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Why do topics get deleted so regularly?

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    • 201 posts
    November 25, 2019 7:48 PM PST

    Honestly, I am sure this will get deleted too, but I have to ask, why are you so aggressive about deleting entire threads like they don't exist?  Threads are constantly purged, ostensibly because they discuss some unpopular topic like the release date or something.  It is not like people discussing topics over and over "takes up space" or anything, and honestly, people are going to discuss the same stuff over time.  People will frequently bring up the same stuff even if it has been discussed, but given the otherwise slow amount of new information that has come out, would people just not coming here at all be preferred?  It seems highly counterproductive to delete entire threads, especially when new people come here and post them, because it just gives the impression, or reinforces the impression, that if the topic is a "touchy" one like release, it will be aggressively censored.  That will just keep advancing the idea that things need to be hushed up because they are too close to home, etc. Quietly making posts vanish does actually get noticed by people.  If some rule is violated, closing a thread and telling people what forbidden stuff was posted (insults, hate speech, etc) at least lets people know and does not smack of coverup all the time.  I mean, a new person comes, posts asking about a release date for example, and the thread vanishes after people express concerns or thoughts on the matter?  How is that supposed to look to fresh supporters, or possible supporters?

    This post was edited by antonius at November 25, 2019 7:50 PM PST
    • 54 posts
    November 25, 2019 8:09 PM PST

    I have started a few topics that have gotten some heat one way or another and have yet to have one deleted. I'm sure if they are deleting topics it's for good reason (like duplicate topics, ones that are too similar) or someone breaking the community rules. Sometimes topics get moved to other sections too.

    • 520 posts
    November 25, 2019 8:28 PM PST

    That rarely happens - most topics are just moved to another part of the forum. Can't say that I saw this "aggresive" stance of moderator(s) - quite the opposite, they are helpful, they're interacting with the rest of us mortals and don't overuse their power (so far at least xP). If some topic got smashed by Kilsins Hammer of Justice - I'm positive itdeserved it.

    • 2131 posts
    November 25, 2019 9:17 PM PST

    Perhaps if you gave some indication of how many threads you're talking about. At least ballpark, not an exact number.

    As pointed out above, a fair number of posts get moved because they are judged to be more related to a different board than the one they are started in. And various posters' individual replies get moderated when they break the posted rules of the forum. But I know of very few whole threads that get deleted.

    If you are only used to rarely moderated forums I can see you feeling like this one is 'agressively' moderated, but I don't think most of us on it would describe it that way. I personally can't spend much time on unmoderated forums before I get sick of endless trolling and hostility. So I'm very glad for the moderators here.



    This post was edited by Jothany at November 25, 2019 9:18 PM PST
    • 115 posts
    November 25, 2019 9:39 PM PST

    antonius said:

    Threads are constantly purged, ostensibly because they discuss some unpopular topic like the release date or something.

    Ya, we can only endure so many of those. We get it, people are wondering when the game is coming out.

    Fact is, we do not know, but when VR is good and ready, they will tell us.

    Seeing multiple, multiple, multiple posts asking is not going to speed that up.

    • 1247 posts
    November 25, 2019 10:27 PM PST

    Well, it does get noticed. I think there is a lot to be learned from that miserable company called SOE tbh. 

    • 1584 posts
    November 26, 2019 2:32 AM PST

    Honestly i have only seen threads get deleted when it is posts that are like "when will it get release."  Especially when they have answered it many times over and over again with no TBA.  you could even watch the latest video with Cohhcarnage and they even answer it there again.  So honestly maybe they deleted it becuase they have already answered it.

    This post was edited by Cealtric at November 26, 2019 2:38 AM PST
    • 2756 posts
    November 26, 2019 3:21 AM PST

    It's a developer/development forum, not your usual public forum is mostly the answer.

    Kilsin keeps things tidy because, to support development (ie. get feedback from players) it's not good to have similar threads appearing again and again.  It's better to have discussions in one place and sometimes topics are known to cause argument and have been 'answered' by devs before.

    I imagine any subject that is greatly duplicated or redundant in some way gets cleaned up.

