Forums » Pantheon Races

Best race for Tanking?

    • 57 posts
    December 15, 2019 4:00 PM PST

    Looking at the new race based passives I am a little bit torn on which would be the best race for tanking.

    From what I can see Ogres, Archai, Humans, and dwarves seem to be the front runners.

    Ogres: DPS boost and stun resistance.

    Dwarves: HP, never disarmed, and cold/toxic resist.

    Archai Mana drain resistance, and immune to endurance drain, as well as resistance to all elements.

    Humans: 2% haste, and 10 points to shield mastery.

    I am notoriously a min/maxxer player and know that there is lot of knowlege on these boards and would love to have some insight on to which race would be the best overall tank or would there be a distinction for some to be better paladins and dire lords, but not the best warrior?

    I would love to see everyones input. 

    • 291 posts
    December 15, 2019 4:07 PM PST

    Honestly as much as I hate to say it.... until we are in the game and we see what mechanics are heavier than others its impossible to know for sure.


    I think you have under estimated the skar possibly as well. Fear might be a terribly strong mechanic based on what we have saw thus far. In my mind that makes raids with fear effects even more so.

    • 768 posts
    December 16, 2019 1:04 AM PST

    I still find it very difficult to decide on such things as not all racial information has been given to us or might not even be the case up untill launch and you create characters.

    There is still much that will be added to all this. Many others however already have their class and race put together. 

    I think Fragile did a good youtube discussion on the tanks. Perhaps have a look there?

    • 2134 posts
    December 16, 2019 2:40 AM PST

    Tahoe said:

    Looking at the new race based passives I am a little bit torn on which would be the best race for tanking.

    Given that the choices of races are so different between the Tank classes, I think you need to decide which class you want before looking for which race does best. At least from the perspective of min/max.

    Human can be any tank.

    Orge, Skar, Dark Myr can be Warrior or DL.

    Dwarf can be Warrior or Paladin.

    Archai, Elves, Halflings can ONLY be Warrior.


    I plan to have a DL and I'm strongly leaning toward Ogre. But Racial actives could change many plans when they are released, and Hp pool could turn out more significant than we yet understand. I might wind up a Skar instead.

    I honestly wouldn't pick Dark Myr for a tank unless I had friends I really wanted to play with and they just HAD to be Dark Myr.


    • 520 posts
    December 18, 2019 4:33 PM PST

    As said above - we will know more when actives are out, but for now 4 front runners are Dwarves, Humans, Ogres and Skars (Archai passives are better for classes like monk imo and they dont have resistance to all elements but to one of their choosing). Personally right now I'd go with Dwarven Warrior, Ogre DL and Human Paladin.

    • 1860 posts
    December 19, 2019 1:52 PM PST

    Jothany said:

    Tahoe said:

    Looking at the new race based passives I am a little bit torn on which would be the best race for tanking.

    Given that the choices of races are so different between the Tank classes, I think you need to decide which class you want before looking for which race does best. At least from the perspective of min/max.

    Human can be any tank.

    Orge, Skar, Dark Myr can be Warrior or DL.

    Dwarf can be Warrior or Paladin.

    Archai, Elves, Halflings can ONLY be Warrior.


    I plan to have a DL and I'm strongly leaning toward Ogre. But Racial actives could change many plans when they are released, and Hp pool could turn out more significant than we yet understand. I might wind up a Skar instead.

    I honestly wouldn't pick Dark Myr for a tank unless I had friends I really wanted to play with and they just HAD to be Dark Myr.


    Until progeny comes along and loosens some of those race/class restrictions.  I know it's fun to theory craft but we are a long way off from receiving the requiste info to know which race/class wil be most optimal.

    • 2134 posts
    December 19, 2019 5:39 PM PST

    philo said:

    Until progeny comes along and loosens some of those race/class restrictions.

    Cool, did one of the Dev's drop some hint I missed that Progeny would let us choose previously unavailable classes?

    • 1860 posts
    December 23, 2019 2:31 AM PST

    A couple streams ago Chris mentioned it briefly around the 49 min mark:



    This post was edited by philo at December 23, 2019 2:38 AM PST
    • 72 posts
    January 14, 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Skar, Humans, Archai, Dwarves, and Gnomes
    These 5 races based on only the racials and not Progeny or other things seem to be the most effective tanking Races. 

    Skars get a 5% increased max health, a 20% resistance to Fear effects, and a advantage against the Predatory disposition. 

    Humans get a 10 point increase in Shield Mastery, a 2% Haste, and a advantage against Alarmist disposition. 

    Archai get a 20% decrease in mana drain effects, immunity to endurance drain effects (ability), a bonus in the effectiveness of abilities that match its elemental attunement (ability), a bonus to the Accilimation Score based on its elemental attunement. and a advantage against the Playful disposition.

