Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

An issue with Pay to Test

    • 1020 posts
    February 14, 2020 5:44 AM PST

    zewtastic said:

    Is this really a serious topic?


    No!  This is not a serious topic, just like the last 300 topic's I've created on this forums.  I throw **** at a wall and see what sticks.  This stuck.  And I do so only as an attempt to keep my waning interest in this game alive.  

    What else do we have to talk about here?  Not a single thing.  Whatever has been talked about in regards to this game has been rehased 17 times (at least).

    Is this topic relevant to this game?  Yes, it's currently a pay to test game.

    Is the discussion needed?  Who cares.  Some wanna spout off about it, some don't.  Like I said, what else do we have to do around here other than make stuff up to talk about.

    No new info about racials, abilites, levels, travel, houses, zones have been put out in the past 2 years.  "You can climb!" Is the biggest news we've had since 2018 and in a game released today if you don't have 3 deminsions of movement you might as well make a 2d game.  

    So if a "shallow self absorbed" person like me (quote taken from a post about 7 posts up) doesn't throw **** at a wall for us to talk about, none of us would ever even come here.  So all the feed back would come from the Fan boi's who want to appease the devs rather than challenge them, time lines wouldn't matter and changes to the game would get no negitive feed back with out a constant presense from the community and then in 4 years the game will release and it'll look like Shroud of the Avatar. 

    So ya'll know what?!  You're Welcome For Creating All The Stupid Posts I Create.  Becuase it's one of the very few things that are bringing you back to this site (rarely) so you can at least check on the game.

    • 2756 posts
    February 14, 2020 8:41 AM PST

    Kittik said:

    ...What else do we have to talk about here?  Not a single thing...

    ...No new info about racials, abilites, levels, travel, houses, zones have been put out in the past 2 years...

    ...You're Welcome For Creating All The Stupid Posts I Create.  Becuase it's one of the very few things that are bringing you back to this site (rarely) so you can at least check on the game.

    I'm happy you keep posting, but, er, they did show us a whole new zone and talked about ability enhancement recently and all the racial passives a few weeks ago. Lots of other stuff too.

    They are spilling some beans in Roundtables, streams, newsletters, etc. pretty regularly. There is a fair amount to talk about and a few YouTube channels that manage to do just that pretty regularly.

    I'm here pretty regularly due to people discussing those beans and Kilsin community debate/one-word posts.

    VR often take questions for the Roundtable sessions from the forums.

    *shrug* I'm pretty happy with the activity given it's early days.

    • 844 posts
    February 14, 2020 8:43 AM PST

    Kittik said:

    No!  This is not a serious topic, just like the last 300 topic's I've created on this forums.  I throw **** at a wall and see what sticks.  This stuck.  And I do so only as an attempt to keep my waning interest in this game alive.

    LOL. Ok.

    I've been informed.

    • 2118 posts
    February 14, 2020 1:10 PM PST

    Kittik said:

    So if a "shallow self absorbed" person like me (quote taken from a post about 7 posts up) doesn't throw **** at a wall for us to talk about, none of us would ever even come here...

    So ya'll know what?!  You're Welcome For Creating All The Stupid Posts I Create.  Becuase it's one of the very few things that are bringing you back to this site...

    I just want to say a big thanks for being the person who is single-handedly moving the game forward AND keeping these forums alive. I sure hope VR appreciates it!