly i pledged way before these forums were in exsistence . I believe , but at same time think certains things need to be addressed .

     website is number 1 . No one is pushing VR to hurry along and push it out to be a failure .. But in order to progress we must move forward be better .. well lets start here right now forums peeps .. 

     Then lets stop having these so called VR media every two weeks . [[ better served for them to work on game then give you rhetoric ]]( stick to one with substance ). nothing really new is said .. Lets give data .. video is nice screenshots say lots , update website . start there .. Move forward stop with this is made this way , this is made that way .. great think we all get it takes years to do .. I am 100% positive most of the VR team is not even wanting to do all these streams just to give info most won't care about , let alone want  to hear .. When's alpha . whens beta ? ( i myself am included in this ) .  so I won't ask .. But lets make this website better so many will ask What's PROTF ? then we can say  !!!!! go to and info and more important updated info is there for all to see .



    PS. Move along folks nothing new here to see :P


    PSS. think im in wrong area but hell matters not same thing just a dollar difference :)


    PSSS, is it a thing ? well I think I answered the question . Cloth Maps biggest seller or wanting item .. late night but there's your answer :)

    This post was edited by Shea at March 13, 2020 8:51 PM PDT
    • 196 posts
    March 13, 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Shea said:

    To be honest Won't say what I pledged but I get the cloth map .  Honestly i pledged way before these forums were in exsistence . I believe , but at same time think certains things need to be addressed .

     website is number 1 . No one is pushing VR to hurry along and push it out to be a failure .. But in order to progress we must move forward be better .. well lets start here right now forums peeps .. 

     Then lets stop having these so called VR media every two weeks . [[ better served for them to work on game then give you rhetoric ]]( stick to one with substance ). nothing really new is said .. Lets give data .. video is nice screenshots say lots , update website . start there .. Move forward stop with this is made this way , this is made that way .. great think we all get it takes years to do .. I am 100% positive most of the VR team is not even wanting to do all these streams just to give info most won't care about , let alone want  to hear .. When's alpha . whens beta ? ( i myself am included in this ) .  so I won't ask .. But lets make this website better so many will ask What's PROTF ? then we can say  !!!!! go to and info and more important updated info is there for all to see .



    PS. Move along folks nothing new here to see :P


    PSS. think im in wrong area but hell matters not same thing just a dollar difference :)


    PSSS, is it a thing ? well I think I answered the question . Cloth Maps biggest seller or wanting item .. late night but there's your answer :)

    I agree with you Shea 200% i don't care about what I get for pledgeing, I want a quality product and what i get is only secondary. I do wish I had 10k to offer up and if I win the lottery I might do that! 

    • 888 posts
    March 31, 2020 1:59 PM PDT
    I want rewards to be clear exactly what they are. I'm still not clear on what several of them actually are. I'm also want to see at least concept art for the visual rewards.


    • Visual rewards (like cloaks) should let us pick from at least two, since style is so subjective.

    • Rewards should be sellable in game. It would be account-wide. This would make the reward more valuable because if I end up not liking how it looks, I can still benifit from it. This would also allow latecomers who really want an item to get it.

    • Either label each new reward teir with "this includes all the lower teir rewards" or release a graph which shows which rewards come with which packages. Bloodsworn ($200) gives me early character creation but Pathfinder ($250) doesn't appear to. This appears to be an omission, because it makes no sense, but without a chart or "this includes lower" label, I have no way to be sure.

    • Additional hair style modifications (e.g. item added to hair).

    • Visual effects like getting a stack of flare rockets / fireworks or even different-colored flame for campfire emote.

    • Sell naming rights for certain things, like large donors can have a pub named after their character.
    • 287 posts
    March 31, 2020 3:10 PM PDT

    I wish I could say I'm as altruistic as so many others here but I pledged initially for two reasons:

    1. To help the game get developed
    2. To gain access to the beta

    I later upped my pledge to gain access to alpha.  Then I pledged a bit more for that November nameplate deal.

    Though I wouldn't have pledged at all if I didn't believe in the game I essentially paid for access and bragging rights if the game ever does release.  I would consider pledging more if it came with large bags, cool cosmetic gear, nameplates/titles, etc.  Durable goods that I can use in-game, particularly where they will help in the early game (like bags).  For the moment, however, I won't be pledging any more until PA5 happens and we have some kind of estimate for Alpha1.  Feed us a bone and we'll return the favor.