    Dwarves get a bonus bonus to Cold Resistance, a bonus to Frigid and Toxic accilimation scores, a 10 point increase in Blunt Weaponry skills, extra Hit Points per each point of Stamina, a immunity to being disarmed, and a advantage against the Avenging disposition.

    Gnomes get a 20% chance to resist silence effects, a 3% increase in dodging, a increase in the rate at which skills improve, and a advantage against the Mastermind disposition.


    Ogres are more built for DPS, not Tanking.
    Elves though, i'm still on the fence on how effective their racials are in tanking, which is why i didnt add them. 

    But as for BEST all around race for tanking? It really depends on what Tank you will be as each class plays differently. Either way those are the "best" racials for tanking i could find thus far, they might add more though in the future though but that's not certain. Either way there you go, OP. There is your answer. 

    • 947 posts
    January 14, 2020 12:52 PM PST

    The Ogre was considered the "best" tank in EQ for many years (maybe til velious(?)) because HP was king due to the "Complete Heal" spell (which won't be in this game).  Stamina was very difficult to get to the 255 cap for many years, making the Ogre the most mana efficient tank to heal.  The Ogre could stack HP gear instead of STA gear once they were around 200 sta which required like +50 STA from gear as an Ogre.  This was because the only STA buff was riotous health for +50, meanwhile you could boost STR, DEX, AGI by 100 with just Avatar... then +60 Dex from another Sham buff, and then ENC and Bard could further boost DEX/STR/AGI.  

    The EQ warrior also got more HP per point of stamina than every other class.

    These are the kinds of things that we won't know, but here is my purely hypothetical reasoning of effective tanks based solely on passives that we know about "so far":

    @D0rf - Great tank
    -Extra HP per stamina: We know there will be a hard cap for stats, so gear and buffs being equal, this will give the Dwarf warrior and paladin more HP than every race other than potentially a Skar (or any DL depending on class HP).  There are quite a few "% of missing HP" heals for both Paladin and Cleric.
    -Advantage against the avenging disposition:  I can only assume that this will be a disposition tanks will confront often (by the sounds of it) compared to playful, or alarmist.
    @Skar - Great
    -Additional 5% "max" HP may be beneficial as a DL since they heal based on %t of their own HP and +20% fear resistance would be huge in EQ for tanking things like dragons.
    -Advantage against predatory disposition sounds better than other tank's advantages other than d0rf's avenging disposition
    @Human - Depends, but good
    -I'm assuming/hoping that +10 shield mastery will be negligible for "tanking".  If shields are important, then 10 skill points in EQ was the equivalent of 2 levels which made a huge difference.  (This is also why I feel the warrior will be a superior tank, due to +20% in the armor proficiency - EQ warriors had +10 increased defense skill too and it made a huge difference)  (And before people start to argue this mathematical point, go play a warrior on P99 and realize that 10 skill points is the difference between a blue con mob and a yellow con mob hitting you - let me know if it makes a difference).
    -Haste is threat... 2% more threat isn't bad
    @Archai - Depends, but not a competitor imo (based solely on passives that we know of)
    -I doubt mana drain will be an issue for tanks unless the Archai passive really means 20% less "resource drain" and assuming there will be endurance regeneration abilities
    @Ogre - Depends, but probably more for DPS
    -DPS = threat, but threat may not be an issue for geared tanks --shrug--

    With that said, if I do go with a tank I'll probably go Human Paladin (because Paladin is my favorite class, I hate playing short races as melee, and the class is going to mean more than the race once max level) or a Skar warrior depending on how Skar look in plate.

    If any other race could be Paladin, I'd play that without question as a tank, regardless of passives or actives.

    Add: I think the "best tank" may be determined the same way it is in any other MMO (to include EQ) which is the tank that is the most resource efficent on the healers.

    This post was edited by Darch at January 14, 2020 12:59 PM PST
    • 2134 posts
    January 14, 2020 1:27 PM PST

    Darch said:

    This is also why I feel the warrior will be a superior tank, due to +20% in the armor proficiency

    Just a few days ago I was looking at the Pantheon Wiki and read that it had been changed.

    "The following abilities were once available to the Warrior, but have since been removed

    Reason: This Passive ability was re-worked into a Combat Resource mechanic for Warriors."


    Removed Abilities

    No source is given, but it's definitely something to ask about.


    • 947 posts
    January 15, 2020 8:34 PM PST

    Good catch @Jothany.

    • 346 posts
    February 2, 2020 8:28 AM PST

    Tahoe said:

    Best race for Tanking?

    I'd say an Abrams, maybe even a Sherman.

    • 21 posts
    February 2, 2020 11:10 AM PST

    Dwarf being immune to disarm is so appealing, but I'll probably end up going with Archai. Seems like Ogre's might win in the threat world though.