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Joppa answers in Twitch chat: Dec 23 stream

    • 612 posts
    December 23, 2019 8:47 PM PST

    During the Dec 23 2019 stream Joppa answered a bunch of questions, but some of them were answered in chat rather than by speaking on stream. So I just thought I'd give a little dump of the things Joppa answered in the Chat that won't be available later when you watch the video on Youtube.

    Since he often answered questions long after they were asked I didn't always find the origional question but you should be able to understand what he was answering based on the context of the answer.

    The following is all from the Twitch chat during the latest stream:

    Joppa_VR: No, I don't expect all Tanks to do comparable single target DPS in all situations.

    Joppa_VR: @TombstoneUK Yes, absolutely will be a day night cycle, with associated events and unique spawns with it.

    Joppa_VR: @dr_fist_md Vision is accumulated through effective healing. The more Vision a shaman has, the more spell haste they will gain, up to 20% at full Vision.

    Joppa_VR: @Fragile_Hax Right now, Healing and Damage are both 1-1 for simplicity of testing. This is something we'll be deepening/refining as we get farther along.
    * I think he is talking about hate / threat here.

    Joppa_VR: @trasak_protf Right now, it would take ~20 minutes to run from Faerthale to Thronefast on a dead-straight path w/o run speed buffs.

    Joppa_VR: @eatonaround Ideally, players will be gradually pushed towards grouping by level 10 or so.

    prestonp27: @joppa_vr I'm late to the stream, hope it hasn't been asked. Will dispositions lead to specific rare loot drops? For instance, will there be zonewide rares that will only drop from "bloodthirsty" mobs in the specific zone?
    Joppa_VR: @prestonp27 Yes! Both Dispositions and Manifestations (major boss versions) will have specific loot tables associated with them. We want it to be both challenging and exciting to see a Dispo/Manifestation spawn.

    Joppa_VR: @LaireAlkenson We had a rudimentary system in place not long ago to make mobs circle their target and get some space between them. It wasn't great, so we removed it until we get a chance to focus that and make it perfect.

    Joppa_VR: @1ADSEVEN The Rogue dots will stack. Rend the Mind most likely will not.

    Pallicus_: @Joppa_VR will there be class specific epic weapons or armor?
    Joppa_VR: @Pallicus_ Absolutely yes

    burneden: @Joppa_VR Will this zone have slippery walls/floors at launch?
    Joppa_VR: @burneden Yes. I had hoped they would be slippery in time for Cohh's stream. Not in yet, but close.

    Joppa_VR: @Kbiz907 If we do anything like Auction houses, as of now they will be local

    Joppa_VR: @Fragile_Hax We'll have an official Stat description reveal after the turn of the year.

    Joppa_VR: @Yeuo Yes. If they're holding a weapon/item, they will drop it.

    Joppa_VR: There will be side-by-side item comparisons. That's a quality of life feature we just haven't gotten in yet.

    Joppa_VR: @trasak_protf We will have both types of buffs. Timers, activation bars on NPCs, etc. are quality of life features that are yet to come.

    ryanncuning: Is the Aggro system complete?
    Joppa_VR: @ryanncuning Functional, but still WiP

    sightling: @joppa_vr any plans for a warrior AoE taunt ability, for emergency use?
    Joppa_VR: @sightling They have one. War Horn, he just hasn't used it

    This post was edited by GoofyWarriorGuy at December 25, 2019 3:54 AM PST
    • 520 posts
    December 23, 2019 9:20 PM PST

    Thank you for your work! Much appreciated!

    • 379 posts
    December 23, 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Thanks Goof

    • 1584 posts
    December 24, 2019 3:10 AM PST

    Good job Goof.

    I am hoping to ask my question to Joppa, but i didn't make it to stream yesterday sadly, but maybe i can have it answered on this thread.

    Can NPC's have more than 1 Disposition, I think this is an important feature to discuss and i hope they can i would love to see a target and have to basically completely focus either CCing him til your ready to fight him in a group or FF him to hope he cant cuase Havok.

    • 197 posts
    December 24, 2019 5:08 AM PST

    Great job compiling this! Lots of good info here.

    • 291 posts
    December 24, 2019 5:49 AM PST

    thanks op.

    • 520 posts
    December 24, 2019 6:02 AM PST

    Wasn't it already answered? That bosses can have multiple "mods" while common only one? Or was it only a rumor?

    • 41 posts
    December 24, 2019 6:28 AM PST

    Thank you sir.  There were a few items you captured that  I did not see during the stream.  Thanks!

    • 1404 posts
    December 24, 2019 6:42 AM PST

    Thanks GoofyWarriorGuy, I appreciate you taking the time to do this.