    I could go and dig up related Kilsin comments on the subject, but I'm too lazy ;^)

    We'll probably get a 'normal' public forum nearer release.

    When I have had a thread moved or deleted in the past, Kilsin has always sent a private message to politely let me know why.

    "constantly purged"? "cover up"? "aggressively censored"? C'mon.

    This post was edited by disposalist at November 26, 2019 3:23 AM PST
    • 1479 posts
    November 26, 2019 4:19 AM PST

    Do we really need the monthly "just pledged, when is alpha/beta/release ?".

    Or the "I've lost trust the game ever released"

    Or the "5 topics created in 3min asking already answered subject"


    Some things are fair, some other are redundant, and some are simply spreading a false shadow over the game's interest as forum posters are already a small part, and vocal contesters are an even smaller one.


    Some things just don't belong here and it isn't a public forum at all.

    • 291 posts
    November 26, 2019 6:52 AM PST

    MauvaisOeil said:

    Do we really need the monthly "just pledged, when is alpha/beta/release ?".

    Or the "I've lost trust the game ever released"

    Or the "5 topics created in 3min asking already answered subject"


    Some things are fair, some other are redundant, and some are simply spreading a false shadow over the game's interest as forum posters are already a small part, and vocal contesters are an even smaller one.


    Some things just don't belong here and it isn't a public forum at all.


    Exactly this.

    • 3852 posts
    November 26, 2019 7:51 AM PST

    One thing I have *not* seen here is a culling of the forums to remove any threads that are at all negative. As noted above culling seems to be to maintain proper organization.

    Occasionally there are outright deletions of unusually nasty posts containing personal attacks. Usually not deletions of the entire thread unless the whole thread is nasty and personal. In which case good riddance to it.

    • 201 posts
    November 26, 2019 7:59 AM PST

    Well I used the release date as an example, mainly because I just saw a thread about that deleted, and it brought it to mind.  Again, to me if someone is a new fan and possible supporter, and comes here and asks about that, and then the thread is deleted, how does that look? Especially when a few people say that perhaps another few years, etc?  Truthful answers, but combined with a sudden vanishing of the thread, it gives the wrong impression.  As for the clutter?  Seriously, there is very little fresh material to discuss at any given time, so i don't see how anyone is materially injured when people discuss the same stuff every so often.  Just my opinion, but I think it gives a negative impression when stuff is quietly vanished.  As for a number, I can think of at least a half dozen just in the last few months, and I do not live on the forums.  Also, I know they were moved, because I searched for them across the forums.  

    This post was edited by antonius at November 26, 2019 8:00 AM PST
    • 2756 posts
    November 26, 2019 8:15 AM PST

    If someone is a new fan and the thread is deleted, it will look fine to them, because Kilsin will have explained in a private message.  He has when he's moved or removed mine anyway.

    As for old stuff getting re-hashed, it does.  It is usually tolerated, especially if it's new folks wanting to give their opinions even on well-discussed issues.

    When it becomes contentious or is something known to cause arguments and it has been dealt with before and there is no new info, then understandably, that will get shut down.

    If it is something that is asked (and answered) very often and isn't productive, then it also might get shut down.

    • 3016 posts
    November 26, 2019 11:38 AM PST

    Duplicate or triplicate threads get deleted...always good to search a question before you start a new thread...less work for Kilsin...:)  Nothing nefarious about it..makes more room on the site too I would imagine. :)   And you CAN add onto OLD necroing IS allowed. :)



    • 9115 posts
    December 2, 2019 3:59 AM PST

    I am going to close this down guys - topics only ever get deleted if they breach our forum guidelines / ToS or are repeat threads of repeats otherwise, they get moved to appropriate subforums. If I removed something, it is for a good reason and a PM is usually sent to the person who created it explaining why it was removed, unless it was "thread #44590" of a topic already created and discussed to death, in which case, it is removed as per the guidelines and the best thing to do if that happened to you is to use the search function prior to creating a new thread to see if one already exists.

    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at December 2, 2019 3:59 AM PST