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Community Debate - Pledges

    • 9115 posts
    March 5, 2020 3:46 AM PST

    Community Debate - Pledges - What do you consider worthwhile contents and what turns you off buying them? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    • 557 posts
    March 5, 2020 4:21 AM PST

    Other than just contributing to the project, the attractors to me were the chance to help test and early name reservation.

    In terms of what would turn me off, I'm only going to support a game which has aspects of a MMORPG that I'm looking for.  The actual pledge contents don't matter all that much.

    • 624 posts
    March 5, 2020 5:16 AM PST

    Like Celandor, I pledged to support Pantheon - rewards are secondary.

    Only thing that turned me off was one of the names. I have added to my pledge over the years, but I just contacted support and gave extra coin so I would keep the title I like and not get stuck with the next higher one, which I don't.

    • 12 posts
    March 5, 2020 6:28 AM PST

    I would give up most all of the other pledge items listed if I could trade them in for pre-alpha access. Early name reservation, months of game time, extra code for a friend are all a priority for me. In game items are low on the list. Most importantly though, I want to see this game suceed and be the best it can be. In short, I pledged because I think you have something special here.

    • 47 posts
    March 5, 2020 7:00 AM PST

    Hey Kilsin

    I would say the same goes for me as most others, the base game looks to be what i need in a game..

    Secondly i pledged to get early access and more information, and the only reason i haven't pledged more then i have is that i don't know how much of a difference the coin makes.. I know you guys are working hard and are doing a fantastic game, but I don't have an idea of how much of a difference, lets say, 500 dollars, makes for the deadline.. and yes, the game have to be finished before it gets released, but it also needs to be released so it can get played, and then some things can get added down the line, like classes, races and more content..

    So yea, pledge to support and get access, what's holding me off from pledging more is a lack of feeling for how much it changes the time table..

    • 2419 posts
    March 5, 2020 7:08 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Pledges - What do you consider worthwhile contents and what turns you off buying them? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    Something that has a long shelf-life, basically or something that visually differentiates one pledge level from another.

    Back when I pledged in the Kickstarter, one pledge level had the perk 'Design an item'.  That immediate attracted me to that pledge level because to design item would mean that item stays in the game for the life of the game. It may end up being an unused item, but it is still there nonetheless.  Other things like large bags (10slot), different colored name tags both in game and on the forums or a cape with a different colored border.  then we have the old favorites, cloth maps, figurines, etc.

    • 624 posts
    March 5, 2020 7:34 AM PST

    Vandraad reminded me - designing an item, quest, or boss encounter always looked like amazing rewards, but I have no talent for that and worry about how much Dev time that consumes (vetting a player's submission).

    • 1921 posts
    March 5, 2020 7:39 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Pledges - What do you consider worthwhile contents and what turns you off buying them? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    Worthwhile contents, to me, are perks or rewards that don't imbalance gameplay, yet acknowledge the risk and good faith of the pledgers.  Especially 6+ years of risk and good faith.

    What turns me off buying them?  When they're not clear.  Or they're not categorized correctly.  Specifically, when items or rewards aren't all clearly identified as cosmetic, vanity, in-game, containers, equippable, or similar.  And in particular, when items that are one of those categories are simply not identified within a category at all, or are left as none.  For years.

    • 53 posts
    March 5, 2020 7:53 AM PST
    I'll just go through the Triumvirate's Pledge
    • Unlimited VIP Access - Awesome
    • Alpha access - Awesome
    • Beta access - Awesome
    • Early name reservation - Awesome
    • Buddy Code for additional digital download - eh
    • Additional character slot - eh
    • Game Title: Pantheon Explorer - eh
    • Stack of Minor Illusion Flasks - eh
    • Explorer's Backpack - eh
    • Tunic of the Ages - eh
    • Keepsake Vanity Pet - eh
    • Ring of the Fallen - ech 
    • 5 item renaming vouchers - eh
    • Name appears in game credits - YES IMMORTALIZED
    • 6 Months Game Subscription - Awesome
    • Invite to Founder's Conclave - Not sure yet haven't seen much on this yet
    • Digital Lore and Art Book - eh
    • In game Triumvirate nameplate - eh
    • Tester credit in game credits - YES IMMORTALIZED
    • Tester forum tag - Yes 
    • Pre-Alpha Tester access - Awesome

    Also the early creation tool (which was part of a different pledge.  -  AWESOME ... I spent so much time creating characters for EQ2 before the game launched.  On launch day I had both my perfect character design and the ability to start right away.  Very awesome.


    Ideas for other things that could have been added (but don't need to be added) 

    I think it would be cool to add a shirt or hoodie into the pledges

    I think a plush toy of your favorite race would be an epic thing to add to pledge

    The cloth map is epic but not at the level it's at unless it's huge :)

    I host events from time to time and we do custom coins.  In bulk they are cheap and people really like them.  Might be something fun to add.