    • 3852 posts
    December 24, 2019 6:56 AM PST

    Very nice to see this - thanks. 


    Two things grabbed my eye as affecting how the game will work fairly significantly.

    "Ideally, players will be gradually pushed towards grouping by level 10 or so." - Not a surprise and in my view clearly the right answer. I like solo play more than most of us though I also like group play - but given the core tenets we need to ...encourage grouping fairly strongly. But not *require* it and not force people into it as soon as they start the game. The carrot more than the stick.

    "If we do anything like Auction houses, as of now they will be local". The confirmation that they do not intend to have a global market is significant given all the work that has been done since the last comment I know of on this topic. The word "if" is even more significant. There may not be even regional markets.


    • 62 posts
    December 24, 2019 7:16 AM PST

    Riahuf22 said:

    Good job Goof.

    I am hoping to ask my question to Joppa, but i didn't make it to stream yesterday sadly, but maybe i can have it answered on this thread.

    Can NPC's have more than 1 Disposition, I think this is an important feature to discuss and i hope they can i would love to see a target and have to basically completely focus either CCing him til your ready to fight him in a group or FF him to hope he cant cuase Havok.

    Joppa actually answered that question. He said yes they could have multiple dispositions and he also mentioned higher end mobs/bosses having manifestations. I don't recall hearing the terminology "manifestation" before when it comes to the npc disposition system. Interested to hear more about that aspect.

    • 216 posts
    December 24, 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Joppa_VR: @trasak_protf Right now, it would take ~20 minutes to run from Faerthale to Thronefast on a dead-straight path w/o run speed buffs.


    Thats some real distance, the run from Thronefast to the dwarven city is going to take some real commitment for players that wish to play with friends. Best hope there is a few druids about willing to buff.

    This post was edited by Kellie at December 24, 2019 10:42 AM PST
    • 2752 posts
    December 24, 2019 11:45 AM PST

    Mandalorian2K said:

    Joppa actually answered that question. He said yes they could have multiple dispositions and he also mentioned higher end mobs/bosses having manifestations. I don't recall hearing the terminology "manifestation" before when it comes to the npc disposition system. Interested to hear more about that aspect.

    I believe he mentioned manifestations are just the boss versions of dispositions. Also different dispositions/manifestations will have their own loot pools apparently. 

    • 1584 posts
    December 24, 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Mandalorian2K said:

    Riahuf22 said:

    Good job Goof.

    I am hoping to ask my question to Joppa, but i didn't make it to stream yesterday sadly, but maybe i can have it answered on this thread.

    Can NPC's have more than 1 Disposition, I think this is an important feature to discuss and i hope they can i would love to see a target and have to basically completely focus either CCing him til your ready to fight him in a group or FF him to hope he cant cuase Havok.

    Joppa actually answered that question. He said yes they could have multiple dispositions and he also mentioned higher end mobs/bosses having manifestations. I don't recall hearing the terminology "manifestation" before when it comes to the npc disposition system. Interested to hear more about that aspect.


    Excellent news

    • 28 posts
    December 24, 2019 7:01 PM PST
    Thanks Goof
    • 612 posts
    December 25, 2019 4:04 AM PST

    Riahuf22 said: "Can NPC's have more than 1 Disposition"

    Mandalorian2k said: "Joppa actually answered that question. He said yes they could have multiple dispositions and he also mentioned higher end mobs/bosses having manifestations. I don't recall hearing the terminology "manifestation" before when it comes to the npc disposition system. Interested to hear more about that aspect."

    Iksar said: "I believe he mentioned manifestations are just the boss versions of dispositions. Also different dispositions/manifestations will have their own loot pools apparently."

    Yes I recalled him answering a question about dispositions as well and as I did not see it in my origional post I decided to go through the twitch video again and see if I can find it... so here it is and I also edited the origional post to add it roughly where it was answered in the chain of answers.


    prestonp27: @joppa_vr I'm late to the stream, hope it hasn't been asked. Will dispositions lead to specific rare loot drops? For instance, will there be zonewide rares that will only drop from "bloodthirsty" mobs in the specific zone?

    Joppa_VR: @prestonp27 Yes! Both Dispositions and Manifestations (major boss versions) will have specific loot tables associated with them. We want it to be both challenging and exciting to see a Dispo/Manifestation spawn.

    As you can see he did not answer the question of multiple dispositions but rather the fact that mobs with a disposition will have their own special loot tables.

    I appologize for missing this answer in my first pass through the chat log.

