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Features of 3rd party guild management websites

    • 36 posts
    January 30, 2020 9:02 AM PST

    What are some of the bread and butter, required features that you think of when you think of a 3rd party guild website? Some standard ones I can think of include:

    • Guild application
    • Raid scheduling
    • DKP management
    • etc

    I am also interested in what novel features people would like to see in one, some things that I've thought about are:

    • Built in combat parser where you would set the location of your combat log and after a fight at the click of one button the site would upload the log and display some sort of DPS and skill usage chart sort of thing.
    • Pages where users can display whatever the parser spits out.


    The main reason I ask is because I used to do web dev professionally, I've since moved into other aspects of programming, and I'd like to get back into some practice and thought building out a feature rich guild management web app would be fun.




    • 1289 posts
    January 30, 2020 9:29 AM PST

    Personally (my minimalist self) I don't need much on a 3rd party guild site.  Just a list of members and a way for them to communicate (forrum?)  

    I have seen lots of cool guild sites though :)

    • 1315 posts
    January 30, 2020 9:49 AM PST

    A guild bank feature that tracks what items are "guild" property and where they are currently located (Player, storage location, storage cell).  This could be a simple spreadsheet but if you were able to create an image recognition application that could be cool though I don’t think VR intends to open up the Pantheon API enough to get the data to actually make it function.

    • 557 posts
    January 30, 2020 10:34 AM PST

    I'm going to wait on worrying about any 3rd party guild management tools until I see what Pantheon gives us natively.

    There is a very good list from Kilsin in the first post in the thread at

    Since this list originated with a VR employee, I think the odds are fairly high that we'll see a sophisticated internal guild system.   

    • 379 posts
    January 30, 2020 1:20 PM PST

    If you wanted to make the Pantheon version of GINA or GamParse, that'd be cool. I am personally hoping that we will just be able to have basic UI mods to do this though.

    • 1785 posts
    January 30, 2020 11:19 PM PST

    I think this thread might be more appropriate in the general guild discussion forum (since it exists) but if you're looking for a challenge, I'd love to see a guild forum/calendar solution that really integrates well with Discord. 

    So many gamers are used to using Discord as their primary form of both voice and text chat now, and so it's hard to get them to leave Discord to go to a website.  However, Discord itself, even with some of its features, really isn't a good solution for:

    - asynchronous discussions (forums)

    - reference information (forums)

    - scheduling (calendar)

    - rostering (not counting people's attempts to do this in Discord with fancy bots.)


    So yeah, if you're going to build something, build something that really integrates and hooks well with Discord, since that's where pretty much everyone is already.