    MMO launches are notoriously rough.  You could look at staggering your launch times according to pledge teir (that would probably be difficult to do at this point though) to help that go smoother.  

    This post was edited by DraqAttack at March 5, 2020 8:07 AM PST
    • 1785 posts
    March 5, 2020 8:06 AM PST

    So, for me, a pledge isn't about the rewards.  It's about how much faith I have in the game and its community.  If I'm very confident that a game has a high chance of being good, and I have the money available, I'll buy a pledge to help support it.  On the other hand, if I'm on the fence about a game or if I have big concerns about its design, I'll wait.  I don't want to spend money on a game that I don't think I'll enjoy playing if it releases, or that I don't think will release.  Which pledge level I buy in at is usually more about how much I can spend, and how confident I am, and not about any of the rewards that come with it.

    That said, I  *do* look at the rewards, if only to reassure myself that there is nothing there that looks pay-to-win or seems like it might significantly impact gameplay in some way.  I want the game to have a level playing field for everyone when it launches, regardless of whether they pledged or not.  So cosmetic or vanity items are usually ok but things like expanded bank storage or whatnot can feel really iffy.  I do think it's important that all the different pledge levels, as well as what rewards come with them, are clearly laid out and explained.  I also think it's important that the rewards are generic enough that they're not going to be invalidated if the game design changes in some way.  After all, we all know that these games take multiple years to create, and that initial designs can get refined or even radically altered as things start to come together.

    • 3852 posts
    March 5, 2020 8:23 AM PST

    Leaving as a given that a major purpose to contribute is to help the game, what pledge contents would most encourage me to pledge if I hadn't already done so or to increase my pledge level now? In no particular order and mostly ignoring the fact that current pledges give some of these rewards:

    1. Free gametime. It is irrational to pledge to get maybe a $10 to $15 value years from now but it still is a tangible benefit.

    2. Extra character slot. Maybe more slots for larger amounts. A *huge* benefit if it lets the altoholics among us go over the limits otherwise allowed by any website character slot purchase options.

    3. Better starter bag. Inventory management can be nasty early especially not knowing what items are vendor trash and what have some other use. NOTE - should be something that becomes useless fairly quickly as we are able to craft or buy better ones in-game. I prefer pledge-to-win over pay-to-win systems but I would still prefer not having pledge-to-win either.

    4. Opportunity to name a NPC - a vanity benefit. But mandatory that it be in keeping with appropriate names for the area. Hmmmm. OK - let me pick among 5 choices that VR gives me with the option to suggest a sixth name that VR will only use if they consider it appropriate. For that matter if the player can only pick from a choice of names VR provides it might not be harmful to the game to let pledgers name towns or items or ....... There is potential there. Yes I know this was a feature in very early rewards and then went bye-bye but appropriately limited perhaps it could return. 

    5. Cosmetic outfit unique to that pledge. Assuming the game implements cosmetic outfits. One thing that would satisfy most of the people unhappy with the idea of cosmetic outfits would be a limited area where they could be used. As in giving a purple bikini or thong outfit that could only be used on certain beaches. Or green casual wear (street clothes) that could only be used in certain towns or cities.

    6. Note that cosmetic rewards do not need to be limited to clothes. A unique mount appearance is cosmetic not pledge-to-win if the mount is no faster, no sturdier and not available any earlier in the game than mounts that we earn in-game. If any. Similarly a unique appearance for a house when those are introduced. Or giving a new character a level one weapon of a type that class couldn't otherwise use. Cosmetic not substantive if it did no more damage than the usual weapon and very temporary in that it would be superseded within a level or two.

    7. Continuing the theme - house decorations are hugely popular in some games.  One would be surprised how many people might think hard about a pledge level that included something like "Large fishtank with over 20 fish swimming in it. Placeable in any house once Pantheon adds housing, which is intended for a future expansion. Note that this reward will be useless until housing is added which we do *not* guarantee to ever do."

    8. Obviously pledge-to-win benefits will be popular to many but will also raise a firestorm of objections. Almost all of us will scream loudly if improved weapons or armour or spells or combat abilities are offered. And properly so. Some things may be a bit less blatant and obvious such as using Progeny a level earlier if Progeny is in the game at all and if it requires a high level to use. 




    • 1281 posts
    March 5, 2020 9:02 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Pledges - What do you consider worthwhile contents and what turns you off buying them? #MMORPG #CommunityMatters

    I pledge to pledge.  The "gifts" that come with it are just a bonus.

    • 521 posts
    March 5, 2020 9:25 AM PST

    I see pledges as what i get for donating a certain amount, and thats great. We also could use a community pledge goal to reach a certain amount. Then when that goal is done, say to hire a new artist, then a new goal goes up, basically community involvement in some company objectives, in a way most can follow.