    • 1584 posts
    December 25, 2019 4:19 AM PST

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Riahuf22 said: "Can NPC's have more than 1 Disposition"

    Mandalorian2k said: "Joppa actually answered that question. He said yes they could have multiple dispositions and he also mentioned higher end mobs/bosses having manifestations. I don't recall hearing the terminology "manifestation" before when it comes to the npc disposition system. Interested to hear more about that aspect."

    Iksar said: "I believe he mentioned manifestations are just the boss versions of dispositions. Also different dispositions/manifestations will have their own loot pools apparently."

    Yes I recalled him answering a question about dispositions as well and as I did not see it in my origional post I decided to go through the twitch video again and see if I can find it... so here it is and I also edited the origional post to add it roughly where it was answered in the chain of answers.


    prestonp27: @joppa_vr I'm late to the stream, hope it hasn't been asked. Will dispositions lead to specific rare loot drops? For instance, will there be zonewide rares that will only drop from "bloodthirsty" mobs in the specific zone?

    Joppa_VR: @prestonp27 Yes! Both Dispositions and Manifestations (major boss versions) will have specific loot tables associated with them. We want it to be both challenging and exciting to see a Dispo/Manifestation spawn.

    As you can see he did not answer the question of multiple dispositions but rather the fact that mobs with a disposition will have their own special loot tables.

    I appologize for missing this answer in my first pass through the chat log.

    Thanks for clearing this up for us Goof it is much appreciated like everything else you do to make everything else easy to find :).

    • 1020 posts
    December 25, 2019 10:31 AM PST

    2nd hotbar confirmed!!! 

    I know he said it'll be limited, but I'm happy they are considering it for Utility Item...good addition.


    Death Penalty!  *evil laugh*  Yes!!!!!  The more harsh the better.  

    This post was edited by Kittik at December 25, 2019 10:41 AM PST
    • 62 posts
    December 25, 2019 10:50 AM PST

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Riahuf22 said: "Can NPC's have more than 1 Disposition"

    Mandalorian2k said: "Joppa actually answered that question. He said yes they could have multiple dispositions and he also mentioned higher end mobs/bosses having manifestations. I don't recall hearing the terminology "manifestation" before when it comes to the npc disposition system. Interested to hear more about that aspect."

    Iksar said: "I believe he mentioned manifestations are just the boss versions of dispositions. Also different dispositions/manifestations will have their own loot pools apparently."

    Yes I recalled him answering a question about dispositions as well and as I did not see it in my origional post I decided to go through the twitch video again and see if I can find it... so here it is and I also edited the origional post to add it roughly where it was answered in the chain of answers.


    prestonp27: @joppa_vr I'm late to the stream, hope it hasn't been asked. Will dispositions lead to specific rare loot drops? For instance, will there be zonewide rares that will only drop from "bloodthirsty" mobs in the specific zone?

    Joppa_VR: @prestonp27 Yes! Both Dispositions and Manifestations (major boss versions) will have specific loot tables associated with them. We want it to be both challenging and exciting to see a Dispo/Manifestation spawn.

    As you can see he did not answer the question of multiple dispositions but rather the fact that mobs with a disposition will have their own special loot tables.

    I appologize for missing this answer in my first pass through the chat log.

    I believe the answer to multiple dispositions was actually in voice, not in chat, but I could be wrong. It definitely made it challenging to pay attention to all the answers when they were in both places. I wanted to concentrate on the gameplay, but often found myself staring at chat browsing for his answers.

    • 1584 posts
    December 25, 2019 11:10 AM PST

    Kittik said:

    2nd hotbar confirmed!!! 

    I know he said it'll be limited, but I'm happy they are considering it for Utility Item...good addition.


    Death Penalty!  *evil laugh*  Yes!!!!!  The more harsh the better.  

    Yeah i liked this answer, i might of heard it wrong but did he make it seem like you couldn't use it in combat?  If so i say thats a big win in both directions.  I know he said something about buffs and other things being able to be on it and everything i wonder if you can like preset certain spells that you know you might need to switch out often in it as well, but not able to cast them unles they are on your main hotbar.

    • 1281 posts
    December 27, 2019 6:11 PM PST

    I guess I don't understand why it's just not easier to allow people to swap out abilities during combat?

    I don't need to keep my buffs, especially longer duration ones, memed on my hotbar 24/7.

    I'm OK with a hotbar for abilities and a hotbar for non-abilities like Macro's, emotes, /commands, whatever, but more than 1 hotbar for actively ready abilities/spells is too much like every other game out there that Pantheon is not supposed to be copying.

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at December 27, 2019 6:12 PM PST
    • 2134 posts
    December 27, 2019 7:55 PM PST

    Thanks a ton Goofy. I've already copied several of those into my 'Big Folder of Pantheon Notes'.