    • 1618 posts
    March 31, 2020 3:20 PM PDT

    I like utility items, especially bags and early name reservations. Anything else, not so much. I am great turned off by stat items, head starts at release, other items that give substantial benefits.

    I will buy quality of life items.

    • 264 posts
    March 31, 2020 5:51 PM PDT

     I pledged but not a large amount (by my standards) $100. I won't go too heavy into my reasoning, but I will say that because there is no guarantee of anything that made me inclined to pledge a much smaller amount than what I am able to. Let's face the facts here: pledging is not the same as paying for a finished product. If for some reason things don't work out the people that pledged are going to be out that money including myself. I'm not the sort to throw money away, but I do want to see an old school MMORPG and this is one of the only projects promising that. But crowd funding has a mixed record right now. I also strongly agree with Shea and several others that this website and forums desperately needs updating. Especially if VR wants more pledges.

    • 67 posts
    March 31, 2020 6:14 PM PDT

    Well, anytime im putting money somewhere, I want something I consider "equal or greater" value in return. SO, obviously, putting up money to help develop this game that I want to play is important in its own right...Having a copy of the game, or EXTRA copies for pledge to give to friends to have them play also is valueable...that being said..


    I have purchased many games in development - these are my biggest reasons in order...


    Early Access - Number one reason to pledge for me - I want to be able to theory craft and check it out and show my friends so I can convince them to play with me.

    Extra Game Time / Extra copies of the game

    Physical Merch - Is always a big one for me (Cloth Map, Lore Book, Sticker, Mouse pads, Extra Copy)

    In Game Goodies - Not game breaking PTW stuff but small fun stuff, special looking cloak, mounts (if the game has it)

    Special Titles - Pretty awesome to show off I was here from the start!

    Name Reservations - Always good




    • 2138 posts
    March 31, 2020 8:17 PM PDT

    My first time pledging, so I look at it in the same manner as the saying "Parenthood is the only profession given to amateurs" What makes that statement cute is the root of the words since professionals "do" it for money whereas amateurs  "do" it for love. Since love comes from the latin root "Am" so declined amo, amas, amat- amateur. ha-ha.

    So I pledged because I'm an amateur.

    • 29 posts
    April 1, 2020 6:27 PM PDT

    I just pledged because I liked the idea of the game.


    Later on I pledged more since I just wanted to help the game move forward.


    I would love to see a way for us to have a subscription option that give people the option to give you money to carry on the work but with a small and steady sum. Much like a subscription fee, can leave it open to the subscriber to choose the amount and I don't think you need to have any rewards for this option.

    I would be perfectly fine just adding a constant 5-15$ every month if there were such an option... maybe it exist but I can't find any at least.


    • 13 posts
    April 5, 2020 6:23 AM PDT

    My thoughts are rather in line with others here. The small rewards such as illusion flasks and physical rewards such as an art book doesn't interest me that much.


    I think I'm also nearing the limit of what I feel I can "donate" to get the game in a releasable state. This will of course vary from person to person, their interest in the game and their financial situation.


    For me, the best way to get my money is to allow me to pre-pay for stuff I will likely buy when the game releases. This might be for example subscription for my own account, extra copies for my friends and time codes for my friends. I have tried to get friends and family interested in the game, but the cost of subscription seems offputting to many. I would like to be able to pay for their first few months of subscription so that they will get hooked and continue subscribing on their own.

    My proposal is the following:
    Allow me to pay a subscription, maybe as much as I want, during the games development. When release comes near, that money can be used as credits in a store to buy additional copies of the game, time codes and add subscription time to my own account as well as whatever VR thinks is appropiate, like extra character slots. Kind of like how the pledge manager works for many kickstarters.

    Essentially somewhat of a loan that is paid back on release.

    I get value for my "investment", increasing likelihood of me pledging more than I already have.
    I will be able to get more friends into the game initially without having to splurge a ton of money at once on release.
    More of a steady income to VR during development than currently (of course I dont know this, but I suspect pledging spikes after Cohh has a stream or you reveal a big feature, but otherwise is rather flat)
    Risk is still moved to pledgers - the game may not release and this money will of course not be refundable.
    Sales in this shop may still be part of the official release statistics for number of sales.