    This post was edited by HemlockReaper at March 5, 2020 7:21 PM PST
    • 390 posts
    March 5, 2020 11:05 AM PST

    for me, i went $300 and my only option is $200 more (all at once ) or nothing at all. i'd love to give you guys $50 every month until i reach the  $500 pledge .

    or at least have something where if i wanna just throw a $20 at the game, i can. Honestly, I don't really care about the rewards, I did it for the sake of the game. I want to play it. 

    i love the pledges and rewards . i think you guys did a good job on pledges 

    please sell cloth map separately . after map is final . i want to frame it and hang it.

    make it the same look and feel of the original map that came with EQ original.

    i am thinking of making another account just to give the $5-$15 a month separately from my pledge. it would just be for giving money, not rewards. 

    This post was edited by Flapp at March 5, 2020 11:12 AM PST
    • 2111 posts
    March 5, 2020 11:05 AM PST

    My first pledge was only $50. I made it because I wanted access to the forums in order to learn more about the game and being a math wiz :) I realized that in 10 months I'd be much happier to 'own' a pledge than to just 'rent' access to the forums for $5 a month. When I chose to upgrade, I did so for: Beta access, the 2nd account, early name reservation and the extra char slot, more or less in that order of valuation.

    IF there's a chance I could actually load and run the game on my current graphics card, then I'll seriously try to upgrade to an Alpha access pledge. But I don't intend to buy a new card until right before release.

    So hint hint: releasing SOME general info about a minimal level of graphics capabililty will get you at least some increase in pledges. (One idea might be to run a survey on the pre-alpha testers forum, asking for the LEAST powerful graphics card & system that anyone is using successfully to run the game. Then post the answers in the public forums.)

    • 1289 posts
    March 5, 2020 11:14 AM PST

    I like to feel like I'm part of the development of the game (even if it's a TINY part).  So getting access to be able to help test, report bugs, suggest ideas, etc. is big for me.

    Free game time is a bonus but considering I had enough available money to pledge in the first place free game time is not a huge motivator.  
    Getting an extra alpha/beta invite for a friend or two would be cool but I can see why that might not be on the table.

    I do NOT like the idea of free in-game items (even though I qualify for some).  

    • 454 posts
    March 5, 2020 10:00 PM PST

    DraqAttack said:

    I'll just go through the Triumvirate's Pledge
    • Unlimited VIP Access - Awesome
    • Alpha access - Awesome
    • Beta access - Awesome
    • Early name reservation - Awesome
    • Buddy Code for additional digital download - eh
    • Additional character slot - eh
    • Game Title: Pantheon Explorer - eh
    • Stack of Minor Illusion Flasks - eh
    • Explorer's Backpack - eh
    • Tunic of the Ages - eh
    • Keepsake Vanity Pet - eh
    • Ring of the Fallen - ech 
    • 5 item renaming vouchers - eh
    • Name appears in game credits - YES IMMORTALIZED
    • 6 Months Game Subscription - Awesome
    • Invite to Founder's Conclave - Not sure yet haven't seen much on this yet
    • Digital Lore and Art Book - eh
    • In game Triumvirate nameplate - eh
    • Tester credit in game credits - YES IMMORTALIZED
    • Tester forum tag - Yes 
    • Pre-Alpha Tester access - Awesome

    Also the early creation tool (which was part of a different pledge.  -  AWESOME ... I spent so much time creating characters for EQ2 before the game launched.  On launch day I had both my perfect character design and the ability to start right away.  Very awesome.


    Ideas for other things that could have been added (but don't need to be added) 

    I think it would be cool to add a shirt or hoodie into the pledges

    I think a plush toy of your favorite race would be an epic thing to add to pledge

    The cloth map is epic but not at the level it's at unless it's huge :)

    I host events from time to time and we do custom coins.  In bulk they are cheap and people really like them.  Might be something fun to add.

    MMO launches are notoriously rough.  You could look at staggering your launch times according to pledge teir (that would probably be difficult to do at this point though) to help that go smoother.  


    I agree 100%.

    • 247 posts
    March 6, 2020 12:36 AM PST

    I have a Champion's pledge right now as I am excited about the project, I want to take part in the Alpha and I'd like to see it succeed.

    Nothing above this pledge level interests me though, but I would like to contribute more to the project to help it get the cash injection that would be more valuable now.


    What would interest me would be the ability to pre-purchase gametime now, if I could buy an extra year of subscription time now it benefits me in the future and benefits VR now by providing an injection of extra cash when it's more valuable during development to help the project succeed and launch sooner, rather than subscription cash only coming in later after launch.

    • 47 posts
    March 6, 2020 12:48 AM PST

    Ezrael said:

    I have a Champion's pledge right now as I am excited about the project, I want to take part in the Alpha and I'd like to see it succeed.