    If this becomes super prevalent and Pantheon sells few copies outside of the backers and their circle of friends, cash flow may suffer the first few months of release, giving VR little money to work on expansions and maintenance.
    May decrease willingness to pledge for "cheaper" pledges, that has low impact on VRs future financials, like a Vanity Keepsake Pet etc.

    • 888 posts
    April 5, 2020 8:54 AM PDT

    Luceat said:

    My proposal is the following:

    Allow me to pay a subscription, maybe as much as I want, during the games development. When release comes near, that money can be used as credits in a store to buy additional copies of the game, time codes and add subscription time to my own account as well as whatever VR thinks is appropiate, like extra character slots. Kind of like how the pledge manager works for many kickstarters.

    Essentially somewhat of a loan that is paid back on release.

    I like this idea.

    • 99 posts
    April 5, 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I pledged largely because Brad was putting togeather something I felt I was looking for EQ was a very big part of my life for a time frame. Like many of others on this site I spent years in Norrath running around as various characters making ffriends and conquering the world set before me. I also plan to pledge even more after watching countless videos of Joppa CP talking about this game so passionately. In my opinion a greater duo could not have been put togeather and I am very thankful this team has found eachother. With that said alpha and beta access werre a huge interest for me and played a large part in me pledging. I like the illusion flasks and think the art books are fantastic ideas a few clickie items would be nice as well unless the flasks are unlimted and allow for a variety of illusions. This might be a rare statement but I actually really enjoy watching the game go through the developement stage the fact that we get a fairly rare behind the scenes look into this aspect is huge. Chris going onto the Pantheon Plus stream and taking questions from fans and being interviewed by minus is absolutly amazing to me. I might be nothing more then a regular fanboy but I dont think it is said enough on these forums and I wanted to make sure I was one of the few. I will wait I will continue to pledge as I can and I will play this game when it is available thank you VR team.

    • 119 posts
    April 5, 2020 6:37 PM PDT

    Aside from wanting to support a project I am immensely looking forward to, the rewards I like in a pledge are;

    - Name reservation

    - Some kind of early access

    - Cosmetic items/titles/etc of some kind to show that I was dedicated early on


    • 196 posts
    April 5, 2020 7:21 PM PDT

    I pledged because of what the devs are trying to acomplish, something different or long forgotten. The in-games items and other perks are just bonus to me and the buddy code I could give to a friend to try out if they want to. #communitymatters

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 5, 2020 7:22 PM PDT
    • 196 posts
    April 5, 2020 7:24 PM PDT

    Oldwargoat39 said:

    I pledged because of what the devs are trying to acomplish, something different or long forgotten. The in-games items and other perks are just bonus to me and the buddy code I could give to a friend to try out if they want to. #communitymatters

    wait i made a boo boo i posted already on this >,,< disreguard this comment but #CommunityMatters

    This post was edited by Oldwargoat39 at April 5, 2020 7:25 PM PDT
    • 888 posts
    April 15, 2020 7:54 PM PDT
    I would like to see a beta buddy code offered as a reward (with the ability to purchase a couple). This would allow people to invite their friends who haven't committed in an effort to get them interested in Pantheon.

    Variant / additional versions of cosmetic character creator choices would also be a big draw for me. Things like a whole new hairstyle might be too much, but offering a slightly modified version or a mirror image version isn't too much. A neat way to further reward long-term backers would be a cosmetic item like tear drop / heart tattoos or hair feathers where you get one for each year since you became a backer.
    • 3852 posts
    April 16, 2020 7:22 AM PDT

    Counterfleche - are you suggesting buddy codes for PA 5 or alpha or beta, or for the game itself? Most pledge levels already come with buddy codes for the game.

    I don't really see a buddy code for testing being beneficial. It would make the number of testers more variable and make it far easier for people that weren't friends of Pantheon to get access to do things that wouldn't necessarily be helpful. It would also undercut the value of testing privileges already paid for unless a pledge level for e.g. alpha cost twice as much if it contained a buddy code in which case why bother having the option at all - just get a second pledge in the friend's name.

    This post was edited by dorotea at April 16, 2020 7:23 AM PDT