    Nothing above this pledge level interests me though, but I would like to contribute more to the project to help it get the cash injection that would be more valuable now.


    What would interest me would be the ability to pre-purchase gametime now, if I could buy an extra year of subscription time now it benefits me in the future and benefits VR now by providing an injection of extra cash when it's more valuable during development to help the project succeed and launch sooner, rather than subscription cash only coming in later after launch.



    I can relate to this and also agree that I would mind buying game time ahead of time.. 

    • 2756 posts
    March 6, 2020 3:18 AM PST

    Wasn't influenced by freebies at all - just wanted to help (and influence, if I'm honest!) development (so pre-alpha, alpha, beta access is a must).

    But, if you want me to be critical...

    I do love that we get VIP access to roundtables and the like.

    I guess the forum tags and nameplates are cool (as long as it isn't too ostentatious in game).

    Being able to give games (if not subs) to a few friends is very nice.

    I don't like cosmetics - would rather there were none given.

    I do like unique merch like cloth maps. Pantheon 'souveniers'.

    I'm a little surprised that the higher level pledges don't get lifetime subs. I got lifetime sub with LOTRO just for dropping £100 in one chunk.

    But, as I said, I would have done it with none of the freebies.

    • 523 posts
    March 6, 2020 4:08 AM PST

    Early access (Alpha, Beta, etc...) is the biggest factor for me.  Second would probably be physical items outside the game (Cloth maps, figurines, clothing apparel, artwork, etc...).  Third, maybe even tied for second, would be enticing, but limited, in-game perks (Expanded bank vault, additional character slots, unique name plate, rare titles, unique housing options, unique character customization options, unique pets or summonable objects, unique animations or emotes, unique mounts within reason, life time sub, etc...).  The fourth tier, in terms of enticement, would be virtual out-of-game items like a beastiary, sound tracks, art book, background lore book, making of documentary, forum rewards would go here as well, etc...

    Any type of cosmetic shop or pay-to-win shop (xp potions, buffs, etc...) would be a deal breaker for me.  And any type of pledge that offers in-game items like rings, speed boots, equipment, etc... is extremely off-putting.  One, because I hate any type of pay for advantage, and two, because I feel like I'd have to buy it just to keep on a level playing field.  I do not feel, especially early on, that you guys have done a great job with your tiers and pledge packages.  You gave some things away too cheap, you had some pay to win items included, and many of the rewards were odd or insignificant.  It's better now, but still could be improved.  Wish you guys could just buy back all the pledges, especially the kickstarter tier stuff, take out certain things, restructure and reprice, and just re-do the entire concept.  Not possible, but would be nice.

    • 560 posts
    March 6, 2020 10:05 AM PST

    I would love an option to pay a monthly subscription close to what I would expect the game to cost once out, say $14.99 a month. But have it add to my subscription total. As I hit higher pledges amount, I become eligible for the pledge. No penalties for paying overtime give me the same rewards for the same price. If this would have been an option, I would have subscribed years ago.

    As for rewards my main reason for pledging was beta access and to help the game. I am not sure I like the idea of getting any kind of advantage over none pledgers in the form of items. But I like the idea of early name reservations, Extra copy of the game for friends, prepaid monthly subscriptions, etc.

    • 103 posts
    March 6, 2020 1:35 PM PST
    I'm with Vandraad on the design an item or say a class set of items. Being able to have some lore put in-game about your character would be realy awsome for me. I guess what I like is being able to make a mark in the game world a building with my name on it a road sign an item.... ECT.
    Price is really the only thing that turns me away from a pledge to that end might I suggest letting people know the value of what they are getting in return, let's say Two game keys = 80 dollar value, Three month game subscription = 60 dollar value and so on.
    • 417 posts
    March 6, 2020 1:59 PM PST

    Pantheon is the first game I've ever pledged to. After I learned about it and saw the early gameplay footage I thought to myself this game has to be made so I pledged. The perks I liked the most were a chance to test the game and real life merch, followed by an extra key. I didn't know about the the roundtables but those have been an amazing perk and I think are worth mentioning in the pledge perks. The in-game items I'm not really in favor of and the nameplates I'm on the fence about.

    • 1289 posts
    March 6, 2020 3:12 PM PST

    ... might I suggest letting people know the value of what they are getting in return, let's say Two game keys = 80 dollar value, Three month game subscription = 60 dollar value and so on.

    The only problem with this is that there is no way to know what those values are at this point.  They could give estimates, but any of us can guess as well so that seems like a risk not worth taking (for them).  I mean, we can guess that the initial cost of the game will be somewhere between 40 and 60 bucks but even that might be wrong.  We could guess that the monthly cost will be between 15 and 20 bucks a month, but I don't think they will even know until closer to release.  

    This post was edited by Ranarius at March 6, 2020 3:13 PM PST